Topic: ATTN: FPF Members (& Everyone Else)BCG Version 3.0 (Final) - Input Needed on BCG  (Read 3434 times)

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Rogue NineCH

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Well here she is, the final version of the BCG.  I have worked on this thing for most of the weekend, and aside from the final texture work and a couple of minor tweaks to the mesh, she is done.  I have three versions of the BCG itself, I decided it needed a little addon like the other three variants, so tell me what you think.  Also let me know which version you like the best.  As for the other three Variants, I only did one version of each, but I think they came out very well.  After I get some feedback on this topic, I'll go back to finishing up the models which should be ready by next weekend at the latest, although I hope it's sooner.  

Also if you FPF members could send me the names and regisrty numbers of the ships you are commanding, I would like to use the ship names from your group.  Since this is a Battle Cruiser it needs a name befitting as such, and be sure to include what variant you are commanding, if applicable.  Those of you who are not FPF members if you think of a cool name, let me know, I might use it.  This is also a warning beforehand, I can only do a handful of the suggestions that are sent in, so do not flame me or write me nasty anonymous emails, I will ignore them.  Now onto the pics.

Here is the base model of the Battle Cruiser


Here are the three versions of the BCG model tell me what you like


And lastly here are the other three variants




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I think you've done a terrific job! The megaphaser canons on versions 1, 2, & 3 are a particularly nice touch. My only request is that on your carrier varient, you number the shuttlebays, like on the Avenger/Reliant class. If you choose not to do that, it's perfectly fine; I'm only offering a suggestion. Great job! I'm very exited!  


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Great work, Rogue. Everything is coming together nicely.


BCG: I like Version 3 best, with the drone racks in the same position as the other "chin mount' weapons.

BCF/J: Looks great, the only thing I would change would be the angle of the bottom of the chin torps, to make them more "flat", not unlike the drone launchers.

BCV: She needs the drone launchers from the BCG. I would also propose moving the side bay doors farther forward, as the BCV carried a full squadron of fighters, and the bay would be appropriately larger.

As I said, everything is looking great!

As to NCC numbers and such, the SFB names and numbers were as follows for each class;

BCG: NCC-1751 USS Kirov
BCF: NCC-1761 USS Bismark
BCJ: NCC-1755 USS New Jersey
BCV: NCC-1754 USS Shangri-La

Historically, the Federation only built 10 BC's (3'G', 3'F', 2'J', 2'V'). The following is from my Order of Battle for the D2 Federation pilots...

Kirov Class Battle Cruisers and Varients

1751 Kirov BCG
1752 Australia BCG -Captain Tracey Greenough, FPF, Commanding Officer
1753 New Zealand BCG
1754 Shangri-La BCV -1st of it's class
1755 New Jersey BCJ -1st of it's class
1756 Rider In White* BCG -RearAdmiral Hooch, SSCF, Commanding Officer
1757 Jesse James* BCG -Commodore Thrain Githoniel, FPF, Commanding Officer
1758 El Dorado* BCV
1759 China Doll* BCG -ViceAdmiral Day, SSCF, Commanding Officer
1760 Arcadia* BCF -ViceAdmiral Spartan, XIth Fleet, Commanding Officer
1761 Bismark BCF -FleetAdmiral Kruk, XTF, Commanding Officer
1762 Forrest BCF
1763 Ogarkov BCF
1764 Atlantis BCV -Command ship, 54th Assault Group -Commodore Wanderer, FPF, Commanding Officer
1765 Montana BCJ
1766 Roswell* BCF -Captain DarkElf, FPF, Commanding Officer
1767 USS Massachusetts* BCF -Captain Weamz, 1AF, Commanding Officer
1768 Guardian BCV -Fleet Captain luckyFed, BHG, Commanding Officer
1769 Clinton* BCJ -Rear Admiral Diehard, FPF, Commanding Officer
1770 Indelible* BCJ -FleetAdmiral Patterson, SSCF, Commanding Officer

*Added vessel.      


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That's nice, it's reminiscent of the Hatfield from Jackill's if I recall correctly. One thing I might recommend is that the impulse engines be enlarged or widenened or maybe even slightly redesigned because they look small for a ship that size. Otherwise, nice job.  


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Not an FPF member, but, for a name I think USS THUNDERBIRD is a good one. It is a name for a pre-TOS carrier I will be making soon, but I think it would make a great name for a frontline BC.

