Topic: SELTORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P  (Read 2492 times)

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James Formo

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SELTORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« on: August 23, 2003, 05:52:02 pm »
Well I am taking big liberties with the design. Its TNG era.   Not concering myself with weapon loadouts too much.  Learned that the Setorians are an insect race. So trying to capture that in the design a bit.  What do ya think?

 Mesh preview  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2003, 06:02:50 pm »
AAAAH!!! 6ft tall chockroaches!!!! Noooooooo!!! They don't like Tholians!!!!! They have lame weapons that break Tholian webs but their ships are otherwise highly ineffective against the rest of us!!! LOL Very nice, doesn't really look very Seltorian for me but I guess I'm too used to the SFB style ships, reckon you could make the 2 wings a bit straighter - i.e. have them point forwards more, and make them a bit thinner so they look like the pods on the SFB style ones? Keep the rest as is it looks very insectoid and cool

Edit: Oh and you can't really give them the proper weapons in SFC as their main weapon is a web-breaker that disrupts the web made by the Tholian web-caster it's not very good anyway but all their ships in SFB were based around it I believe as they are a former slave race to the Tholians in their home galaxy that revolted and kicked them out.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2003, 06:04:50 pm by The Vampire Lestat »

James Formo

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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2003, 06:19:33 pm »
I'll see what I can do about the pods.  Basically to explain the design. I started out with the guitar pic shape. Then made 2 pods on the ends.  That is where the similarities to the SFB ship ended. Thought it needed to be more streamlined for TNG  era. PLus there tech was based on another galaxy. It stands to reason that they would pick up on some of the designs from the Milky Way.  To me it most resembles a Maurader before I added all that other stuff which I am not sure I like.

I prefer the top left pic.  The resemblace to a Marauder was accidental. The ship in the top left is around 1000 polies. It might even be under. Don't remember for sure. That is odd for me. Most of my ships run 4000-6,500.  

Since it resembled a Mauder anyway. I decided that the warps will be contained on the ship as well. So the outer pod looking things may turn into buzzards or warp intakes. Apparently the Ferengi made some kind of lucrative exchange with the Setorians. Though this can't be confirmed, but it might explain the ship design


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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2003, 06:33:35 pm »
Just make it for yourself, James, if it doesnt have the SFB Seal of Authentecity, its not good enough for anyone, especially those who name themselves after carefree characters, but maintain the rigidest of 'codes' and 'standards'. It looks fine, I can't wait to see it textured.  


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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2003, 06:41:57 pm »
If this is the SFB Bug race we are talking about, it's the SeLtorians. (with an L)

But it's a nice model nonetheless!


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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2003, 07:22:45 pm »

Just make it for yourself, James, if it doesnt have the SFB Seal of Authentecity, its not good enough for anyone, especially those who name themselves after carefree characters, but maintain the rigidest of 'codes' and 'standards'. It looks fine, I can't wait to see it textured.  

[rant]Erm, Reverend, I gather by the 'carefree character' comment you were reffering to my alias 'The Vampire Lestat' I don't get offended by much, taking offense is a stupid thing to do but I'm ashamed to admit that I was offended by your comments about me maintaining 'the rigidest of codes and standards' - you don't actually know that much about me, if anthing, we've never really talked to each other that much and I doubt anyone I do talk to has told you about me behind my back, that'd be paranoia on my part to think such but let me tell you that I am not obsessed with rules and codes, that I live life how I see fit and I only made the comment to Formo because I felt that the ship didn't look like what I thought a Seltorian ship looks like, I do not particularly like the SFB Seltorians actually, they're pretty damn ugly but I feel that a TMP or TNG Seltorian should at least resemble recognisably the Seltorians we know from SFB. I don't like SFB at all actually, and I have some issues with ADB aswell and the way they go about things (getting Ghosts FleetDock13 ships pulled anyone) least of all do I like the designs except the Tholians but even though they are ugly and often poorly detailed and realised it doesn't mean that I think we should just chuck them in the bin and start from scratch, we should improve the concepts to make them what they could have been had the guys who make the SFB miniatures had a budjet[/rant]

If I am mistaken and your comments were not aimed at me then I withdraw the vast majority of my above rant except the bit about ADB and the SFB miniature designers

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2003, 07:32:54 pm »
I have to admit James that I NEVER thought you'd touch the Seltorians form SFB...

Trivia: Didn't the  Dr. Who have a race named the Seltorians as well?

At any rate, I look forward to seeing the finished ships.




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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2003, 08:26:17 pm »
I want those AS THEY ARE(but
Great job man  

James Formo

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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2003, 08:55:47 pm »
KF I think your right. Seltorians does sound familar fro Dr. WHo. Which is my all time favorite TV show that nobody even shows reruns for anymore     To be honest in SFB I don't reaaly have a background. This ship was inspired from a Seltorian SFB ship.  Imo all the SFB designs look fairly similar. The biggest thing that distinguises the races is color.

