Topic: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3  (Read 26090 times)

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The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« on: August 13, 2003, 01:14:36 am »
This is my first post and it may get me banned, actually I expect it.  But if one person reads this, then I'll be happy.  Please remember that this is just an OPINION, but if you feel the need to censor, then do your worst, mods!  Just remember that I bought this game, played it, and loved it!  But the bugs kill it!  Really, I DO love this game, and I wish that it wasn't released the way it was.

Ahhhh, SFC3, Taldren's afterthought of a product.  SFC3 is a crashing, hanging, progression breaking, and overall buggy mess of a game.  I read posts by countless users like "Why is my game crashing?  Should I reinstall?  Format Windows?  Update drivers?  etc etc etc".  This is the solution to all of your problems.  STOP PLAYING THIS GAME.  Go play a real product that is programmed competently and does not crash every 5 seconds.

The funniest thing about these people is that SOMEHOW they have been TRICKED into thinking that their machine is to blame for these problems.  IT IS NOT YOUR MACHINE.  It is the GAME!  These people are playing SFC3 w/ Windows9x/XP/2K/ME, 512 MB ram, Geforce 4's, and other uber equipment.  Others are playing with lesser machines.  THE BUGS PREVAIL, NO MATTER WHAT CONFIG THEY HAVE.  And then these poor people post on this board asking for help, and the local FANBOYS tell them to "Reinstall", Install DX9b, Install older vid card drivers, and other POINTLESS suggestions; which just send these poor suckers on another wild goose chase.  To the few of you that can play SFC3 without problems, KUDOS.  You are a lucky few.

One more thing, don't go on about the state of SFC3 being activision's fault.  Ultimately the state of the game is the responsibility of the developer, NOT THE PUBLISHER.  Also, why do you think Taldren has bounced around between different publishers for its games?  Ask the fanboys, and its because the publishers sucked.  Ask anyone that knows anything about the industry, and they will tell you that its because Taldren's PRODUCTS ARE NOT UP TO PAR.  And where has that landed them?  With a second rate publisher like Majesco.  Admit it, it's true.

In closing, my words may hurt, but they are true.

Flame on, fanboys, and Taldren, Good Luck with Black9, I PRAY that you prove me wrong with a solid demo!  



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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2003, 01:20:21 am »
Actually Interplay went out of Taldren had little choice...


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2003, 01:28:56 am »
Ahhh, I stand (somewhat) corrected on that point, but keep in mind, they are now employed by MAJESCO (bleahh).  And alas, SFC3 still crashes and locks people out of dynaverse play due to a CDKEY error, which is a BUG.  Agreed?


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2003, 01:35:30 am »
You present valid points...

SFC2 is just now getting the long awaited patch...

SFC Bennie

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2003, 02:17:47 am »

One more thing, don't go on about the state of SFC3 being activision's fault.  Ultimately the state of the game is the responsibility of the developer, NOT THE PUBLISHER.    

Absolutely incorrect. Ultimately, the buck stops at the top, and the top is the publisher, not the developer; they're the people who set the deadlines and sign the cheques. They supervise the project at all stages, which is *especially * true of Activision, who by all accounts had a much larger creative and supervisory role on the project than is normal for the industry.

Scott Bennie  


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2003, 05:19:08 am »

One more thing, don't go on about the state of SFC3 being activision's fault.

As one who has been on the inside testing SFC3 for Activision, Taldren had little to do with the state SFC3 was in when it was released. Why? Because... because... ack!  Damn NDA!

As one who is testing the most recent patch not yet made publicly available thanks to Activision, my is SFC3 a sweet game. Sure there's been and still are some bugs. But look what's under the hood. The entire SFC series has something that few games can claim, and thats longetivity due to its uniqueness, depth and replay value.

You go and play what ever you play with and we'll  still be here while you're mastering Donkey Kong.  


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2003, 08:20:01 am »
 Relatively speaking, SFC3 is not a buggy game.    


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2003, 09:56:16 am »
And I just have to say this.  While I bought the game and played it al the way through and have played it plenty online, I do prefer SFC2/OP to 3.  # is a fine game and I never had any of the problems you list.  Never once got locked out of D3 due to some CDkey error and have had relatively few bug problems or lock ups or crashes.  I do believe a lot of the problems are due to instabilities on the machine the game is running on which are brought out by the game code.  I try to keep my PC as clean as possible and rarely have all of the lock ups and crashes others seem to have.

If your solution to the problem is to quit playing then so be it.  I'm not playing it at the moment either, but will probably play it again at a later date once I get tired of Freelancer again.


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2003, 10:07:51 am »

As one who is testing the most recent patch not yet made publicly available thanks to Activision

There is a patch still coming I had forgotten after, what, 8 months. How long did it take to program the game to begin with, of course with more resources? If it is only bug fixes that is a shame They do things slower than where I work  


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2003, 10:41:04 am »
I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2003, 11:12:24 am »


As one who is testing the most recent patch not yet made publicly available thanks to Activision

There is a patch still coming I had forgotten after, what, 8 months. How long did it take to program the game to begin with, of course with more resources? If it is only bug fixes that is a shame They do things slower than where I work  

Heh. I admit there are some issues. But most developers would have washed their hands and let it stay as it is. OP is a testament to Taldrens dedication to their work, and SFC3 is receiving the same. As long as I been here and at the old forum, I've never fed a Troll. Now, can't say that anymore.

Salute to Taldren. I know the truth.  


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2003, 11:50:36 am »

As long as I been here and at the old forum, I've never fed a Troll. Now, can't say that anymore.

I hope you do not think I am just trolling. I am sorry if it came across that way. I am just frustrated, made more so since I make my living in the software industry. I would agree that Taldren has shown dedication in the past, and I do not necessarily think the delay is their fault. My beef is with whoever is the "real" decision-maker and the development process that they are imploying (seems heavy-weight). In SFC3 I see a great foundation with great potential that probably will never be realized.

FWIW, I realize my opinion means absolutely ZERO, but sometimes it just feels good to let off steam  


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2003, 01:52:47 pm »
PC133 RAM? Lucky. I have decent add-ons to my machine, but because it is alsmot 3 years old, the RAM works at PC100 even though I have 512MB of it. I have a 64MB video card, and a 700MHz Athlon. Game runs fine...except teh odd exception error...but it takes SOOO LONG to load with MODs.

Also, my new ATA133 Hard Drive is being forced to run at ATA66 speed because of motherboard limitations. I need a new motherboard....


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2003, 02:24:38 pm »

I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  

500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!


Mike H

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2003, 04:35:44 pm »
   I have visited the Taldren boards for many years.  I have seen many pointless threads in the forums.  This thread you started is one of them.

All SFC games have had bugs in them.  There is virtually no such thing as a 100% bug-free product anymore.  The complexity of modern computer games and the computer game business dictate that bugs are no longer an "if" thing, but more realistically "how many?" and "how bad".  If that is unacceptable to you as a consumer, remember that your disposable income is your strongest voice to the game companies.  If you think the product is crap, buy something else!  Read the game reviews, talk to other players.  Be a SMART gamer!  There is lots and lots of crap out there on the game shelves all around the world.  It is a very satisfying thing when you find that you got a great game for your hard-earned money.  I have yet to be dissatisfied with any of my Taldren-designed SFC games, and I think Taldren should be proud of their work and their customer relations.

 I would say few SFC bugs have been major show-stoppers.  Yes, there is a small percentage of people like you who appear to be having some compatibility issues, but you need to look at the big picture:  There are thousands of people playing SFC who aren't having these problems.  So does that mean that Taldren and their game(s) is worthless?  I think not.  Do you have absolutely ZERO problems with all other games on your system?  I would be very skeptical if you said yes to this.

Most of the squawking I have seen on these forums relate to game design choices, not bad software.  I have played computer games for about 20 years now, and as far as game developers go, I feel Taldren is above average when it comes to maintaining a dialogue with their customers (until people started getting rather nasty to them on here) and I feel they support their products reasonably well, with SFC3 being the black sheep.

I think getting in bed with Activision to make SFC3 was a poor decision on Taldren's part, but hindsight is 20-20.  I have never been impressed with Activision's handling of the Star Trek license; their anal retentive posture towards game patching and their after-the-sale customer satisfaction is a sad example of poor public relations.  If you compare the post-retail patching history of SFC1, SFC2, and SFCOP to the handling of SFC3, it is hard to point the finger at Taldren.  Heck, they just released another fine patch for Orion Pirates, a game whose shelf life has long since passed!  I appreciate that.  Compare that to the SFC3 situation:  Activision has 100% control on when and if a patch will be released.  Although Activision officially denies that a "one patch policy" exists, that indeed appears to be the case with a great many recent games they have released.  Clearly that is not only a purely profit-driven decision, but also an insult to real customer service.  Personally, I would be delighted to see Activision be relieved of the Trek license; they have been NO savior of the ST game franchise.  The down side to this, of course, is what will happen to the future of Trek games?



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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2003, 04:53:03 pm »
Just to..ummm..give you an example of not being the dev's fault but the whole thing really stops at the publisher....Galaxy Andromeda formerly known as Imperium Galactica 3. Mithis Games had almost completed the game..just a few MP codes and stability issues to plug in..CDV decided to cancel it. Nuff said.    


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2003, 05:05:03 pm »

I hope you do not think I am just trolling. I am sorry if it came across that way.

No, I didn't mean you.  

There's a difference between constructive debate and a one post attack. Instead of posting his problem and searching for help, he steps in here out of the blue and attacks without recourse. Heck, he probably just has a router problem or has something running in the background. May be something simple that someone here has experienced who could have offered him a fix. The community here is great at helping when help is asked, but he didn't ask. It would have been great to fly with him on the D3. It's a grand experience, I tell ya.  His loss.  

Okay. I'm done.  


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2003, 05:08:38 pm »


I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  

500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!


450Mhz? Gods, we'd have given anything for a 450Mhzprocessor. In my day, we played Starfleet command on a Commodore 64 my sainted father carved out of an old oak tree, and ye had to flip the bits on and off yourself. We used garden hose to connect it to our steam powered color TV.  


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2003, 05:29:18 pm »
Well it just isn't an SFC game without a post like this. (ISPEAKTHETRUTH, anyone?).

But beyond that, I have no comment on this thread one way or another... (I hope I won't fuel more flames)

SFC Bennie

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2003, 05:48:09 pm »

I just wish people wouldn't misspell "TROLLTH" as "TRUTH" so damn often. I know they have similar sounds, but the use of upper caps is a dead giveaway.

Scott Bennie  


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2003, 06:21:15 pm »
SFC3 is completely Activision's falt.  Rushing the release of a game to meet the release date of a movie hardly appears to be Taldren's style.  Activision?  Their aggressive marketing strategy says it all.  Death to Activision!  Long live Taldren!  


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2003, 07:17:30 pm »

SFC3 is completely Activision's falt.  Rushing the release of a game to meet the release date of a movie hardly appears to be Taldren's style.  Activision?  Their aggressive marketing strategy says it all.  Death to Activision!  Long live Taldren!    

