Topic: My second SFC 3 contest model release - my Borg Cube.  (Read 1536 times)

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My second SFC 3 contest model release - my Borg Cube.
« on: February 06, 2003, 09:23:45 pm »
And as with the Tardis, there's a bigger copy of the beauty shot that was included with the ship.  Also, I might have bunged up the strings files, so I'd copy the ones from the standard Borg Cube here.. (and maybe someone would be good enough to send those my way as well?)

You  can see it here

And the download link (temporary one that is):

This is a v2 as well.. just am not sure if I ever released v1.  


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Re: My second SFC 3 contest model release - my Borg Cube.
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2003, 09:42:53 pm »
WOW nice cube, i wish i  had the cube i did for sfc3, but i lost it when i got hacked. But this ship realy rocks,Makes me want to do borg agen.

"Thair can be only one.... Must be true what thay say, May the best MAN win"
------Memember of the i don't flame for ATTENTION of moders.....------

« Last Edit: February 06, 2003, 09:43:34 pm by TheSkinMan »