I've just compiled tested and submitted SFB OP 04 to fileplanet, the file size alone merited the new version. (plus all the fixes) I'll start a new thread when its posted there, but until then it can be found here:
SFB OP Mod v04 (temporary link 1)
or here:
SFB OP Mod v04 (temporary link 2)
NOTE: uninstall previous versions of SFB OP (or other shiplist mods), then uninstall/reinstall
EEK 2.1 - because SFB OP 03b contained conflicting missions... the new installer only includes shiplist, fighterlist, shipnames, strings, textures and models - NO missions or campaign scripts to avoid future conflicts... the new installer also does not include stock files but rather backs up your
current files under \SFB_OP_04_backup in your OP installation folder and offers the choice to keep custom files in another folder on uninstall for the manual swappers. This installer is pretty wild.... installs to 512MB on disk but is only a
45.3MB download !!!!

Sorry if you just downloaded the larger file and update but I just had to do this. (SFB_OP_04 is actually the same as the latest development update linked above, so no need to download again if you want to check out the current test server, there will likely continue to be small deveopment updates as I work toward the next version anyway...

) I figure the smaller download will probably get me more feedback as I know there a still a few rough spots that will only really show up on a test server.