In an era where "retro" is a style, it's only fitting that we get an SFC1 review 4 years late. (In fact, it's almost the 4th anniversary of its release.)
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the review. Although I am somewhat puzzled by:
a.) its timing (At a time of falling-out between Activisiona nd Paramount, an Interplay game -- a now "classic"aka old -- game gets some praise. No it can't be, Interplay _cannot_possibly_ afford the licence back again and publish SFC:GAW... *shakes head vehemently*)
b.) its target. We all agree SFC1 was good. (There maybe doubters, but I don't think anyone (still) HERE will dispute that.) But why the resurgence? Won't it be better to promote the "newest" Interplay version -- SFC2 or OP? (although SFC1's racial menus are big turn-ons...)
c.) and lastly, its source., Paramount's official site. (which incidently has undergone a revision for the worse IMHO. I miss LCARS format site. But the new ones aren't too bad...) It's like a blessing from the top... (although it did take trouble in pointing out Hydran and Lyran's "non-canon" origins)
Well. It may be an media push to promote "non-Activision" trek games. To bolster Paramount's case that it's not Trek games' fault, but ATVI's imcompetence (which I agree) that resulted in the mess.) Or it simply may be a new marketing tool to mine the nexr licence holder. Or it may be a simple and heartfelt praise by its author without ulterior motive, and I am overthinking things.
But no matter. To the author of the article, if youa re reading this, THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS.