Topic: Shipwrights 8.3 Specs released for Orion Pirates  (Read 3005 times)

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Shipwrights 8.3 Specs released for Orion Pirates
« on: August 03, 2003, 11:28:40 pm »
Shipwrights 8.3 Specs for Orion Pirates
Based upon the SW 7.30 Specs for EAW.

Lyran, Romulan, and Klingon Maulers have been added.

The OrionTigerHeart cartel is now solely used by the Lyran Democratic Republic (LDR). You'll need to add AllowEngineDoubling=0 to your SFC.ini file under [Network]. Note that this is done by the honor system. You can't disable another player's engine doubling, only your own.

The OrionWyldeFire cartel is now used by the WYN Star Cluster. There aren't many ships in there yet, just 3. There's a few fillers in there (CL, CA, DN) so you can't select Federation ships from this cartel (an odd phenomenon).

The OrionBeastRaiders cartel is now used by a new "empire", Space Monsters. All these creatures can be player-controlled. Anyone care to make a Monster fleet?

The OrionOrion cartel is the only true Orion cartel left. Make sure to set AllowEngineDoubling=1 in your sfc.ini file. You're entitled to the extra power.

The remaining cartel slots have been reserved for Andromedans, Tholians, Seltorians, and Jindarians.


The Plasma-I tax has not yet been added to reflect OP's less restrictive firing restrictions.
The Monsters need more smaller life forms to fill the Frigate/Destroyer role.
Orions need to be reviewed and probably given more effective option packages.

You may download the specs here.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TarMinyatur »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Shipwrights 8.3 Specs released for Orion Pirates
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2003, 07:31:06 pm »
Regarding a Beast Raiders "monster" race I suggest, Skinman's Cybornetic Arachnid-like Leigons:

The Sunspider makes an excellent DN or even an Astrominer.




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Re: Shipwrights 8.3 Specs released for Orion Pirates
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2003, 12:04:18 am »
Or there are Azel's Space Whale, Doomsday Machine, his Sunglider, and his Helllions... I have often meant to install them into my SFCOP....  


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Re: Shipwrights 8.3 Specs released for Orion Pirates
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2003, 06:36:06 am »
Zorg had a space spider with his stuff... Try to find him and take this creature Dark Matrix propably has sth and Hollis J. Wood had a couple of monsters with his stuff as well.
Have a nice day...  


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Re: Shipwrights 8.3 Specs released for Orion Pirates
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2003, 01:47:41 pm »
Right on,

I had not intended to change more than TIgerHeart to LDR and Camboro to WYN with my question about LDR & WYN now I see I wont need to  , I am gonna be d/lin this when I get home from work and having a look at it for sure.  Tell me didn you also change the Race list so it shows ie: LDR instead of TIgerHeart?

I remember the "Fish wars" models looked like a space squid its still available at  Fleet Dock 13


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Re: Shipwrights 8.3 Specs released for Orion Pirates
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2003, 10:30:41 pm »
This is a lightweight mod. It just changes shiplist.txt and ftrlist.txt. You need to modify strings.txt to change the race names.


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Re: Shipwrights 8.3 Specs released for Orion Pirates
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2003, 11:29:46 pm »

The Shipwrights have released the 9.23 specs for OP tonight.  


Comparator v1.3
by MagnumMan-iCoP (James E. King, III)

Performing detailed regression test...

Scanning for fighters and PFs that have been removed:

Scanning for ships that have been removed:

Scanning for fighters and PFs that have been added:

