Topic: Where's my rating?  (Read 23161 times)

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Kieran Forester

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Re: I Miss The Stars, BUT....
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2003, 06:21:50 pm »

ah com'n, KF, leave it.
"don't feed the troll".

p.s. isn't that armband commmodore? as opposed to the double lined commander?  

Good idea. Troll feeding time is over for today, kids, move along...

And yes, that is in fact the commodore's rank stripes.



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Re: I Miss The Stars, BUT....
« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2003, 08:32:43 pm »
would you know my name...if I saw you in heaven. Would it be the same if I saw you in heaven?



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Re: I Miss The Stars, BUT....
« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2003, 10:42:22 pm »
Hmmmm this looks kind of fun........ (Sit back in my chair, Poor a three finger shot of JW Black.)  Is this a closed or open flame war?


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Re: I Miss The Stars, BUT....
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2003, 10:45:51 pm »
Hmmmm..... well, you know...

You could always go into your profile and change your "location" to however many stars you feel you deserve.  Then your posts would all appear with the appropriate number of stars right under your name!

-S'Cipio the sardonic (who misses stars too)


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Re: I Miss The Stars, BUT....
« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2003, 11:20:55 pm »
Thread obviously needs a comment about people who's location is Texas (the state not the town).  

David Ferrell

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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #45 on: February 09, 2003, 12:11:07 pm »

So theres no chance of getting the stars put in ?
Some people must be real ego manics if they got taldren to pull this due to them not getting the rateing they wanted could be
why they got their rateing in the first place

Some people must be really insecure to need to have little stars telling them their worth in society.

Thier silly, devisive and their not coming back.




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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #46 on: February 09, 2003, 12:36:55 pm »
I have reserved comment till now.
I am not asking for the ratings back,
just making my comment.


 Some people must be really insecure to need to have little stars telling them their worth in society.

Thier silly, devisive and their not coming back.



I don't know about that view, instead
of dumping on people in my posts
I just gave them a bad rating and moved on.

I found that this helped to reduce the name-calling
and divisiveness. As well as corroborating my
views with others.

It also provided motivation (however small)
for playing nice on these boards.

Now, there is no anonymous way to rate another
user, one must make their feeling clear in a post
as there is no other outlet.

If it is silly to attach your personal ego to a simple rating
on a forum then why were thay removed?

I thought they were a good thing.

Will we be allowed to keep the polls?



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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #47 on: February 09, 2003, 12:46:53 pm »


So theres no chance of getting the stars put in ?
Some people must be real ego manics if they got taldren to pull this due to them not getting the rateing they wanted could be
why they got their rateing in the first place

Some people must be really insecure to need to have little stars telling them their worth in society.

Thier silly, devisive and their not coming back.



Wow, not bashing here, but do you pratice that posting style?

Dave, there is a simple way to avoid some of this.  If you or someone would have posted in the announcements thread that,

"After an experiment with poster rating, we have determined that the system is devicive and we have removed the feature from these forua.  Thank you for your understanding."

Most of the griping would have gone away.  It really is a non issue.

But when you make changes, ignore the feedback, then come down with an IRON Fist buried an a single thread, it really brings the companies customer relations into question.  I mean, some people in this thread liked the feedback feature and you have just questioned their character?  Is that what you were trying to do?

Taldren, as a company used to be very customer responsive.  I know you guys have gotten somewhat burned about in the past, but maybe you have gone a little too far in the other direction?

There are other threads that deserve a responce, the "unban" thread comes to mind.  But if you do respond to it, please be careful how you do it.

Often, how you say something is as important as what you say....




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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #48 on: February 09, 2003, 03:53:19 pm »
I guess they did have there uses, I voted one person 1 star and few others full stars when I saw somthing I liked of theres. It was if, not only could I say good post man but I could show my appreciation in another way. I personaly liked the idea, but will not cry over it going.

Also personaly I dont care a great deal over what is said or felt about me I wont cry. However its always nice to hear nice things!

There should be a poster appreciation thread for this purpose  
« Last Edit: February 09, 2003, 03:54:20 pm by Blitzkrieg »


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2003, 05:02:28 pm »


So theres no chance of getting the stars put in ?
Some people must be real ego manics if they got taldren to pull this due to them not getting the rateing they wanted could be
why they got their rateing in the first place

Some people must be really insecure to need to have little stars telling them their worth in society.

Thier silly, devisive and their not coming back.



