Topic: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...  (Read 3088 times)

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SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« on: August 06, 2003, 09:39:09 am »
Hey guys, sup? Been a while since I been on here. Been...busy...

Anyway, the reason I'm back is cos' I've come to realise that in Trek movies ans in the Trek series the Romulans are using *GREEN* photon torpedoes, yet they use those really crappy messy balls of plasma in SFC3. Now, I temporarily fixed this problem by adding in Gravimetric Torpedoes, seeing as they're the closest thing visually but I've tweaked all Borg weapons so now it actually DOES take a fleet of ships to inflict damage on a Borg Cube (personal single player conquest campaign) and now the Romulans are 'el-sh*tto' yet again...(Why do I care? I dunno, waste a few Roms and no one cares anyway...)

I REALL REALLY need to know IF there is a way to add a new weapon into SFC3 using the sounds from a Federation photon torp and the textures of the grav torp? There's gotta be a way...c'mon guys sratch your heads (or arses, depending on what it is you do when you think) and get back to ASAP, please...

Cheers guys, DarkWolf out.  


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2003, 12:45:39 pm »
why do you need a new weapon? If all you want is for the G-Torp to sound like a photon, modify the sound file.


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2003, 10:19:30 pm »
i believe he said that he also uprgaded the borg weapons so they could kill ships in a couple of shots... so that would mean that he cant use the G-Torps.  


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2003, 10:18:01 am »
Exactly Lieutenant Q, at least you actually read what I wrote. What I want to do is this: I want to create a new weapon for the Romulans, a green coloured photon torpedo that will become standard on all their vessels, therefore doing away with *crap*cough*cough*cough* Plasma Torpedoes.

Before I had used the Grav Torp, however seeing as I have tweaked Borg weaponry to a scale of nearly 150% more powerful it would give the Roms an advantage (and I can't have that happening, nor can I have a strong Borg Cutting Beam backed up by a very weak heavy weapon can I?) and I don't want to use a standard photon.

There has got to be a way to make a new weapon type. I've been skimming through some of the files and noticed that references to the weapon types are placed in certain key files. Would adding/modifying a line in these files result in the creation of a new weapon. Normally I'd go right ahead and experiment, but I have no idea where to begin. Any of you Taldren boys know WTF to do?

DarkWolf out...  


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2003, 05:15:04 pm »
There is a way, but it would require modifying the game file itself I believe, and thats probaly imposible and illegal too.

No way to add new weapons, but you can Retexture and Resound them (right? They did leave that in RIGHT!?)


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2003, 08:19:40 pm »
It could take a bit of modiification to the ship list, but, a possibilty would be to swap the K-photons with the standard Photons on Klingon Vessels, and use the K-Photon as the New Romulan Photon.  Just a thought.  


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2003, 11:20:25 pm »
i did that on my game. made th klinks use the fed torp (all ships in spec file that tuck some time ) then used the k-torp for the rommis and played with the sound file to get the sound i wanted and messed with the k-torp bitmap to get the green colour,


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2003, 09:19:50 am »
I would suggest teh k-photon thing....

But it would be SOOOOOO much easier to use find/replace to replace any 'K-photon' with 'Photon', then any 'Plasma' with 'K-Photon'....


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2003, 11:20:05 am »
Cheers guys, thanks for the advice. Oh, by the way...Graves - what exactly did you do to the k-photon bitmap to make it green and what is the name of that file is that exactly so I can get around to making this a reality?

Also, I was reading somewhere else about a guy who wanted to make a new shield type. I've done it...Regenerative shielding (just a name, the shields regenerate at a standard rate), I made it standard on the Prometheus that I downloaded. It can withstand multiple hits by Borg weaponry, but due to the fact that they are now adequately powerful enough to pose a significant threat, they don't last for very long...

Oh, one last thing...I haven't got the beta patch (so we'll blame it on the original version) but while facing off a Borg Cube I noticed it wasn't firing at me...then I realised that it has that wepaons jamming bug where weapons won't fire. I was in a fully upgraded (and tweaked) Soveriegn with Type-XIIs and Q-Torps all round...I spent a half hour pounding it (I've also upgraded their armour strength) with all I've got and when that only scratched it I did the whole 'metaphasic shield' thing and pushed the damn Cube into the know how cool it sounds when millions of Borg Drones fry to a crisp? Sweeeeet...

DarkWolf out.  


