Topic: HydranCha  (Read 8249 times)

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« on: February 04, 2003, 07:41:56 pm »
This was a retexture someone did of my klingon into a hydran,What you think should i post it for download?



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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2003, 07:57:07 pm »
NEED you
hell yeah!!!!!

your stuff is awesome man!!!!
BTW: I have been trying my hand at modelling and was wondering if you would be interested in texturing one of em
just asking

thanks in advance for either desicion  


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2003, 09:50:05 pm »
By all means. She looks seriously sweet.  

Rod O'neal

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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2003, 10:08:02 pm »
This is kinda like an exotic dancer asking if anyone would like to have sex with her. (Actually I had a better example, but had to clean it up a bit) You didn't really expect someone to say no, did you? We need an TNG D7H and yours is exactly what the Dr. ordered


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2003, 10:27:46 pm »
I must say... I love it. It looks great.  


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2003, 07:27:08 am »
do you have the kvort'cha to d/l for SFC3?

B5er wanna be

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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2003, 02:00:42 pm »
 That is truly one sweet looking ship. For a TNG ship!

Is it for SFC3 or SFC2?

It really does put the Anarchist in the D-7H.



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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2003, 01:10:55 am »
Outstanding ship!

Now, would you be interested in working your imagination in making other full blooded TNG Hydrans?  

Thank You!


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2003, 05:25:10 pm »
Bump......Was this ever put up for D/L?  



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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2003, 10:58:57 pm »
Wow.... (me being speachless)     She sure is purty pa.  


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2003, 11:23:48 am »
Skin buddy, just a word about your texturing in general: Why do all your raised and embossed areas on the textures make it look like the ship is growing huge patterned mosquito-bite welts? Nothing personal, just something that has bothered me about your style/technique that I noticed. When I see things like that my eyeballs tell me "That just ain't right".  


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2003, 04:29:45 pm »

Skin buddy, just a word about your texturing in general: Why do all your raised and embossed areas on the textures make it look like the ship is growing huge patterned mosquito-bite welts? Nothing personal, just something that has bothered me about your style/technique that I noticed. When I see things like that my eyeballs tell me "That just ain't right".  

every one has a way of texturing it like  art not all artist  are the same when thay paint, i do my textures the way i like,
If thay are not the way you like, to bad  dotn download my stuff or look at it.  Most people like my textures and i make alot fo money of my work so that should tell you something. I ma happy you are realy taking the time to look over them, maybe you will pick up some tricks, i can always give you a a few links on how to textures and model.

Atrahasis you have ben posting nothing but bad things about my work in every one of my posts, when ether people only have good things to say.
Like i saidyou should  spend more  time working on your own stuff and in proving it, maybe it will take your time and you will not have to trole so much or try to  make  flame wears or anoy others to get  thair ATTENTION.
And this was a retexture not by me, so you probly just  pissed some one off in your hope  to try and anoy me. In the end you only make your self look bad.

I would tell you what i think about your ships and textures but i have never seen one ship made by you, why dont you show me one and i will let you know what i think of it. Unlike you i will be the big man and not just tell you what i think is wrong with or try to find somethign wrong with it to piss you off, I am not like that.

Once agen my textures are my textures if you don't like them, deal with it no one is forcing you to donwload my stuff or even look in my posts, the taldren judges liked my work so i guess thair must be something good to it after all.


"Thair can be only one....
------Memember of the i don't flame for ATTENTION of moders.....------



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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2003, 04:52:44 pm »
Hey Skin bud, I was hoping you wouldn't take it personal. It's just that ever since I first saw your stuff here it has all been bevelled and embossed like this. This is no reflection on who may have redone or re-colored your textures, because the oddness that always catches my eye is the layering that you do. It's just my personal opinion that the depths you choose usually make panels look like mosquito welts. I'm not sure if you're doing it on purpose or if there's a level of mastery of Photoshop that you haven't attained yet, but I am beginning to think that you do it because you don't know how to do it any other way. I hope you take that constructively because I do believe that sometimes people aren't aware of the things that they repeatedly do.  

Oh yeah, btw someone was looking for one of mine last week at the model forum and flashed some pics. Funny you didn't see it, aren't you a moderator there in that very forum?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Atrahasis »


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2003, 06:12:35 pm »
I don't post  much but i do read all the posts and get all the ships. Atrahasis you have a big attitude problem.
Skin i think Atrahasis is  jealous. His work  is childsplay to the ships and textures you do.

Thank you SkinMan for all your ships and hard work. Atrahasis you can go now!