Anyway, great job, those look great!!



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PS Just a passing thought: The megaphasers at the bottom of the secondary hull but towards the front is NOT a good location because that is where the antimatter bottles are stored, which need to be ejected in case of an emergency.  

However, making the Plasma-F launcher / 3rd torpedo launcher a "modular" unit is very belieavble since that would explain why and how making so many variants of this ship was possible. But that location of directly underneath the forward of the secondary hull sort of bothers me, unless the antimatter bottles are ejected towards the sides somehow and not directly under.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Atrahasis »


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Well done, very nice indeed!! Great work, they have come out looking very spit and polished. Looking forward to flying them.
My only critcism would be the fighter bay doors on the BCV, perhaps, making them a bit longer and textured in a similar way to the stock Taldren CVA or SCS, with numbers on each side and illuminated.
You've done a very technically accurate job, however (I like you gave the BCJ just ONE extra photon torpedo tube, and not just a copy of the twin tubes in the dorsal section).
Good job!!


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To the meat... I agree with Atrahasis on the impulse engines. They need to be bigger. For such a large ship, it looks like it borrowed its impulse engine from a CL.

The BCG retained its 4x photon tubes just as the BCF does where you put the F launcher underneath the secondary hull. So I would change back the above mounted secondary hull torps that you greyed out on the BCG  to the traditional 'red' tube launcher look and just stick with 4 launcher type hardpoints tubes underneath the secondary hull by combining the tubes from version 1 and 2 into one ship.

I'm not so sure about the BCV. Sure it needs the Drone launch tubes like the BCG, but the aft shuttlebay doesnt make a lasting impression on me. For a ship that carries half the fighters of a full fledged carrier, I would expect a more dramatic type of shuttlebay 'look'. It comes across a little weak, unimposing.

The BCF and BCJ are flawless.

Because you have been genuinely interested in player feedback, I think that is why the BCJ and BCF ended up being so perfect and the others are nearly there. I am surprised to see a modeler take so much time and care so much about what the community would like to see in a ship that I'm gonna have to say that the end result of this will be much more than 4 cool new ships to use for sfc, but rather a better way to model them in the future.

Thanks for the time and effort and lasting thru the critisizms, but you asked for it! And I'm glad you did. These ships are fantastic, Rogue.  


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 The BCG retained its 4x photon tubes just as the BCF does where you put the F launcher underneath the secondary hull. So I would change back the above mounted secondary hull torps that you greyed out on the BCG to the traditional 'red' tube launcher look and just stick with 4 launcher type hardpoints tubes underneath the secondary hull by combining the tubes from version 1 and 2 into one ship.

What my thinking was on this matter when I first proposed this, was that, on the TMP versions of the BC, each photon tube represents 2 photons. The BCG, F, and V all had four photons, the BCJ six.

I would have to agree, the impulse engines are a bit small.  


  • Guest
I would also like to suggest the USS Beowulf. Whatever registry is fine...I just think it to be a good name for a fighting ship.


Rogue NineCH

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First off, I would like to say that I appreciate the positive feedback I am getting from you all.  I am also glad for you "Nitpickers"(and I use that term nicely), you have found little things that either I forgot about or hadn't noticed till it was pointed out, like the impulse engines.  I hadn't even noticed that it looked so small, thankfully that is easily fixed.  Now onto the rest:

 Wanderer:   About the Torpedo Bay, when you say it should be flat, are you talking about from the fron view, or the side view?

 I'll add the Drone Racks to the BCV.  

About the Fighter bay, how far forward are you talking?  I ask because due to the placement of the nacelle struts, it limits my options.  

 Tracey, Arachne and Chrystoff:   I see what you are saying about the hangar doors, personally I have always liked having a uniform color on the hangar doors.  As far as the numbering of the doors, that will be a little more difficult, I'll have to go back to remap the texture.  You see, at the time I textured the hull in the intrest of saving space I used a single texture for the entire hull.  I'll play around with it some more and see what I come up with.

 Atrahasis:    Thanks for pointing out the Impulse engine.  

About the antimatter bottles, the way I see it is that since the Torp bay and the megaphasers, which I am using as drone racks on this ship, are modular they would be ejected off the ship prior to the antimatter bottles.  A weak answer I know, but it's the truth I swear!!    OK! OK !  I'll tell the truth this time!!   Actually, I was following the pics Wanderer had posted when he requested this ship be made, and I was trying to get it as close as possible.  I didn't even know that the antimatter bottles were there.  

