Topic: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release  (Read 9797 times)

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SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« on: August 05, 2003, 06:40:13 pm »
I have made a first release of my PF modified version of gman's SFB OP shiplist with a complete set of Fleetdock13 models and other selected models and textures available here:

FilePlanet - SFB Mod v0.3a (93.9 MB download, ~540 MB installed)

I have assembeld most of the original models referenced in gman's list with some newer ones. I have made the TigerHeart Cartel the PFT/PF donor race and so all the donated PFTs and PFs are available to that cartel.  (To be non-playable in the campaign, but there may be a fix to prevent access to the donor...) There remains some LDR ships in the TIgerHeart cartel yet to be transferred to the main LDR cartel slot (Camboro). Also, all the donated PFs are available to each receiving race, no fix for this yet but the honour system to use PFs from your race only.

I have disabled engine doubling for  the cartel slots for this mod. There is some work to go yet, as this is a first (beta) release. I intend to build an OP D2 server around this mod in the next few months.  I have a pretty good idea of how I want to set it up but any input on the mod or possible campaign design is welcome.

For reference here is the readme from gman's original SFB OP shiplist (I have only made changes to allow PFTs to be flown, edited model pointers, made a few fixes, but I believe there may still be a few errors hiding in the list (mainly arcs, as there are new ones available):


gman, Garry M. Kump

 1. Installation
 2. Introduction
 3. The Races, Old and New
 4. The Models
 5. SFB Ships Included
 6. SFC Ships Removed
 7. ISC "E" Ships
 8. Fighters
 9. Carriers
10. The Tholian Web Weapons
11. Aegis Ships
12. Minesweepers
13. Romulan Nuclear Mines
14. Shuttle Numbers
15. Orion Ships
16. X Ships
17. Ship Limits
18. Correcting Problems

As usual, backup all original files before installing.  This package
contains the following files and you should put the files where

File                    Single Player location      
.............      ................                
shiplist.txt      assets/specs         
ftrlist.txt             assets/specs         
strings.txt      assets/strings
shipnames.txt      assets/strings

removed_ships.txt   SFC removed ships that you may wish to add to
         shiplist.txt if desired.
README.TXT      This file.

For multiplayer, its best to use a specific Mod.  This list has been
sent for possible inclusion with the SFB Mod being authored by
Dan James.

This shiplist and its associated files was initially inspired by the
Fleetdock13 web site maintained by Ghost.  Those wonderful models from
the like of Ghost, Anduril, Lumby, Atrahasis, Cleeve, and a host of
others who really transformed the SFC game into something much closer
to SFB in look as well as play.  

The shiplist was initially a proposal for new ships for SFC:OP, requested
by MagnumMan.  Since the new ships were being sent in SFC shiplist format,
I decided to got through the modules and add all the missing ships as
well as validate all the present ships, putting it all into one major
shiplist with the appropriate modifications to the string files.  

This shiplist uses the pirate cartel slots for additional races and
allows current PF races to use fighters.  The following slots are used...

   Ftr = Fighters and free acting PFs
   PF  = PF Tenders with PFs, no Fighters

   F   Federation         Ftr
   K   Klingon            Ftr
   R   Romulan            PF
   Z   Kzinti (Mirak)         Ftr
   L   Lyran            PF
   G   Gorn            PF
   H   Hydran            Ftr
   I   ISC            Ftr
   O   Orion (non-player)      Ftr
   B       Lyran (BeastRaiders)       Ftr
   C   LDR (Camboro)              Ftr   
   P   Romulan   (Prime)         Ftr
   S   Gorn (Syndicate)      Ftr
   T   LDR (TigerHeart)      PF
   W   WYN (WyldeFire)         Ftr
   X   Orion (Orion)         Ftr
   Y   Tholian/Neo-Tholian (Korgath)   Ftr

The Romulan, Gorn, and Lyran are repeated in the noted pirate cartel slot
and include carriers with fighters and independent PFs (small FFs).  The
Lyran Democratic Republic (LDR) have two pirate cartel slots, one with
PF Tenders/PFs and one with fighters/independent PFs.