Was SFC2 Activision's fault too?

Alidar Jarok

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2003, 08:30:31 pm »


SFC3 is completely Activision's falt.  Rushing the release of a game to meet the release date of a movie hardly appears to be Taldren's style.  Activision?  Their aggressive marketing strategy says it all.  Death to Activision!  Long live Taldren!    

Was SFC2 Activision's fault too?  

No that was Interplay's fault

At least SFC2 got patched a lot quicker.  I've played SFC2 (unpatched) a lot lately, and I haven't noticed a single bug (I'm sure there are some, but I haven't noticed them.  Anyone care to tell me one?)

James Formo

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2003, 11:00:48 pm »
Taldren owns in my book. They back there products up. All games have bugs. Thats because there are a gazillion possible computer hardware configuations. No game will ever be bug free cause of this. Even so I still prefer SFC2/OP. It simply has more variety with races and I like the fact that each race has a unique interface.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2003, 03:43:14 am »
shees! if i were to have listened to the fourms id of never got any of the SFC games( ive been playsing this serise sence SFC1 and i love the hole lot of em... cept the FPS ones.) now dont get me rong i do think that SFC3 has lots of bugs BUT i run an old 500mzh pIII with a nvida gforce 2 with 64megs and a hole wopping 256mgs pc133 and the games all work great. the only problem i have noticed is that SFC3 thakes lots of time to load and runs slow.... BUT i solved that by going through every model and delieting all the glow maps and vola game runs sweet! well thats my 2 cents worth


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2003, 04:28:59 am »
game runs fine for me too but i caint log onto d3, when i first bought the game i was able but now when i log on to d3 it goes threw but i dont ever see any servers this has been going on for months now .

i do think sfc3 blows chunks in my opinion compared to sfc2 and OP which i love now that they have been patched great job guys,i might as well just take my copy of sfc3 and make it a drink coaster..

« Last Edit: August 14, 2003, 04:32:20 am by Phaser »


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2003, 05:05:11 am »



I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  

500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!


450Mhz? Gods, we'd have given anything for a 450Mhzprocessor. In my day, we played Starfleet command on a Commodore 64 my sainted father carved out of an old oak tree, and ye had to flip the bits on and off yourself. We used garden hose to connect it to our steam powered color TV.  

Oh really now?  I dreamed for one of those;  In MY day we used a Turing Machine, chiseled from stone, which we had to crank ourselves using our own sweat as lubercation for the axles and a shard of lodestone for the read head.  You would wake up for the day, load a tape into the 'feeder, crank the thing for seventy-two hours, take the finished tape off the second loop and read the results.  We THEN had to create oil paintings at a rate of sixty-seven oils a second, clean the tape with our tounges, and put the tape back into the 'feeder an hour before we woke up.

But you tell young 'scuppers that these days, and they won't belive ya,

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Holocat »


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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2003, 06:00:29 am »




I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  

500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!


450Mhz? Gods, we'd have given anything for a 450Mhzprocessor. In my day, we played Starfleet command on a Commodore 64 my sainted father carved out of an old oak tree, and ye had to flip the bits on and off yourself. We used garden hose to connect it to our steam powered color TV.  

Oh really now?  I dreamed for one of those;  In MY day we used a Turing Machine, chiseled from stone, which we had to crank ourselves using our own sweat as lubercation for the axles and a shard of lodestone for the read head.  You would wake up for the day, load a tape into the 'feeder, crank the thing for seventy-two hours, take the finished tape off the second loop and read the results.  We THEN had to create oil paintings at a rate of sixty-seven oils a second, clean the tape with our tounges, and put the tape back into the 'feeder an hour before we woke up.

But you tell young 'scuppers that these days, and they won't belive ya,


I always hated the is-the-connection-hot test. Lost some darn good techies in those days.



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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2003, 06:22:21 am »
In my day we didn't have anything so new-fangled as all that.  We gathered a bunch of people up from the hills ,dressed them up like the lights in the sky, or "ships" as some called them, and gave them clubs and rocks of various sizes.  They would walk around and throw the rocks at eachother.  The big trouble was lack of "damage control" after a "critical hit", pretty much just did your "ship" in.  Sometimes it would leave your "ship" drifting aimlessly, having suffered irreparable damage to the "sensors" and "main computer".        


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2003, 07:34:30 am »
Well said



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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2003, 12:02:14 pm »




I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  

500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!


450Mhz? Gods, we'd have given anything for a 450Mhzprocessor. In my day, we played Starfleet command on a Commodore 64 my sainted father carved out of an old oak tree, and ye had to flip the bits on and off yourself. We used garden hose to connect it to our steam powered color TV.  

Oh really now?  I dreamed for one of those;  In MY day we used a Turing Machine, chiseled from stone, which we had to crank ourselves using our own sweat as lubercation for the axles and a shard of lodestone for the read head.  You would wake up for the day, load a tape into the 'feeder, crank the thing for seventy-two hours, take the finished tape off the second loop and read the results.  We THEN had to create oil paintings at a rate of sixty-seven oils a second, clean the tape with our tounges, and put the tape back into the 'feeder an hour before we woke up.

But you tell young 'scuppers that these days, and they won't belive ya,


Yeah, well I played SFB...


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2003, 12:59:01 pm »

shees! if i were to have listened to the fourms id of never got any of the SFC games( ive been playsing this serise sence SFC1 and i love the hole lot of em... cept the FPS ones.) now dont get me rong i do think that SFC3 has lots of bugs BUT i run an old 500mzh pIII with a nvida gforce 2 with 64megs and a hole wopping 256mgs pc133 and the games all work great. the only problem i have noticed is that SFC3 thakes lots of time to load and runs slow.... BUT i solved that by going through every model and delieting all the glow maps and vola game runs sweet! well thats my 2 cents worth  

I know the feeling.....I've deleted the glows of all ships in DW mod (the good thing is that now I can use the model tools with my eyes closed   ).........And then, of course, I backed up the files so I'm sure I wont have to do it again.  


Rod O'neal

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2003, 12:02:24 am »

I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  


500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!



450Mhz? Gods, we'd have given anything for a 450Mhzprocessor. In my day, we played Starfleet command on a Commodore 64 my sainted father carved out of an old oak tree, and ye had to flip the bits on and off yourself. We used garden hose to connect it to our steam powered color TV.  


Oh really now?  I dreamed for one of those;  In MY day we used a Turing Machine, chiseled from stone, which we had to crank ourselves using our own sweat as lubercation for the axles and a shard of lodestone for the read head.  You would wake up for the day, load a tape into the 'feeder, crank the thing for seventy-two hours, take the finished tape off the second loop and read the results.  We THEN had to create oil paintings at a rate of sixty-seven oils a second, clean the tape with our tounges, and put the tape back into the 'feeder an hour before we woke up.

But you tell young 'scuppers that these days, and they won't belive ya,



Yeah, well I played SFB...  

It's nice to see that everyone has turned what started out as a pretty worthless post into something more usefull  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2003, 12:14:52 am »
So I played SFC on this

You folks do remember that game, don'ch?



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #34 on: August 20, 2003, 03:16:44 pm »

Well you sure make a splash in the pool,
in your first dip don't yaa,

No matter,

Perhaps it would help,
if you listed the specific bugs/complaint that you came across eh?

I love SFC III,
but I love SFC II/OP better,

Why because in SFC II/OP one has a total of 18 starships,
in SFC III one has less,

Trade off, better graphics (e.g., planets) in SFC III,

Perhaps everything will get better in SFC IV?
Ever consider that?



This is my first post and it may get me banned, actually I expect it.  But if one person reads this, then I'll be happy.  Please remember that this is just an OPINION, but if you feel the need to censor, then do your worst, mods!  Just remember that I bought this game, played it, and loved it!  But the bugs kill it!  Really, I DO love this game, and I wish that it wasn't released the way it was.

Ahhhh, SFC3, Taldren's afterthought of a product.  SFC3 is a crashing, hanging, progression breaking, and overall buggy mess of a game.  I read posts by countless users like "Why is my game crashing?  Should I reinstall?  Format Windows?  Update drivers?  etc etc etc".  This is the solution to all of your problems.  STOP PLAYING THIS GAME.  Go play a real product that is programmed competently and does not crash every 5 seconds.

The funniest thing about these people is that SOMEHOW they have been TRICKED into thinking that their machine is to blame for these problems.  IT IS NOT YOUR MACHINE.  It is the GAME!  These people are playing SFC3 w/ Windows9x/XP/2K/ME, 512 MB ram, Geforce 4's, and other uber equipment.  Others are playing with lesser machines.  THE BUGS PREVAIL, NO MATTER WHAT CONFIG THEY HAVE.  And then these poor people post on this board asking for help, and the local FANBOYS tell them to "Reinstall", Install DX9b, Install older vid card drivers, and other POINTLESS suggestions; which just send these poor suckers on another wild goose chase.  To the few of you that can play SFC3 without problems, KUDOS.  You are a lucky few.

One more thing, don't go on about the state of SFC3 being activision's fault.  Ultimately the state of the game is the responsibility of the developer, NOT THE PUBLISHER.  Also, why do you think Taldren has bounced around between different publishers for its games?  Ask the fanboys, and its because the publishers sucked.  Ask anyone that knows anything about the industry, and they will tell you that its because Taldren's PRODUCTS ARE NOT UP TO PAR.  And where has that landed them?  With a second rate publisher like Majesco.  Admit it, it's true.

In closing, my words may hurt, but they are true.

Flame on, fanboys, and Taldren, Good Luck with Black9, I PRAY that you prove me wrong with a solid demo!  



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #35 on: August 20, 2003, 04:08:35 pm »


shees! if i were to have listened to the fourms id of never got any of the SFC games( ive been playsing this serise sence SFC1 and i love the hole lot of em... cept the FPS ones.) now dont get me rong i do think that SFC3 has lots of bugs BUT i run an old 500mzh pIII with a nvida gforce 2 with 64megs and a hole wopping 256mgs pc133 and the games all work great. the only problem i have noticed is that SFC3 thakes lots of time to load and runs slow.... BUT i solved that by going through every model and delieting all the glow maps and vola game runs sweet! well thats my 2 cents worth  

I know the feeling.....I've deleted the glows of all ships in DW mod (the good thing is that now I can use the model tools with my eyes closed   ).........And then, of course, I backed up the files so I'm sure I wont have to do it again.  


You don't need to delete the glows if you have the latest version of the DW mod, I removed the stupid looking things myself....

David Ferrell

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #36 on: August 20, 2003, 07:30:52 pm »
And I thought I had it rough!  Here's a picture of my current
debugging machine for OP:




SFC Bennie

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #37 on: August 20, 2003, 07:51:00 pm »
Now *that's* fricking cool, Dave.

Scott Bennie  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #38 on: August 20, 2003, 08:44:49 pm »

Doing SFC3 on a Genesis?