Scanning for ships that have been added:
  F-XFE (Advanced Frigate Escort) added.
  F-XFF (Advanced Frigate) added.
  F-XFG (Advanced F Missile Frigate) added.
  F-XDD (Advanced Destroyer) added.
  F-XDG (Advanced D Missile Destroyer) added.
  F-CCX (Command X Cruiser) added.
  F-XCA (Advanced Cruiser) added.
  F-XCB (Advanced Bombardment Cruiser) added.
  F-XCF (Advanced Fast Cruiser) added.
  G-XFE (Advanced Escort Frigate) added.
  G-XFF (Advanced Frigate) added.
  G-XFP (Advanced F Plasma Frigate) added.
  G-XDD (Advanced Destroyer) added.
  G-XDP (Advanced D Plasma Destroyer) added.
  G-CCX (Command X Cruiser) added.
  G-XCA (Advanced Cruiser) added.
  G-XCB (Advanced Bombardment Cruiser) added.
  G-XCF (Advanced Fast Cruiser) added.
  H-XFE (Advanced Escort Frigate) added.
  H-XFF (Advanced Hunter Frigate) added.
  H-XFH (Advanced Cuirassier Frigate) added.
  H-XDD (Advanced Destroyer) added.
  H-XDV (Advanced Carrier Destroyer) added.
  H-LBX (Command Cruiser (X Refit)) added.
  H-XCA (Advanced Cruiser) added.
  H-XCB (Advanced Bombardment Cruiser) added.
  H-XCF (Advanced Cruiser) added.
  I-XFE (Advanced Escort Frigate) added.
  I-XFF (Advanced Frigate) added.
  I-XFP (Advanced F Plasma Frigate) added.
  I-XDD (Advanced Destroyer) added.
  I-XDP (Advanced D Plasma Destroyer) added.
  I-CAX (Advanced Star Cruiser) added.
  I-XCA (Advanced Cruiser) added.
  I-XCB (Advanced Bombardment Cruiser) added.
  I-XCF (Advanced Fast Cruiser) added.
  K-XFE (Advanced Escort Frigate) added.
  K-XFF (Advanced Frigate) added.
  K-XFG (Advanced F Missile Frigate) added.
  K-XDD (Advanced Destroyer) added.
  K-XDG (Advanced D Missile Destroyer) added.
  K-D7X (Command X Cruiser) added.
  K-XCA (Advanced Cruiser) added.
  K-XCB (Advanced Bombardment Cruiser) added.
  K-XCF (Advanced Fast Cruiser) added.
  L-XFA (Advanced Attack Frigate) added.
  L-XFE (Advanced Escort Frigate) added.
  L-XFF (Advanced Frigate) added.
  L-XDA (Advanced Anti-Missile Destroyer) added.
  L-XDD (Advanced Destroyer) added.
  L-CCX (Command X Cruiser) added.
  L-XCA (Advanced Cruiser) added.
  L-XCB (Advanced Bombardment Cruiser) added.
  L-XCF (Advanced Fast Cruiser) added.
  Z-XFE (Advanced Escort Frigate) added.
  Z-XFF (Advanced Frigate) added.
  Z-XFG (Advanced F Missile Frigate) added.
  Z-XDD (Advanced Destroyer) added.
  Z-XDG (Advanced D Missile Destroyer) added.
  Z-CCX (Command X Cruiser) added.
  Z-XCA (Advanced Cruiser) added.
  Z-XCB (Advanced Bombardment Cruiser) added.
  Z-XCF (Advanced Fast Cruiser) added.
  R-XFE (Advanced Escort Frigate) added.
  R-XFF (Advanced Frigate) added.
  R-XFP (Advanced F Plasma Frigate) added.
  R-XDD (Advanced Destroyer) added.
  R-XDP (Advanced D Plasma Destroyer) added.
  R-NHX (NovaHawk-X Command Cruiser) added.
  R-XCA (Advanced Cruiser) added.
  R-XCB (Advanced Bombardment Cruiser) added.
  R-XCF (Advanced Fast Cruiser) added.
  O-CA (Marauder-class Heavy Cruiser) added.
  O-XFF (Advanced Light Raider) added.
  O-XDD (Advanced Heavy Raider) added.
  O-XCA (Advanced Battle Raider) added.
  W-FF2 (W Barracuda Frigate) added.
  W-ZFF (W Frigate) added.
  W-ZFF+ (W Frigate) added.
  W-E4 (W Frigate) added.
  W-E4B (W Frigate) added.
  W-LR-1 (W Light Raider) added.
  W-LR-2 (W Light Raider) added.
  W-LR-3 (W Light Raider) added.
  W-LR+1 (W Light Raider) added.
  W-LR+2 (W Light Raider) added.
  W-LR+3 (W Light Raider) added.
  W-AxC-1 (W Standard Auxiliary Cruiser) added.
  W-AxC-2 (W Standard Auxiliary Cruiser) added.
  W-AxC-3 (W Standard Auxiliary Cruiser) added.
  W-DBR-1 (W Double Raider) added.
  W-DBR-2 (W Double Raider) added.
  W-DBR-3 (W Double Raider) added.
  W-DD (W Mako Destroyer) added.
  W-DD+ (W Mako Destroyer) added.
  W-DDG (W Mako Drone Destroyer) added.
  W-DE (W Mako Escort Destroyer) added.
  W-LDD (W Destroyer) added.
  W-LDD+ (W Destroyer) added.
  W-LDDK (W Destroyer) added.
  W-AxBC-1 (W Auxiliary Battlecruiser) added.
  W-AxBC-2 (W Auxiliary Battlecruiser) added.
  W-AxBC-3 (W Auxiliary Battlecruiser) added.
  W-CR-1 (W Raider Cruiser) added.
  W-CR-2 (W Raider Cruiser) added.
  W-CR-3 (W Raider Cruiser) added.
  W-CR+1 (W Raider Cruiser) added.
  W-CR+2 (W Raider Cruiser) added.
  W-CR+3 (W Raider Cruiser) added.
  W-CW (W Orca War Cruiser) added.
  W-CW+ (W Orca War Cruiser) added.
  W-CWG (W Orca War Cruiser) added.
  W-CVL (W Orca-V Light Carrier) added.
  W-BR-1 (W Battle Raider) added.
  W-BR-2 (W Battle Raider) added.
  W-BR-3 (W Battle Raider) added.
  W-CA+ (W Heavy Cruiser) added.
  W-PBB (W Pocket Battleship) added.

