Topic: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!  (Read 10997 times)

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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2004, 12:11:04 am »
OK, after much searching, I found another download site that ought to be good for about 35 days or 15GB:

To login to the SFB-OP-TEST the following install sequence is now required:

1) SFB Mod v0.3b or  <link removed - see below...>

2)  SFB OP 03b - D2 development update  

3)  Latest EEK 2.1 mission pack

Webmap:  SFB-OP-TEST Webmap      
« Last Edit: February 20, 2004, 10:13:22 pm by Bonk »


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2004, 07:01:49 am »
My ISP is down for some time (buried in snow, many lines down...) Hopefully I'll be back online within a few days. Till then my D2 servers will be offline.   The power is flicking on and off unpredictably... time for a UPS when I can scrape up the dough... I hate to think whats been happening to the millions in instrumentation I work with....    


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2004, 08:45:51 am »
Update: My ISP is back up already, I'm really impressed. Their line crews must be tough!
The power seems to have stabilised, so my D2 servers are back up for testing.
(The instrumentation at work is ok for the most part... phew!)

Just gotta lay in some supplies to play on RDSL this weekend, the liquor store is still closed though!    

Edit: Spoke too soon, power is still flickering and I can't see my servers anymore...  
« Last Edit: February 20, 2004, 09:21:22 am by Bonk »


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2004, 03:33:29 pm »
OK, I think I'm back online to stay this time... unless the plows take out any lines... <crosses fingers>  


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SFB OP Mod 04
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2004, 09:50:35 pm »
I've just compiled tested and submitted SFB OP 04 to fileplanet, the file size alone merited the new version. (plus all the fixes) I'll start a new thread when its posted there, but until then it can be found here:

 SFB OP Mod v04 (temporary link 1)
             or here:
 SFB OP Mod v04 (temporary link 2)

NOTE: uninstall previous versions of SFB OP (or other shiplist mods), then uninstall/reinstall  EEK 2.1 - because SFB OP 03b contained conflicting missions... the new installer only includes shiplist, fighterlist, shipnames, strings, textures and models - NO missions or campaign scripts to avoid future conflicts... the new installer also does not include stock files but rather backs up your current files under \SFB_OP_04_backup in your OP installation folder and offers the choice to keep custom files in another folder on uninstall for the manual swappers. This installer is pretty wild.... installs to 512MB on disk but is only a 45.3MB download !!!!    

Sorry if you just downloaded the larger file and update but I just had to do this. (SFB_OP_04 is actually the same as the latest development update linked above, so no need to download again if you want to check out the current test server, there will likely continue to be small deveopment updates as I work toward the next version anyway... ) I figure the smaller download will probably get me more feedback as I know there a still a few rough spots that will only really show up on a test server.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »


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SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #45 on: August 14, 2003, 08:51:01 pm »
New version now available at FilePlanet, many improvements, Andromedans added!

FilePlanet - SFB Mod v0.3b
(100.7 MB download, 546.1 MB installed)

SFB OP 03b - Cumulative Update 03
(~240 KB download, A-DOM model pointer fix, Z-PFT PF donation corrected, PF UIs fixed, R-Trib fixed - just download and install over SFB OP 03b):

Version '03b replaces '03a. Uninstall the old mod or any others present, then download and install the new SFB OP Mod 03b, followed by the SFB OP 03b - Cumulative Update 03.  

In this version; missing models fixed, empire and cartel slots consolidated, PF and fighter donation optimised, installer improved, offers installation directory confirmation prompt (note: this is your OP installation folder - should be detected and displayed - with ability to edit), an option to keep multiplayer scripts on uninstall, and Andromedans added!  

SFB OP Mob '03b Installer Information / Acknowledgements:


This mod includes PFs, Fighters, LDR, Tholians, WYN and Andros. Engine doubling for the cartel slots is disabled. Empire and Cartel slots are used as follows:

F   Federation         Ftr/Donated PF
K   Klingon            Ftr/Donated PF
R   Romulan         PF/Donated Ftr
Z   Kzinti            Ftr/Donated PF
L   Lyran            PF/Donated Ftr
G   Gorn            PF/Donated Ftr
H   Hydran            Ftr/Donated PF
I   ISC            Ftr/Donated PF
C   LDR (Camboro)                 Ftr/Donated PF
P   Andromedan (Prime)      Donated PF
W   WYN (WyldeFire)      Ftr/Donated PF
X   Orion (Orion)         Ftr/Donated PF
Y   Tholian/Neo-Tholian (Korgath)   Ftr/Donated PF
B         BeastRaiders         Ftr

O   Orion (non-player)      Ftr/Donated PF
S   Syndicate (Ftr donor)      Ftr donor
T   TigerHeart (PF donor)      PF donor

This will install:

1) A modified version of gman's SFB SHIPLIST FOR SFC ORION PIRATES (original created 2001-09-20, modified 2003-08-14)

