Topic: Questions on SFB and its legends.  (Read 3807 times)

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Questions on SFB and its legends.
« on: August 15, 2003, 04:37:56 pm »
Could someone tell me what nimble ship and small ship bonuses actually were in SFB?  They're supposed to give some sort of bonus to the ship so it's not so easy to hit, but after that it gets a little vague to me.

Why don't fighters translate well from SFB to SFC?  what's the hole here?

Lastly, could someone tell me about the Hood and Ghostlight squadron senarios?  I read the general war on ADB's site and these are supposedly 'legends' but I know little about them.

pawing about,

« Last Edit: August 15, 2003, 04:38:44 pm by Holocat »


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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2003, 05:22:01 pm »
Well, "The Mighty Hood goes Down" was translated for SFC I, and fairly well as I recall. Simply put it is an Ambush of the Constitution class U.S.S. Hood by a wolf pack of three D-7 cruisers at the outbreak of the war. It's been some time, but If I remember correctly the wolfpack starts in cover from a Saturn-type ringed system planet and has a pretty fair edge.

Not familiar with the other scenario.


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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2003, 06:12:45 pm »

Could someone tell me what nimble ship and small ship bonuses actually were in SFB?  They're supposed to give some sort of bonus to the ship so it's not so easy to hit, but after that it gets a little vague to me.

From the Captain's Advanced Missions Rulebook section C.11:

subtract "1" from asteroid damage
2 HETs with reduced chance of breakdown
Reduced cost for erratic manuvers
May use EM after WW lauch without voiding WW
Add one from Quick Reverse roll
Up to 4 points free ECM depending on nimble ship type and range
...and a couple other things that could never apply to SFC

Note:  A lot of people (like me) never fully understood SFB rules when they played and learned a lot through SFC.


Why don't fighters translate well from SFB to SFC?  what's the hole here?

They are just too deadly without the minutia of system by system control in a turn based game, not to mention the effects of thing like Warp Booster Packs and Death Dragging.  Also, SFB had a kind of game-within-a-game ruleset to deal with fighter-fighter dogfighting.  


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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2003, 08:21:48 pm »
"The Mighty Hood goes down" scenario is also reprised in OP. (And perhaps EAW) Also, OP contains the Pleaides Turkey shoot and the "Wrath of Khan" scenarios.

While Tulwar got the Nimble Ships info, he neglected the "small target" info. (Small targets getting free ecm, wow, thought that was an SFC3 innovation!)

E1.7 Small Target Firing Modifications

All shuttles EXCEPT standard size fighters: range 12-24 = +2 ECM, 25+ = +4 ECM
Fighters + drones: 10-19 = +2 ECM, 20+ = +4 ECM
Nimble ship: 15-29 = +2 ECM, 30+ = +4 ECM

This is for EFFECTIVE range, which takes into account lack of lock on due to sensor damage, cloaking, natural ECM, etc.

PF's and interceptors are considered "Nimble ships" for this rule.

These ECM points are not cumulative with EM, the owning player may choose which to use.

They are cumulative with specific weapons penalites when fired at drones.

They are cumulative with EW.

Seeking weapons fired at small targets are unaffected by this rule.

Hope that helps.


Rod O'neal

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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2003, 10:58:54 pm »
Excerpt from SFB scenario, "Ghostlight: Day One" (SL117.0) by Steven P. Petrick

In the fall of Y171 the Klingon empire, concerned by signs that the Federation was beginning a massive mobilization, launched a preemptive attack across their joint border. Strategically, the Federation expected such an attack, but tactically they were taken totally by surprise. The desperate and, regrettably, brief defense of battle station #7 was just one of the many disasters that befell the Federation on that grim day. It is unfortunate that the Federation Commissioners would not learn their lessons in preparedness here, but fall into the same trap on the Romulan border less than 2 years later.

This is considered the 1st battle of the General War, from the Federation perspective. The battle is named for the "Ghostlight Squadron", or "VF123 Ghostlights". The fighter squadron that was attached to the battle station.      