This shiplist has the model paths set to Fleetdock13 models for most of
the ships.  The Tholians have model paths set to the Tholian Will site
(Daniel K. Thompson) models.  WYN models are using Fleetdock13 crymson
pirate models for its "fish ships" and appropriate race models for its
mixed auxiliary and captured ship fleet.  The LDR uses Fleetdock13 Lyran
Tiger Claw stripped ships.  Hopefully, in the future, we may see WYN
and LDR specific models.  

Before using this shiplist, you will have to ensure you have the models
desired and in the same path defined.  If using with a MOD, the models
will come with the shiplist.  If you are using only the shiplist, then
you will have to download the models.  Of course, you are free to change
the path names to models you desire.

The following web sites have all the models required with the exception of
Gorn X ships, where I used Sbloyd's CA and CL models instead of the SFC
standard, since they are similar to the SFB Gorn ships.


Tholian Will

Sbloyd's Shipyards

This shiplist and the string files now include almost all the ships
defined in the following SFB modules...

 1) Star Fleet Battles Basic Set
 2) SFB Advanced Missions
 3) Module C1  New Worlds I (Hydran, Lyran, WYN)
 4) Module C2  New Worlds II (Neo-Tholian, Tholian, ISC)
 5) Module C3  New Worlds III (Neo-Tholian, LDR, WYN)
 6) Module R1  Bases and Auxuliaries
 7) Module R2  Federation, Kzinti, Orion
 8) Module R3  Klingon, Hydran, Lyran, WYN
 9) Module R4  Romulan, Gorn, ISC, Tholian
10) Module R5  Battleships
11) Module R6  The Fast Warships
12) Module R7  Dreadnoughts at War
13) Module M   Star Fleet Marines
14) Module J   Fighters
15) Module K   Fast Patrol Ships

Some general ships were not added due to redundancy, though many general
ships have been included.

Not all SFC original ships are from the SFB official modules.  Some are
defined by other SFB publications (Star Fleet Times) and others are
Taldren created.  These ships have been removed from the shiplist and
placed in a separate shiplist file.  They total only 36, so it is a very
small number.  These include the infamous Romulan SPZ, Federation CFS
Fire Support Ship, and Klingon cloaking ships.  They are still supported
in the strings file, so you may easily add them back to the main shiplist
if you desire.

These "early" ISC ships are not compliant to SFB modules.  However, I left
them in the main shiplist because Taldren added them to allow ISC to
campaign in early era.  I let this one slide.

Completely redone and "based" on SFB fighters.  This is the area I had to
use some creativity or freedom in defining.  SFB fighters cannot be
duplicated in SFC due to engine limitations in the area of fighter
weapons.  Fighter drones are not the same and are limited in number.  
Fighters travel in squadrons with damage carry over.  Regeneration of
fighters is a source of contention, and so on.  I had to compensate
and some may not like the results.  This one area needs further
play testing and you should feel free to change (for single player play).
Some of the changes made are...

   a)  Fighters SFB damage increased by 50% (rounded up).
   b)  Fighters SFB speed increased by 50% (rounded up).
   c)  No Warp Pack versions, compromised by b)
   d)  2 x Plasma D combined into single Fighter Plasma F
   e)  No EW fighter versions
   f)  EW pods accounted by changing ECM/ECCM as appropriate
   g)  Special shuttle versions not supported, such as ground assault
       shuttles (GAS) due to SFC shuttle implementation (admin only)

Note that many SFB fighters have plenty of drones.  This will cause issues
with the unpatched version of SFC:OP due to fighter drone control being
counted against the carrier's drone control.  This problem is supposed to
be fixed in the first OP patch.  

All races now have carriers and fighters.  Carriers have true SFB number
of fighters except for a couple of Hydran carriers due to SFC limitation
of a total of 24 fighters maximum (6 per four fighter bays).  Correct
SFB default fighter compliment is defined for all carriers, which may
change on refit variant, as compliant to SFB carrier escort/fighter charts.  

A big change to carriers is they are now more sturdy then SFC carriers.
SFC had Fighter bays and numbers not counting for internal damage as they
should.  They do now, for fighter numbers are added to shuttle bay size,
which adds internal damage boxes for fighter bays.

Tholians and Neo-Tholians are combined into one race.  The Tholian Web
Generators do not exist in SFC, so were ignored (with no BPV adjustment).
For the Snare refit of the Web Generator, a Plasma-D is used.  Web Snares
were often used for defense against fighters and the Plasma-D seemed
appropriate.  Web Casters are substituted with Plasma E weapons.  This
is the new Plasma Snare X weapon.  This seemed to be an excellent
substitute for the Web Caster, especially with the upcoming OP patch
where the Snare plasma would slow ships even with shield hits.

Aegis equipped ships are escorts with improved fire control.  They are
exactly the same as earlier escort variants except for Aegis inclusion.
The real time nature of SFC almost gives an Aegis ability to all
ships (fire at drone, see effect, fire again if necessary).  To justify
the additional BPV for Aegis ships and to give them further capability,
additional weapons were added, outside those defined by SFB...
   Federation, Klingon, Kzinti, WYN   2 x ADD12
   Romulan, Gorn, ISC, Tholian      2 x PlasD
   Lyran               4 x Pha3
   Hydran, LDR            2 x PhG

Minesweepers primary role is to sweep mine fields.  In SFC, this is not
a supported function.  Instead, a cargo box is given for each mine rack
box and a hefty load of transporter mines assigned as well.  Minesweepers
are now used as mine layers in combat, if folks wish to use them in that

SFC had nuclear mines assigned to almost all Romulan war ships.  These
mines were removed for the new Romulan series ships.  Only the old series
ships have nuclear mines, and usually only one mine is provided.

Another change is to increase the shuttles to the maximum shuttles for
each ship, as per SFB.  GAS were replaced with admin suttles, even though
GAS weren't used for scatter pack.  HTS are double sized shuttles in SFB
and many commando ships carry them.  They are replaced with one admin
shuttle because the double sized shuttle box could only handle one shuttle,
albiet a much larger one.  The double sized shuttle bay increases internal
hits, not number of admin shuttles.

The Orion ships have been completely redone.  There are three "option themes"
that each Orion ship variant follows...

Option 1   Photon, Ph1
Option 2   Disruptor, Drone
Option 3   Plasma

A source of contention may be the removal of cloak for all Orion ships, on
the theory that such would be very rare.  The other reasons for such a
decision was to lower BPV cost and allow the Romulans to have something unique.
If cloak is desired, ensure BPV is appropriately increased.

16.  X SHIPS
It was initially planned to include the SFB X1 ships.  However, they do
not add well to SFC due to BPV adjusted for several SFB rules that are not
implemented in SFC.  In other words, X1 rules are not supported in SFC.
They were removed and the Taldren X ships remained for Advanced era.
It would be smarter to add another set of ships for X1, similar to SFB
X1, but user defined and less capable than Taldren X ships.  For now,
since there is a limit of ships supported in the shiplist.txt, I decided
not to add SFB X1 and leave the Taldren X ships as is (no modification).

Currently, SFC limits shiplist to 64 per hull type (FF, DD/CL, CA, DN).
This means you will not see all the ships in this new shiplist.  The
shiplist has been ordered so that less desired (PF ships for fighter
based slots, etc) ships are at the end and will be the ones ignored
by SFC.  Hopefully, a future OP patch will remove this problem and all
ships will become available.

The following ships have been placed at the bottom of the "list" and
will be over the 64 ship limit and not appear in selection screens
until a patch increases the limit.