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #39 on: August 20, 2003, 10:20:39 pm »
Coleco-Vision!!!  all right, ya know how to pick your systems.  I've got three console systems, two of which were bought before Computers were a household appliance, and the third, well we got that one b/c we only had one computer at the time and we were always fighting over it.  The Three systems are, Coleco-Vision, the Nintendo Entertainment System and the N64.  Of the three systems, only the Coleco-Vision works flawlessly whenever we ask it to, the NES works only after constant shifting and praying, while the N64 is prone to randomly shutting itself off in the middle of a game.  The only problem with the CV is that we only have one operational controller, and its about to give up a ghost...i hope i can find some reliable controllers shortly, it would be a shame to give up that wonderful system.

Anyway, back on Topic...

Taldren does have its flaws, ill be the first to admit it.  Unfortunatly the entity that bears the most responsibilty for the SFC3 fiasco is Activision.  Activision set an unrealistic release date, and then forced Taldren to submit every patch they wanted to send out to their play testers, who then send it back to Taldren saying that it still hasnt fixed everything.  If anyone else was running the show, Taldren would have released 3 or 4 patches by now, and the game would be 99% playable.  The Only real problems i have with it now is it taking up excessive amount of system memory upon the launching of a shuttlecraft or the dropping of a mine.  The Neutral Zone patch took care of the shuttle craft problem by turning shuttles into PFs and giving them only to a select few ships.  though the mine issue is still a problem, its not nearly as bad as a shuttle launch.  Frankly, i wish ATVI would let the patch get released, so that Taldren can begin working on the stuff that was cut out so that SFC3 would meet the publicity deadline.  And as for ATVI filing a lawsuit against Viacom...tell me, does anyone remember seeing ANY advertisments for SFC3?  the only one i saw was actually a preview for the game inside of a computer gaming magazine.  And if I wasnt actively looking for the SFC2:EaW patch 2036 I prolly wouldnt have even known to look for that SFC3 was going to be coming out.  I dont just wander in to a local computer software store and look at the newest releases, i just get the game that i was looking for and then get out.  If ATVI knows whats good for them, they will let the patch out before the middile of next month, or they will never be able to get it out.  Half Life 2, third week of September!!!  

Dash Jones

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #40 on: August 21, 2003, 09:54:53 am »
Whoa, I didn't even know the the Jaguar possessed the specs for OP!  Doesn't it lack a 3d card!


Cool pic.  

David Ferrell

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #41 on: August 21, 2003, 12:04:25 pm »
Just to make sure everyone knows, the picture was a joke in keeping
with the others of this thread.



Captain Ron

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #42 on: August 21, 2003, 12:26:19 pm »
Too bad if it was designed for a consol at least it would work for everyone as they all would have have the same HW and firmware. Not to mention M$ would not be involved.

As for this thread...
I could have sworn that ThatGuy did this for SFC2 and OP as well. Same arguement just a few name changes. I still laugh at ppl that do this as expecting games to work prefectly on everyones hardware/software is a pipe dream. M$ OSs' have been know to not install properly 3 out of 5 times, and this to the fact that if you add HW to your system you can over-write DLLs and other important things that might not contain everything the last one had. M$ wrote a OPEN OS and anyone developing software has been known to dread this. Heck most ppl can not even read and understand the specs posted on the outside of the box, so big surprise here when it doesn't work.

I could go on but why?
Oh, here is one for you when was the last time you patched your OS?
If you haven't been doing that then you will have all sorts of troubles!

Dash Jones

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #43 on: August 21, 2003, 01:29:07 pm »

Just to make sure everyone knows, the picture was a joke in keeping
with the others of this thread.



You were?

It seems to work great on the Sega Genesis I've tried it on...just had to make a few...ah...modifications...But works great...yeah...really...

Now if I could just figure out how to stop having my constitution class heavy cruiser stop looking like Sonic running around in the wilderness...oh least the small critters moving back and forth slowly are all Roms...wait a sec...I play Rom...


Of course I'm joking around too


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #44 on: August 21, 2003, 03:12:13 pm »
Well !

I've got ya all beat!

I recompiled the entire code into B.A.S.I.C. and machine language subroutines that run on my VIC 20 !!!

Well, I will admit, you have to have that smokin' 12 K expander cartridge to get the compiler to run, but hey!

I'd let ya'll know how it looked, but it's still compiling.

(Three hours later)

Still compiling.......

(three days later)


(three weeks later)

still........compiling.....wait , what's that smoke?



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #45 on: August 21, 2003, 03:37:23 pm »

And I thought I had it rough!  Here's a picture of my current
debugging machine for OP:




A-ha!  No wonder about the cloak/speed bug in .12! can you be expected to catch stuff like that on a Jaguar system!  Sega Genesis, at LEAST!  I have one of those laying around, if you think it will help...



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #46 on: August 21, 2003, 03:42:14 pm »
Be sure and compile a 51/2" floppy for me too Frey!

I need it for my C64.



David Ferrell

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #47 on: August 21, 2003, 04:46:53 pm »

A-ha!  No wonder about the cloak/speed bug in .12! can you be expected to catch stuff like that on a Jaguar system!  Sega Genesis, at LEAST!  I have one of those laying around, if you think it will help...

Dude the Jaguar came out just before the Saturn and it sooo better then the Saturn.  Jaguar rulez!




  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #48 on: August 21, 2003, 04:49:08 pm »



shees! if i were to have listened to the fourms id of never got any of the SFC games( ive been playsing this serise sence SFC1 and i love the hole lot of em... cept the FPS ones.) now dont get me rong i do think that SFC3 has lots of bugs BUT i run an old 500mzh pIII with a nvida gforce 2 with 64megs and a hole wopping 256mgs pc133 and the games all work great. the only problem i have noticed is that SFC3 thakes lots of time to load and runs slow.... BUT i solved that by going through every model and delieting all the glow maps and vola game runs sweet! well thats my 2 cents worth  

I know the feeling.....I've deleted the glows of all ships in DW mod (the good thing is that now I can use the model tools with my eyes closed   ).........And then, of course, I backed up the files so I'm sure I wont have to do it again.  


You don't need to delete the glows if you have the latest version of the DW mod, I removed the stupid looking things myself....  

Yes, I have the 4 files+patch version.
It seems that the 1 file is worth download. Excelent mod by the way   , and very difficult too. I can't remmember how many times I got blow.



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #49 on: August 21, 2003, 04:53:17 pm »


Be sure and compile a 51/2" floppy for me too Frey!

I need it for my C64.



Would you be using a 1541 or a 1571 Disk Drive?  

Wow, I'm impressed. 1571 of course. bought the whole system for $199 at Toys-R-Us way back in...well, let's just say it was some years ago.  


James Formo

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #50 on: August 21, 2003, 05:27:28 pm »
You don't need to delete the glows if you have the latest version of the DW mod, I removed the stupid looking things myself....  

I like the glows. Just started modding for SFC3.  Glows can be good.  They just need to be scaled down so they don't show thru the hulls and stuff.

Hey Pelican. I got your 5 pack of missions from SFC3. Big    There fantastic. I'd get your whole mod only my 56k is a deterrant     Have you got missions in your big mod that are not in that 5 pack? If so could you do up just a mission pack for us 56k ers     I 'd like to see a seperate small download with just your spec files and 9 race map as well. As I could add in my own ships or just fill in with some stock ones.

Back to SFC3 topic.  Try comparing SFC3 to SFC2/OP out of the box.  SFC3 will just get better and better cause of all the modders.  Anyways I like SFC3.  It looks way better than SFC2.  You can't really tell by screenshots either. The ships just look so much clearer. It runs perfect on my 800 mhz AMD with only 128 mb RAM.  ViperII card.  Only thing is sometimes the background scenery doesn't render.  I was able to modify the scenery models so that it works with my vid card.  

Like I said performance in game is flawless. Only thing is at the supply/refit/mission screen it putters and hangs. OP use to do that. I just installed OP latest patch and that is fixed.  I believe that SFC3 will get patched and one day be thought of as 1 of the best of the series.

A lot of what I read people whining about SFC3 in the forum just isn't true. Some said the ships banked too much.  Only the frigates bank a lot.  Get up to a DN and it will barely turn at all    

Really only 1 thing I say needs improvement. The AI just doesn't seem too bright. In its use of where it cloaks and uncloaks. Even its HET  and mine laying manuevers seem pointless.  SFC2/OP AI is much better- but that was thru a few patches.  I mean,  I took out a warbird without a scratch in a Norway aided by a Intrepid.  The only solution the AI has to even it up is outnumber your destroyer with 2 CA's and a CL.  Then its pointless to stick around.  


James Formo

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #51 on: August 21, 2003, 09:50:19 pm »
Another point on the glows as I just found how to make mine more realistic.  Most people have the alpha on there glows at the default 255 or so. THis is ok for buzzards but for long areas like the length of a nacel.  Set the alpha at 55. This will diffuse it so you don't get that bright round ball look. You can actually increase the scale of the glows and lower the alpha and they look better.  I hav't found how to adjust the alpha in the modtools yet so I just make note of which groups I need to lower and open the gf in word and edit it there.  There thats my 2 cents or is it a nickel. I fully understand though, if you get rid of them so the game runs better for ya  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #52 on: August 22, 2003, 03:04:47 pm »

Be sure and compile a 51/2" floppy for me too Frey!

I need it for my C64.



Would you be using a 1541 or a 1571 Disk Drive?  

Look, man, I've got 3 1541's and a 1571 daisy chained.

But of course, I still use my TAPE DRIVE for loading programs.




  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #53 on: August 22, 2003, 03:47:30 pm »
Damn..I remember my big arsed floppy drive on my Atari 800....and that infernal tape drive.  Let's see...the command to load a proggie from tape was...

"CLOAD"   ...and after 10-15 minutes, you'ld be rewarded with something like "program load failed."

...and there was nothing like "dubbing" tapes to swap programs.  That seems kinda funny in retrospect.  Needless to say, I didn't use my tape drive much.  

Everyone remember buying disks and using a hole punch to cut out a notch on the other side of the floppy so you could flip it over and double its capacity?  heheh...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #54 on: August 22, 2003, 04:44:25 pm »



Be sure and compile a 51/2" floppy for me too Frey!

I need it for my C64.



Would you be using a 1541 or a 1571 Disk Drive?  

Look, man, I've got 3 1541's and a 1571 daisy chained.

But of course, I still use my TAPE DRIVE for loading programs.



As toasty mentioned above, It's almost scary that we can remember those things.

Hehe My first was an atari 2600, and then my next was the c64, Eventually I got the C128, then an Amiga, etc.

Still have my Odyssey 2, used only once in It's original box.  

I still have my old Adam 8086 with a whopping 32K memory (counting the 24K expansion card), no floppies at all, just a cassette deck and a cartridge trey with a switch button..... now that was a machine !!!!! (NOT)


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2003, 05:23:12 pm »




Be sure and compile a 51/2" floppy for me too Frey!

I need it for my C64.