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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2003, 11:15:11 pm »
Ya, I remember the Senario very well.  The Battle Station (and the sparse support vessels) didn't stand much of a chance against the Klingon fleet.  I read about this senario in Captains log and it had a story attached to the senario several pages long that discribed the blood bath from a Fighter Pilot Perspective.  The Ghostlights did the best they could, but where just way over their heads.  If I recall, hardly any of the Fighter pilots survived and both Defense vessels where completely lost with all hands.  Can't remember what happened to the Station.  I think the Klingons boarded it, took it over and nuked it!

From what I recall of the SFB Material I have, this was a recuring problem for the Feds from Y171 to Y174.  The Feds suffered a lot of loses during the early part of the General War mostly because they where fighting a war on two fronts and the Kzinti/Mirak didn't give a whole lot of support (they had their own problems to deal with).  The Gorn didn't enter the war until a little later I beleive.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Magnum357 »


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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2003, 11:41:59 pm »
If i remeber corectly, the Lyrans Atacked the Kizinti, then the Klingons atacked the Kizinti, then the Hydrans atacked through Klingon space and aparently managed to get half way though to Fed space before being chased back ( i think they were trying to get the Feds into the war)  and then the Klingons hit the Feds, but they were not doing as well as they hoped and talked the Romulans into atacking, but for one group of Romulans that was a Bad Idea becuase a Fed Captain decided to charge over the border and take out a squadron of Romulans, then the Gorn hit the Romulans, then the Tholians threw in with the Federation. After a While the Androminans started showing up more or less at random, then The ISC basicaly ramed their way though the borderlans and basicaly forced a wider "No mans land" between all of the races, (including aparently betwene Allied races) then the Andromidans showed up in force and chased the ISC back to their own borders and basicaly were kicking the [censored] out of everyone untill (alegedly) the Feds figured out how they Andronidans worked, then all of the "Galactic" races waged a Genicidal war that Eventualy evicted the Andromindans from our galaxy, then the allied races started folowing the Andros back to the Magelinic clouds that they originaly used as a base for their invasion and ultimatly destoyed the shipyard that the Andromidans used, after that the Andromidans were reduced to a ocational nusuance, were never able to counter X-tec, and eventualy the second Gen Xships started being built

Did I forget anthing??



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Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2003, 04:37:56 pm »
Could someone tell me what nimble ship and small ship bonuses actually were in SFB?  They're supposed to give some sort of bonus to the ship so it's not so easy to hit, but after that it gets a little vague to me.

Why don't fighters translate well from SFB to SFC?  what's the hole here?

Lastly, could someone tell me about the Hood and Ghostlight squadron senarios?  I read the general war on ADB's site and these are supposedly 'legends' but I know little about them.

pawing about,

« Last Edit: August 15, 2003, 04:38:44 pm by Holocat »


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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2003, 05:22:01 pm »
Well, "The Mighty Hood goes Down" was translated for SFC I, and fairly well as I recall. Simply put it is an Ambush of the Constitution class U.S.S. Hood by a wolf pack of three D-7 cruisers at the outbreak of the war. It's been some time, but If I remember correctly the wolfpack starts in cover from a Saturn-type ringed system planet and has a pretty fair edge.

Not familiar with the other scenario.


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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2003, 06:12:45 pm »

Could someone tell me what nimble ship and small ship bonuses actually were in SFB?  They're supposed to give some sort of bonus to the ship so it's not so easy to hit, but after that it gets a little vague to me.

From the Captain's Advanced Missions Rulebook section C.11:

subtract "1" from asteroid damage
2 HETs with reduced chance of breakdown
Reduced cost for erratic manuvers
May use EM after WW lauch without voiding WW
Add one from Quick Reverse roll
Up to 4 points free ECM depending on nimble ship type and range
...and a couple other things that could never apply to SFC

Note:  A lot of people (like me) never fully understood SFB rules when they played and learned a lot through SFC.


Why don't fighters translate well from SFB to SFC?  what's the hole here?

They are just too deadly without the minutia of system by system control in a turn based game, not to mention the effects of thing like Warp Booster Packs and Death Dragging.  Also, SFB had a kind of game-within-a-game ruleset to deal with fighter-fighter dogfighting.  


