Topic: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!  (Read 6971 times)

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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #40 on: August 24, 2003, 03:34:08 am »
Ok, its official, I'm crap

Sorry for not getting back to anyone on this till now, been on me Hols for a bit and only recently started trawling through my mail

You gotta worry when you log in and it says "2523 new posts"!!!!! lol

K, as far as this lot goes, sweet! go for it. The only thing I ever ask is that credit is given where credit is due, only fair. In all my downloads will be a "credit.txt" file, this gives details of the models origins, so follow that and you can't go worng. The only other thing I ask is that people let me know what there doing, but thats more to do with curiousity/interest than any major concern about plagerism (spelling?) etc. I've e-mailed Emerald Edge and let him know the score and I'll try and get something up on my site regarding permissions etc.

I love the Romulan & Gorn stuff you've done, can never have to much SFB stuff if you ask me  Keep em coming

Still around, still working......


<EDIT> cool, 500 posts! feels like more.....
« Last Edit: August 24, 2003, 03:35:35 am by Thu11s »


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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #41 on: August 24, 2003, 06:08:15 am »

Ok, its official, I'm crap

Sorry for not getting back to anyone on this till now, been on me Hols for a bit and only recently started trawling through my mail

You gotta worry when you log in and it says "2523 new posts"!!!!! lol

K, as far as this lot goes, sweet! go for it. The only thing I ever ask is that credit is given where credit is due, only fair. In all my downloads will be a "credit.txt" file, this gives details of the models origins, so follow that and you can't go worng. The only other thing I ask is that people let me know what there doing, but thats more to do with curiousity/interest than any major concern about plagerism (spelling?) etc. I've e-mailed Emerald Edge and let him know the score and I'll try and get something up on my site regarding permissions etc.

I love the Romulan & Gorn stuff you've done, can never have to much SFB stuff if you ask me  Keep em coming

Still around, still working......


<EDIT> cool, 500 posts! feels like more.....

Yay! He's alive!  

.. and yes, you're right. I did preserve all the readmes and credits files in all of the included models I have worked with within both my mod, and my website. Here's an extract:

Name and Class of model:  Gorn Dreadnought-Destroyer
Original Modeler: Taldren
Original Textures: Taldren
Kitbash Modeler: Thu11s, FireSoul
Kitbash Textures: Thu11s


Name and Class of model:  Romulan OmniHawk Light Dreadnought
Original Modeler: Thu11s
Original Textures: Thu11s
Modified By: FireSoul

If you want, feel free to take these and add them as new models on your site, or update the ones that are there. Now that I've seen life from you, I'll start putting links up for the things that I've completed..

-- Luc


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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #42 on: August 24, 2003, 06:18:28 am »
« Last Edit: August 24, 2003, 06:33:46 am by FireSoul »


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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2003, 06:32:41 am »
Next, Models that I've created based on materials by thu11s. These don't have LODs (yet?).

 Lyran LTT with (Klingon-purchased) pod

 LDR LTT with (klingon-purchased) pod

 Gorn Dreadnought-Destroyer

 Gorn HDT Light Tactical Transport (LTT)

 Gorn HDT, with 0 pods

 Gorn Fleet Tug

 Gorn Fleet Tug, with 0 pods.

 Hydran LTT

 Hydran New Llama Tug

 Hydran Caravan Fleet Tug

 Romulan MegaHawk Dreadnought

 Romulan OmniHawk Light Dreadnought

To Thu11s:
YES, I do think that these would go nicely onto your site.  

-- Luc
« Last Edit: August 24, 2003, 06:39:42 am by FireSoul »

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2003, 06:56:54 am »
My Thanks to both of you for making the game so fantastic to play and I also think that Firesoul's tugs based on your design work  will  be a great addition to your web site keep up the fantastic work  


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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2003, 08:46:29 am »
Thanks for the new starships. It is a very good thing to have specific models for the what FireSoul has givin us back from SFB. Just looking at the pics provided, is there a difference between the Gorn LTT and the fleet tug?

And now that Feral has poked his nose back in... mmm, any thoughts on the missing skyhawk or seahawk models?    I know, I'm a bad boy. In my defense, I like what he's done so much that it seems a shame they don't exist yet.    

