Topic: To all trekkers, quick question  (Read 4452 times)

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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2003, 08:36:00 pm »
let me rephrase, should the cloaked vessel have the ability to travel at a helms speed of 31 game term lol

adam out


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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2003, 09:08:15 pm »
Maybe there are 2 cloak modes:
1- Tactical cloak with full protection..  which would use more power than..
2- strategic cloak, with long range protection only.


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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2003, 09:35:05 pm »
Well there is an episode in DS9, the one that first introduces the Defiant, that showed a specific weakness in Romulan cloaks.  They are easier to detect when they are travelling at high speed.  Knowing this weakness, the Defiant went to full stop in order to elude two Jem'hadar attack ships... too bad those two ships Jem'hadar attackships already had the ability to detect their cloaks anyways, with or without exploiting the inherent weakness of cloaking ships travelling at high speed.

Can anyone else recall some more details about what happens to the ship main systems when it cloaks?  


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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2003, 09:46:24 pm »

The lights dim?  


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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2003, 10:54:26 pm »
Lol, yeah the lights do dim, the need the light bulb power lol lol, nah in some episodes there are able to arm weapons while cloaked, which makes them good when attacking and evading, but i see not everyone knows the answer to my question so I made up my own fomula regarding cloaking and power systems, I add a helm speed of 7, plus the total amount of power used to arm all weapons, plus the OTHER systems, then I take the total power consumption of the entire ship and subtract the stuff I previously added from it, then thatll be the cloak cost, so when a ship cloaks it can arm its weapons but have to reduce its speed to 7, if it wants to go faster then they have to choose what they want to arm, whether its heavys or light weapons, I tried it and it worked. Some limitation and advantages, works perfect, thanks anyways guys

adam out


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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2003, 11:42:38 pm »
Not a bad little system their.  I notice in SFC that late era Romulans (especially now with the OP patch) are down right deadly with cloaks!  They can arm their power sucking plasmas and still move fast in the game.  I would think, even in the SFB universe, that cloaked ships would move slower under cloak.  But one bad thing about your system is that the Roms (even in late era) would not cloak nearly as much because since you have the cloak cost so high, they have little extra power for EM or ECM.  On the other hand, like you said, a player could just cut power to most of the weapon systems in order to get the extra power for EM or ECM.  

Its too bad OP didn't have hidden cloak like in SFC3 (it is part of the original SFB rules).  At least that way, slow moving cloaked ships are not so vulnerable.  


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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2003, 11:54:33 pm »
Well thanks for saying it aint that bad, the truth aint it isnt, I tried it awhile and it seems to work great, truth is you can only do so much because of all the limitations this game has, I tried my best to make it as best as possible, and when my mod is complete, everyone can judje it for themselves, but im pretty confident itll work, btw when i played against the romulan warbird he wasnt dumb at all, lol lol he slowed to quarter impulse and armed his weapons, but i still prevailed, i was playing as a galaxy upgraded, with two Brel class support vessels, took a while but we got him lol lol

adam out  


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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2003, 12:20:45 am »

This is for SFC 2 OP Version   NOT SFC3!!!!!

According to the  TNG Series as well as Deep Space Nine, and Voyager, what exactly is on-line while you are cloaked, the game only has these 6 items in the Energy panel-

1 Engines
2 Weapons
3 Shield Reinforcement
4 Tractors
6 Other Power Consumptions

On several occasions, when I watched the series, like DS9 or whatever, I know that shields are suppose to be offline, now about weapons, romulan warbirds tend to have there weapons charged and ready to be fired, once they uncloak so I asssume weapons are online and powered, wat about engines, partial engines, quarter, half, 3 quaters, or full impulse capabilities, or no engines at all, i know vessel move while there cloaked, romulans do, but do they have full impulse capability, disregard if you think they shouldnt because it can affect the claoking status, can they have full speed, then specify if its a wise course of action on be half the cloaked vessel, tractor forget about it, ECM, should the cloaked vessel have enough power for that, and OTHER can be messed with so forget it thats by itself, Im asking because I want to make the cloak as best as posssible, i dont want to give the vessel extra power and then when theAI is that cloaked vessel, itll use the extra power to reinforce the shields making it impossible to penatrate its shields, so again, what exactly should have power btwn Engines, weapons, shields, and ECM, for tractors and OTHER, thanks guys

adam out  

    On the TNG series Capt Picard and Data transported down to Romulus on a covert mission from a klingon cloaked ship, and two assasins did also on the Startrek Movie with the cloaked bird of prey. That same bird of prey had some impulse power because Spock and Bones used the Modified Photons to track and hit itBy the gases the Impulse engines gave off.  

David Ferrell

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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2003, 11:54:23 am »
"Repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax." - MST3K opening theme.




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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2003, 12:41:27 am »

"Repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax." - MST3K opening theme.



**** SHOCK!!!! ****  


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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2003, 03:09:54 am »
No doubt.  Trying to get any useful information in Star Trek for a Tech manual or game is extremely difficult.  I was glad Star Trek finally made a good, offical Tech manual in the early 90's, but lately Star Trek has gone for the worse and yet again it heads torward more inconsistancies.  

<sigh> SFB may not be Star Trek, but at least it is much more consistant.


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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2003, 04:59:14 am »

"Repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax." - MST3K opening theme.



Lol  Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you any worse advice.



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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2003, 12:24:30 am »

No doubt.  Trying to get any useful information in Star Trek for a Tech manual or game is extremely difficult.  I was glad Star Trek finally made a good, offical Tech manual in the early 90's, but lately Star Trek has gone for the worse and yet again it heads torward more inconsistancies.  

<sigh> SFB may not be Star Trek, but at least it is much more consistant.  

I have been playing SFB since 1982 does anyone know if there is a computer version out other than SFC yet?
If so where can I get it?  


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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2003, 01:05:30 am »
  I've made this argument a dozen times, but here goes.

Shields, engines, sensors, and regular systems stay online. The lights dim as an indication of cloak, just like red alert doesn't mean they transfer power from the non-red lights.

Shields would appear to drop DURING the cloaking process on some older model ships, but not on newer ones. Weapons in the show come on-line nearly instantly. They take time to repair, and theres a cooldown while they reload, but generally they can fire right away after red alert.

ECM would defeat the purpose of cloak, so it would hardly come up.

I still stand by how Taldren chooses to represent cloak, as its more balanced than actual cloak. DS9 is hardly reliable, the Defiant would have been given an out-of-date model. You have to go by how we've observed actual ships.

We've seen cloaked ships be lit up by explosions without taking damage. So, they have shields.

In the episode where Geordi is kidnapped by romulans, they show the warbird decloaking, tractoring immediately, and firing. There's no point decloaking to run these operations unless you have to, therefore we can determine that, while they can tractor and fire immediately after cloak, they cannot do either while cloaked.

So basically, think of cloaked ships like U-Boats. They're not any more or less vulnerable when cloaked or decloaked (surfaced or unsurfaced) except for difficulty to hit. They can't really do a lot under water/cloak, but they can be good and ready right as they surface/decloak.



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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2003, 01:30:04 am »


We're trekkers, bub, not "trekkies" ...

I take my Trek VERY seriously.

SghnDubh the Geek signing out.  



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Re: To all trekkies, quick question
« Reply #35 on: August 10, 2003, 01:33:18 am »