Topic: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)  (Read 2679 times)

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A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« on: February 15, 2003, 05:08:20 am »
Well something weird happened to my other post on this topic last night... It has vanished (deleted?) but I don't know some reasonable reason to delete it... The only one is that it was posted in Beta Patch bug report forum and I'm not an official beta
tester (by the way it was quite late... Maybe I hitted the wrong button or some gremlin has eaten my post... who knows).

I will try to report it here again:

- PROGRAM VERSION: Initial USA Release.

- CAMPAIGN: Borg conquest.

- MISSION: Planetary Assault.

- FLEET COMPOSITION: Sphere Prime (Me ), Pyramid(AI), Diamond(AI). The Pyramid was recruited first in D3 and then the Diamond a few hexes away before going into the planet.

- DESCRIPTION: Once in the battle me and my wingmen warped to the planet until 90 range. There I order my wingmen to BREAK FORMATION and GO TO POSITION behind me to put them OUTSIDE enemy wepons range. Then I charged against defending ships to destroy them... Well this is when randomness enters and some statistics are needed:
* 90% of the time the Diamond dies when some of the defending ships is taking damage... If it survives then it expodes when I'm attacking some of the platforms.
* 30% of the time after Diamond explosion, the pyramid blows also BUT only if in the mission are more than 4 defending ships.

If needed I can send a saved game with everything ready to test the bug or do some more detailed analysis on weapon shot while friendly exploded, etc.

Can some1 else confirm this, pls? Because some ppl told me that Taldren was unable to reproduce this bug in a controlled way... Well this happens to me 90% of the time (and the 90% is due to my "memory uncertainity" because I really don't remember a single Planetary Assault mission where some of my wingmens haven't exploded)  


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Re: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2003, 06:02:28 am »
More details, same mission but different fleet:

- NUMBER OF TESTS: 3/3 (100% bug appearance)

- FLEET: Cube (Me), Sphere Prime(AI), Diamond(AI).

- DESCRIPTION: When I kill a platform.... Just when it explodes the Sphere Prime is dust also (Notice that is not when the platform starts to burn, it's when the platform goes boom). Mmmm again the first one to blow is the heaviest wingmen.

- COMMENTS: A few moments before I triggered to autocombustion effect, another platform exploded autonomously (No one was shooting at it).

Seems that something in the explosion mechanism is mixing entities to destroy... You know in this mission with all that shuttles around... It's difficult to control which entities are destroyed... But I'm pretty sure that EXACTLY at the same time the platform booms I get the message "Borg Ship destroyed" and my round fellow suffers an Erik's Deathgaze attack...  


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Re: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2003, 07:20:12 am »
Well the last data... Same mission but this time using the federation:


- FLEET: Sovereign(me), Galaxy(AI), Defiant(AI).

- DESCRIPTION: As in previous tests, when a platform blows the Defiant class blows also (in the 2 tests where the bug appeared). In one test I was able to finish the mission killing everything without loosing any wingmen.

I forgot to mention it but ALL the tests have been made in ADMIRAL difficulty level... If that matters.

Well I dunno for the others... but for me this BUG is QUITE repeatable (of course without a debbuger in... )... ALL this tests have been taken about 60 minutes to perform (And I have the saved games rdy to be used somewhere else if needed).  

SSCF Hooch

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Re: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2003, 08:19:55 am »

Well something weird happened to my other post on this topic last night... It has vanished (deleted?) but I don't know some reasonable reason to delete it... The only one is that it was posted in Beta Patch bug report forum and I'm not an official beta
tester (by the way it was quite late... Maybe I hitted the wrong button or some gremlin has eaten my post... who knows).

I will try to report it here again:

- PROGRAM VERSION: Initial USA Release.

- CAMPAIGN: Borg conquest.

- MISSION: Planetary Assault.

- FLEET COMPOSITION: Sphere Prime (Me ), Pyramid(AI), Diamond(AI). The Pyramid was recruited first in D3 and then the Diamond a few hexes away before going into the planet.