Rod O'neal

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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2003, 08:55:12 am »
  I like the models. I've always thought that the Tugs (and carriers too, hint) get too little support. One thought on the Lyran/LDR pods. Don't you think that they would've painted them to their fleet colors instead of leaving them Klingon green?  


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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #47 on: August 24, 2003, 09:25:50 am »

  I like the models. I've always thought that the Tugs (and carriers too, hint) get too little support. One thought on the Lyran/LDR pods. Don't you think that they would've painted them to their fleet colors instead of leaving them Klingon green?  

THAT's not Klingon green. THIS is Klingon green.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #48 on: August 24, 2003, 09:29:44 am »

Thanks for the new starships. It is a very good thing to have specific models for the what FireSoul has givin us back from SFB. Just looking at the pics provided, is there a difference between the Gorn LTT and the fleet tug?

The size, and the weapon mountpoints. One's made for a GCA UI, the other for a GCL UI.


And now that Feral has poked his nose back in... mmm, any thoughts on the missing skyhawk or seahawk models?    I know, I'm a bad boy. In my defense, I like what he's done so much that it seems a shame they don't exist yet.    

What's wrong with Taldren's?


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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #49 on: August 24, 2003, 10:09:05 am »
Well to be fair Taldren's ones suck (more **** than a cheap whore) no offense to the guys who made them but they were intended to have the game run on machines that have been surpassed many times over and when compared to anything that's being made today they crumple like a paper bag. You and Thu11s have taken the components from Taldren pretty much to the very limit of what can be done with them. Thu11s' Skyhawk (the WIP shots of it anyway) were/are a quantum leap from the stock SEA/SKA.

Oh and don't forget Thu11s had a K-RKL in the works (Klingonised Sparrowhawk) and he never even got around to the KCN or PF Tenders (we're so greedy aren't we )


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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #50 on: August 24, 2003, 11:28:10 am »


Thanks for the new starships. It is a very good thing to have specific models for the what FireSoul has givin us back from SFB. Just looking at the pics provided, is there a difference between the Gorn LTT and the fleet tug?

The size, and the weapon mountpoints. One's made for a GCA UI, the other for a GCL UI.


And now that Feral has poked his nose back in... mmm, any thoughts on the missing skyhawk or seahawk models?    I know, I'm a bad boy. In my defense, I like what he's done so much that it seems a shame they don't exist yet.    

What's wrong with Taldren's?  

Ah, thanks for letting me know about the Gorn tugs.

What's wrong with the stock Taldren model for the seahawk? The textures more than anything else. Mesh isn't so bad but the textures are just awful. Which is more than can be said for the Sparrowhawk and King Condor. Both of them just stink and are hard on the eyes.

I like to have a ship of the class that resembles the UI and most of the Taldren basic meshes are OK. I spent a lot of time repainting the battlehawk till I was happy with it. (I even like the Gorn models that suffer from some awful textures, except for the destroyer which is very good) That is what bugs me about the Seahawk/Skyhawk, poor textures that do little to make it look like a starship. More like a toy model painted by a six year old.  
« Last Edit: August 24, 2003, 11:34:18 am by Rogue »


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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #51 on: August 24, 2003, 02:39:32 pm »
I think I can make a good list of the models that we'd still like Thu11 to finish/work on:

Seahawk DD
Skyhawk FF
Revised Starhawk PF. Look at it and compare it to the later stuff, it's just not the same.
Overseer BCV model
Cavalier CV model
Monarch-V BBV model

I'd also like a revision of the CVA model. The launch tubes look too large to me personally.



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Re: Thu11s, where arrrre yooouuuu?!
« Reply #52 on: August 24, 2003, 03:04:25 pm »
Well the Starhawk is understandable really I mean he made it using stock Taldren pieces (my opinion on which can be seen a bit up this page) FYI the Skyhawk (R-SKA) is the RDD while the Seahawk (R-SEA) is the frigate, the SKA is an SEA with a modified K-D5 boom and a new command hull attached to the front, the only Skyhawk with no klingon components was the SKL Skyhawk Leader which had a type-G plasma and was considered to be taking the spaceframe well beyond it's limits and only a few were ever built. Don't forget the roms also need a KCN battleship and Thu11s supposedly had a pretty much whole fleet of ISC ships being worked on only a few were released. I had actually forgotten about those missing Hydrans it's been so long