FYI, the status of SFC 3, and all decisions for playable races, weapons, and how the ships act is not Taldren's fault...
SFC 3 was done as Work For Hire by Activision, and under supervision of Daniel Haggerty, (SFC 3 Producer, Activision, Inc.), Activision dictated what SFC 3 could and could not have and how much of how things would be in it, and they had the contracts to dictate release date, which to our understanding in the Beta and General community, Activision released early to gain sales due to the impending release of the movie, Nemisis....
Taldren is working of fixing bugs, and making tweaks to previous fixes, however, a patch will not be released until those fixes are complete, therefore a date is not set..
Also due to Activision holding all the contracts on SFC 3, Release date for a patch is their responsibility, and as such, Taldren's hands are tied until Activision releases a patch, or gives Taldren permission to release...
Further more, due to Activision's lawsuit against paramount/Viacom, any and all Trek related games and titles that Activision has on the market is on hold, with exception of telephone support...
If you are wondering if SFC 3 is being worked on.. the answer is yes it is... we the testers are testing builds and reporting problems back to Taldren as fast as possible, and the bug list is growing shorter... however, at times when 1 thing gets fixed, it may unbalance something else, thus we are taking our time testing builds thoroughly in multiple game modes, but anything amis in the testing is getting reported in detail as to help Taldren locate and correct the game code for found issues....
patching is a slow process when you have a listing.. but soon we will be down to 1 or 2 remaining issues that can be fixed in a manner of hours.
that's not the major problem.. the major problem is getting Activision to QA the game fixes, run the fixes through their Visioneers Beta team, then seeing if Activision is wanting to release or give Taldren permission to release....
so ultimately it is Activision's responsibility for game patches....
Every time Taldren makes a test build, they send to Activision... Activision has not sent any response back to Taldren for feedback on any test builds since the release of the Beta Patch...
so who is responsible for SFC 3's condition? Activision is...
And who is preventing incrimental patching to SFC 3? Activision is...
Who is responsible for QA on the patch for release to find any remaining issues? Activision is
and who is responsible for the early release of SFC 3? Activision is
and who is responsible for releasing patches? Activision is...
Taldren can not do anything with SFC 3 unless Activision approves it... patching process was already under way with Taldren and we have some test builds being tested internally, but until Activison QA and Beta's on their end, SFC 3 patch can not be released, unless Activision gives permission to release patches at Taldren's discresssion, which has not been done either...
Sorry guys, barking at Taldren for SFC 3 is not going to help.. Taldren can only take game suggestions to Activision to see if they are willing to allow Taldren to incorporate them... but unless Activision give Taldren patching rights, your barking at the wrong tree....