- DESCRIPTION: Once in the battle me and my wingmen warped to the planet until 90 range. There I order my wingmen to BREAK FORMATION and GO TO POSITION behind me to put them OUTSIDE enemy wepons range. Then I charged against defending ships to destroy them... Well this is when randomness enters and some statistics are needed:
* 90% of the time the Diamond dies when some of the defending ships is taking damage... If it survives then it expodes when I'm attacking some of the platforms.
* 30% of the time after Diamond explosion, the pyramid blows also BUT only if in the mission are more than 4 defending ships.

If needed I can send a saved game with everything ready to test the bug or do some more detailed analysis on weapon shot while friendly exploded, etc.

Can some1 else confirm this, pls? Because some ppl told me that Taldren was unable to reproduce this bug in a controlled way... Well this happens to me 90% of the time (and the 90% is due to my "memory uncertainity" because I really don't remember a single Planetary Assault mission where some of my wingmens haven't exploded)    

Happens to me half the time too, only in three of those missions the planet disappears too and the mission goes really buggy.



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Re: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2003, 09:05:52 am »
This is more of an experience than a bug report, but I accidentally wound up in a fight against a borg Cube (this is in on offline conquest campaign btw)  Totally outmatched, ran for the sector's edge, and just as it looked as if we were doomed, the Cube falls apart.  I was like, YES!!!!  But no idea how it happened and haven't been able to replicate it since.


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Re: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2003, 09:54:08 am »
Seems the longer you play the more it happens first 2 hours are fine for me (or should I say the ai) after that the start to die off Ive had it happen when I give the ai orders and when I have not given them orders
Had it happen to enemy ai too
Was in a convoy raid(playing as borg) got the no power bug so only had track and mines to do the mission leaveing the ai with the hard work
Ai takes out most of the freighters last one is just comming up to the border I only have a level 2 tractor (and was out of mines at this point) so the ai freighter keeps breaking it 3 time I locked on to it before it could break tractor lock it goes bang it had full hull and I had not damage its sheilds


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A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2003, 05:08:20 am »
Well something weird happened to my other post on this topic last night... It has vanished (deleted?) but I don't know some reasonable reason to delete it... The only one is that it was posted in Beta Patch bug report forum and I'm not an official beta
tester (by the way it was quite late... Maybe I hitted the wrong button or some gremlin has eaten my post... who knows).

I will try to report it here again:

- PROGRAM VERSION: Initial USA Release.

- CAMPAIGN: Borg conquest.

- MISSION: Planetary Assault.

- FLEET COMPOSITION: Sphere Prime (Me ), Pyramid(AI), Diamond(AI). The Pyramid was recruited first in D3 and then the Diamond a few hexes away before going into the planet.

- DESCRIPTION: Once in the battle me and my wingmen warped to the planet until 90 range. There I order my wingmen to BREAK FORMATION and GO TO POSITION behind me to put them OUTSIDE enemy wepons range. Then I charged against defending ships to destroy them... Well this is when randomness enters and some statistics are needed:
* 90% of the time the Diamond dies when some of the defending ships is taking damage... If it survives then it expodes when I'm attacking some of the platforms.
* 30% of the time after Diamond explosion, the pyramid blows also BUT only if in the mission are more than 4 defending ships.

If needed I can send a saved game with everything ready to test the bug or do some more detailed analysis on weapon shot while friendly exploded, etc.

Can some1 else confirm this, pls? Because some ppl told me that Taldren was unable to reproduce this bug in a controlled way... Well this happens to me 90% of the time (and the 90% is due to my "memory uncertainity" because I really don't remember a single Planetary Assault mission where some of my wingmens haven't exploded)  


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Re: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2003, 06:02:28 am »
More details, same mission but different fleet:

- NUMBER OF TESTS: 3/3 (100% bug appearance)

- FLEET: Cube (Me), Sphere Prime(AI), Diamond(AI).

- DESCRIPTION: When I kill a platform.... Just when it explodes the Sphere Prime is dust also (Notice that is not when the platform starts to burn, it's when the platform goes boom). Mmmm again the first one to blow is the heaviest wingmen.

