New version now available at FilePlanet, many improvements, Andromedans added!
FilePlanet - SFB Mod v0.3b (100.7 MB download, 546.1 MB installed)
SFB OP 03b - Cumulative Update 03 (~240 KB download, A-DOM model pointer fix, Z-PFT PF donation corrected, PF UIs fixed, R-Trib fixed - just download and install over SFB OP 03b):
Version '03b replaces '03a. Uninstall the
old mod or any others present, then download and install the new SFB OP Mod 03b, followed by the SFB OP 03b - Cumulative Update 03.
In this version; missing models fixed, empire and cartel slots consolidated, PF and fighter donation optimised, installer improved, offers installation directory confirmation prompt (note: this is your OP installation folder - should be detected and displayed - with ability to edit), an option to keep multiplayer scripts on uninstall, and Andromedans added!
SFB OP Mob '03b Installer Information / Acknowledgements:
This mod includes PFs, Fighters, LDR, Tholians, WYN and Andros. Engine doubling for the cartel slots is disabled. Empire and Cartel slots are used as follows:
F Federation Ftr/Donated PF
K Klingon Ftr/Donated PF
R Romulan PF/Donated Ftr
Z Kzinti Ftr/Donated PF
L Lyran PF/Donated Ftr
G Gorn PF/Donated Ftr
H Hydran Ftr/Donated PF
I ISC Ftr/Donated PF
C LDR (Camboro) Ftr/Donated PF
P Andromedan (Prime) Donated PF
W WYN (WyldeFire) Ftr/Donated PF
X Orion (Orion) Ftr/Donated PF
Y Tholian/Neo-Tholian (Korgath) Ftr/Donated PF
B BeastRaiders Ftr
O Orion (non-player) Ftr/Donated PF
S Syndicate (Ftr donor) Ftr donor
T TigerHeart (PF donor) PF donor
This will install:
1) A modified version of gman's SFB SHIPLIST FOR SFC ORION PIRATES (original created 2001-09-20, modified 2003-08-14)
2) NuclearWessels' (ED) OP Missions (2003-05-26), TraceyG's OP Missions 4.1(2003-08-09), and Karnak's EEK OP V2 Missions (2003-08-12)
3) The Fleetdock13 models (created by Anduril, Atra-hasis Cleeve, E,, Lansing, Starfire, Stress puppy, Jeff Wallace and Wicked Zombie)
4) The Tholian Will models by Commodore Brezgonne (Daniel K. Thompson)
5) Selected models and textures from Chris Jones' Ultimate TOS mod for SFC:OP
This version is a significant improvement over the last. The empires are no longer split over multiple slots and have all the appropriate fighters or PFs donated to one slot. I had fun testing the Andromedans and found a battlefest with LDR (Camboro), Andromedan (Prime), WYN (WyldeFire) and Tholian/Neo-Tholian (Korgath) most interesting.
Though improved, this version is still not intended to be a final version. Again, I seek your valuable input, of which I have already implemented some... Stuff like; What do you think of the Andromedans? The other Empires? Can they work on a D2 in their current slots? Missing strings? Can your video card handle it? Trouble balancing matches? Other issues...?
I apologise that I still have not completed a no-models (lite) version yet. The way I set things up, it will take me a bunch of work. I have a good start on it but it will be a while yet. I essentially need to replace all the custom models chosen with stock models one by one, since I have done this over time and don't recall what each custom model file is... well... In any case it should be done soon...
Note: Sorry the "OP Arena" was down this weekend, I was away at the interview for the job I just got, so I wasn't here to restart it... My D2 servers "OP Arena" and "Masters Arena" will come down next week. I am moving, and once I get reconnected, look for a test server for the new SFB OP Mod 03b and a new EAW server on a custom map...