Would you be using a 1541 or a 1571 Disk Drive?  

Look, man, I've got 3 1541's and a 1571 daisy chained.

But of course, I still use my TAPE DRIVE for loading programs.



As toasty mentioned above, It's almost scary that we can remember those things.

Hehe My first was an atari 2600, and then my next was the c64, Eventually I got the C128, then an Amiga, etc.

Still have my Odyssey 2, used only once in It's original box.  

I still have my old Adam 8086 with a whopping 32K memory (counting the 24K expansion card), no floppies at all, just a cassette deck and a cartridge trey with a switch button..... now that was a machine !!!!! (NOT)

Apple IIc...


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2003, 06:19:50 pm »
43,362,810 more of these puppies and I'll be rockin'.  There is no screen, but I can kind of get a print out of what is happening.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Green »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2003, 06:38:14 pm »

43,362,810 more of these puppies and I'll be rockin'.  There is no screen, but I can kind of get a print out of what is happening.


For some reason it always comes to this:

I played SFB...

B5er wanna be

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2003, 10:10:22 pm »

43,362,810 more of these puppies and I'll be rockin'.  There is no screen, but I can kind of get a print out of what is happening.


Does that come with Firesouls updated 3.0 shiplist?  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2003, 11:03:09 pm »
Ah, crud ... I forgot about 3.0+.  Make that 73,362,810 more of these damn cards to go through ... but don't expect the models to be in there.  We'd have to cut down the entire Northwest to get enough cards.  As for Bonk's SFB mod w/ models ... no.


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #60 on: August 23, 2003, 01:20:08 am »
The original post was right on!  As I type this,  (on my other cumputer)  The game crashed to desktop, and now the Dynacrap will not recognize my account so I can relogin, and if I try to open a new one it will not connect to that server either.

If you really think this game is not a nightmare and really belive it is a a good solid game for the money, then your just plain ignorant!!!

Oh yea and before you all think I called you all stupid look up the word ignorant.

Ps if you needed to look up the word ignorant your stupid.


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #61 on: August 23, 2003, 04:40:09 am »

The original post was right on!  As I type this,  (on my other cumputer)  The game crashed to desktop, and now the Dynacrap will not recognize my account so I can relogin, and if I try to open a new one it will not connect to that server either.

If you really think this game is not a nightmare and really belive it is a a good solid game for the money, then your just plain ignorant!!!

Oh yea and before you all think I called you all stupid look up the word ignorant.

Ps if you needed to look up the word ignorant your stupid.  

Ignorant is not knowing the difference between "your" and the contraction "you're" for your are.

I have performed a thorough analysis of your CTD problem and after conferring with other experts in the field we have come to a consensus about your difficulties. We conclude that the internet Gods think your jerky attitude should be punished. Until you change your attitude you will continue to CTD. My collaborators and I hope this constant crash-to-desktop collocation of your face with your keyboard does not leave any lasting damage to either your mental stability or physical appearence.  
« Last Edit: August 23, 2003, 04:44:22 am by Flasheyes »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #62 on: August 23, 2003, 08:11:51 am »


The original post was right on!  As I type this,  (on my other cumputer)  The game crashed to desktop, and now the Dynacrap will not recognize my account so I can relogin, and if I try to open a new one it will not connect to that server either.

If you really think this game is not a nightmare and really belive it is a a good solid game for the money, then your just plain ignorant!!!

Oh yea and before you all think I called you all stupid look up the word ignorant.

Ps if you needed to look up the word ignorant your stupid.  

Ignorant is not knowing the difference between "your" and the contraction "you're" for your are.

I have performed a thorough analysis of your CTD problem and after conferring with other experts in the field we have come to a consensus about your difficulties. We conclude that the internet Gods think your jerky attitude should be punished. Until you change your attitude you will continue to CTD. My collaborators and I hope this constant crash-to-desktop collocation of your face with your keyboard does not leave any lasting damage to either your mental stability or physical appearence.  

And of course the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death):


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #63 on: August 23, 2003, 05:37:11 pm »

"Ignorant is not knowing the difference between "your" and the contraction "you're" for your are. "

   Ah when we are miffed and can not think up better ways to attack, then we resort to personal attacks on grammer and spelling....  Your superior intelligence and wit, have once again won the day for you.

   Now I have seen the way of my folley and will be nice so Talderns game work better.  Why didn't you just say so from the start.   Taldren should put this in the manuals.

It should be in the technical help section:

1. If you have any problem with our game just be nice, and it will soon run smoothly without error!  Thanks your for your money!


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #64 on: August 23, 2003, 06:02:55 pm »

"Ignorant is not knowing the difference between "your" and the contraction "you're" for your are. "

   Ah when we are miffed and can not think up better ways to attack, then we resort to personal attacks on grammer and spelling....  Your superior intelligence and wit, have once again won the day for you.

   Now I have seen the way of my folley and will be nice so Talderns game work better.  Why didn't you just say so from the start.   Taldren should put this in the manuals.

It should be in the technical help section:

1. If you have any problem with our game just be nice, and it will soon run smoothly without error!  Thanks your for your money!


Just wondering who you think you are trying to turn a hijacked thread back on topic....

Damn, wish my screen came up like this when I have a crash.  

The New Guy

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #65 on: August 30, 2003, 10:13:05 am »
honestly, I didn't read through all the posts (though I took a long look to read the blue screen of death  ) and on the original topic, my version is un patched,,, no patch at all, and i've had no problems to speak of, except for two crashes, one caused by MY editing of the shiplist, and the other during the klingon mission wit hthe rakellian freighters,,, but I've got around both. I'd have to say SFC3 is a pretty good friggen game, and the only thing I didn't like, was the loss of Missles, and some of the races. and ya know, I still believe, if you tried hard enough you could put missles back in,,,, i've seen alot of stufff in the strings and stufff,,, just a thought.

can't remember much of my first computer,,,, except it had a 6 meg hard drive,,, and I played Wolfenstein 3D, and Doom on it,,, and a little game called Syndicate,,, anyone else heard of that?  

Dark Jedi

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #66 on: September 02, 2003, 01:22:57 am »

I'd have to say SFC3 is a pretty good friggen game

SFC3 is a game with a very good concept and a extremely poor implementation.

I sincerely hope that we WILL get this elusive patch and that it will fix most of the NUMEROUS problems and omissions and most of all that they address the SINGLE PLAYER campaing mode issues as well and not just focus on the multiplayer usability.


I still believe if you tried hard enough you could put missles back in,,,, i've seen alot of stufff in the strings and stufff,,, just a thought.

The weapons are hard coded unfortunately so there is NO WAY of geting back the diversity that SFC 2 had unless Taldren or someone with access to the source does it.  


  • Guest
The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #67 on: August 13, 2003, 01:14:36 am »
This is my first post and it may get me banned, actually I expect it.  But if one person reads this, then I'll be happy.  Please remember that this is just an OPINION, but if you feel the need to censor, then do your worst, mods!  Just remember that I bought this game, played it, and loved it!  But the bugs kill it!  Really, I DO love this game, and I wish that it wasn't released the way it was.

Ahhhh, SFC3, Taldren's afterthought of a product.  SFC3 is a crashing, hanging, progression breaking, and overall buggy mess of a game.  I read posts by countless users like "Why is my game crashing?  Should I reinstall?  Format Windows?  Update drivers?  etc etc etc".  This is the solution to all of your problems.  STOP PLAYING THIS GAME.  Go play a real product that is programmed competently and does not crash every 5 seconds.

The funniest thing about these people is that SOMEHOW they have been TRICKED into thinking that their machine is to blame for these problems.  IT IS NOT YOUR MACHINE.  It is the GAME!  These people are playing SFC3 w/ Windows9x/XP/2K/ME, 512 MB ram, Geforce 4's, and other uber equipment.  Others are playing with lesser machines.  THE BUGS PREVAIL, NO MATTER WHAT CONFIG THEY HAVE.  And then these poor people post on this board asking for help, and the local FANBOYS tell them to "Reinstall", Install DX9b, Install older vid card drivers, and other POINTLESS suggestions; which just send these poor suckers on another wild goose chase.  To the few of you that can play SFC3 without problems, KUDOS.  You are a lucky few.

One more thing, don't go on about the state of SFC3 being activision's fault.  Ultimately the state of the game is the responsibility of the developer, NOT THE PUBLISHER.  Also, why do you think Taldren has bounced around between different publishers for its games?  Ask the fanboys, and its because the publishers sucked.  Ask anyone that knows anything about the industry, and they will tell you that its because Taldren's PRODUCTS ARE NOT UP TO PAR.  And where has that landed them?  With a second rate publisher like Majesco.  Admit it, it's true.

In closing, my words may hurt, but they are true.

Flame on, fanboys, and Taldren, Good Luck with Black9, I PRAY that you prove me wrong with a solid demo!  



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #68 on: August 13, 2003, 01:20:21 am »
Actually Interplay went out of Taldren had little choice...


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #69 on: August 13, 2003, 01:28:56 am »
Ahhh, I stand (somewhat) corrected on that point, but keep in mind, they are now employed by MAJESCO (bleahh).  And alas, SFC3 still crashes and locks people out of dynaverse play due to a CDKEY error, which is a BUG.  Agreed?


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #70 on: August 13, 2003, 01:35:30 am »
You present valid points...

SFC2 is just now getting the long awaited patch...

SFC Bennie

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #71 on: August 13, 2003, 02:17:47 am »

One more thing, don't go on about the state of SFC3 being activision's fault.  Ultimately the state of the game is the responsibility of the developer, NOT THE PUBLISHER.    

Absolutely incorrect. Ultimately, the buck stops at the top, and the top is the publisher, not the developer; they're the people who set the deadlines and sign the cheques. They supervise the project at all stages, which is *especially * true of Activision, who by all accounts had a much larger creative and supervisory role on the project than is normal for the industry.

Scott Bennie  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #72 on: August 13, 2003, 05:19:08 am »

One more thing, don't go on about the state of SFC3 being activision's fault.

As one who has been on the inside testing SFC3 for Activision, Taldren had little to do with the state SFC3 was in when it was released. Why? Because... because... ack!  Damn NDA!

As one who is testing the most recent patch not yet made publicly available thanks to Activision, my is SFC3 a sweet game. Sure there's been and still are some bugs. But look what's under the hood. The entire SFC series has something that few games can claim, and thats longetivity due to its uniqueness, depth and replay value.

You go and play what ever you play with and we'll  still be here while you're mastering Donkey Kong.  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #73 on: August 13, 2003, 08:20:01 am »
 Relatively speaking, SFC3 is not a buggy game.    


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #74 on: August 13, 2003, 09:56:16 am »
And I just have to say this.  While I bought the game and played it al the way through and have played it plenty online, I do prefer SFC2/OP to 3.  # is a fine game and I never had any of the problems you list.  Never once got locked out of D3 due to some CDkey error and have had relatively few bug problems or lock ups or crashes.  I do believe a lot of the problems are due to instabilities on the machine the game is running on which are brought out by the game code.  I try to keep my PC as clean as possible and rarely have all of the lock ups and crashes others seem to have.