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SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2003, 09:39:09 am »
Hey guys, sup? Been a while since I been on here. Been...busy...

Anyway, the reason I'm back is cos' I've come to realise that in Trek movies ans in the Trek series the Romulans are using *GREEN* photon torpedoes, yet they use those really crappy messy balls of plasma in SFC3. Now, I temporarily fixed this problem by adding in Gravimetric Torpedoes, seeing as they're the closest thing visually but I've tweaked all Borg weapons so now it actually DOES take a fleet of ships to inflict damage on a Borg Cube (personal single player conquest campaign) and now the Romulans are 'el-sh*tto' yet again...(Why do I care? I dunno, waste a few Roms and no one cares anyway...)

I REALL REALLY need to know IF there is a way to add a new weapon into SFC3 using the sounds from a Federation photon torp and the textures of the grav torp? There's gotta be a way...c'mon guys sratch your heads (or arses, depending on what it is you do when you think) and get back to ASAP, please...

Cheers guys, DarkWolf out.  


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2003, 12:45:39 pm »
why do you need a new weapon? If all you want is for the G-Torp to sound like a photon, modify the sound file.


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2003, 10:19:30 pm »
i believe he said that he also uprgaded the borg weapons so they could kill ships in a couple of shots... so that would mean that he cant use the G-Torps.  


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2003, 10:18:01 am »
Exactly Lieutenant Q, at least you actually read what I wrote. What I want to do is this: I want to create a new weapon for the Romulans, a green coloured photon torpedo that will become standard on all their vessels, therefore doing away with *crap*cough*cough*cough* Plasma Torpedoes.

Before I had used the Grav Torp, however seeing as I have tweaked Borg weaponry to a scale of nearly 150% more powerful it would give the Roms an advantage (and I can't have that happening, nor can I have a strong Borg Cutting Beam backed up by a very weak heavy weapon can I?) and I don't want to use a standard photon.

There has got to be a way to make a new weapon type. I've been skimming through some of the files and noticed that references to the weapon types are placed in certain key files. Would adding/modifying a line in these files result in the creation of a new weapon. Normally I'd go right ahead and experiment, but I have no idea where to begin. Any of you Taldren boys know WTF to do?

DarkWolf out...  


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2003, 05:15:04 pm »
There is a way, but it would require modifying the game file itself I believe, and thats probaly imposible and illegal too.

No way to add new weapons, but you can Retexture and Resound them (right? They did leave that in RIGHT!?)


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2003, 08:19:40 pm »
It could take a bit of modiification to the ship list, but, a possibilty would be to swap the K-photons with the standard Photons on Klingon Vessels, and use the K-Photon as the New Romulan Photon.  Just a thought.  


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2003, 11:20:25 pm »
i did that on my game. made th klinks use the fed torp (all ships in spec file that tuck some time ) then used the k-torp for the rommis and played with the sound file to get the sound i wanted and messed with the k-torp bitmap to get the green colour,


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2003, 09:19:50 am »
I would suggest teh k-photon thing....

But it would be SOOOOOO much easier to use find/replace to replace any 'K-photon' with 'Photon', then any 'Plasma' with 'K-Photon'....


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Re: SFC 3 Weapons - I Wanna Know...
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2003, 11:20:05 am »
Cheers guys, thanks for the advice. Oh, by the way...Graves - what exactly did you do to the k-photon bitmap to make it green and what is the name of that file is that exactly so I can get around to making this a reality?

Also, I was reading somewhere else about a guy who wanted to make a new shield type. I've done it...Regenerative shielding (just a name, the shields regenerate at a standard rate), I made it standard on the Prometheus that I downloaded. It can withstand multiple hits by Borg weaponry, but due to the fact that they are now adequately powerful enough to pose a significant threat, they don't last for very long...

Oh, one last thing...I haven't got the beta patch (so we'll blame it on the original version) but while facing off a Borg Cube I noticed it wasn't firing at me...then I realised that it has that wepaons jamming bug where weapons won't fire. I was in a fully upgraded (and tweaked) Soveriegn with Type-XIIs and Q-Torps all round...I spent a half hour pounding it (I've also upgraded their armour strength) with all I've got and when that only scratched it I did the whole 'metaphasic shield' thing and pushed the damn Cube into the know how cool it sounds when millions of Borg Drones fry to a crisp? Sweeeeet...

DarkWolf out.