Topic: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?  (Read 2035 times)

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James Formo

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SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« on: August 21, 2003, 04:47:39 pm »
Want to add at least 3 SFB races to SFC3. Thought  the Roms, Fed and Klinks could all get 1 race added to give variety when selecting ships. Wondering which races should be allies. Especially with the Rommies.

Oh sure they wont have there traditional weapons, but the Fed lost missles and fighters as well, so the Mirak with disruptors isn't that big a stretch.  Some of you may cry sacrilige. Ah well.

Really like your opinions on alliances.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2003, 05:17:06 pm »
Who are the Mirak? I've never heard of an SFB race called the Mirak... LOL

Feds should have the Gorn as they are the tightest allies in the game, Klinks could have the Lyrans. Really though you should put Rommies with Klinks and have the third spot with the Hydrans and Kzinti/Mirak as they are also close allies. I'd really like to see the Lyrans but they'd have to go into the already crowded Klink/Rom slot making it 3 races, then you could also add the LDR to the Hydran/Kzinti slot and the Tholians to the Fed/Gorn slot.

Captain KoraH

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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2003, 06:17:24 pm »
I personally like this idea although I was stopped short of it by the players when I was first creating the TNZ mod.

I think the Klinkongs and Lyrans are supposed to be allies anyway, as are the Feds and the Gorn, and the Feds and the Hydrans. The Romulans are probly not supposedly allied with any of the SFB races, but the Mirak would make good allies for them IMO. I would personally like to see Hydrans, Lyrans and Mirak converted to SFC3.  


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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2003, 06:51:48 pm »
Actually in SFB The Kzinti (and in SFC the Mirak) are allies of the Federation, though solely on the basis that they couldn't beat the feds in their short wars so they chose to ally with them against the Lyrans, while they are allied to the Hydrans on the basis of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' - they share a mutual hatred of the Lyrans. The Romulans and the Klingons are joined at the hip in SFB, they are the coalition equivalent of the Feds and Gorn or in the real world I guess Germany and Italy while the Lyrans are the kind of Japan of the coalition but with hairballs LOL.

In SFB the Alliance consists of the Federation, the Gorn, the Hydrans, the Kzinti, the Tholians and I think the LDR.
While the Coalition consists of the Klingons, the Romulans and the Lyrans.

Others in the normal game include the ISC who are allied to no one (obviously) the WYN who are neutral, the Orions (duh) the Seltorians who don't like the Tholians and are from their galaxy, and the Andromedans who are like the ISC but on a bigger scarier scale if SFC had stayed in TMP where it belongs then SFCIII probably would have been about the Andromedan Invasion which is the third big war in SFB I believe. There's probably some others I forgot...

Oh BTW mentioning the Seltorians reminded me - does anyone have Brezgone's Seltorian cruiser, I think he pulled his site a lttle while ago

Rod O'neal

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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2003, 11:34:58 pm »
I have Brez's Seltorian model. I wish he'd done them all like the Tholians. I can send it to you. Just give me an addy.  


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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2003, 09:18:14 am »

Can handle 3 encoded mb - that's about 2.3mb on your disk if it's larger then the file would have to be split up (I hate free email acounts)

Rod O'neal

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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2003, 12:05:03 pm »

Can handle 3 encoded mb - that's about 2.3mb on your disk if it's larger then the file would have to be split up (I hate free email acounts)  

Just sent it. 1.0meg in all.  


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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2003, 01:28:12 pm »
Got it, on unzippin it said one of the textures was corrupt but it all shows up fine in the viewer, thanx dude.

James Formo

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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2003, 04:37:41 pm »
Hey Rod or Vampire. Could 1 of you post a pic of the Seltorian.  I may give this ship a try to replace a pirate ship in SFC3.

Regarding my mod.  I am limiting it to 3 new sfc2 races. Simply for the sake that I can finish it.  The races will be Mirak, Hydran, since I have built those already, just need to convert em and polish up.  Then I started building a TNG gorn fleet.
Won't be doing much in regard to specs as the ships can all be loaded out as you desire through the refit screen.
Keeping weapons and hull mass all pretty much stock. Well try to come up with ways to distinguish the SFC2 races but its kinda hard in SFC3. Only thing would be to make 1 race highly maneuverable with small arcs and maybe the gorn slow turning but wide arcs.

So it will really be more of an SFC3 ship pack then a mod.  Will try to throw in a few new weapon textures. Already have a better tractor beam.

Also  plan on a few surprise ships. Can't give everything away

Here is where I am putting the races

Gorn with Fed
Hydrans with Klingons
Mirak with Rommies
Borg still by them selves  

This isn't meant to be so much as an SFB mod. Its  more bringing SFC2 races into TNG era. So all races need to contend with the Borg still.



