I have also played a little with the new OP cloak.
My Falcon mauler was moving at speed 4 and the nearby Fed AI fired a scatter pack after I cloaked that opened and cripple me. That was my first test. OK what is the equation to retain lock??? I asked.
I got it now and boom I understand better.
I was looking forward to this for a while now, we were discussing in some server to reduce the BPV tax of 15% for cloak ships as the cloak was not very efficient in PvP and Firesoul was telling us we should wait and see after the patch.
I waited and I agree with Firesoul, we should not reduce the tax...we should remove it competely as the new cloak is IMO weaker than before the patch in PvP. It was mostly useless before it now is even closer to being completely useless.
I am sorry to sound so negative, but I am so disapointed here, all the elements are there to fix this except maybe the will.
Here we go.
A six sided die should give result of 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 (Unless Chutt played with it).
The expected value is 3.5, a result of 1,2,3 is below average and 4,5 and 6 above average roll.
With the cloak we have a special result....1 below average and a 2,3,4,5 and 6 above. I must explain....
Let's seet.
Playing a Rom ship, without any adjustement we have:
6 - 0 -0 +0 - 4 = 2 like I said cloak is kept.
Exemple above would be Falcon going back under cloak at speed 1-4 followed at close range of 1-4...lock remained.
Some PF and X generation ship can cloak while flying at speed 31 (or at high speed).
Now any speed higer than 19 and we have a lock maitained regardless of range.
Yes at speed 19, a Rom ship cloaks and if a ship had a lock at range let's say 85....the lock is maintained.
If the Rom ship flies at speed 18...lock is kept up to range 40.
Speed 16-17 up to range range30
Speed 13-15 range 20
Speed 9-12 range 15
Speed 5-8 range 10
Speed 1-4 range 4
speed 0....loss of lock if there are no other adjustments.....
There is always the ECM shift to modify that but playing a heavy cruiser that uses half its available power to activate the cloak....a competent sub hunter should always win the ECM war with all his power available to him.
With the mid era/late/X time period , the PvP battles are fought at hig speed, the drones alrady fly faster than the speed 19, the maximum cloak speed penality.
The only way to have an ennemy loose the lock is to stop.....the tactic is not one that bring continous success in D2.
The best a starcastelling unit can hope for is an opponent that disengage and the worst (and most probable) is to die.
Lets compare the wild weasel to the cloak.
Both have a major tactical penality as we need to slow down to a speed below that of our ennemy and seeking weapons. It becomes impossible to deliver a good plasma hit at the ennemy unless he lets it happend or makes a mistake.
Cloak: major power cost/lock may be kept/fade in period/flash cube possible/tractor possible/15% BPV tax/ possible damage reduction.
WW: no power to lauch; can reinforce shields/ecm shift/all seeking weapons always loose track/ can not be tractorred/ no BPV adjustements/ must prepare them/ have limited quantity of shuttles.
Most experience players avoid using the WWs as it is often considered a bad tactic ( I usually end up giving more damage to a ship using ww than one that outruns my plasmas). So we compare the cloak to the bad tactical wild weassel....and generally find it lacking....how much watered down should the cloak be when it is worst than a bad tactical move available to all????
If the hope was to make the subs of SFC2 actually submerge to fight....forget it. The patch failed.
When I fly at speed low enough to break a lock (emergency stopped) against a competent opponent that can fly at 31..my plasmas never hit.To deliver a plasma one must be able to corner the ennemy or outmanouver them, at speed 4 or less.....fiorget it.
The cloak before the patch was not to great...but at speed 31 in a x-Ship under cloak..I could make sure no one fired those drones at me until my plasmas were charged and I faded in.....I did use the cloak in PvP in those ships.....now not even those will benefit from the cloak.
The cloak is broken because the average die roll is 3.5 on a 6 sided die and here that fact was ignored.
1,2,3 is below and 4,5,6 above average.
Not 1 below and 2,3,4,5 and 6 above...
If you want to set a defined die roll result move it up by 1.5 to the real number of 3.5 so to keep lock 4 ,5 and 6 would be needed and 1,2,3 would loose lock.
So at speed of 19+ a Rom cloaking ship would brak lock only if the pursuing ships were out of range 30. So if the pursuing ship outruns my plasma and moves away...I can attempt to outrun his drones and cloak to have him loose lock outside range 30 while remaining at battle speed.
If he stays in range ....his drones continue to home on me and I will not cloak as it would stop my point defenses and the drones would hit me still.
The result would be a shift down by 2 from the table above and would give the following range to keep lock:
speed 19+ range 30
speed 18 range 20
speed 16-17 range 15
speed 13-15 range 10
speed 9-12 range 4
speed 8 and lower loss of lock unless ECM shift is in favor of hunting ship. speed of 1-4 and of 0 would almost always break lock until the attackers uses the flashcube or waits for a fade in.
That would not make the cloak Over The Top but we might actually see it been an asset on ships.
Ok, am I the only one thinking that the cloak equation is wrong.... 3.5 is the average roll cutting in two equal half the bad and good rolls (bad and good depending of your relative point of view of course).
Iif rules from another game are used....let's use them correctly.
All players regardless that you normally play against or with the cloakers....let me know what you think or help me understand. I hope I am missing something here.
And to think I had such a good feeling about this