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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2003, 06:42:07 pm »


Doggone artists...Ya love 'em, Ya Hate 'em..(sigh!)

Atra, build us a C8/9/10 building on the work you did on your C5, and build us a battle wagon (Do a carrier varient to) some day.  Your hulls are distinctively classic Klingon.    I never have liked the Taldren style klingons..  Your work has followed the classic style to my eye, and I'd love to see you finish up a fleet for the Klingons reflecting that style.  (ok, yer gonna have to do us the F,E, and G series too..maybe hopefully someday)

The Klingon Empire on SFC2.Net request the construction of the IKV Chancellor Dogmatix B-11K as a gift for outgoing Chancellor Dopgmatix if you could manage it.

Skinman..  How about a heavy DD to War CL sized hull with the same sort of over all style as this amazing hull of yours.. to fill the Advanced Destroyer slot in OP?  Your work has a more organic look that I like.  I like your textures, and the "Bejeweled" look your ship shins have.    The Hydranized cruiser is something else again.  Your work is very finished, and you do have a unique eye.  Some of us are not so hidebound in cannon trek that we can't enjoy different styles.  When ya do something differnt yer always gonna catch some flak...but most of it is harmless.  The rest of it is only as harmless as you allow it to be.   Lets see more of yer stuff..  You do play SFC-2 right?  <grin!>

James Formo

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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2003, 07:15:18 pm »
Skinmans meshing and texturing owns.  Sometimes the best artists get targeted with barbs perhaps out of envy or jealousy.

For God sakes -just be positive-if you can't then move along.  He doesn't have to post his work here. I will say his posts inspire me to build ships.  The last thing  we need is wip's to get knackered. Especially when they are of this quality.

Sandman-my remarks were not directed at you- just so you know

« Last Edit: February 08, 2003, 07:17:56 pm by James Formo »


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2003, 07:23:43 pm »
James Formo, Thank you.... its people like you that keep me wanting to make ships and post them for download. As long as thairs people like you  still hear at the taldren and sfc3 forums i will be thair making ships for you all.

------Memember of the i don't flame for ATTENTION of moders.....------



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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2003, 02:42:29 am »
Wow SkinMan - this realy is a great lookin' ship. Have you done any pure Hydran designs?


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2003, 05:46:35 am »
For God's sake....I'm about as jealous of Skinman's style as I would be of a brain tumor. I'm pointing out the things about his lack of knowledge of layering that really bothers me, and I think I have valid technical and style points that I'm making when I criticize his work, because it seems like tho he's been doing this for a long time now he keeps doing the same odd-ball layering that makes the back of my eyeballs itch and tell me "Something is not right". If you don't know what layering is then you don't know what I'm talking about, it really is a technical issue that involves Photoshop.  I meant the criticism to be serious, it was not meant callously, because on the odd occassion when I and other artists discuss Skin's work between ourselves there is usually talk of something about his stuff that is not quite right. I'm really sorry, but I thought he could finally benefit from some words mentioned in that area. Skin, don't take it personally, and don't let your pride get in the way and be dismissive about it either. You should take a step back and look into what I'm saying. The way I decribed the layering on this ship for example was "mosquito welts", and if you're serious about perfection you should consider why it left that impression on me. But I guess it's up to you.  


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Re: HydranCha
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2003, 08:50:13 am »

For God's sake....I'm about as jealous of Skinman's style as I would be of a brain tumor. I'm pointing out the things about his lack of knowledge of layering that really bothers me, and I think I have valid technical and style points that I'm making when I criticize his work, because it seems like tho he's been doing this for a long time now he keeps doing the same odd-ball layering that makes the back of my eyeballs itch and tell me "Something is not right". If you don't know what layering is then you don't know what I'm talking about, it really is a technical issue that involves Photoshop.  I meant the criticism to be serious, it was not meant callously, because on the odd occassion when I and other artists discuss Skin's work between ourselves there is usually talk of something about his stuff that is not quite right. I'm really sorry, but I thought he could finally benefit from some words mentioned in that area. Skin, don't take it personally, and don't let your pride get in the way and be dismissive about it either. You should take a step back and look into what I'm saying. The way I decribed the layering on this ship for example was "mosquito welts", and if you're serious about perfection you should consider why it left that impression on me. But I guess it's up to you.    

I like it too...thats 13 to 1 Atra...

In three posts you went from criticism to outright insults....then say dont take it personally.....uh.... yeah.....

Criticism isnt your stong suit....modeling is........more models and less crisicism please