I appreciate evryones comments. I altered the mesh based on Vampires suggestions. Bringing both the inner and outer pods into alignment with the front. The outer pods have become buzzards. The warps are on the side. On top on both edges, that may be considered a cooling system for the warps. To comensate for them not being away from the ship. The basic mesh is now 1200 polies.  I tried other things but it just makes the ship look busy.  


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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2003, 10:14:31 pm »
Hey James, your work is really neat.  Keep up the good work.  I wouldn't worry about some of the SFB fans not liking alternative designs to SFB ships.  I agree, I have always though the ADB designs of ships where all pretty simple and pretty much the same.  

That is why I'm designing my SFB ships with more "dynamics" you might say.  ADB didn't even design the art of the ships to reflect tecnological advancement.  If I recall, I remember seeing SFB Early era ships and they look petty much the same as X-ships built over a hundred years later.  That is why I want to do my SFB ships, to make them look cool and to show some techonological advancement over time.

Soon, once I'm done with a few SFB ships I have been working on, you guys will see what I mean.  

SPQR Kremen

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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2003, 11:15:27 pm »

KF I think your right. Seltorians does sound familar fro Dr. WHo. Which is my all time favorite TV show that nobody even shows reruns for anymore        

Totally off topic, but the ABC here in Australia is going to rerun Dr. Who in its entirety in the not too distant future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WhooHooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (excuse the pun :P )  

Rod O'neal

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Re: SETORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2003, 12:04:41 am »
Well, I'm an SFB fan. I like the design. I'm not sure which SFB fan didn't like it. At least in any of the posts in this thread. If you're refering to TVL, I thought that he said that he did like it, just offered an artistic opinion on it for some minor changes. I thought that was part of the reason to post works in progress. At least James didn't seem to take any offense. Sometimes I think that if anyone compares something to SFB people just get too sensitive. Or maybe I am, I don't know? I'm looking forward to seeing it with textures applied and am happy to see some different ships and races.    

James Formo

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Re: SELTORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2003, 01:15:22 am »
This should give you a better idea. Only thing is to determine the final pod color.
I could add some windows but maybe insect species rely on antenna instead of eyes.

 almost done  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: SELTORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2003, 05:48:06 am »
Looks very cool, I like the bussards on the front, (they're the blue bits right? well whatever they are they look good) and the textures in general look pretty cool. I can't quite see from the angle in that pic, but those main pods pointing forward look like they're split into claws which looks very nice IMO.

The only thing I can really say is it's now a bit low poly at 1200, I guess I can afford to use higher end stuff like WZ's new connie (6273 polys) so I like lots and lots of triangles! (kind of a yank way to look at it - lets use our air-con full blast untill the power fails across the entire northeast!!!!)

Rod O'neal

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Re: SELTORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2003, 08:50:09 am »
Looking real nice. Personally, If you can get the look you want with as few polys as possible, I'm all for it. That's just because my machine gets all choked up in fleet battles with attr. units, etc. if the models are too hi-poly.

I think that windows help to realise the scale of a model. Helping to denote number of decks and such. So, I tend to like to see them. The only race that I think shouldn't have windows are the Andros. It adds to the mystery of their biology, or lack of it.

Hope to be able to get this one soon and to see it's other stable mates as well.  

James Formo

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Re: SELTORIANS !! Run for your lives :-P
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2003, 03:13:01 pm »
Magnum-looking forward to seeing your SFB designs.

Regarding my buzzards and pods. The blue textured ones are meant to be the pods and the orange are the buzzards. That way the buzzards are in line with the nacels on the side. May need to swap textures.  As far as the claws on the front sides. I envision those as forward mounted maneuvering thrusters. Based on the shape of the hull. This ship would be able to turn on a dime.  

Every race finds away to survive. If the Seltorian weapons are under powered, they would need to compensate somehow.
 I figure they have an armored hull and high maneuverbility. Then of course they breed fast. This would be a destoyer class that is designed to be almost used like a fighter.

Still thinking on how to use these races in my SFC3 mod.   Instead of my original idea of adding 3 SFC2/SFB races. With each race having at least 6 ships (1 for each class). What I might do instead is have a bunch of SFC2/SFB races, but only 1 ship per race. I thought that might add more variety since many of the ships from 1 race are identical, except sized larger with extra nacels. Like The Kzinti/Mirak for example. Seen 1 Mirak ship you have seen em all basically.

Can someone direct me to a good site for SFB race designs. I mean races that are not in SFC2.  I 'd like to see if any of them inspire me.