Federation - CL/DD Hull Type

Klingon - CA Hull Type

Klingon - FF Hull Type
F5J, F5JB, E4J, E4JB, F5R, AxPFS, G1N, F5M, F5MB, F5S, F5SB

Orion - CA Hull Type

Care was taken to catch all ??? occurances caused by missing strings in
the string files.  If you find any occurance or an issue with any model
pathnames, please send me e-mail so I may update.  Thanks!

I intend to compile all the empire ships in the cartel slots into their proper empire slot if possible and make the unused cartels non-playable on the campaign. I hope to have these fixes and others implemented in a "03b" release in the next few months.
It's not quite done yet but I've been having a lot of fun with it in direct tcp/ip games and just had to share it!

So if you have the time and inclination uninstall any other mods and give this one a try, its a lot of fun and I really could use some input at this stage.  (bugs, models, list structure, campaign options, etc...)

Edit: some screenshots taken during early work here:  My scrapbook (image load)
P.S. Try the multiplayer Intruder mission for some Juggernaught fun!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2003, 07:42:05 am »
heh. Competition?


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2003, 08:17:34 am »

heh. Competition?

Nope, it was not originally intended to compete with your mod as I started work on it before you started including models in yours.  Additionally, it is not intended to be in "a style that must match Taldren's". Most of the Taldren created ships have been pulled. Carriers get their full load of fighters and the fighters themselves are truer to SFB (read very nasty!). Also, I have made PFs available to all races which is quite a departure from the style of your mod. I also put this together with a particular campaign design in mind.

I did not consider poly count of the models as I was trying to be true to gman's original (uncompiled) selections. Actually this is more in competition with Chris Jones' Ultimate TOS mod for SFC:OP, as that is exactly what he did, but did not enable player controlled PFs for empires that did not have them under the Taldren defaults. I compiled all the models from the original sites as CJ made a number of changes to the models referenced in gman's original list. (His mod was based on the exact same list but he changed nothing but the model pointers in the shiplist) See this post:  Re: Damaged Ships in Campaigns?

Thanks for noticing though, and once completed I hope it will be considered to be in the same class as your mod!  


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2003, 08:24:35 am »
I haven't looked at it (since I'm quite busy with my own).. but a mod is a mod, and I'm sure it could be considered in the same class. People will have feedback for you, and you'll be able to fix problems as they appear.

Also, I hope you like the sourcecode drop I did.
-- Luc


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2003, 08:40:57 am »

Also, I hope you like the sourcecode drop I did.

Yup, I caught that, thanks bunches!  


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2003, 09:11:09 am »
Yeah, there is only a 36 minute wait right now.  Down with File Planet!


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2003, 04:41:54 pm »

I have made a first release of my PF modified version of gman's SFB OP shiplist with a complete set of Fleetdock13 models and other selected models and textures available here:

FilePlanet - SFB Mod v0.3a (93.9 MB download, ~540 MB installed)

And now mirrored on SFCx at:

Good news: no waiting time! Bad news: well lets be honest, I don't have the pipes of FP.  

gl gh and hf!



  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2003, 08:58:09 pm »

I have been waiting for someone to really tackle the SFB fighter and pf loadouts for the various races that was really left half arsed by the powers that be.

Gives me a reason to continue redoing the Romulan Hawk series.  

Love them Sph-B's...

Klingon Fanatic

  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2003, 09:46:50 pm »
Are Andromedans going to be added to this? Use the cloak for the "displacement device"  and load up on TRBHs and TRBLs and away we go?




  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2003, 11:29:37 pm »
I hate to ask, but is there a modeless version out there for the poor, beleagured dial ups out there?  That mod's a good day's worth of downloading, and my computer probably won't support the sheer processing power needed to support all the snazzy new models.  Most modelers make their models to look nice and high res, which usually leaves this lower end system out of the loop.

Anyway, i'll stop bothering you now,



  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2003, 01:11:13 am »

I hate to ask, but is there a modeless version out there for the poor, beleagured dial ups out there?

Yup, there is a "lite" version in the works. I hope to finish it by next week.
(then back to completing the full version)

Thanks for the mirror Castrin, much appreciated.

