Hey Gents,
Well, I finally made the plunge and am enjoying SFC3. It's different (Have all the other SFC games) but I am "starting" to get the hang of it. I am having problems with the 1st Romulan mission. The problems are as follows.
1) I always get deteted. Am I going to fast? Get too close to oblects? Does this always suppose to happen?
2) When I approach and scan the middle asteroid it always blows up. This suppose to happen?
3) Once detected I need to clean the system so I start blasting but I get an asteroi down to a little bar and then I can not get it to blow up. It ets down to a litle bar left and then the bar grows back a little and I sit there blasting for a while. Bug?
I want to finish this campain so I can move on the fed one. Out of frustration I started up the Borg campaign and tried the first mission. Got spanked! Anyone have some Borg tactics or this one? Should I try to lure o the enemy ships one by one? I saw a thread on another board about Borg regenerating. Does just the armor or the armor as well as system damage regen? Hmmmm... At work. Perhaps I should have rethumbed through the manual before asking that one.
Ships Systems.
Ok. I played through the Klingon campaign. So things on ship design I was a little unsure of though. The importance of Thruster and Impulse engines. How important in the scope of things are hese two? I know warp engines power the weapons so I see the importane there. Well, sorta anyway. I mean funds are usually tight and your trying to figure out where to put the funds. That is where feel I am "guessing" on things. Wiith the other SFC games I knew all the details so I knew exactely what everything was. I mean I take it a computer III gives me a better to hit than a computer II or is that not true? Is it better to spend funds for bigger weapons or to buy a bigger warp engine to overpower the ones you have?
I guess the problem is the abstractness of some things. Is upgading from a hruster II o III going to make a bigger difference than somthing else. Any tips here would b greatly appreciated.
Do many of you guys participate and if so do you have any site recommendations of places to go?
Geez! I guess I had a "few" questions eh?
I am sure after I find answrs to these I'll be back for more...
Thanks guys!