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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2003, 05:15:29 pm »
Erm, Hydrans with Klingons!? Erm, well aside from the Klingons partitioning the Hydran Kingdoms with the Lyrans ala the Prussian-Russian-Austrian partition of Poland and the eternal hatred the Hydrans have for the Klingons then yeah that's a good match LOL sorry but that's a bit out in the left field. I still think the Roms and Klinks should be in one slot and the Hydrans and Mirak (ugh) in the third in place of the Roms.

Can't post a pic of the Seltorian as have no free image acount anymore since boomspeed deleted me for using myacount to  put picture on the net

Maybe Rod could post one? Anyway it's weird but I'll try and describe it  the the main hull is shaped kind of like a guitar pick from the top view but it's several decks deep and has the web-destroyer thingy (forgot the proper name) mounted on the front-centre on the underside, it's got to beveled ended cylindrical hulls protruding from the front of the 'pick' hull and 4 cylindrical warp nacelles very squat mounted 2 on the underside - one underneath each cylinder-hull where they meet the main hull and 2 mounted on the sides (one left, one right) of the pick hull at the far aft end with 2 impulse engines one above each of the side mounted warp nacelles. It's green, the warp glow is a cyany-green glow, the bussards are blue the impulse exhausts are red while the web-breaker thingy is kind of pale gold with a lava looking pattern.

James Formo

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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2003, 05:37:29 pm »

Erm, Hydrans with Klingons!? Erm, well aside from the Klingons partitioning the Hydran Kingdoms with the Lyrans ala the Prussian-Russian-Austrian partition of Poland and the eternal hatred the Hydrans have for the Klingons then yeah that's a good match LOL sorry but that's a bit out in the left field. I still think the Roms and Klinks should be in one slot and the Hydrans and Mirak (ugh) in the third in place of the Roms.

Well the thin is I want to keep the Kingons and Roms seperate so at least they have there own unique voices and music still.
PLus its TNG era so its no win either way. The KLinks and Roms are enemies in TNG.  In TMP the FEds and KLinks were enenies but not in TNG. So all things change. Perhaps a better solution would be.

Lyrans + Rommies
Gorn + Fed
Mirak + Klink


1:  I think you mentioned that the Lyrans were allies with the Roms. Dont want to back out to check and have to retype this  lol.  

2: It keeps the TNG era Fed/Klink alliance intact

3: The voices of the KLingons would fit better with MIrak than Hydrans.  Although I might add some of each for flare-may not have time for that.


1: Hydans get left out, course thats a plus if you like Lyrans better.

2: More time needed to creat Lyrans setting back release date and over extnding my 25 cent budget  

Possible comprimise

Rommies by self  for now  -  
Borg by self since they dont get along with anyone and tend to convert everything to Borg.

Of course this totally puts a ton of ships in the Fed slot since there are more Fed ships they any others to start with.
Really the blue Hydran color scheme clashes with everything
Edit- Azel has cool TNG era Lyrans.. Hmm , those would look good in Rommie slot I bet. Some could have cloaks even. Like maybe the Roms shared some tech with them.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2003, 05:50:03 pm by James Formo »

Rod O'neal

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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2003, 11:11:49 pm »
Here's some screenies. I just quickly put the model in game and took a couple. Nothing fancy.


James Formo

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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2003, 11:23:40 pm »
Thanks Rod. I'll see what I can do for a TNG version.

James Formo

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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2003, 07:19:07 am »
Here is a wip pic of a TNG era Seltorian ship. Class undetermined. Gotta figure out nacels. That pic above is SFB era I take it? Keep in mind a couple centuries went by. Time flys when were your having fun heh?

 Seltorian wip  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »

Rod O'neal

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Re: SFB races in SFC3. Which ones should ally with who?
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2003, 08:31:14 am »
  Two things about the SFB Selt's.

The FF and DD used the same rear hull. The FF had a single forward hull, "tube". The DD had two. Their whole fleet was designed similarly. CL + CA = same RH. single FH on the CL, double on CA. BCH + DN = same RH. Again, Single FH on BCH, double on DN.
They had another ship called a "Hive" ship. It was considered a "mobile starbase". They brought their entire fleet from the Tholian galaxy inside of it while they were searching for their former masters, the Tholians. It's appearance was more like that of a huge monitor, or freighter. Heavily armed and internal docking for the fleet.

Biologically they were about 6ft tall "cockroaches". The Klingons tired of the Seltorians fairly quickly. The "Enemy of my enemy is my friend mentality went away when the Klinks found out how fast the Seltorians breed, being insects.