You are right about the Hatfield, in face the nacelle struts are from the Hatfield that P81 designed, I just redid the texture.

 Sandman:   I like that name, if I remember correctly one of the BCs in the old Star Fleet Battles game had that name in one of the game supplements, I forget which.

 Arachne:   I didn't "grey out" the torp tubes on the BCG, that is the pic itself when I saved it.  They are there, I like thos torp tubes where they are.  The ones underneath are actually drone racks.  I know they are "Mega Phasers" on alot of other models, but looking at the BCG pic Wanderer posted, just texturing a launch port for the drone racks didn't seem enough, that's when I came up with the idea of using the Mega Phasers.  Made the BCG look more dramatic.  

Also thank you for the compliment  about wanting feedback on my models.  I think it is a great way to find out what improvements you can make or what mistakes you missed.  We have some incredibly talented modelers out there why not take advantage of their knowledge and experience?  Also since I plan on releasing  the models I make and/or kitbash, why not get suggestion on what people would like to see?  As long as people aren't rude with their criticism, I'll listen to it, and I NEVER turn down a compliment!  So please keep them coming!!    

Rogue NineCH

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I would also like to suggest the USS Beowulf. Whatever registry is fine...I just think it to be a good name for a fighting ship.

Hmmm, that's an interesting name, thanks for the suggestion.

Bernard Guignard

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Hello Rogue Nine
  Your doing a wonderfull job  
My suggestion concerning the fighter bays would be line the edge of the bay up with
the back edge of the nacelle strut but keep the bay at the current elevation. this should show a larger bay I also noticed
that where the nacelle struts are placed you probably will have enought clearance anyway.  

 I have another more radical solution concerning the impulse engine size problem,  that is to add a second impulse engine on the secondary hull just where the nacelle struts meet.  

After watching the Wrath of Kahn and STMP I noticed that the cycling rate on the photon torpedo tubes seem faster. So I've always equated  2 torps to 1 tube  for SFB purposes  thus A Constitution class refit fires 4 torps then do the reload factor
a 3 tubes would be 6 torps and 4 tubes would be 8 torps.  Well thats my theory concerning tmp technology.  

Keep up the great work.

Rogue NineCH

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 Bernard Guignard: Hmmmm, that is a radical suggestion, I'll have to see how that looks on the model.  As far as the number of torps, I usually have put at least 8 photons on the BC  every since I started modifying the stats, so that sounds about right to me.  I mean they don't call it a "Battle Cruiser" for nothing.

 "The Carrier Controversy!!"   Sorry, I couldn't resist poking a little fun at this issue.  As far as the Hangar doors I have a split reaction from most of the people who have contacted me, everyone wants numbers on the doors, and most seem to like the idea of having four hangar doors, myself included.  Where they differ is the style of the door itself, some like the blue door and some want to see a style that looks more like the stock carrier.  I have decided to give people a choice, I'll the blue doors and an optional texture that has a style that is similar to the stock model.  I have got a couple other ideas that I might try and if they look good I'll slip that texture in as well.

Bernard Guignard

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Hi Rogue
   Let me know how that looks looking forward to the final results keep up the great work  


  • Guest
Looking very cool Rogue, Especially the 'J' and 'F' versions, I personally like the blue doors for the carrier but I agree a more traditional look would fit better, I may even have to change the hangars on my Kyiv and Loknar.

BTW Rogue; thanx for putting the Loknar up and dealing with the permissions while I was away dude, but could you put credits on the Loknar d/l page for Pataflafla, P81 and myself (TVL) thanx again, oh and the Larson should be done in a little while if you want it or not it's cool.


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yeah, I cant wait, hehe.


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Tracey - if you flash your cleavage it'll get done quicker (I'm joking okay, I'm not a perv, really )

Rogue NineCH

  • Guest

Tracey - if you flash your cleavage it'll get done quicker (I'm joking okay, I'm not a perv, really )  

That's not very P.C. of you Lestat!!    On the other hand it might speed things up!  

Just kidding, here is an update, all the mesh tweaks are finished, the textures are almost done.  I was going to do the break mods, but my sister was in town so I got sidetracked, anway I'll finish up the breaks on Sunday, and hoefully the texures as well, then she'll be ready for release.