I'm glad you like the project anduril, you guys have some great models over there at Fleetdock13.
I've been having a lot of fun with them, keep up the good work!

Hmmm, Andros? It would take a bit of work but I'll look at the possibility Klingon Fanatic, it hadn't
really occurred to me to add them. I want to get some other things cleaned up, then I'll look at maybe
adding them since the TR beams are there...  


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2003, 11:10:53 am »
I've worked out most of the Andro stats and have just stated revising the sattilite ship stats using the TRL weapons. They are very cool and not ubber ships but give all a run for their money.

Btw, nice call on the tholian ships. I had been working on them also (since I had all but finished the Andros) and had come to the same conclusions on the web weapons (i.e. use a PlasE - Snare). Good to see I wasn't the only one thinking that.  



  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2003, 11:20:35 am »
Oh a few more comments:

Readme #16 states that the original X ships were left in. As these are a constant issue and cause people to abandone a server using them I'd recommend that you look at those againa s either a) replace them, like the reat you had, with more SFB styled ones or b) make them all restricted. As there is now a 128 shiplist perclass limit and not 64 you should be able to fit in additions.

Readme #17 doesn't apply anymore so should be struck.



  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2003, 02:41:30 pm »
Thanks for the input Castrin. Gman is the one who put those Thols together and he did do a good job of it!
I agree on the X-ships, I'll likely remove them, but not sure if I'll replace them. Yup new ship limits now 128,
so I'm going to put all the races back together (one slot each) and likely leave the pirates out (except the wyn).
Once completed I'll do my own readme, I posted this one to give the background of the project. There's still a
ways to go yet. (P.S. If it's not too forward of me to ask, think you could pass along your Andro info?
I'm looking at the possibility of adding em...)  


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2003, 03:12:22 pm »
"Leave the pirates out"

Man I like hearing that.


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2003, 04:02:37 pm »
It will make it easier for me and I'll be using up to 4 of their slots anyway. Cartel-Cartel interaction on the D2 map has proved tricky and this will simplify things. Some will be disappointed (Red), but I will run OP+ or stock servers with  pirates in the future as well.

Note: I just found a serious error in version a - I left out the older set of thol models in the distribution, so watch out for the old thol ships (may cause crashes).

Version "b" and a "lite" version coming soon...  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2003, 04:19:02 pm »
Hey bonk, a simple reminder:

If you turn on that sfc.ini setting to disable warp doubling for pirates with your mod, make sure to remove that setting on uninstall.

-- Luc


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2003, 04:48:51 pm »
Thanks for your continued support FireSoul, it is much appreciated.
I already took care of that and tested it, it is working fine. (I'm so glad that switch was added!  )

Under the Install section of my script:
WriteINIStr "$INSTDIR\sfc.ini"  "Network" "AllowEngineDoubling" "0"

and under the Uninstall section:
DeleteINIStr "$INSTDIR\sfc.ini"  "Network" "AllowEngineDoubling"

It's all good, thanks for the reminder though.  


  • Guest
SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2003, 06:40:13 pm »
I have made a first release of my PF modified version of gman's SFB OP shiplist with a complete set of Fleetdock13 models and other selected models and textures available here:

FilePlanet - SFB Mod v0.3a (93.9 MB download, ~540 MB installed)

I have assembeld most of the original models referenced in gman's list with some newer ones. I have made the TigerHeart Cartel the PFT/PF donor race and so all the donated PFTs and PFs are available to that cartel.  (To be non-playable in the campaign, but there may be a fix to prevent access to the donor...) There remains some LDR ships in the TIgerHeart cartel yet to be transferred to the main LDR cartel slot (Camboro). Also, all the donated PFs are available to each receiving race, no fix for this yet but the honour system to use PFs from your race only.

I have disabled engine doubling for  the cartel slots for this mod. There is some work to go yet, as this is a first (beta) release. I intend to build an OP D2 server around this mod in the next few months.  I have a pretty good idea of how I want to set it up but any input on the mod or possible campaign design is welcome.

For reference here is the readme from gman's original SFB OP shiplist (I have only made changes to allow PFTs to be flown, edited model pointers, made a few fixes, but I believe there may still be a few errors hiding in the list (mainly arcs, as there are new ones available):


gman, Garry M. Kump

 1. Installation
 2. Introduction
 3. The Races, Old and New
 4. The Models
 5. SFB Ships Included
 6. SFC Ships Removed
 7. ISC "E" Ships
 8. Fighters
 9. Carriers
10. The Tholian Web Weapons
11. Aegis Ships
12. Minesweepers
13. Romulan Nuclear Mines
14. Shuttle Numbers
15. Orion Ships
16. X Ships
17. Ship Limits
18. Correcting Problems

As usual, backup all original files before installing.  This package
contains the following files and you should put the files where

File                    Single Player location      
.............      ................                
shiplist.txt      assets/specs         
ftrlist.txt             assets/specs         
strings.txt      assets/strings
shipnames.txt      assets/strings

removed_ships.txt   SFC removed ships that you may wish to add to
         shiplist.txt if desired.
README.TXT      This file.

For multiplayer, its best to use a specific Mod.  This list has been
sent for possible inclusion with the SFB Mod being authored by
Dan James.

This shiplist and its associated files was initially inspired by the
Fleetdock13 web site maintained by Ghost.  Those wonderful models from
the like of Ghost, Anduril, Lumby, Atrahasis, Cleeve, and a host of
others who really transformed the SFC game into something much closer
to SFB in look as well as play.  

The shiplist was initially a proposal for new ships for SFC:OP, requested
by MagnumMan.  Since the new ships were being sent in SFC shiplist format,
I decided to got through the modules and add all the missing ships as
well as validate all the present ships, putting it all into one major
shiplist with the appropriate modifications to the string files.  

This shiplist uses the pirate cartel slots for additional races and
allows current PF races to use fighters.  The following slots are used...

   Ftr = Fighters and free acting PFs
   PF  = PF Tenders with PFs, no Fighters

   F   Federation         Ftr
   K   Klingon            Ftr
   R   Romulan            PF
   Z   Kzinti (Mirak)         Ftr
   L   Lyran            PF
   G   Gorn            PF
   H   Hydran            Ftr
   I   ISC            Ftr
   O   Orion (non-player)      Ftr
   B       Lyran (BeastRaiders)       Ftr
   C   LDR (Camboro)              Ftr   
   P   Romulan   (Prime)         Ftr
   S   Gorn (Syndicate)      Ftr
   T   LDR (TigerHeart)      PF
   W   WYN (WyldeFire)         Ftr
   X   Orion (Orion)         Ftr
   Y   Tholian/Neo-Tholian (Korgath)   Ftr

The Romulan, Gorn, and Lyran are repeated in the noted pirate cartel slot
and include carriers with fighters and independent PFs (small FFs).  The
Lyran Democratic Republic (LDR) have two pirate cartel slots, one with
PF Tenders/PFs and one with fighters/independent PFs.

This shiplist has the model paths set to Fleetdock13 models for most of
the ships.  The Tholians have model paths set to the Tholian Will site
(Daniel K. Thompson) models.  WYN models are using Fleetdock13 crymson
pirate models for its "fish ships" and appropriate race models for its
mixed auxiliary and captured ship fleet.  The LDR uses Fleetdock13 Lyran
Tiger Claw stripped ships.  Hopefully, in the future, we may see WYN
and LDR specific models.  

Before using this shiplist, you will have to ensure you have the models
desired and in the same path defined.  If using with a MOD, the models
will come with the shiplist.  If you are using only the shiplist, then
you will have to download the models.  Of course, you are free to change
the path names to models you desire.

The following web sites have all the models required with the exception of
Gorn X ships, where I used Sbloyd's CA and CL models instead of the SFC
standard, since they are similar to the SFB Gorn ships.


