I'd buy it as soon as it it the stores, unlike Star Wars Galaxies, which I told people at the store NOT to buy because even the beta testers said it wasn't near ready, it worked too, many people left w/o buying it yet...
Dave, another idea on a way to increase sales should you have a perfect OP or come out with SFC4, make the manual in different languages. I just returned from Chihuahua city and many Mexicans have P/Cs, and their kids love computer games just like us American kids and adults, it could mean nothing, or it could mean a boon in sales. I do know for a fact why Titanic did so well in movie sales grossing, it wasn't just the movie, they made it available in just about every language in the world, including Hebrew and Arabic. Heck, even the Iraqis saw the movie in their own language...
I'd be willing to buy a few copies of OP and have some friends translate a manual to espanol, and we could see what word of mouth does and how the Mexicans like the game...
PS I'm not asking for speeed 80 plasma torps, ok? Hahahahahahaha, I just want the cloak to work like in 10 patch, which is why I bought the game, besides other issues were fixed as well. I'm not a diehard Rom either, I switch races because there are many fine members in each race to meet and game with... I do believe in fairness and would like to see all their toys work right...