Topic: Hey Chris, some bug things you should be aware of with your DW Mod.  (Read 4687 times)

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Dash Jones

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Hey Chris (nice last name by the way), I was trying out your Beta version of the Dominion Wars Mod...and I can't say just how awesomely thrilled I am with this.  I haven't been this excited about a mod....well, ever.  This is terrific...and you even included an easy to use installer to boot.  Everything about it is Quality and just, words can't describe how I feel about it currently.  YOU ARE THE MAN!

That said, you might run into some massive problems with the Beta Patch coming up.  I tried it with the DX9 and Beta Patch version of SFC3 and though I could get some models working, the Dominion would CRASH the entire game sometimes CTD and other ways when selecting it as a race.

This was with WinXP with and ATI RAdeon AIW 7500.  Just a heads up so you can know what you might have to expect with the Patch coming out.  I suspect it may have to do with new regulations pertaining to the modifying of ships, but I can't be certain.

Oh yes, and there were no little bodies that I could notice in the explosions...


Great MOD!


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Re: Hey Chris, some bug things you should be aware of with your DW Mod.
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2003, 08:40:50 am »
Follow up question to Chris.....

Hi Chris, WhereI can download just the ship models from your DW and TNG mods.  You've done great work, and I'm trying to get a D3 server up and running which will showcase these fantastic mods.




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Re: Hey Chris, some bug things you should be aware of with your DW Mod.
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2003, 04:57:29 pm »
Hi there, first post.  

I downloaded and installed your beta mod, and I'm very impressed.  I just had one small bug to report; I  hope it helps.  When playing the Single Player Federation Campaign (The storyline, not conquest), in I think the second to last mission, it is impossible to succeed.  The mission calls for you to beam a team aboard the Romulan space dock so that they can retrieve information about their fleet.  The thing is, the new model for the space station next to the space dock is so large that it collides with the dock, and destroys it.  

At least, I think that's the reason.  I had played through the entire campaign before installing the mod, with no such problem.  I apologize for being vague; I'm not at home, so I can't look up the mission name.  Anyway, I'd like to say again that this is great work, and I hope you continue it for a long time.  

Chris Jones

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Re: Hey Chris, some bug things you should be aware of with your DW Mod.
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2003, 03:41:43 am »
Clueless - Yes the Rom Space dock is now Cardassian in the Mod.. and that Model is W I D E.

hmm. Good point.. I may have to substitute a taller less wide model..


It would would really suck if this mod didn't work with the patch. I do recall something from Taldren on the old General Forum  that said the mods would still work as the 'no crossing of technology' option can be turned off. I have not installed the beta because I don't like beta patches in general..  

I hope it doesn't come to having to have 2 different installs.  Thanks for that heads up.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »


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Re: Hey Chris, some bug things you should be aware of with your DW Mod.
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2003, 02:20:19 am »

mixing of race tech will be disabled in the game engine by default in the patch... IE : Defiant will lose cloaking ability (actually it won't show up in game and will be listed as invalid) that is unless you have a work around for it.. if so, i would like to know what it is so i can keep mine going (not an entire mod,  just that one ship)


Chris Jones

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Re: Hey Chris, some bug things you should be aware of with your DW Mod.
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2003, 11:49:22 am »
by the game engine? apparently I missed that.

Oh my..

That will be difficult for me. If that is the case I will certainly look for a work around but if I can't find one that will seriously curtail my modding ability. Damn  where's that old forum post that mentioned that?...  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Hey Chris, some bug things you should be aware of with your DW Mod.
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2003, 03:20:42 pm »
Ok, I'm trying to retain my composure...

Why does everyone think that after the patch you can't mix race tech? WHY DO YOU THINK SO????

All the patch is going to do is change the default setting (a setting that is already in the game for crying out loud!!!) from:




If you still want to mix race tech... just go back into your program after you patch up and change the setting from:


back to



Sorry, I was having a cow there for a minute. No insults or slader intended to anyone, I'm no genious either.

Captain KoraH


Chris Jones

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« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2003, 04:49:18 am »
Well I answered my own question.. and thanks Captain

001) can be modified to allow mixing of tech for mods and holds the default ships for skirmish games

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