Topic: The Doomsday Machine  (Read 52872 times)

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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2003, 07:24:16 pm »

This is the TOS Enterprise that I have

The Original Series Constitution Cruiser (refit for series run)

Original mesh by Moon (Thanks, man!)

Based on a design by Franz Joseph and Paramount's Star Trek series

Mesh reworked by Lansing (Mike Callahan)

Textures by Lansing

Design advice, HEAVY research and additional textural work by Brian Zinkle, Ghost and Anduril.

Taldren Model Viewer :

______ ------------------- _______________ ----------------- ______________ ----------

In Game Shots :

I can make this one available for DL as i do not know which site i got it from....

just let me know, oir email me at

Atherohaven, Excellent Constellation model you have there for the damaged ship.. i love it and it wiould be perfect for this senario...

hopefully this can be made to where the shiplist could be custom for the additional model(s) so all i would have to use is Ship Edit OP to change the weapon specs....


BTW any word on GSA mission.. I would make one using FMSE, but those are not OP compatible...

also Single player Skirmish would be wonderful as well...


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2003, 02:34:19 pm »

Please give us an update on the state of your script.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2003, 04:50:55 pm »
Its almost finished. I'm a bit busy trying to get missions done for SS2 as well, so its a bit slow going. I have encountered a problem with transporter objects. Originally, I had in the script you beam aboard an engineering team onto the crippled ship, the ship then begins to repair. Shortly thereafter, a survivor is found, the ship's captain and you beam him back. At this point in the script, the transporter icons go hay wire and ever object on the map shows exactly the same transporter icons in its display panel. I've seen this happen in one of Dave's missions as well, where you have to rescue a spy aboard a ship, and every enemy ship ends up showing the spy on board.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2003, 01:29:36 pm »

Thank you for the update!

I am so looking forward to playing this and the ANY other missions you are planning to release.

Best wishes,



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finally figured it out.. resize of the MDM is complete..
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2003, 06:15:20 pm »
And I also retouched the dead DM a bit as well to match a little more and give it a bit more of the "burnt-out" look.

The biggest issue I was having though with it was the placement of the maw effect.  It was either too far in, or too far in front.  Well, I got it today.  The only problem is that the effect now doesn't fill the mouth of the maw (because it was hardcoded I think for the original sized one, and this one is 200% larger than that now), but oh well.. you can only do so much.  

But it's now complete and ready for download.  I'll crosspost this over to the Mission Scripting forum as well because then Tracey'll know for her Doomsday script.

But here's a shot of the final result...

I guess I'll get this up for download asap... Enjoy guys..

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: finally figured it out.. resize of the MDM is complete..
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2003, 07:44:14 pm »
Looks awesome! No more 'sports coup' version! Yeah!

Well done Atheorhaven!


please give us some news....



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Re: finally figured it out.. resize of the MDM is complete..
« Reply #26 on: September 09, 2003, 08:06:50 pm »
As I mentioned in the Mods forum though, we're going to need spacecadetglowuk's permission before we can release this.  This is primarily his work, I only resized it and then created the MDD texture based on his MDM texture.  So this doesn't get out unless he's okay with it.. :/


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Re: finally figured it out.. resize of the MDM is complete..
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2003, 12:36:37 pm »
Cross-posting from the Models forum:


Reged: 03/03/02
Posts: 1195
Loc: Trafford,UK
 Re: Finally figured it out.. KF's request for resize of spacecadetglowuk's MDM done!
   #166131 - 09/10/03 11:05 AM

space gave permission for anyone to use and kitbash any model at his old site, so go ahead and release it  

Fabulous.. thanks for the update.

Now that there's a go-ahead.. here's the link to it (and I'll cross-post this to the Scripting forum as well so that Tracey knows)..

This includes the Live and Dead versions of the rescaled Doomsday machine in their proper folders.  Just unzip with folder names from the \assets\models directory and they should open in the right place.  


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Re: finally figured it out.. resize of the MDM is complete..
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2003, 09:14:11 am »
Just wondering what's happening with this script..


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Re: finally figured it out.. resize of the MDM is complete..
« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2003, 10:17:37 am »
Sorry I havent replied here for awhile, I've been playing a lot on SS2 lately and havent done any scripting for awhile.
I still have a few things to add to it, and ran into a problem with transporter objects. Intitially I had wanted the engineering team beamed aboard the crippled ship to find the ship's captain, who you then beam back. After this, a bried dialogue about the planet killer would appear and then you go off to fight it. Unfortunately, for some reason, when the 'Captain dude' transporter item is added to the crippled ship (which still has the enginerring team on board by the way), every ship in the game then shows both transporter items in the transporter panel. Not sure how to fix this yet, but basically, this is the only thing holding up the script.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: finally figured it out.. resize of the MDM is complete..
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2003, 07:36:34 pm »

Sorry I havent replied here for awhile, I've been playing a lot on SS2 lately and havent done any scripting for awhile.
I still have a few things to add to it, and ran into a problem with transporter objects. Intitially I had wanted the engineering team beamed aboard the crippled ship to find the ship's captain, who you then beam back. After this, a bried dialogue about the planet killer would appear and then you go off to fight it. Unfortunately, for some reason, when the 'Captain dude' transporter item is added to the crippled ship (which still has the enginerring team on board by the way), every ship in the game then shows both transporter items in the transporter panel. Not sure how to fix this yet, but basically, this is the only thing holding up the script.  