If your solution to the problem is to quit playing then so be it.  I'm not playing it at the moment either, but will probably play it again at a later date once I get tired of Freelancer again.


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #75 on: August 13, 2003, 10:07:51 am »

As one who is testing the most recent patch not yet made publicly available thanks to Activision

There is a patch still coming I had forgotten after, what, 8 months. How long did it take to program the game to begin with, of course with more resources? If it is only bug fixes that is a shame They do things slower than where I work  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #76 on: August 13, 2003, 10:41:04 am »
I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #77 on: August 13, 2003, 11:12:24 am »


As one who is testing the most recent patch not yet made publicly available thanks to Activision

There is a patch still coming I had forgotten after, what, 8 months. How long did it take to program the game to begin with, of course with more resources? If it is only bug fixes that is a shame They do things slower than where I work  

Heh. I admit there are some issues. But most developers would have washed their hands and let it stay as it is. OP is a testament to Taldrens dedication to their work, and SFC3 is receiving the same. As long as I been here and at the old forum, I've never fed a Troll. Now, can't say that anymore.

Salute to Taldren. I know the truth.  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #78 on: August 13, 2003, 11:50:36 am »

As long as I been here and at the old forum, I've never fed a Troll. Now, can't say that anymore.

I hope you do not think I am just trolling. I am sorry if it came across that way. I am just frustrated, made more so since I make my living in the software industry. I would agree that Taldren has shown dedication in the past, and I do not necessarily think the delay is their fault. My beef is with whoever is the "real" decision-maker and the development process that they are imploying (seems heavy-weight). In SFC3 I see a great foundation with great potential that probably will never be realized.

FWIW, I realize my opinion means absolutely ZERO, but sometimes it just feels good to let off steam  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #79 on: August 13, 2003, 01:52:47 pm »
PC133 RAM? Lucky. I have decent add-ons to my machine, but because it is alsmot 3 years old, the RAM works at PC100 even though I have 512MB of it. I have a 64MB video card, and a 700MHz Athlon. Game runs fine...except teh odd exception error...but it takes SOOO LONG to load with MODs.

Also, my new ATA133 Hard Drive is being forced to run at ATA66 speed because of motherboard limitations. I need a new motherboard....


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #80 on: August 13, 2003, 02:24:38 pm »

I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  

500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!


Mike H

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #81 on: August 13, 2003, 04:35:44 pm »
   I have visited the Taldren boards for many years.  I have seen many pointless threads in the forums.  This thread you started is one of them.

All SFC games have had bugs in them.  There is virtually no such thing as a 100% bug-free product anymore.  The complexity of modern computer games and the computer game business dictate that bugs are no longer an "if" thing, but more realistically "how many?" and "how bad".  If that is unacceptable to you as a consumer, remember that your disposable income is your strongest voice to the game companies.  If you think the product is crap, buy something else!  Read the game reviews, talk to other players.  Be a SMART gamer!  There is lots and lots of crap out there on the game shelves all around the world.  It is a very satisfying thing when you find that you got a great game for your hard-earned money.  I have yet to be dissatisfied with any of my Taldren-designed SFC games, and I think Taldren should be proud of their work and their customer relations.

 I would say few SFC bugs have been major show-stoppers.  Yes, there is a small percentage of people like you who appear to be having some compatibility issues, but you need to look at the big picture:  There are thousands of people playing SFC who aren't having these problems.  So does that mean that Taldren and their game(s) is worthless?  I think not.  Do you have absolutely ZERO problems with all other games on your system?  I would be very skeptical if you said yes to this.

Most of the squawking I have seen on these forums relate to game design choices, not bad software.  I have played computer games for about 20 years now, and as far as game developers go, I feel Taldren is above average when it comes to maintaining a dialogue with their customers (until people started getting rather nasty to them on here) and I feel they support their products reasonably well, with SFC3 being the black sheep.

I think getting in bed with Activision to make SFC3 was a poor decision on Taldren's part, but hindsight is 20-20.  I have never been impressed with Activision's handling of the Star Trek license; their anal retentive posture towards game patching and their after-the-sale customer satisfaction is a sad example of poor public relations.  If you compare the post-retail patching history of SFC1, SFC2, and SFCOP to the handling of SFC3, it is hard to point the finger at Taldren.  Heck, they just released another fine patch for Orion Pirates, a game whose shelf life has long since passed!  I appreciate that.  Compare that to the SFC3 situation:  Activision has 100% control on when and if a patch will be released.  Although Activision officially denies that a "one patch policy" exists, that indeed appears to be the case with a great many recent games they have released.  Clearly that is not only a purely profit-driven decision, but also an insult to real customer service.  Personally, I would be delighted to see Activision be relieved of the Trek license; they have been NO savior of the ST game franchise.  The down side to this, of course, is what will happen to the future of Trek games?



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #82 on: August 13, 2003, 04:53:03 pm »
Just to..ummm..give you an example of not being the dev's fault but the whole thing really stops at the publisher....Galaxy Andromeda formerly known as Imperium Galactica 3. Mithis Games had almost completed the game..just a few MP codes and stability issues to plug in..CDV decided to cancel it. Nuff said.    


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #83 on: August 13, 2003, 05:05:03 pm »

I hope you do not think I am just trolling. I am sorry if it came across that way.

No, I didn't mean you.  

There's a difference between constructive debate and a one post attack. Instead of posting his problem and searching for help, he steps in here out of the blue and attacks without recourse. Heck, he probably just has a router problem or has something running in the background. May be something simple that someone here has experienced who could have offered him a fix. The community here is great at helping when help is asked, but he didn't ask. It would have been great to fly with him on the D3. It's a grand experience, I tell ya.  His loss.  

Okay. I'm done.  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #84 on: August 13, 2003, 05:08:38 pm »


I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  

500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!


450Mhz? Gods, we'd have given anything for a 450Mhzprocessor. In my day, we played Starfleet command on a Commodore 64 my sainted father carved out of an old oak tree, and ye had to flip the bits on and off yourself. We used garden hose to connect it to our steam powered color TV.  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #85 on: August 13, 2003, 05:29:18 pm »
Well it just isn't an SFC game without a post like this. (ISPEAKTHETRUTH, anyone?).

But beyond that, I have no comment on this thread one way or another... (I hope I won't fuel more flames)

SFC Bennie

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #86 on: August 13, 2003, 05:48:09 pm »

I just wish people wouldn't misspell "TROLLTH" as "TRUTH" so damn often. I know they have similar sounds, but the use of upper caps is a dead giveaway.

Scott Bennie  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #87 on: August 13, 2003, 06:21:15 pm »
SFC3 is completely Activision's falt.  Rushing the release of a game to meet the release date of a movie hardly appears to be Taldren's style.  Activision?  Their aggressive marketing strategy says it all.  Death to Activision!  Long live Taldren!  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #88 on: August 13, 2003, 07:17:30 pm »

SFC3 is completely Activision's falt.  Rushing the release of a game to meet the release date of a movie hardly appears to be Taldren's style.  Activision?  Their aggressive marketing strategy says it all.  Death to Activision!  Long live Taldren!    

Was SFC2 Activision's fault too?

Alidar Jarok

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #89 on: August 13, 2003, 08:30:31 pm »


SFC3 is completely Activision's falt.  Rushing the release of a game to meet the release date of a movie hardly appears to be Taldren's style.  Activision?  Their aggressive marketing strategy says it all.  Death to Activision!  Long live Taldren!    

Was SFC2 Activision's fault too?  

No that was Interplay's fault

At least SFC2 got patched a lot quicker.  I've played SFC2 (unpatched) a lot lately, and I haven't noticed a single bug (I'm sure there are some, but I haven't noticed them.  Anyone care to tell me one?)

James Formo

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #90 on: August 13, 2003, 11:00:48 pm »
Taldren owns in my book. They back there products up. All games have bugs. Thats because there are a gazillion possible computer hardware configuations. No game will ever be bug free cause of this. Even so I still prefer SFC2/OP. It simply has more variety with races and I like the fact that each race has a unique interface.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #91 on: August 14, 2003, 03:43:14 am »
shees! if i were to have listened to the fourms id of never got any of the SFC games( ive been playsing this serise sence SFC1 and i love the hole lot of em... cept the FPS ones.) now dont get me rong i do think that SFC3 has lots of bugs BUT i run an old 500mzh pIII with a nvida gforce 2 with 64megs and a hole wopping 256mgs pc133 and the games all work great. the only problem i have noticed is that SFC3 thakes lots of time to load and runs slow.... BUT i solved that by going through every model and delieting all the glow maps and vola game runs sweet! well thats my 2 cents worth


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #92 on: August 14, 2003, 04:28:59 am »
game runs fine for me too but i caint log onto d3, when i first bought the game i was able but now when i log on to d3 it goes threw but i dont ever see any servers this has been going on for months now .

i do think sfc3 blows chunks in my opinion compared to sfc2 and OP which i love now that they have been patched great job guys,i might as well just take my copy of sfc3 and make it a drink coaster..

« Last Edit: August 14, 2003, 04:32:20 am by Phaser »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #93 on: August 14, 2003, 05:05:11 am »



I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  

500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!


450Mhz? Gods, we'd have given anything for a 450Mhzprocessor. In my day, we played Starfleet command on a Commodore 64 my sainted father carved out of an old oak tree, and ye had to flip the bits on and off yourself. We used garden hose to connect it to our steam powered color TV.  

Oh really now?  I dreamed for one of those;  In MY day we used a Turing Machine, chiseled from stone, which we had to crank ourselves using our own sweat as lubercation for the axles and a shard of lodestone for the read head.  You would wake up for the day, load a tape into the 'feeder, crank the thing for seventy-two hours, take the finished tape off the second loop and read the results.  We THEN had to create oil paintings at a rate of sixty-seven oils a second, clean the tape with our tounges, and put the tape back into the 'feeder an hour before we woke up.

But you tell young 'scuppers that these days, and they won't belive ya,

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Holocat »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #94 on: August 14, 2003, 06:00:29 am »




I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  

500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!


450Mhz? Gods, we'd have given anything for a 450Mhzprocessor. In my day, we played Starfleet command on a Commodore 64 my sainted father carved out of an old oak tree, and ye had to flip the bits on and off yourself. We used garden hose to connect it to our steam powered color TV.  

Oh really now?  I dreamed for one of those;  In MY day we used a Turing Machine, chiseled from stone, which we had to crank ourselves using our own sweat as lubercation for the axles and a shard of lodestone for the read head.  You would wake up for the day, load a tape into the 'feeder, crank the thing for seventy-two hours, take the finished tape off the second loop and read the results.  We THEN had to create oil paintings at a rate of sixty-seven oils a second, clean the tape with our tounges, and put the tape back into the 'feeder an hour before we woke up.

But you tell young 'scuppers that these days, and they won't belive ya,


I always hated the is-the-connection-hot test. Lost some darn good techies in those days.



