Ever notice that while the SFC-KA-Interplay TMP Gorn ships are rectangular and blockish that the FASA Gorns are basically triangular? BUT that the higher up in the shiplist you go on the Interplay Gorn ships that the Gorn ships turn triangular? I am speaking of the Gorn DN/BB of course, and also the new freighter that they have in OP that if not triangular is at least not as-blocky.
Hence, I propose that FASA Gorns be used for late-advanced-era Gorn ships, refelcting a design philosphy change that triangular is better than square. Now I suggest that people make the FASA Gorn ships so we can put them into our shiplist! One could possibly do this quite quickly because all you would have to do is to mesh the basic shapes which is rather easy and make some kind of general-Gorn texture that is taken from / based on the Interplay Gorn textures that we already have. Myself, I'm looking forward to that SS-3 destroyer as well as the M-12 Battleship (or is that Heavy Cruiser?)