Fed, But I recomnend runing a few missions or single Combats with your photons turned OFF! Yes off!, as in not on, not charging, not sucking presciose energy from your EW and speed) and learn to kill AI with just your Phasers,(yes it is very posible, Even with the Fed CA, But for now I recomend a CAI or CAR or if you must, a Fed CC. Try to focus on tearing down as few sheilds as posible, and Never EVER use that !@#$% button that lets you track him, it will only get your 1 sheild shreaded faster(yes their are times when it is ok to use that setting, but its a bad habit you realy need to break) also learn how to set your Transporter bombs (T-bombs are your freinds and you will win more if you use them, but they also go off on your alies and that is a bad thing!)and how to use the overhead view setting.
Also learn how to MIZA by poping single shots down a shield at one second intervals (basicaly learn how to fly at Game speed 7 or 8) as you can ocationaly strip wepons faster that way, and killing wepons and not hullboxes is the name of this game. and also learn what to send your red shirts after Especialy on the Romulan border, the faster you pop it, the happier you will be!
Oh and stay away form any ship in the Fed fleet that is labled DD, that thing cant fly and chew gum! theDDG andDDL "Upgrades" dont realy help, even the DDG+ refit dosent save it. about the only thing its good for is hanging back outside of efective HW range on starbases and Base station and Proxing the same sheild over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over
again untill you finaly grind it to nothing and you start geting internals that finaly take out enough of the P-4s to let you get closer so you can fire more Prox torps over
and over
and over
and over again
God I hate Starbase and base station asaults!.