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #95 on: August 14, 2003, 06:22:21 am »
In my day we didn't have anything so new-fangled as all that.  We gathered a bunch of people up from the hills ,dressed them up like the lights in the sky, or "ships" as some called them, and gave them clubs and rocks of various sizes.  They would walk around and throw the rocks at eachother.  The big trouble was lack of "damage control" after a "critical hit", pretty much just did your "ship" in.  Sometimes it would leave your "ship" drifting aimlessly, having suffered irreparable damage to the "sensors" and "main computer".        


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #96 on: August 14, 2003, 07:34:30 am »
Well said



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #97 on: August 14, 2003, 12:02:14 pm »




I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  

500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!


450Mhz? Gods, we'd have given anything for a 450Mhzprocessor. In my day, we played Starfleet command on a Commodore 64 my sainted father carved out of an old oak tree, and ye had to flip the bits on and off yourself. We used garden hose to connect it to our steam powered color TV.  

Oh really now?  I dreamed for one of those;  In MY day we used a Turing Machine, chiseled from stone, which we had to crank ourselves using our own sweat as lubercation for the axles and a shard of lodestone for the read head.  You would wake up for the day, load a tape into the 'feeder, crank the thing for seventy-two hours, take the finished tape off the second loop and read the results.  We THEN had to create oil paintings at a rate of sixty-seven oils a second, clean the tape with our tounges, and put the tape back into the 'feeder an hour before we woke up.

But you tell young 'scuppers that these days, and they won't belive ya,


Yeah, well I played SFB...


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #98 on: August 14, 2003, 12:59:01 pm »

shees! if i were to have listened to the fourms id of never got any of the SFC games( ive been playsing this serise sence SFC1 and i love the hole lot of em... cept the FPS ones.) now dont get me rong i do think that SFC3 has lots of bugs BUT i run an old 500mzh pIII with a nvida gforce 2 with 64megs and a hole wopping 256mgs pc133 and the games all work great. the only problem i have noticed is that SFC3 thakes lots of time to load and runs slow.... BUT i solved that by going through every model and delieting all the glow maps and vola game runs sweet! well thats my 2 cents worth  

I know the feeling.....I've deleted the glows of all ships in DW mod (the good thing is that now I can use the model tools with my eyes closed   ).........And then, of course, I backed up the files so I'm sure I wont have to do it again.  


Rod O'neal

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #99 on: August 16, 2003, 12:02:24 am »

I have the most piece of crap machine possible.   500 mhz PIII, 256mb ram (and that's only P133 speed ram, hehe), Rage Xpert128 graphics card with only 16 mb and I never had any of these problems described above.  I dont even think I meet the minimum requirements for the game.  I just had to turn down all the graphic sliders and take out all the sparkly stuff and the game was perfectly playable.  So yes, it is your system.  I suggest you see how much space you have on your hard drive.  You should have soemthing like 700 megs clear on it to run correctly in my experience.  


500MHz....You are lucky, Lepton.  
I've tried SFC3 with a PIII 450Mhz and it runs good too.

And to ThatGuy, please tell me which is the BEST star Trek Game. And don't tell me EF, I mean a real Star Trek game not a FPS.
If you stopped complaining for everything, you would realise that SFC is one of the best Star Trek games and there is not such a free-bug game.
Have fun and stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!



450Mhz? Gods, we'd have given anything for a 450Mhzprocessor. In my day, we played Starfleet command on a Commodore 64 my sainted father carved out of an old oak tree, and ye had to flip the bits on and off yourself. We used garden hose to connect it to our steam powered color TV.  


Oh really now?  I dreamed for one of those;  In MY day we used a Turing Machine, chiseled from stone, which we had to crank ourselves using our own sweat as lubercation for the axles and a shard of lodestone for the read head.  You would wake up for the day, load a tape into the 'feeder, crank the thing for seventy-two hours, take the finished tape off the second loop and read the results.  We THEN had to create oil paintings at a rate of sixty-seven oils a second, clean the tape with our tounges, and put the tape back into the 'feeder an hour before we woke up.

But you tell young 'scuppers that these days, and they won't belive ya,



Yeah, well I played SFB...  

It's nice to see that everyone has turned what started out as a pretty worthless post into something more usefull  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #100 on: August 16, 2003, 12:14:52 am »
So I played SFC on this

You folks do remember that game, don'ch?



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #101 on: August 20, 2003, 03:16:44 pm »

Well you sure make a splash in the pool,
in your first dip don't yaa,

No matter,

Perhaps it would help,
if you listed the specific bugs/complaint that you came across eh?

I love SFC III,
but I love SFC II/OP better,

Why because in SFC II/OP one has a total of 18 starships,
in SFC III one has less,

Trade off, better graphics (e.g., planets) in SFC III,

Perhaps everything will get better in SFC IV?
Ever consider that?



This is my first post and it may get me banned, actually I expect it.  But if one person reads this, then I'll be happy.  Please remember that this is just an OPINION, but if you feel the need to censor, then do your worst, mods!  Just remember that I bought this game, played it, and loved it!  But the bugs kill it!  Really, I DO love this game, and I wish that it wasn't released the way it was.

Ahhhh, SFC3, Taldren's afterthought of a product.  SFC3 is a crashing, hanging, progression breaking, and overall buggy mess of a game.  I read posts by countless users like "Why is my game crashing?  Should I reinstall?  Format Windows?  Update drivers?  etc etc etc".  This is the solution to all of your problems.  STOP PLAYING THIS GAME.  Go play a real product that is programmed competently and does not crash every 5 seconds.

The funniest thing about these people is that SOMEHOW they have been TRICKED into thinking that their machine is to blame for these problems.  IT IS NOT YOUR MACHINE.  It is the GAME!  These people are playing SFC3 w/ Windows9x/XP/2K/ME, 512 MB ram, Geforce 4's, and other uber equipment.  Others are playing with lesser machines.  THE BUGS PREVAIL, NO MATTER WHAT CONFIG THEY HAVE.  And then these poor people post on this board asking for help, and the local FANBOYS tell them to "Reinstall", Install DX9b, Install older vid card drivers, and other POINTLESS suggestions; which just send these poor suckers on another wild goose chase.  To the few of you that can play SFC3 without problems, KUDOS.  You are a lucky few.

One more thing, don't go on about the state of SFC3 being activision's fault.  Ultimately the state of the game is the responsibility of the developer, NOT THE PUBLISHER.  Also, why do you think Taldren has bounced around between different publishers for its games?  Ask the fanboys, and its because the publishers sucked.  Ask anyone that knows anything about the industry, and they will tell you that its because Taldren's PRODUCTS ARE NOT UP TO PAR.  And where has that landed them?  With a second rate publisher like Majesco.  Admit it, it's true.

In closing, my words may hurt, but they are true.

Flame on, fanboys, and Taldren, Good Luck with Black9, I PRAY that you prove me wrong with a solid demo!  



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #102 on: August 20, 2003, 04:08:35 pm »


shees! if i were to have listened to the fourms id of never got any of the SFC games( ive been playsing this serise sence SFC1 and i love the hole lot of em... cept the FPS ones.) now dont get me rong i do think that SFC3 has lots of bugs BUT i run an old 500mzh pIII with a nvida gforce 2 with 64megs and a hole wopping 256mgs pc133 and the games all work great. the only problem i have noticed is that SFC3 thakes lots of time to load and runs slow.... BUT i solved that by going through every model and delieting all the glow maps and vola game runs sweet! well thats my 2 cents worth  

I know the feeling.....I've deleted the glows of all ships in DW mod (the good thing is that now I can use the model tools with my eyes closed   ).........And then, of course, I backed up the files so I'm sure I wont have to do it again.  


You don't need to delete the glows if you have the latest version of the DW mod, I removed the stupid looking things myself....

David Ferrell

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #103 on: August 20, 2003, 07:30:52 pm »
And I thought I had it rough!  Here's a picture of my current
debugging machine for OP:




SFC Bennie

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #104 on: August 20, 2003, 07:51:00 pm »
Now *that's* fricking cool, Dave.

Scott Bennie  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #105 on: August 20, 2003, 08:44:49 pm »

Doing SFC3 on a Genesis?


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #106 on: August 20, 2003, 10:20:39 pm »
Coleco-Vision!!!  all right, ya know how to pick your systems.  I've got three console systems, two of which were bought before Computers were a household appliance, and the third, well we got that one b/c we only had one computer at the time and we were always fighting over it.  The Three systems are, Coleco-Vision, the Nintendo Entertainment System and the N64.  Of the three systems, only the Coleco-Vision works flawlessly whenever we ask it to, the NES works only after constant shifting and praying, while the N64 is prone to randomly shutting itself off in the middle of a game.  The only problem with the CV is that we only have one operational controller, and its about to give up a ghost...i hope i can find some reliable controllers shortly, it would be a shame to give up that wonderful system.

Anyway, back on Topic...

Taldren does have its flaws, ill be the first to admit it.  Unfortunatly the entity that bears the most responsibilty for the SFC3 fiasco is Activision.  Activision set an unrealistic release date, and then forced Taldren to submit every patch they wanted to send out to their play testers, who then send it back to Taldren saying that it still hasnt fixed everything.  If anyone else was running the show, Taldren would have released 3 or 4 patches by now, and the game would be 99% playable.  The Only real problems i have with it now is it taking up excessive amount of system memory upon the launching of a shuttlecraft or the dropping of a mine.  The Neutral Zone patch took care of the shuttle craft problem by turning shuttles into PFs and giving them only to a select few ships.  though the mine issue is still a problem, its not nearly as bad as a shuttle launch.  Frankly, i wish ATVI would let the patch get released, so that Taldren can begin working on the stuff that was cut out so that SFC3 would meet the publicity deadline.  And as for ATVI filing a lawsuit against Viacom...tell me, does anyone remember seeing ANY advertisments for SFC3?  the only one i saw was actually a preview for the game inside of a computer gaming magazine.  And if I wasnt actively looking for the SFC2:EaW patch 2036 I prolly wouldnt have even known to look for that SFC3 was going to be coming out.  I dont just wander in to a local computer software store and look at the newest releases, i just get the game that i was looking for and then get out.  If ATVI knows whats good for them, they will let the patch out before the middile of next month, or they will never be able to get it out.  Half Life 2, third week of September!!!  

Dash Jones

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #107 on: August 21, 2003, 09:54:53 am »
Whoa, I didn't even know the the Jaguar possessed the specs for OP!  Doesn't it lack a 3d card!


Cool pic.  

David Ferrell

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #108 on: August 21, 2003, 12:04:25 pm »
Just to make sure everyone knows, the picture was a joke in keeping
with the others of this thread.



Captain Ron

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #109 on: August 21, 2003, 12:26:19 pm »
Too bad if it was designed for a consol at least it would work for everyone as they all would have have the same HW and firmware. Not to mention M$ would not be involved.