Perhaps you might find the solution in Centauri Vaugn's TMG Yesterday's Enterprise script? It involves a damaged ship and transporting engineering team/Captain Garrett from to E-C to/from E-D... Just a thought




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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2003, 11:44:59 am »


Sorry I havent replied here for awhile, I've been playing a lot on SS2 lately and havent done any scripting for awhile.
I still have a few things to add to it, and ran into a problem with transporter objects. Intitially I had wanted the engineering team beamed aboard the crippled ship to find the ship's captain, who you then beam back. After this, a bried dialogue about the planet killer would appear and then you go off to fight it. Unfortunately, for some reason, when the 'Captain dude' transporter item is added to the crippled ship (which still has the enginerring team on board by the way), every ship in the game then shows both transporter items in the transporter panel. Not sure how to fix this yet, but basically, this is the only thing holding up the script.  

Perhaps you might find the solution in Centauri Vaugn's TMG Yesterday's Enterprise script? It involves a damaged ship and transporting engineering team/Captain Garrett from to E-C to/from E-D... Just a thought



Is that a SFC2 or SFC3 script?

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2003, 07:23:08 pm »



Sorry I havent replied here for awhile, I've been playing a lot on SS2 lately and havent done any scripting for awhile.
I still have a few things to add to it, and ran into a problem with transporter objects. Intitially I had wanted the engineering team beamed aboard the crippled ship to find the ship's captain, who you then beam back. After this, a bried dialogue about the planet killer would appear and then you go off to fight it. Unfortunately, for some reason, when the 'Captain dude' transporter item is added to the crippled ship (which still has the enginerring team on board by the way), every ship in the game then shows both transporter items in the transporter panel. Not sure how to fix this yet, but basically, this is the only thing holding up the script.  

Perhaps you might find the solution in Centauri Vaugn's TMG Yesterday's Enterprise script? It involves a damaged ship and transporting engineering team/Captain Garrett from to E-C to/from E-D... Just a thought



Is that a SFC2 or SFC3 script?  

Centauri Vaughn's Yesterdays Enterprise mission is a SFC:OP script.



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Hey, I saw this thing once in SFC I
« Reply #33 on: October 02, 2003, 11:27:45 pm »
Never could damage the thing.  And I had a C-9, and a D-7!

Run away, run away!


Is there some key to killing it?



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Re: Hey, I saw this thing once in SFC I
« Reply #34 on: October 03, 2003, 11:40:36 am »
The Doomsday monster? You feed it something.
A shuttle will do.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Hey, I saw this thing once in SFC I
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2003, 02:45:15 pm »

Never could damage the thing.  And I had a C-9, and a D-7!

Run away, run away!


Is there some key to killing it?


You can defeat the Doomsday Machine IF you stay behind it firing your weapons. However, if you over run it, you will defeat it at the cost of your ship. This is just as ridiculous to me as having the shuttle/fighter take it out when it hits the ?magic spot? on it.

Tracey G.,

How about some news, please? Even releasing the revised Doomsday Machine stats would be welcome news.We also have a wonderful KA Luxury Liner for A Doomsday Like Any Other now, lol? BTW if you need Centauri Vaughn?s mission, let me know.




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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2003, 04:05:56 pm »
In testing, we changed the stock weapons on the Doomsday Machine, adding in lots of AMD to lower the potential for a shuttle or fighter simply taking it out by flying down its maw. We also used Heavy TR beams instead of PPDs, which looked ok, but perhaps a Mauler would look better.
If you like, I'll put the beta beta version up for download. It works just fine, just needs a few more things added to it to complete the storyline, but you can still finish the mission adequately. The SS2 shiplist contains the revised stats for the Doomsday Machine, so if you already have that, then just run the mission in single player (it was made for a campaign).
I will post a link soon.


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Re: The Doomsday Machine
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2003, 06:24:54 pm »
I think the mauler idea is the best as it wold look just like the TOS episode... It is what I have my DM shooting at me on my spec file... and getting in close when it does fire... Ouch... i gave it 2.

Maybe upgrade it to 3 or 4 later on as I would like it to be able to take out hard points on it's attack, yet still let the ship manuver, not quite crippeling it. just take the player down a notch or 2 to where they would have to pull off and build back up before thinking of engaging that thing again.



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Re: Hey, I saw this thing once in SFC I
« Reply #38 on: October 04, 2003, 12:05:37 am »

How about some news, please? Even releasing the revised Doomsday Machine stats would be welcome news.We also have a wonderful KA Luxury Liner for A Doomsday Like Any Other now, lol… BTW if you need Centauri Vaughn’s mission, let me know.

Just posting so that Tracey et al can see the liner for consideration for the script..



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« Reply #39 on: October 04, 2003, 11:04:05 pm »
is that ship, Atheorhaven?


Be explicit.