2) NuclearWessels' (ED) OP Missions (2003-05-26), TraceyG's OP Missions 4.1(2003-08-09), and Karnak's EEK OP V2 Missions (2003-08-12)

3) The Fleetdock13 models (created by Anduril, Atra-hasis Cleeve, E,, Lansing, Starfire, Stress puppy, Jeff Wallace and Wicked Zombie)

4) The Tholian Will models by Commodore Brezgonne (Daniel K. Thompson)

5) Selected models and textures from Chris Jones' Ultimate TOS mod for SFC:OP

This version is a significant improvement over the last. The empires are no longer split over multiple slots and have all the appropriate fighters or PFs donated to one slot. I had fun testing the Andromedans and found a battlefest with LDR (Camboro), Andromedan (Prime), WYN (WyldeFire) and Tholian/Neo-Tholian (Korgath) most interesting.

Though improved, this version is still not intended to be a final version. Again, I seek your valuable input, of which I have already implemented some... Stuff like;  What do you think of the Andromedans? The other Empires? Can they work on a D2 in their current slots? Missing strings? Can your video card handle it? Trouble balancing matches? Other issues...?

I apologise that I still have not completed a no-models (lite) version yet. The way I set things up, it will take me a bunch of work. I have a good start on it but it will be a while yet. I essentially need to replace all the custom models chosen with stock models one by one, since I have done this over time and don't recall what each custom model file is... well... In any case it should be done soon...

Note: Sorry the "OP Arena" was down this weekend, I was away at the interview for the job I just got, so I wasn't here to restart it... My D2 servers "OP Arena" and "Masters Arena" will come down next week. I am moving, and once I get reconnected, look for a test server for the new SFB OP Mod 03b and a new EAW server on a custom map...    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #46 on: August 14, 2003, 09:13:10 pm »
This sounds exciting! If you need help stripping the custom models out send me the spec files and strings so I can help.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #47 on: August 14, 2003, 09:25:47 pm »

 This sounds exciting! If you need help stripping the custom models out send me the spec files and strings so I can help.



As I mentioned above, I'm still working on it. There's a lot to go.... I have to move for a new job... I'll get it done as I find the time.  The changes to the mod for this version were much less work than the "lite" version represents. If anyone is willing to help things along by mapping each of the custom models back to stock models in the NSIS installer script I could post the incomplete script and what needs to be done? I'll then need to recover the finished script and compile it but may not be connected for a bit anyway... so I'll be back online soon, I hope to finish the "lite" version soon after that. If anyone wants it sooner, I can post the incomplete NSIS script and files for someone else to complete? If no one else wants to complete it, I will, just give me time... it took me three months to assemble the list as it is, it may take the same time to assign all stock models to it, but hopefully will be faster, that's the best I can do...  

Edit: (incomplete "lite" NSIS script and spec files sent KF, thanks for the generous offer to help... but don't feel obliged, let me know if you get anything done on it though...)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #48 on: August 14, 2003, 10:39:03 pm »
I'd like to take a look at the shiplist.txt.  Could you email me it or post a link to it?



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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #49 on: August 14, 2003, 11:13:27 pm »

I'd like to take a look at the shiplist.txt.  Could you email me it or post a link to it?


I just posted the incomplete "lite" (no models, missions or textures) NSIS script and files here:

If anyone is interested; all the shiplist, fighterlist and strings files are current to 03b, just the installer script is incomplete. stock files are included in the package for the uninstaller. An excel file containing all the unique models from the stock and mod lists is included for reference. The model conversion for the Juggernaught is complete in the installer script as an example. The folders are created and mod model names are already listed (;\model.mod) under each model folder for all model folders, but need to be double checked against the unique models list for completeness and each completed as for the juggernaught to stock Intruder model conversion. I hope to have this completed as soon as I can manage it.

If you just want to have a look at the shiplist, fighterlist and strings files, they can all be found in the zip file above.      
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #50 on: August 15, 2003, 01:52:01 am »
Oops, found an error, (the model Pointer for the A-DOM was incorrect), it is now corrected in the incomplete "lite" package link above, and here is an update for the installation (just download and install over SFB OP 03b): SFB_OP_03b_Update_01.exe

Sorry I missed this. (Post at the top of the thread edited to reflect the update.) Please let me know if you see any similar errors, thanks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #51 on: August 15, 2003, 07:27:37 am »

That was fast for an update!

I'll attempt to put the stock models back in and resend this ASAP.

Can somebody tell me how the Mirror Universe Imperials work in SFB?



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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #52 on: August 15, 2003, 01:25:27 pm »
Tried to fly some Mirak PF's off of a Needle tender PFt and at launch the PF's disappeared.  The UI still showed them out there and when I told them to do something the responeded verbally but they just weren't out there.

Also on the PF's, could you add in a UI for them, it makes them easier to control if they have a UI.


