First off, I would like to say that I appreciate the positive feedback I am getting from you all. I am also glad for you "Nitpickers"(and I use that term nicely), you have found little things that either I forgot about or hadn't noticed till it was pointed out, like the impulse engines. I hadn't even noticed that it looked so small, thankfully that is easily fixed. Now onto the rest:
Wanderer: About the Torpedo Bay, when you say it should be flat, are you talking about from the fron view, or the side view?
I'll add the Drone Racks to the BCV.
About the Fighter bay, how far forward are you talking? I ask because due to the placement of the nacelle struts, it limits my options.
Tracey, Arachne and Chrystoff: I see what you are saying about the hangar doors, personally I have always liked having a uniform color on the hangar doors. As far as the numbering of the doors, that will be a little more difficult, I'll have to go back to remap the texture. You see, at the time I textured the hull in the intrest of saving space I used a single texture for the entire hull. I'll play around with it some more and see what I come up with.
Atrahasis: Thanks for pointing out the Impulse engine.
About the antimatter bottles, the way I see it is that since the Torp bay and the megaphasers, which I am using as drone racks on this ship, are modular they would be ejected off the ship prior to the antimatter bottles. A weak answer I know, but it's the truth I swear!!

OK! OK ! I'll tell the truth this time!!

Actually, I was following the pics Wanderer had posted when he requested this ship be made, and I was trying to get it as close as possible. I didn't even know that the antimatter bottles were there.
You are right about the Hatfield, in face the nacelle struts are from the Hatfield that P81 designed, I just redid the texture.
Sandman: I like that name, if I remember correctly one of the BCs in the old Star Fleet Battles game had that name in one of the game supplements, I forget which.
Arachne: I didn't "grey out" the torp tubes on the BCG, that is the pic itself when I saved it. They are there, I like thos torp tubes where they are. The ones underneath are actually drone racks. I know they are "Mega Phasers" on alot of other models, but looking at the BCG pic Wanderer posted, just texturing a launch port for the drone racks didn't seem enough, that's when I came up with the idea of using the Mega Phasers. Made the BCG look more dramatic.
Also thank you for the compliment about wanting feedback on my models. I think it is a great way to find out what improvements you can make or what mistakes you missed. We have some incredibly talented modelers out there why not take advantage of their knowledge and experience? Also since I plan on releasing the models I make and/or kitbash, why not get suggestion on what people would like to see? As long as people aren't rude with their criticism, I'll listen to it, and I NEVER turn down a compliment! So please keep them coming!!