As for this thread...
I could have sworn that ThatGuy did this for SFC2 and OP as well. Same arguement just a few name changes. I still laugh at ppl that do this as expecting games to work prefectly on everyones hardware/software is a pipe dream. M$ OSs' have been know to not install properly 3 out of 5 times, and this to the fact that if you add HW to your system you can over-write DLLs and other important things that might not contain everything the last one had. M$ wrote a OPEN OS and anyone developing software has been known to dread this. Heck most ppl can not even read and understand the specs posted on the outside of the box, so big surprise here when it doesn't work.

I could go on but why?
Oh, here is one for you when was the last time you patched your OS?
If you haven't been doing that then you will have all sorts of troubles!

Dash Jones

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #110 on: August 21, 2003, 01:29:07 pm »

Just to make sure everyone knows, the picture was a joke in keeping
with the others of this thread.



You were?

It seems to work great on the Sega Genesis I've tried it on...just had to make a few...ah...modifications...But works great...yeah...really...

Now if I could just figure out how to stop having my constitution class heavy cruiser stop looking like Sonic running around in the wilderness...oh least the small critters moving back and forth slowly are all Roms...wait a sec...I play Rom...


Of course I'm joking around too


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #111 on: August 21, 2003, 03:12:13 pm »
Well !

I've got ya all beat!

I recompiled the entire code into B.A.S.I.C. and machine language subroutines that run on my VIC 20 !!!

Well, I will admit, you have to have that smokin' 12 K expander cartridge to get the compiler to run, but hey!

I'd let ya'll know how it looked, but it's still compiling.

(Three hours later)

Still compiling.......

(three days later)


(three weeks later)

still........compiling.....wait , what's that smoke?



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #112 on: August 21, 2003, 03:37:23 pm »

And I thought I had it rough!  Here's a picture of my current
debugging machine for OP:




A-ha!  No wonder about the cloak/speed bug in .12! can you be expected to catch stuff like that on a Jaguar system!  Sega Genesis, at LEAST!  I have one of those laying around, if you think it will help...



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #113 on: August 21, 2003, 03:42:14 pm »
Be sure and compile a 51/2" floppy for me too Frey!

I need it for my C64.



David Ferrell

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #114 on: August 21, 2003, 04:46:53 pm »

A-ha!  No wonder about the cloak/speed bug in .12! can you be expected to catch stuff like that on a Jaguar system!  Sega Genesis, at LEAST!  I have one of those laying around, if you think it will help...

Dude the Jaguar came out just before the Saturn and it sooo better then the Saturn.  Jaguar rulez!




  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #115 on: August 21, 2003, 04:49:08 pm »



shees! if i were to have listened to the fourms id of never got any of the SFC games( ive been playsing this serise sence SFC1 and i love the hole lot of em... cept the FPS ones.) now dont get me rong i do think that SFC3 has lots of bugs BUT i run an old 500mzh pIII with a nvida gforce 2 with 64megs and a hole wopping 256mgs pc133 and the games all work great. the only problem i have noticed is that SFC3 thakes lots of time to load and runs slow.... BUT i solved that by going through every model and delieting all the glow maps and vola game runs sweet! well thats my 2 cents worth  

I know the feeling.....I've deleted the glows of all ships in DW mod (the good thing is that now I can use the model tools with my eyes closed   ).........And then, of course, I backed up the files so I'm sure I wont have to do it again.  


You don't need to delete the glows if you have the latest version of the DW mod, I removed the stupid looking things myself....  

Yes, I have the 4 files+patch version.
It seems that the 1 file is worth download. Excelent mod by the way   , and very difficult too. I can't remmember how many times I got blow.



  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #116 on: August 21, 2003, 04:53:17 pm »


Be sure and compile a 51/2" floppy for me too Frey!

I need it for my C64.



Would you be using a 1541 or a 1571 Disk Drive?  

Wow, I'm impressed. 1571 of course. bought the whole system for $199 at Toys-R-Us way back in...well, let's just say it was some years ago.  


James Formo

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #117 on: August 21, 2003, 05:27:28 pm »
You don't need to delete the glows if you have the latest version of the DW mod, I removed the stupid looking things myself....  

I like the glows. Just started modding for SFC3.  Glows can be good.  They just need to be scaled down so they don't show thru the hulls and stuff.

Hey Pelican. I got your 5 pack of missions from SFC3. Big    There fantastic. I'd get your whole mod only my 56k is a deterrant     Have you got missions in your big mod that are not in that 5 pack? If so could you do up just a mission pack for us 56k ers     I 'd like to see a seperate small download with just your spec files and 9 race map as well. As I could add in my own ships or just fill in with some stock ones.

Back to SFC3 topic.  Try comparing SFC3 to SFC2/OP out of the box.  SFC3 will just get better and better cause of all the modders.  Anyways I like SFC3.  It looks way better than SFC2.  You can't really tell by screenshots either. The ships just look so much clearer. It runs perfect on my 800 mhz AMD with only 128 mb RAM.  ViperII card.  Only thing is sometimes the background scenery doesn't render.  I was able to modify the scenery models so that it works with my vid card.  

Like I said performance in game is flawless. Only thing is at the supply/refit/mission screen it putters and hangs. OP use to do that. I just installed OP latest patch and that is fixed.  I believe that SFC3 will get patched and one day be thought of as 1 of the best of the series.

A lot of what I read people whining about SFC3 in the forum just isn't true. Some said the ships banked too much.  Only the frigates bank a lot.  Get up to a DN and it will barely turn at all    

Really only 1 thing I say needs improvement. The AI just doesn't seem too bright. In its use of where it cloaks and uncloaks. Even its HET  and mine laying manuevers seem pointless.  SFC2/OP AI is much better- but that was thru a few patches.  I mean,  I took out a warbird without a scratch in a Norway aided by a Intrepid.  The only solution the AI has to even it up is outnumber your destroyer with 2 CA's and a CL.  Then its pointless to stick around.  


James Formo

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #118 on: August 21, 2003, 09:50:19 pm »
Another point on the glows as I just found how to make mine more realistic.  Most people have the alpha on there glows at the default 255 or so. THis is ok for buzzards but for long areas like the length of a nacel.  Set the alpha at 55. This will diffuse it so you don't get that bright round ball look. You can actually increase the scale of the glows and lower the alpha and they look better.  I hav't found how to adjust the alpha in the modtools yet so I just make note of which groups I need to lower and open the gf in word and edit it there.  There thats my 2 cents or is it a nickel. I fully understand though, if you get rid of them so the game runs better for ya  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #119 on: August 22, 2003, 03:04:47 pm »

Be sure and compile a 51/2" floppy for me too Frey!

I need it for my C64.



Would you be using a 1541 or a 1571 Disk Drive?  

Look, man, I've got 3 1541's and a 1571 daisy chained.

But of course, I still use my TAPE DRIVE for loading programs.




  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #120 on: August 22, 2003, 03:47:30 pm »
Damn..I remember my big arsed floppy drive on my Atari 800....and that infernal tape drive.  Let's see...the command to load a proggie from tape was...

"CLOAD"   ...and after 10-15 minutes, you'ld be rewarded with something like "program load failed."

...and there was nothing like "dubbing" tapes to swap programs.  That seems kinda funny in retrospect.  Needless to say, I didn't use my tape drive much.  

Everyone remember buying disks and using a hole punch to cut out a notch on the other side of the floppy so you could flip it over and double its capacity?  heheh...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #121 on: August 22, 2003, 04:44:25 pm »



Be sure and compile a 51/2" floppy for me too Frey!

I need it for my C64.



Would you be using a 1541 or a 1571 Disk Drive?  

Look, man, I've got 3 1541's and a 1571 daisy chained.

But of course, I still use my TAPE DRIVE for loading programs.



As toasty mentioned above, It's almost scary that we can remember those things.

Hehe My first was an atari 2600, and then my next was the c64, Eventually I got the C128, then an Amiga, etc.

Still have my Odyssey 2, used only once in It's original box.  

I still have my old Adam 8086 with a whopping 32K memory (counting the 24K expansion card), no floppies at all, just a cassette deck and a cartridge trey with a switch button..... now that was a machine !!!!! (NOT)


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #122 on: August 22, 2003, 05:23:12 pm »




Be sure and compile a 51/2" floppy for me too Frey!

I need it for my C64.



Would you be using a 1541 or a 1571 Disk Drive?  

Look, man, I've got 3 1541's and a 1571 daisy chained.

But of course, I still use my TAPE DRIVE for loading programs.



As toasty mentioned above, It's almost scary that we can remember those things.

Hehe My first was an atari 2600, and then my next was the c64, Eventually I got the C128, then an Amiga, etc.

Still have my Odyssey 2, used only once in It's original box.  

I still have my old Adam 8086 with a whopping 32K memory (counting the 24K expansion card), no floppies at all, just a cassette deck and a cartridge trey with a switch button..... now that was a machine !!!!! (NOT)

Apple IIc...


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #123 on: August 22, 2003, 06:19:50 pm »
43,362,810 more of these puppies and I'll be rockin'.  There is no screen, but I can kind of get a print out of what is happening.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Green »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #124 on: August 22, 2003, 06:38:14 pm »

43,362,810 more of these puppies and I'll be rockin'.  There is no screen, but I can kind of get a print out of what is happening.


For some reason it always comes to this:

I played SFB...

B5er wanna be

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #125 on: August 22, 2003, 10:10:22 pm »

43,362,810 more of these puppies and I'll be rockin'.  There is no screen, but I can kind of get a print out of what is happening.


Does that come with Firesouls updated 3.0 shiplist?  


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #126 on: August 22, 2003, 11:03:09 pm »
Ah, crud ... I forgot about 3.0+.  Make that 73,362,810 more of these damn cards to go through ... but don't expect the models to be in there.  We'd have to cut down the entire Northwest to get enough cards.  As for Bonk's SFB mod w/ models ... no.


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #127 on: August 23, 2003, 01:20:08 am »
The original post was right on!  As I type this,  (on my other cumputer)  The game crashed to desktop, and now the Dynacrap will not recognize my account so I can relogin, and if I try to open a new one it will not connect to that server either.

If you really think this game is not a nightmare and really belive it is a a good solid game for the money, then your just plain ignorant!!!

Oh yea and before you all think I called you all stupid look up the word ignorant.

Ps if you needed to look up the word ignorant your stupid.


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #128 on: August 23, 2003, 04:40:09 am »

The original post was right on!  As I type this,  (on my other cumputer)  The game crashed to desktop, and now the Dynacrap will not recognize my account so I can relogin, and if I try to open a new one it will not connect to that server either.

If you really think this game is not a nightmare and really belive it is a a good solid game for the money, then your just plain ignorant!!!

Oh yea and before you all think I called you all stupid look up the word ignorant.

Ps if you needed to look up the word ignorant your stupid.  

Ignorant is not knowing the difference between "your" and the contraction "you're" for your are.