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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2003, 08:21:48 pm »
"The Mighty Hood goes down" scenario is also reprised in OP. (And perhaps EAW) Also, OP contains the Pleaides Turkey shoot and the "Wrath of Khan" scenarios.

While Tulwar got the Nimble Ships info, he neglected the "small target" info. (Small targets getting free ecm, wow, thought that was an SFC3 innovation!)

E1.7 Small Target Firing Modifications

All shuttles EXCEPT standard size fighters: range 12-24 = +2 ECM, 25+ = +4 ECM
Fighters + drones: 10-19 = +2 ECM, 20+ = +4 ECM
Nimble ship: 15-29 = +2 ECM, 30+ = +4 ECM

This is for EFFECTIVE range, which takes into account lack of lock on due to sensor damage, cloaking, natural ECM, etc.

PF's and interceptors are considered "Nimble ships" for this rule.

These ECM points are not cumulative with EM, the owning player may choose which to use.

They are cumulative with specific weapons penalites when fired at drones.

They are cumulative with EW.

Seeking weapons fired at small targets are unaffected by this rule.

Hope that helps.


Rod O'neal

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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2003, 10:58:54 pm »
Excerpt from SFB scenario, "Ghostlight: Day One" (SL117.0) by Steven P. Petrick

In the fall of Y171 the Klingon empire, concerned by signs that the Federation was beginning a massive mobilization, launched a preemptive attack across their joint border. Strategically, the Federation expected such an attack, but tactically they were taken totally by surprise. The desperate and, regrettably, brief defense of battle station #7 was just one of the many disasters that befell the Federation on that grim day. It is unfortunate that the Federation Commissioners would not learn their lessons in preparedness here, but fall into the same trap on the Romulan border less than 2 years later.

This is considered the 1st battle of the General War, from the Federation perspective. The battle is named for the "Ghostlight Squadron", or "VF123 Ghostlights". The fighter squadron that was attached to the battle station.      


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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2003, 11:15:11 pm »
Ya, I remember the Senario very well.  The Battle Station (and the sparse support vessels) didn't stand much of a chance against the Klingon fleet.  I read about this senario in Captains log and it had a story attached to the senario several pages long that discribed the blood bath from a Fighter Pilot Perspective.  The Ghostlights did the best they could, but where just way over their heads.  If I recall, hardly any of the Fighter pilots survived and both Defense vessels where completely lost with all hands.  Can't remember what happened to the Station.  I think the Klingons boarded it, took it over and nuked it!

From what I recall of the SFB Material I have, this was a recuring problem for the Feds from Y171 to Y174.  The Feds suffered a lot of loses during the early part of the General War mostly because they where fighting a war on two fronts and the Kzinti/Mirak didn't give a whole lot of support (they had their own problems to deal with).  The Gorn didn't enter the war until a little later I beleive.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Magnum357 »


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Re: Questions on SFB and its legends.
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2003, 11:41:59 pm »
If i remeber corectly, the Lyrans Atacked the Kizinti, then the Klingons atacked the Kizinti, then the Hydrans atacked through Klingon space and aparently managed to get half way though to Fed space before being chased back ( i think they were trying to get the Feds into the war)  and then the Klingons hit the Feds, but they were not doing as well as they hoped and talked the Romulans into atacking, but for one group of Romulans that was a Bad Idea becuase a Fed Captain decided to charge over the border and take out a squadron of Romulans, then the Gorn hit the Romulans, then the Tholians threw in with the Federation. After a While the Androminans started showing up more or less at random, then The ISC basicaly ramed their way though the borderlans and basicaly forced a wider "No mans land" between all of the races, (including aparently betwene Allied races) then the Andromidans showed up in force and chased the ISC back to their own borders and basicaly were kicking the [censored] out of everyone untill (alegedly) the Feds figured out how they Andronidans worked, then all of the "Galactic" races waged a Genicidal war that Eventualy evicted the Andromindans from our galaxy, then the allied races started folowing the Andros back to the Magelinic clouds that they originaly used as a base for their invasion and ultimatly destoyed the shipyard that the Andromidans used, after that the Andromidans were reduced to a ocational nusuance, were never able to counter X-tec, and eventualy the second Gen Xships started being built

Did I forget anthing??