Doggone artists...Ya love 'em, Ya Hate 'em..(sigh!)
Atra, build us a C8/9/10 building on the work you did on your C5, and build us a battle wagon (Do a carrier varient to) some day. Your hulls are distinctively classic Klingon. I never have liked the Taldren style klingons.. Your work has followed the classic style to my eye, and I'd love to see you finish up a fleet for the Klingons reflecting that style. (ok, yer gonna have to do us the F,E, and G series too..maybe hopefully someday)
The Klingon Empire on SFC2.Net request the construction of the IKV Chancellor Dogmatix B-11K as a gift for outgoing Chancellor Dopgmatix if you could manage it.
Skinman.. How about a heavy DD to War CL sized hull with the same sort of over all style as this amazing hull of yours.. to fill the Advanced Destroyer slot in OP? Your work has a more organic look that I like. I like your textures, and the "Bejeweled" look your ship shins have. The Hydranized cruiser is something else again. Your work is very finished, and you do have a unique eye. Some of us are not so hidebound in cannon trek that we can't enjoy different styles. When ya do something differnt yer always gonna catch some flak...but most of it is harmless. The rest of it is only as harmless as you allow it to be. Lets see more of yer stuff.. You do play SFC-2 right? <grin!>