Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum
Anyone else think k-disruptors are missing somethi
Cmdr. Krotz:
I think that if the lower base damage/ lower power cost/ improved decay rates model were used, it would take care of the problems of warp-power shortage and polaron accuracy- the main problem with the polaron is the power consumption, it's accuracy seems about the same as other torpedoes, but it's never going to hit as well as proximities, and bumping polarons, potential balance issues aside, either doesn't broadly help enough ships, or makes all other klink heavies unattractive....dizzies drawing less power miight help though, as well as if they did more damage than phasers at extended ranges (balancing fed's proximity fire).
The cloak is another matter, it's really hard for klingons to benefit much from it, because klingons depend on rate-of-fire to do their damage, which being cloaked detracts from, it's mostly good for position in the opening part of the engagement, and occasionally gaining a brief respite...aside from shaving about a second from transition times (matches the cloak sound effect better, and takes care of a couple other issues), I've played around with the beta patch quite a bit, and with the probes fixed, I've been on both end's of anti-cloak scans in my testing, and it really isn't bad (considering I've been playing the roms quite a bit, I would think that a pretty good endorsement); it's not gonna let a cloaking k'vort have its way with an akira, but it would be broke if it did.
The new ions REALLY are nifty, it's much better weapon than before, but significantly shorter ranged...it gives a good close-range advantage against the feds, but it's not going to de-throne the borg or (patched) roms as the short-range champions....
I'm certainly not arguing that current klingons can saber dance well, but 2 of the 4 races in the game are close-range specialists, so why not push for doing something different with the klingons...I believe many people think the currently implemented klingons are weaker than they should be, but as they don't have some hideously obvious flaw (like being able to miss all three torpedo shots fired at a tractored target), it's hard not to look like one is just whining/complaining...as it stands now, I was a staunch klingon flyer, it's what I got the games for in the first place, to fly a k'tinga in the st:ng universe, of all things...but after the patch, the roms make the klingons seem almost half as broken as the roms were/are in the release build/version, and so I've gone green, and if klingons aren't improved, I probably won't be the last; I never thought I'd see the day when I would actually think the raptor is a better BCH than the vor'cha, but that day has come....if I can come to that impression about the best of all klingon hulls, what does that say about the capabities of the klingons in general?
Jolan Tru.
Commanding the KWB (Klingon WarBird) Bugslayer
doesn't say much.
I think they can't saber dance very well at the moment with heavier hulls. One can saber sdance with a bop or a k'vort, but I find it hard to do with any other class. The reasons for that are directly connected with the warp power problems, the lack of a clear speed advantge and that little thing you can do with the w key ( warp). In fact when you have the power to saber dance you don't have the speed /turn to do it right, and when you have the speed , you lack the power.
The info I got about the beat patch is second hand. I expected that the roms would get a major boost, because they really needed it...I feared that the klinks would got a completly short stick, and, apparently, that is what happend in the BETA patch. I stil have some hopes that taldren can make a couple of changes to sort things out in the official version ( what probably won't happen)
you might be right about the polarons, but I missed 3 consecutive discharges at a tractored akira with really low AV today, so I am not really much confident about them at the moment
Since the day I started playing with the klinks on SFC III ( and that was in the day i got the game ) I easly understood that klingons needed a small revision on some Things, and then that the roms needd a huge boost. I really can't understand why most software developers don't see what is obvious for a player in 2 days. . I always considered that it was harder to create a game than to more or less balance it... but software comapnies keep showing that aparently I am wrong. In the meantime I had to adapt myself to how things are- and it wasn't that easy , since I took a traditional SFB approach to klingons, when a "a la federation" tactic+the fire often tesis seems to work best.
The confirmation about the Ion cannon improved power opens a small window , at least for me, since i usually end up trading direct blows at distances of 3 to 6 . If I can , somehow make something near 40 damage from 2 overloaded ion's ( and beam weapons miss much less than torps)+ let's say at least 36 from 4 disruptors, it is a improvement. I fear nonetheless, that it is not the kind of improvement that will make klingons a half-popular choice. IN FACT; IF KLINGON PLAYERS START TO CHOOSE ROMS ; I FEAR THAT I WILL END UP BEING SOME KIND OF LONE RANGER .
I will continue to play Klingon until my Kahless Returns for the Glory of the Empire!!!!
I agree, we have a tough battle against the superior ships of, well, almost everyone except for maybe the Romulans. But, it will be an honorable battle!!!
Here we go again...
This isn't SFC2, nor is it, thank the Praetor, SFB.
Do you think that in 100 years time the Klingon Empire just might've changed it's philosophy on tactics? Well yes, it has. It's gone from the archaic Saber Dance to the Fire First, Fire Often philosophy. A philosophy that is based arond not disruptors, but heavy weapons. And still most Klingon captains wrongly worship at the altar of the disruptors.
We Roms were forced to suffer Shade and DieŽ through not one, not two but THREE SFC titles. Now, at last, another empire has some very real problems, instead of just us. Oh, Taldren's AntiRom Division was hard at work during the creation of SFC3, too. Just look at the UberProbes?, Magical Missing Plasma? and Weakest Armor Known?.
IMHO, the problem isn't with the Klingon ships or technology. It's with those who pilot them. And I don't mean that as a slight. I mean to point out that most Klingon captains have their heads still stuck in SFC2/SFB. This, and only this, is what is keeping the empire down right now. As soon as you put your bumpy heads together, and come up with some viable ship configurations, crew hiring philosophies and stop putting Warp X cores in all your Negs (hint, hint), you will become a force to be reconed with.
Klingon ships have always given me a harder time than Federation ones. In SFC3, it's no different. You are Klingons! A Klingon does not make human excuses; when he encounters a problem, he conquers it!
I like the idea of slighly lower damage for a better decay rate. Flatten out the damage curve a bit.
Personally, I'd love to see the disruptors fire quite a bit faster than they do and lower the damage as needed for balance. But given how hard it is to saber dance in this game, I think they would suck.
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