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #53 on: August 15, 2003, 03:45:05 pm »

Tried to fly some Mirak PF's off of a Needle tender PFt and at launch the PF's disappeared.  The UI still showed them out there and when I told them to do something the responeded verbally but they just weren't out there.

Also on the PF's, could you add in a UI for them, it makes them easier to control if they have a UI.  

Ah, the Z-PFT got missed and was not copied into the Tigerheart PF donor cartel and was thus not a PFT... fixed! All the empire and cartel PFs should have a functional UI now as well.

Thanks for reporting  that jimmi, all the feedback is a big help!

Cumulative update here:  SFB OP 03b - Cumulative Update 02
(incomplete lite package above updated and the post at top edited as well)

Twisted note: I have noticed in this process that a PF can carry PFs.  If I load a PF carrying PF with itself,  I wonder what will happen? Russian Doll PFs forever? hehe.. It's bad enough that there are fighter carrying PFs in this mod (which need to be tested too...)    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #54 on: August 15, 2003, 10:38:33 pm »

Twisted note: I have noticed in this process that a PF can carry PFs.  If I load a PF carrying PF with itself,  I wonder what will happen? Russian Doll PFs forever? hehe.. It's bad enough that there are fighter carrying PFs in this mod (which need to be tested too...)      

I remember reading somewhere that someone used Lyran BBF's as PF's which launched more BBF's and so on and so on.

End result was the game crashed.

Rod O'neal

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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #55 on: August 15, 2003, 11:12:17 pm »

Twisted note: I have noticed in this process that a PF can carry PFs.  If I load a PF carrying PF with itself,  I wonder what will happen? Russian Doll PFs forever? hehe.. It's bad enough that there are fighter carrying PFs in this mod (which need to be tested too...)      

I had once thought of using that "feature" to create the  Z-SSCS  KHS Goliath. Giving it two complete squadrons of PFs and fighters. The bug is when the PF that launched the second PF is destroyed, both are, as well as the fighters that the 2nd one launched, since the original PF is acting as the tender and the 2nd one is acting as a carrier.

The "Fi-Con" PFs work pretty well though on their own and I use them to create the loadouts for SCS/BCS.  


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #56 on: August 16, 2003, 10:03:40 am »
Heh, I sort of figured "Russian Doll" PFs would crash the game but I'm still tempted to try it out myself just to see it in action for a laugh.

Good idea for use of the "Fi-Con" PFs for SCS/BCS loadouts, I'll look at that.  


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #57 on: August 16, 2003, 02:18:28 pm »
I've tried it and it works!  Of course, fighters cannot be grouped.  


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #58 on: August 16, 2003, 06:03:50 pm »

Heh, I sort of figured "Russian Doll" PFs would crash the game but I'm still tempted to try it out myself just to see it in action for a laugh.

Good idea for use of the "Fi-Con" PFs for SCS/BCS loadouts, I'll look at that.  

When recalled and relaunched, wouldn't they have a new full load of fighters?


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Re: SFB OP Mod '03b - New and Improved!
« Reply #59 on: August 16, 2003, 07:48:09 pm »
Yes they would, and be rearmed if they carried drones or PlaD. I had a shiplist form RIP-Calel in GZ that was called the HIVE. It had different ships that had PF's launching PF's armed with Drone D's.

Interesting thing about a Drone D is that depending on what era you arm the drone rack with, will determine how it damages a ship.

    Kinda OT now, but this is cool, the Drone D fired like a Plasma D.

    Same speed, and it downgraded the warhead's ability to damage as it went.

    The warhead power would could be selected as the drone type. Either Type I for 12 points or Type IV for 24 points.

    Then here is the cool part. Depending on what era you select for the missile, say, E,M or Late, will determine how that warhead damage will be applied. On early era, I believe all damage is dont to the shield it hits. On mid era, the damage completely penetrates the shields as if they wernt there. And late era works just like an envelope plasma with the warhead damage being distributed evenly across all shields.

    Coolest thing I have seen was when it went straight thru my shields, hehe.  Scariest thing too...

Back to topic tho, these PF's carried decoy PF's that looked the same with shields and all, but had no weapons and little internals. One Type I drone hit usually wacked them.

Here's another thing thats interesting. When a PF was recalled, despite the mother PF being destroyed along with its decoy, (which would blow up the same time the mother PF would), It seemed to count the decoy recalled PF's as mother PF's and you ended up with 4x mother PF's again... I think thats how it worked.

Aside from how many PF's you can have in the game, I dont know, but... I think I saw around 36+. One ship launched 4x PF's (4) each loaded with 3x (12) each of the 12 loaded with 2x (24). So thats 4+12+24= 40. Hrmm... Thats a lot of PF's. It didnt crash. Game speed was 6, and there were 4x players on GSA and mb 6 capitol ships and a Planet. But when those PF's opened fire, a BB was instantly destroyed along with my frame rate dropping to maybe 2. Hehe.