- COMMENTS: A few moments before I triggered to autocombustion effect, another platform exploded autonomously (No one was shooting at it).

Seems that something in the explosion mechanism is mixing entities to destroy... You know in this mission with all that shuttles around... It's difficult to control which entities are destroyed... But I'm pretty sure that EXACTLY at the same time the platform booms I get the message "Borg Ship destroyed" and my round fellow suffers an Erik's Deathgaze attack...  


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Re: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2003, 07:20:12 am »
Well the last data... Same mission but this time using the federation:


- FLEET: Sovereign(me), Galaxy(AI), Defiant(AI).

- DESCRIPTION: As in previous tests, when a platform blows the Defiant class blows also (in the 2 tests where the bug appeared). In one test I was able to finish the mission killing everything without loosing any wingmen.

I forgot to mention it but ALL the tests have been made in ADMIRAL difficulty level... If that matters.

Well I dunno for the others... but for me this BUG is QUITE repeatable (of course without a debbuger in... )... ALL this tests have been taken about 60 minutes to perform (And I have the saved games rdy to be used somewhere else if needed).  

SSCF Hooch

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Re: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2003, 08:19:55 am »

Well something weird happened to my other post on this topic last night... It has vanished (deleted?) but I don't know some reasonable reason to delete it... The only one is that it was posted in Beta Patch bug report forum and I'm not an official beta
tester (by the way it was quite late... Maybe I hitted the wrong button or some gremlin has eaten my post... who knows).

I will try to report it here again:

- PROGRAM VERSION: Initial USA Release.

- CAMPAIGN: Borg conquest.

- MISSION: Planetary Assault.

- FLEET COMPOSITION: Sphere Prime (Me ), Pyramid(AI), Diamond(AI). The Pyramid was recruited first in D3 and then the Diamond a few hexes away before going into the planet.

- DESCRIPTION: Once in the battle me and my wingmen warped to the planet until 90 range. There I order my wingmen to BREAK FORMATION and GO TO POSITION behind me to put them OUTSIDE enemy wepons range. Then I charged against defending ships to destroy them... Well this is when randomness enters and some statistics are needed:
* 90% of the time the Diamond dies when some of the defending ships is taking damage... If it survives then it expodes when I'm attacking some of the platforms.
* 30% of the time after Diamond explosion, the pyramid blows also BUT only if in the mission are more than 4 defending ships.

If needed I can send a saved game with everything ready to test the bug or do some more detailed analysis on weapon shot while friendly exploded, etc.

Can some1 else confirm this, pls? Because some ppl told me that Taldren was unable to reproduce this bug in a controlled way... Well this happens to me 90% of the time (and the 90% is due to my "memory uncertainity" because I really don't remember a single Planetary Assault mission where some of my wingmens haven't exploded)    

Happens to me half the time too, only in three of those missions the planet disappears too and the mission goes really buggy.



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Re: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2003, 09:05:52 am »
This is more of an experience than a bug report, but I accidentally wound up in a fight against a borg Cube (this is in on offline conquest campaign btw)  Totally outmatched, ran for the sector's edge, and just as it looked as if we were doomed, the Cube falls apart.  I was like, YES!!!!  But no idea how it happened and haven't been able to replicate it since.


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Re: A way to trigger EXPLODING BUG 90% of the time (2)
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2003, 09:54:08 am »
Seems the longer you play the more it happens first 2 hours are fine for me (or should I say the ai) after that the start to die off Ive had it happen when I give the ai orders and when I have not given them orders
Had it happen to enemy ai too
Was in a convoy raid(playing as borg) got the no power bug so only had track and mines to do the mission leaveing the ai with the hard work
Ai takes out most of the freighters last one is just comming up to the border I only have a level 2 tractor (and was out of mines at this point) so the ai freighter keeps breaking it 3 time I locked on to it before it could break tractor lock it goes bang it had full hull and I had not damage its sheilds