Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum
How do you read an SSD?
Just wondering if any of you SFBer's out there can point me to something that will show me how to read a SSD.... things like ship hull size, amount of shuttles/fighters/PF's.....
Well, it's pretty easy usually. For power, just count the number of boxes of AWR, APR, etc. Shields is the same. Some boxes don't have an obvious function unless you understand the abbreviations used, so what specifically are you having problems with?
Dash Jones:
Okay, more starwars than Star Trek...did you know SSD is also abbreviated Star Wars slang (at least in some circles) for Super Star Destroyer? With that in mind...another way answer your question is...
Do you really want to try to read that???
The SSD for the SSD is pretty interesting.
Each box means a specific system usually. Shuttle bays are marked "SHTL" usually. The # boxes is the # shuttles it can hold. If it has certain special marks, it means the bay can hold fighters, or possess mech links for PF attachment. There are boxes for hull marked F HULL, R HULL, C HULL or just HULL. That tells you roughly how tough a ship is to hurt significantly. Nothing on the SSD explicitly says what hull class the ship is, if thats what you are asking. However, the MOVE cost of the ship usually gives it away. A cost of 1 is a heavy cruiser. Light cruisers are usualyl 2/3. DDs are 1/2. FFs are 1/3. Heavy Battlecruisers are usually also 1. The DNs are 1.5 and BBs are 2.
That was probably a bunch of random information you were NOT asking for, but your question was a little vague.
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