Topic: A few questions.  (Read 2782 times)

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A few questions.
« on: January 18, 2003, 01:26:05 pm »
Greetings all it has beeen a long time sense I have posted in this forum and I was just looking to see if I could get a few questions answered.

1. Maybe this is an old horse to beat but I heard, that there was a bit of a controversy about the new firing arcs in SFC3. If there is whats being done about, I only played the new game for about 10 minutes and the first thing I noticed was the strange new firing arcs. Personally I didn't like it at all and was pretty disappointed. I happen to think they took a little to much fat out of the game to make it more playable. So if any one could just bring me up to date real quick on patches or any changes that are going to be made to SFC3.

2. How is the Dynaverse compared with SFC2 and places like CW? I've played the game sense the original and currently I do not have a decent internet connection, but I really liked the SFC2 online community, has the new version depleted those servers like with SFC2 over SFC?

LIke to also throw out a hello to some old players that I haven't talked in over a year sense I joined the Navy,
Max Shadow
and a whole butt ton of other old SFC salty dogs who I can't remember at this time.



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Re: A few questions.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2003, 08:53:51 pm »

1. Maybe this is an old horse to beat but I heard, that there was a bit of a controversy about the new firing arcs in SFC3.

2. How is the Dynaverse compared with SFC2 and places like CW?

Welcome to D3!

As to the firing arcs, yes it is as bad as you've heard.  On TNG TV show, we see ships' weapons getting very liberal firing arcs, escpecailly those equipped with phaser strips.  That hasn't been reflected very well in this game at all, and it's something that I think will benefit from a change.

The D3 is a lot of fun.  Your mileage will vary depending upon which servers you play.  I currently recommend SFC3.NET 4 Corners and Triangle X.  They are both well moderated and run by fans who really love what they are doing.  You will still encounter the occaisional glitch even in these fine servers, though.  This is still a young community, and has yet to become as close-knit as the D2 was in recent months.  Plenty of 15-year-olds (or, the Praetor help you, even younger) will mouth off to you for no good reason, as they have to me on several occaisions.  As the community matures, these brigands will soon tire of the game and, for the most part, move on.

SFC3 is a better game than I dared to hope, even with it's few shortcomings.  And the patch will be released any day now, if our luck holds.  So welcome, and remember the Borg, Klingons and Romulans are very short of captains right now (hint, hint).  


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A few questions.
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2003, 01:26:05 pm »
Greetings all it has beeen a long time sense I have posted in this forum and I was just looking to see if I could get a few questions answered.

1. Maybe this is an old horse to beat but I heard, that there was a bit of a controversy about the new firing arcs in SFC3. If there is whats being done about, I only played the new game for about 10 minutes and the first thing I noticed was the strange new firing arcs. Personally I didn't like it at all and was pretty disappointed. I happen to think they took a little to much fat out of the game to make it more playable. So if any one could just bring me up to date real quick on patches or any changes that are going to be made to SFC3.

2. How is the Dynaverse compared with SFC2 and places like CW? I've played the game sense the original and currently I do not have a decent internet connection, but I really liked the SFC2 online community, has the new version depleted those servers like with SFC2 over SFC?

LIke to also throw out a hello to some old players that I haven't talked in over a year sense I joined the Navy,
Max Shadow
and a whole butt ton of other old SFC salty dogs who I can't remember at this time.



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Re: A few questions.
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2003, 08:53:51 pm »

1. Maybe this is an old horse to beat but I heard, that there was a bit of a controversy about the new firing arcs in SFC3.

2. How is the Dynaverse compared with SFC2 and places like CW?

Welcome to D3!

As to the firing arcs, yes it is as bad as you've heard.  On TNG TV show, we see ships' weapons getting very liberal firing arcs, escpecailly those equipped with phaser strips.  That hasn't been reflected very well in this game at all, and it's something that I think will benefit from a change.

The D3 is a lot of fun.  Your mileage will vary depending upon which servers you play.  I currently recommend SFC3.NET 4 Corners and Triangle X.  They are both well moderated and run by fans who really love what they are doing.  You will still encounter the occaisional glitch even in these fine servers, though.  This is still a young community, and has yet to become as close-knit as the D2 was in recent months.  Plenty of 15-year-olds (or, the Praetor help you, even younger) will mouth off to you for no good reason, as they have to me on several occaisions.  As the community matures, these brigands will soon tire of the game and, for the most part, move on.

SFC3 is a better game than I dared to hope, even with it's few shortcomings.  And the patch will be released any day now, if our luck holds.  So welcome, and remember the Borg, Klingons and Romulans are very short of captains right now (hint, hint).