Ok, its official, I'm crap
Sorry for not getting back to anyone on this till now, been on me Hols for a bit and only recently started trawling through my mail
You gotta worry when you log in and it says "2523 new posts"!!!!! lol
K, as far as this lot goes, sweet! go for it. The only thing I ever ask is that credit is given where credit is due, only fair. In all my downloads will be a "credit.txt" file, this gives details of the models origins, so follow that and you can't go worng. The only other thing I ask is that people let me know what there doing, but thats more to do with curiousity/interest than any major concern about plagerism (spelling?) etc. I've e-mailed Emerald Edge and let him know the score and I'll try and get something up on my site regarding permissions etc.
I love the Romulan & Gorn stuff you've done, can never have to much SFB stuff if you ask me
Keep em coming
Still around, still working......
<EDIT> cool, 500 posts! feels like more.....