I have visited the Taldren boards for many years. I have seen many pointless threads in the forums. This thread you started is one of them.
All SFC games have had bugs in them. There is virtually no such thing as a 100% bug-free product anymore. The complexity of modern computer games and the computer game business dictate that bugs are no longer an "if" thing, but more realistically "how many?" and "how bad". If that is unacceptable to you as a consumer, remember that your disposable income is your strongest voice to the game companies. If you think the product is crap, buy something else! Read the game reviews, talk to other players. Be a SMART gamer! There is lots and lots of crap out there on the game shelves all around the world. It is a very satisfying thing when you find that you got a great game for your hard-earned money. I have yet to be dissatisfied with any of my Taldren-designed SFC games, and I think Taldren should be proud of their work and their customer relations.
I would say few SFC bugs have been major show-stoppers. Yes, there is a small percentage of people like you who appear to be having some compatibility issues, but you need to look at the big picture: There are thousands of people playing SFC who aren't having these problems. So does that mean that Taldren and their game(s) is worthless? I think not. Do you have absolutely ZERO problems with all other games on your system? I would be very skeptical if you said yes to this.
Most of the squawking I have seen on these forums relate to game design choices, not bad software. I have played computer games for about 20 years now, and as far as game developers go, I feel Taldren is above average when it comes to maintaining a dialogue with their customers (until people started getting rather nasty to them on here) and I feel they support their products reasonably well, with SFC3 being the black sheep.
I think getting in bed with Activision to make SFC3 was a poor decision on Taldren's part, but hindsight is 20-20. I have never been impressed with Activision's handling of the Star Trek license; their anal retentive posture towards game patching and their after-the-sale customer satisfaction is a sad example of poor public relations. If you compare the post-retail patching history of SFC1, SFC2, and SFCOP to the handling of SFC3, it is hard to point the finger at Taldren. Heck, they just released another fine patch for Orion Pirates, a game whose shelf life has long since passed! I appreciate that. Compare that to the SFC3 situation: Activision has 100% control on when and if a patch will be released. Although Activision officially denies that a "one patch policy" exists, that indeed appears to be the case with a great many recent games they have released. Clearly that is not only a purely profit-driven decision, but also an insult to real customer service. Personally, I would be delighted to see Activision be relieved of the Trek license; they have been NO savior of the ST game franchise. The down side to this, of course, is what will happen to the future of Trek games?