Tholian Will

Sbloyd's Shipyards

This shiplist and the string files now include almost all the ships
defined in the following SFB modules...

 1) Star Fleet Battles Basic Set
 2) SFB Advanced Missions
 3) Module C1  New Worlds I (Hydran, Lyran, WYN)
 4) Module C2  New Worlds II (Neo-Tholian, Tholian, ISC)
 5) Module C3  New Worlds III (Neo-Tholian, LDR, WYN)
 6) Module R1  Bases and Auxuliaries
 7) Module R2  Federation, Kzinti, Orion
 8) Module R3  Klingon, Hydran, Lyran, WYN
 9) Module R4  Romulan, Gorn, ISC, Tholian
10) Module R5  Battleships
11) Module R6  The Fast Warships
12) Module R7  Dreadnoughts at War
13) Module M   Star Fleet Marines
14) Module J   Fighters
15) Module K   Fast Patrol Ships

Some general ships were not added due to redundancy, though many general
ships have been included.

Not all SFC original ships are from the SFB official modules.  Some are
defined by other SFB publications (Star Fleet Times) and others are
Taldren created.  These ships have been removed from the shiplist and
placed in a separate shiplist file.  They total only 36, so it is a very
small number.  These include the infamous Romulan SPZ, Federation CFS
Fire Support Ship, and Klingon cloaking ships.  They are still supported
in the strings file, so you may easily add them back to the main shiplist
if you desire.

These "early" ISC ships are not compliant to SFB modules.  However, I left
them in the main shiplist because Taldren added them to allow ISC to
campaign in early era.  I let this one slide.

Completely redone and "based" on SFB fighters.  This is the area I had to
use some creativity or freedom in defining.  SFB fighters cannot be
duplicated in SFC due to engine limitations in the area of fighter
weapons.  Fighter drones are not the same and are limited in number.  
Fighters travel in squadrons with damage carry over.  Regeneration of
fighters is a source of contention, and so on.  I had to compensate
and some may not like the results.  This one area needs further
play testing and you should feel free to change (for single player play).
Some of the changes made are...

   a)  Fighters SFB damage increased by 50% (rounded up).
   b)  Fighters SFB speed increased by 50% (rounded up).
   c)  No Warp Pack versions, compromised by b)
   d)  2 x Plasma D combined into single Fighter Plasma F
   e)  No EW fighter versions
   f)  EW pods accounted by changing ECM/ECCM as appropriate
   g)  Special shuttle versions not supported, such as ground assault
       shuttles (GAS) due to SFC shuttle implementation (admin only)

Note that many SFB fighters have plenty of drones.  This will cause issues
with the unpatched version of SFC:OP due to fighter drone control being
counted against the carrier's drone control.  This problem is supposed to
be fixed in the first OP patch.  

All races now have carriers and fighters.  Carriers have true SFB number
of fighters except for a couple of Hydran carriers due to SFC limitation
of a total of 24 fighters maximum (6 per four fighter bays).  Correct
SFB default fighter compliment is defined for all carriers, which may
change on refit variant, as compliant to SFB carrier escort/fighter charts.  

A big change to carriers is they are now more sturdy then SFC carriers.
SFC had Fighter bays and numbers not counting for internal damage as they
should.  They do now, for fighter numbers are added to shuttle bay size,
which adds internal damage boxes for fighter bays.

Tholians and Neo-Tholians are combined into one race.  The Tholian Web
Generators do not exist in SFC, so were ignored (with no BPV adjustment).
For the Snare refit of the Web Generator, a Plasma-D is used.  Web Snares
were often used for defense against fighters and the Plasma-D seemed
appropriate.  Web Casters are substituted with Plasma E weapons.  This
is the new Plasma Snare X weapon.  This seemed to be an excellent
substitute for the Web Caster, especially with the upcoming OP patch
where the Snare plasma would slow ships even with shield hits.