I have performed a thorough analysis of your CTD problem and after conferring with other experts in the field we have come to a consensus about your difficulties. We conclude that the internet Gods think your jerky attitude should be punished. Until you change your attitude you will continue to CTD. My collaborators and I hope this constant crash-to-desktop collocation of your face with your keyboard does not leave any lasting damage to either your mental stability or physical appearence.  
« Last Edit: August 23, 2003, 04:44:22 am by Flasheyes »


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #129 on: August 23, 2003, 08:11:51 am »


The original post was right on!  As I type this,  (on my other cumputer)  The game crashed to desktop, and now the Dynacrap will not recognize my account so I can relogin, and if I try to open a new one it will not connect to that server either.

If you really think this game is not a nightmare and really belive it is a a good solid game for the money, then your just plain ignorant!!!

Oh yea and before you all think I called you all stupid look up the word ignorant.

Ps if you needed to look up the word ignorant your stupid.  

Ignorant is not knowing the difference between "your" and the contraction "you're" for your are.

I have performed a thorough analysis of your CTD problem and after conferring with other experts in the field we have come to a consensus about your difficulties. We conclude that the internet Gods think your jerky attitude should be punished. Until you change your attitude you will continue to CTD. My collaborators and I hope this constant crash-to-desktop collocation of your face with your keyboard does not leave any lasting damage to either your mental stability or physical appearence.  

And of course the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death):


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #130 on: August 23, 2003, 05:37:11 pm »

"Ignorant is not knowing the difference between "your" and the contraction "you're" for your are. "

   Ah when we are miffed and can not think up better ways to attack, then we resort to personal attacks on grammer and spelling....  Your superior intelligence and wit, have once again won the day for you.

   Now I have seen the way of my folley and will be nice so Talderns game work better.  Why didn't you just say so from the start.   Taldren should put this in the manuals.

It should be in the technical help section:

1. If you have any problem with our game just be nice, and it will soon run smoothly without error!  Thanks your for your money!


  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #131 on: August 23, 2003, 06:02:55 pm »

"Ignorant is not knowing the difference between "your" and the contraction "you're" for your are. "

   Ah when we are miffed and can not think up better ways to attack, then we resort to personal attacks on grammer and spelling....  Your superior intelligence and wit, have once again won the day for you.

   Now I have seen the way of my folley and will be nice so Talderns game work better.  Why didn't you just say so from the start.   Taldren should put this in the manuals.

It should be in the technical help section:

1. If you have any problem with our game just be nice, and it will soon run smoothly without error!  Thanks your for your money!


Just wondering who you think you are trying to turn a hijacked thread back on topic....

Damn, wish my screen came up like this when I have a crash.  

The New Guy

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #132 on: August 30, 2003, 10:13:05 am »
honestly, I didn't read through all the posts (though I took a long look to read the blue screen of death  ) and on the original topic, my version is un patched,,, no patch at all, and i've had no problems to speak of, except for two crashes, one caused by MY editing of the shiplist, and the other during the klingon mission wit hthe rakellian freighters,,, but I've got around both. I'd have to say SFC3 is a pretty good friggen game, and the only thing I didn't like, was the loss of Missles, and some of the races. and ya know, I still believe, if you tried hard enough you could put missles back in,,,, i've seen alot of stufff in the strings and stufff,,, just a thought.

can't remember much of my first computer,,,, except it had a 6 meg hard drive,,, and I played Wolfenstein 3D, and Doom on it,,, and a little game called Syndicate,,, anyone else heard of that?  

Dark Jedi

  • Guest
Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #133 on: September 02, 2003, 01:22:57 am »

I'd have to say SFC3 is a pretty good friggen game

SFC3 is a game with a very good concept and a extremely poor implementation.

I sincerely hope that we WILL get this elusive patch and that it will fix most of the NUMEROUS problems and omissions and most of all that they address the SINGLE PLAYER campaing mode issues as well and not just focus on the multiplayer usability.


I still believe if you tried hard enough you could put missles back in,,,, i've seen alot of stufff in the strings and stufff,,, just a thought.

The weapons are hard coded unfortunately so there is NO WAY of geting back the diversity that SFC 2 had unless Taldren or someone with access to the source does it.  

Offline T' Kang

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #134 on: March 02, 2005, 09:42:29 am »
The game has had bugs. So does every program. I have run the game on D3 (v435 wDX9) with a 500Mhz Celeron and Dial-up and it ran great. Now the connections between players, auto-forfiet while in battle, etc... that was an issue at times.

With Activision and Paramount holding the license rights (read as "purse strings") the future is questionable at best.

Taldren and the Beta-Team have been putting out patches without Activision posting or supporting them. Who is supporting SFC3? The developer and the players.

Now that Taldren is "no-longer" it will be the players that will keep SFC alive, or not.
APR D3 (c) Mod Director

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #135 on: March 03, 2005, 11:45:34 pm »
The game has had bugs. So does every program. I have run the game on D3 (v435 wDX9) with a 500Mhz Celeron and Dial-up and it ran great. Now the connections between players, auto-forfiet while in battle, etc... that was an issue at times.

With Activision and Paramount holding the license rights (read as "purse strings") the future is questionable at best.

Taldren and the Beta-Team have been putting out patches without Activision posting or supporting them. Who is supporting SFC3? The developer and the players.

Now that Taldren is "no-longer" it will be the players that will keep SFC alive, or not.

It has always been that players...always.
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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #136 on: March 04, 2005, 03:06:53 pm »
My reply to this whole thread is this......
I heard that Activision rushed Taldren to try to get the game out on the shelves before Nemisis came out.  Taldren told them it wasn't finished but rushed anyway.
Volume two is a tenth as buggy as volume three, and is capable of JPEG textures and not just BMP.  It's also capatible with all sorts of video card drivers, volume three is not.  I'm one of those "lucky few" that have volume three running without trouble and enjoy the game and fix it whenever it does crash.  My dream is that sometime in the near future someone (me?) purchases Taldren and puts them back to work on a low bug, high graphic, 3d game of excellence (Volume four )

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #137 on: March 04, 2005, 04:12:36 pm »
I believe that ATVI did in fact give Taldren at least one extension (I believe it was more though) over what was stated at the inception of the project though.  I don't see how you could say that SFCII is one tenth as buggy as III, unless you are comparing SFCII after years of patching to SFCIII upon release.  SFCII upon release was a disaster.  The dynaverse wasn't even included in the package, it came much, much later (like when the expansion was being promoted at E3, and even then it wasn't ready for prime time).  The bugs with other aspects of the game were almost too numerous to mention (OP had so many extra bugs as well, due to the added elements), so really,  where's the blame on those?  How does it differ?  SFCIII upon release was actually light years ahead of where SFCII was upon it's release, imo.

I have to agree with toasy, though.  It has, and always will be the fans that keep the game alive.  They can make the game but it's up to the consumers to embrace the game (no matter how much the dev's and publisher claim "Our product is fun!" it's always up to the fans) and keep it going.  The difference now is we have nobody to give us a newer version and that part will be up to the fans, unless Paramount decides our wallets are worth tapping again, which we'll have to just wait and see if that comes about.

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #138 on: March 06, 2005, 08:11:36 pm »
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

One more thing, don't go on about the state of SFC3 being activision's fault.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

As one who has been on the inside testing SFC3 for Activision, Taldren had little to do with the state SFC3 was in when it was released. Why? Because... because... ack!  Damn NDA!

What in the name of James T. Kirk is the NDA?
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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #139 on: March 06, 2005, 08:40:32 pm »
That would be a Non-Disclosure Agreement...which means...he knows...but if he says anything he can be...taken to the proverbial Cleaners.
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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #140 on: March 08, 2005, 12:42:30 am »
That would be a Non-Disclosure Agreement...which means...he knows...but if he says anything he can be...taken to the proverbial Cleaners.

No ...not at all....we are free to tell you anything you wish to know... ;)

Of course the contract then requires us to hunt you down and terminate you with extreme prejudice... ;D

Most of what went on is no big a member of both groups I can attest to the fact that...

....most of the time...both groups were not event testing the same version...

...ACTI's QA system seemed in my opinion to be disfunctional and actually retarded efforts somewhat......

...Most of the Visioneers were not given proper backround information on the series.....and spent a lot of time trying to figure out where the Taldrenites were comming from in a variety of issues...and sometimes those issues were simply declared moot or not applicable to the new game....

...The unstated..but clear desire to part with the previous ruleset as "out dated" ruled out many clearly valid substutes to enhance tactical enjoyment ,variations, and subtleties... took FOREVER and a week to drag the weapons info out of them just to do basic checks for damage bugs etc...

...License restriction was often used as a feature request nuke....even when the request was shown to be TNG based...

...Time or the lack there of was most often used...and it became clear at some point (sooner than you'd think) that the game was feature frozen....

I think the testers did a stellar job what what they had to work with...

And remember this one simple fact....just because something wasnt fixed.....doesnt mean that the testers missed it...

I also think some of the problems stemmed from a basic difference in operation....Taldren was used to having free riegn over issuing patches....and the teams desire to allways make an effort to get fixes out in a timely manner meant many small patches...and that is in direct conflict with ACTI's proven track record....

It wasnt that Taldren didnt want to do one point they were pretty much forbidden to( after having to leak a patch)....and at the other...they didnt have the resources to devote to it anymore....and at that point...the lawsuit with Paramount was one knew what was going to happen with license...

Pity is....SFC3 had hell of a lot of community requests directly in the game(fleeting, option mounts, hidden cloak)....and they tried like hell to make stuff modable....but the stuff you can mod doesnt make up for the stuff you cant....and thus....alot of us still cling to Orion Pirates for simply has more depth...

We can only hope to fetch it out of the dumpster if and when ACTI pulls the plug... :)

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #141 on: March 08, 2005, 01:17:43 am »
Actually, it was Taldren who was holding back information.  They did this because they said they were so tired of all the rules lawyers and stuff, that they didn't want to release numbers and hear all the whining again.  It wasn't ATVI.  Even after Erik said that the numbers would be released, it took forever.  I shot an e-mail off to him at one point, about a variety of issues, and in his response he seemed unaware that they had not been released and said he made a promises to do some talking to some folks and get them released.  Not long after that they appeared.  I believe that Taldren is more to blame that a lot of the fans would ever care to admit.  That is not to say that ATVI isn't to blame, they surely didn't allow Taldren to go about it's normal peicemeal patching process.  I believe that they didn't really know what to do with the Trek franchise (and especially SFC) and just ended up releases a bunch of barely average games (if that), but from what I saw and read there was plenty of fault on both sides, and a lot of the Taldren folks (or at least those in charge of getting them out there) didn't want to release any info on the inner workings of the game. 

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #142 on: March 08, 2005, 01:27:32 pm »
I wasnt trying to imply that Taldren was faultless.....only that many of the problems were as much a result of the proccess used, as they were about decisions made.... ;)

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Re: The TRUTH about TALDREN and SFC3
« Reply #143 on: March 08, 2005, 01:44:27 pm »

Who dug up this old mess from the old Taldren forums?
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