Maybe so but  thats not why they went away
Beggers the question why put them in the first place


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #50 on: February 09, 2003, 05:29:57 pm »
remember I said they went away because I told taldren to take them away. you can ask taldren.
isnt that right David that you honoured my request..

oh Blitz


I guess they did have there uses, I voted one person 1 star and few others full stars when I saw somthing I liked of theres.

after all the indulgence into my frame of mind i cant believe you would admit that.
that you actually stopped and voted for might show how much you read into everything you are seeing.
here have an ice cream!



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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #51 on: February 09, 2003, 05:30:26 pm »



So theres no chance of getting the stars put in ?
Some people must be real ego manics if they got taldren to pull this due to them not getting the rateing they wanted could be
why they got their rateing in the first place

Some people must be really insecure to need to have little stars telling them their worth in society.

Thier silly, devisive and their not coming back.



Maybe so but  thats not why they went away
Beggers the question why put them in the first place  

Agreed Longtooth

Nice Try Dave care to try again?


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #52 on: February 09, 2003, 06:10:45 pm »
lol I was going to forget all about it but seems you bring it up ... I really want to explain but not only is it not important enough at this moment in time but, its late. When I get back from Uni tomorow, dont worry, I promise, ill pay you some attention dont worry  

I honestly have somthing to say aswell, bargain! When you get as drunk (old and stupid) as me, you will understand. Pick the bones out of that one.


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #53 on: February 10, 2003, 10:06:30 pm »
no picking of bones, you are my friend!


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #54 on: February 11, 2003, 06:43:08 pm »


So theres no chance of getting the stars put in ?
Some people must be real ego manics if they got taldren to pull this due to them not getting the rateing they wanted could be
why they got their rateing in the first place

Some people must be really insecure to need to have little stars telling them their worth in society.

Thier silly, devisive and their not coming back.



Wow, Dave...friendly attitude ya have there.

Where was the hue and cry regarding their devisive and silly nature?  I saw no evidence of this.  The first discussion I noted regarding the stars was in this thread after they were axed.

In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter, of course.  I really don't buy your explanation, though.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #55 on: February 11, 2003, 06:53:58 pm »


Could be the answer!


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #56 on: February 11, 2003, 07:46:36 pm »


Could be the answer!  

Hmm... My idea didn't fit...

Rob Cole

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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #57 on: February 11, 2003, 09:22:08 pm »


So theres no chance of getting the stars put in ?
Some people must be real ego manics if they got taldren to pull this due to them not getting the rateing they wanted could be
why they got their rateing in the first place

Some people must be really insecure to need to have little stars telling them their worth in society.

Thier silly, devisive and their not coming back.



It Could not be that He who shall not be named,Got rated over 30 times but had only 1 star??????? Naw that can't be it.


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #58 on: February 11, 2003, 09:51:31 pm »



So theres no chance of getting the stars put in ?
Some people must be real ego manics if they got taldren to pull this due to them not getting the rateing they wanted could be
why they got their rateing in the first place

Some people must be really insecure to need to have little stars telling them their worth in society.

Thier silly, devisive and their not coming back.



It Could not be that He who shall not be named,Got rated over 30 times but had only 1 star??????? Naw that can't be it.

I was going to say that, however, I didn't want to take the risk of being banned for such an insignificant little

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChrsLWlstr »


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #59 on: February 11, 2003, 10:46:52 pm »
user ratings of others does work, take a look at the slashdot forums.  I for one happened to like it because if I were in a hurry I would skim through threads and catch the ones with big stars next to their names and trust their experiance over non/low starred people.

Any other way doesn't really work to 'rate' how useful a poster's information is, or how believable it is.  Certainly not registration date as we can see from Cruis In, he sets a wonderful example of how to be ignorant and completely unhelpful to the community.  Post count certainly doesn't work with 'pharming' or spamming of other threads possible.

It's not a security thing, not an ego thing, if I rated someone, it's because I found their information highly useful, or utterly incorrect.  I'd rather have a way of ID'ing who is most likely correct or incorrect via simple star counts verses having to read my way through a confusing, wordy, flamy set of posts after that.

Recap:  User ratings are far superior in determining validity of the poster than registration date or post count due to the latter two being able to be 'fixed'.  (heck, I bought SFC 1 and 2 and had played them extensively but I didn't care to register onto these forums, if I own SFB the original black and white booklet (which I do, along with the utterly confusing expansions 1-3 and supplement A) does that make me better than you Cruis?  According to your logic I am God compared to you in validity)