Aegis equipped ships are escorts with improved fire control.  They are
exactly the same as earlier escort variants except for Aegis inclusion.
The real time nature of SFC almost gives an Aegis ability to all
ships (fire at drone, see effect, fire again if necessary).  To justify
the additional BPV for Aegis ships and to give them further capability,
additional weapons were added, outside those defined by SFB...
   Federation, Klingon, Kzinti, WYN   2 x ADD12
   Romulan, Gorn, ISC, Tholian      2 x PlasD
   Lyran               4 x Pha3
   Hydran, LDR            2 x PhG

Minesweepers primary role is to sweep mine fields.  In SFC, this is not
a supported function.  Instead, a cargo box is given for each mine rack
box and a hefty load of transporter mines assigned as well.  Minesweepers
are now used as mine layers in combat, if folks wish to use them in that

SFC had nuclear mines assigned to almost all Romulan war ships.  These
mines were removed for the new Romulan series ships.  Only the old series
ships have nuclear mines, and usually only one mine is provided.

Another change is to increase the shuttles to the maximum shuttles for
each ship, as per SFB.  GAS were replaced with admin suttles, even though
GAS weren't used for scatter pack.  HTS are double sized shuttles in SFB
and many commando ships carry them.  They are replaced with one admin
shuttle because the double sized shuttle box could only handle one shuttle,
albiet a much larger one.  The double sized shuttle bay increases internal
hits, not number of admin shuttles.

The Orion ships have been completely redone.  There are three "option themes"
that each Orion ship variant follows...

Option 1   Photon, Ph1
Option 2   Disruptor, Drone
Option 3   Plasma

A source of contention may be the removal of cloak for all Orion ships, on
the theory that such would be very rare.  The other reasons for such a
decision was to lower BPV cost and allow the Romulans to have something unique.
If cloak is desired, ensure BPV is appropriately increased.

16.  X SHIPS
It was initially planned to include the SFB X1 ships.  However, they do
not add well to SFC due to BPV adjusted for several SFB rules that are not
implemented in SFC.  In other words, X1 rules are not supported in SFC.
They were removed and the Taldren X ships remained for Advanced era.
It would be smarter to add another set of ships for X1, similar to SFB
X1, but user defined and less capable than Taldren X ships.  For now,
since there is a limit of ships supported in the shiplist.txt, I decided
not to add SFB X1 and leave the Taldren X ships as is (no modification).

Currently, SFC limits shiplist to 64 per hull type (FF, DD/CL, CA, DN).
This means you will not see all the ships in this new shiplist.  The
shiplist has been ordered so that less desired (PF ships for fighter
based slots, etc) ships are at the end and will be the ones ignored
by SFC.  Hopefully, a future OP patch will remove this problem and all
ships will become available.

The following ships have been placed at the bottom of the "list" and
will be over the 64 ship limit and not appear in selection screens
until a patch increases the limit.

Federation - CL/DD Hull Type

Klingon - CA Hull Type

Klingon - FF Hull Type
F5J, F5JB, E4J, E4JB, F5R, AxPFS, G1N, F5M, F5MB, F5S, F5SB

Orion - CA Hull Type

Care was taken to catch all ??? occurances caused by missing strings in
the string files.  If you find any occurance or an issue with any model
pathnames, please send me e-mail so I may update.  Thanks!

I intend to compile all the empire ships in the cartel slots into their proper empire slot if possible and make the unused cartels non-playable on the campaign. I hope to have these fixes and others implemented in a "03b" release in the next few months.
It's not quite done yet but I've been having a lot of fun with it in direct tcp/ip games and just had to share it!

So if you have the time and inclination uninstall any other mods and give this one a try, its a lot of fun and I really could use some input at this stage.  (bugs, models, list structure, campaign options, etc...)

Edit: some screenshots taken during early work here:  My scrapbook (image load)
P.S. Try the multiplayer Intruder mission for some Juggernaught fun!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »


  • Guest
Re: SFB OP Mod '03 First Release
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2003, 07:42:05 am »
heh. Competition?