Topic: Where's my rating?  (Read 23163 times)

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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #140 on: February 13, 2003, 04:40:43 pm »

Well here is my totally uninformed supposition.  (Checks sign up date to make sure I am not a newbie)

I think the forums were brought "online" with all the bells and whistles.  So there was no real "decision" to put stars in.  They were default.  Or maybe they weren't.  I completely understand why they were removed.  Their use was mostly punitive, from everything I had seen (and I posted an OT topic specifically to get as many rates as possible) they had mostly to do with whether or not you like what some one said.  While this may be fine for some, I had hoped that they would be used to rate HOW people communicated in here.  If someone constantly trolls give them a one.  If someone always keeps their temper and argues their point (however wrong that point may be !) well, give them a five.  

Why leave the topic ratings.  Well there is nothing "personal" about them.  I use it to rate the usefulness or my opinion of general worth of a thread.  If it is funny, or informative, raises a good question, give it a good rating.  If it is "Bush is Hitler!!!" or "Nuke the Middle East!!!"  well I think you know what I would rate it.  

However when someone like Nanner receives a one star rating after 30 some rates (he at least deserves a 2 ) it is obvious that someone is just out to punish him for his views.  He conducts himself (again in my opinion) as well or better than most of this forum's denizens.  Now keep in mind I think he is nuts in his rabid anti SFB rantings and I personally blame him for me not getting GAW. !!!

So like anything it was something to be tried out and we (as a collective) refused to use it as it was intended.  So it has been removed.  Oh well... I liked them but I totally understand why they were removed.  

I also think their is nothing in Dave's tone to be offended by.  Unless you are feeling that this is a direct jab at you.  In which case you really need to work on your self-esteem.

If they were to be brought back (I know they aren't but hey...):

Let people change a rating.
Make people responsible for their rating (take away anonymity)
Require a "reason" in order to rate someone.


Fair enough Raven.  Basically, your opinions on this issue are as much conjecture as any other opinion stated here.  I do buy that perhaps the forums were brought up with everything "turned on" without much thought as to whether they should have been turned on or not.

I'm not sure how you can be certain that a given individual's rating was somehow "punitive" in nature and, as such, was wrong or innacurate.  It sounds like you make the assumption that people made ratings based upon the name of a poster, not the content of their message.  Perhaps in some cases that is true, but I trust most people to make honest assessments on a case-by-case basis.  At any rate, I certainly do.  If I go to the trouble to rate someone, I take into account their behavior and contributions as a whole.   It could very well be that the individual's views are truly frowned upon by the people who rated him or her.  In such a case, what is wrong with being punitive?  If a low rating maybe gives a person pause as to their behavior and views, I'd say there's some progress possibly being made.

BTW...people don't have to take DIRECT jabs at me to offend me.  While I'm slow to be offended, I can find offense in "jabs" directed at others.  Zero self-esteem problems here.  

I would agree that reasons for ratings and taking away anonimity would be great.  The old StarFleetComms fora had "postive," negative" and "neutral" ratings and allowed you to enter a few lines for your reasoning.  Persons then accumulated "stars" based upon the number of positive ratings (with comments).  Ratings without comment counted for less.  It was a great system, I felt.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #141 on: February 14, 2003, 01:29:34 am »
too bad extra in red shirts do not mean there quick and ultimate demise as per standard.


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #142 on: February 14, 2003, 04:14:11 am »
I'm surprised people got offended by this thread, and I were just sparing. Someone being offended at there status on here is pretty pitiable; I explained this in my brief analysis of's inadequacies.

I mean, no one even noticed I created a signature based around it

Harold Nez

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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #143 on: February 14, 2003, 05:50:18 am »
Agreed.  That seems to be the point all along, from most users--many users of this UBB can handle and dish out flames/punishments/jokes/what-have-you.  Of course, there are a few exceptions.  Over the years, that has been the trend.  But, then again, how would I know?  I'm just a died-in-the-wool n00b......pfffffffffffffffffft.  Stay cool.  


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #144 on: February 14, 2003, 11:14:44 pm »
you see, i got them to admit that they are newbies. and therefore know not a great deal.


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Re: Where's my rating?
« Reply #145 on: February 15, 2003, 08:16:24 am »

you see, i got them to admit that they are newbies. and therefore know not a great deal.


Some people are not new but do have a new acount
I myself have had 3 acounts since 2000 and no I have never been banned a lot of people when they first sign up to the fourms use a fleet name or later on join a fleet (as in my case) then join another fleet and thus once again a new acount
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by LongTooth »