Topic: Dyanverse Multiplayer Missions?  (Read 2566 times)

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Dyanverse Multiplayer Missions?
« on: August 20, 2003, 11:13:48 am »
Is is possible to create a mission for use with the dynaverse that allows fleets to accept the mission?  I would like to create some missions that multiple players (in a fleet - either human or AI) can do.  When I set Specs->fMissionType to kMultiplayerMission, the mission doesn't show up in the dynaverse.  If I change it back to kCampaignMission, it does.  Can anyone help?

PS:  The mission I am trying to do this for is a reinactment of the "Kobyashi Maru" scenario.


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Re: Dyanverse Multiplayer Missions?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2003, 05:25:13 am »
At the moment, it's not possible (Muliplayer mission is for Skirmish mode by the way). At least I haven't figured out how to do it yet. If it's possible, I'll crack it, but at the moment, noone knows...


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Re: Dyanverse Multiplayer Missions?
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2003, 10:19:34 am »
Thank you very much for the response.  It's really hard to find help with the API.  I did get the Kobyashi Maru mission completed for D3 (for a single human ship only).  I just did a slight rewrite of the Distress Call mission.  If anyone would like a copy, I'd be happy to email it to them (I haven't setup an FTP site yet).