Scanning for fighters and PFs that have changed:
  D-INT: Removed 1xPh2-FX, 1xPh3-RAR -> 1xPh2-FX, 1xPh3-RAL -> 1xPh3-RAR, Added 1xPh3-RAL, changed geoUI 'PFF'
  D-PF: Added 1xDis1-FA, Removed 1xDis1-FA, Added 1xPh2-FAR, 1xPh2-FAR -> 1xPh2-FAL, Removed 1xPh2-FAL, Removed 1xPh3-RAR, 1xPh3-RAL -> 1xPh3-RAR, Added 1xPh3-RAL, changed geoUI 'PFF'

Scanning for ships that have changed:
  I-DDZ: +3 bpv
  I-DDGZ: +3 bpv
  I-DDLZ: +3 bpv
  I-CVEZ: +3 bpv
  I-CLZ: +6 bpv
  I-CLGZ: +6 bpv
  I-CMZ: +6 bpv
  I-CSZ: +6 bpv
  I-CVLZ: +6 bpv
  I-CVLS: +6 bpv
  I-CAZ: +9 bpv
  I-CAAZ: +9 bpv
  I-CCZ: +9 bpv
  I-CVZ: +9 bpv
  I-CVSZ: +9 bpv
  I-DNL: +9 bpv
  I-DNZ: +12 bpv
  I-DNT: +12 bpv
  I-CVAZ: +12 bpv
  I-BBZ: +18 bpv
  Z-CC+: 1xPh3-RS -> 1xPh3-LS, 1xPh3-LS -> 1xPh3-RS
  O-CA1: +1 bpv, +33 yfa, 2xPhot-FA -> 1xPhot-FA, 1xDis2-RS -> 1xPhot-FA, 1xDis2-LS -> 1xPlaD-LS, Added 1xPlaD-RS, +5 probes, changed geometry 'assets/models/pca/pca.mod', changed geoUI 'PCA'
  D-FF: 1xPh1-FAR -> 1xPh1-FAL, 1xPh1-FAL -> 1xPh1-FAR, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-FF+: 1xPh1-FAR -> 1xPh1-FAL, 1xPh1-FAL -> 1xPh1-FAR, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-MP: Removed 1xDis2-FX, Added 1xDis2-FX, Removed 2xPh2-FA, 1xPh2-FAR -> 1xPh2-FAL, 1xPh2-FAL -> 1xPh2-FAR, Added 2xPh2-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-MP+: Removed 1xDis2-FX, Added 1xDis2-FX, Removed 2xPh2-FA, 1xPh2-FAR -> 1xPh2-FAL, 1xPh2-FAL -> 1xPh2-FAR, Added 2xPh2-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-MPP: Removed 1xDis2-FX, Added 1xDis2-FX, Removed 2xPh2-FA, 1xPh2-FAR -> 1xPh2-FAL, 1xPh2-FAL -> 1xPh2-FAR, Added 2xPh2-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-MPP+: Removed 1xDis2-FX, Added 1xDis2-FX, Removed 2xPh2-FA, 1xPh2-FAR -> 1xPh2-FAL, 1xPh2-FAL -> 1xPh2-FAR, Added 2xPh2-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-CMP: 1xESG-ALL -> 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xPh2-FA, 1xPh2-FAR -> 1xPh2-FAL, 1xPh2-FAL -> 1xPh2-FAR, Added 2xPh2-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-CMP+: Removed 2xPh2-FA, 1xPh2-FAR -> 1xPh2-FAL, 1xPh2-FAL -> 1xPh2-FAR, Added 2xPh2-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-DD: 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-DD+: 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-DW: Removed 1xDis2-FX, Added 1xDis2-FX, Removed 2xPh1-FA, 1xPh1-FAR -> 1xPh1-FAL, 1xPh1-FAL -> 1xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-DW+: Removed 1xDis2-FX, Added 1xDis2-FX, Removed 2xPh1-FA, 1xPh1-FAR -> 1xPh1-FAL, 1xPh1-FAL -> 1xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-DWP: Removed 1xDis2-FX, Added 1xDis2-FX, Removed 2xPh1-FA, 1xPh1-FAR -> 1xPh1-FAL, 1xPh1-FAL -> 1xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-DWP+: Removed 1xDis2-FX, Added 1xDis2-FX, Removed 2xPh1-FA, 1xPh1-FAR -> 1xPh1-FAL, 1xPh1-FAL -> 1xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-CDW: Removed 2xPh1-FA, 1xPh1-FAR -> 1xPh1-FAL, 1xPh1-FAL -> 1xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-CDW+: Removed 2xPh1-FA, 1xPh1-FAR -> 1xPh1-FAL, 1xPh1-FAL -> 1xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, changed geoUI 'PDD'
  D-CL: Added 1xDis2-FA, Added 1xDis2-FA, Removed 1xDis2-FA, 1xDis2-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PCL'
  D-CL+: Added 1xDis2-FA, Added 1xDis2-FA, Removed 1xDis2-FA, 1xDis2-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PCL'
  D-LTT: 1xDis3-FX -> 1xDis3-FA, Added 1xDis3-FA, Removed 1xDis3-FA, 1xDis3-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Added 1xDis3-FX, Removed 2xESG-ALL, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PCL'
  D-CW: 1xDis3-FX -> 1xDis3-FA, Added 1xDis3-FA, Removed 1xDis3-FA, 1xDis3-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Added 1xDis3-FX, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xPh1-FA, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, Added 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PCL'
  D-CWP: 1xDis3-FX -> 1xDis3-FA, Added 1xDis3-FA, Removed 1xDis3-FA, 1xDis3-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Added 1xDis3-FX, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xPh1-FA, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, Added 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PCL'
  D-PFW: Added 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, 2xPh1-FA -> 1xPh1-FX, 1xPh1-FAR -> 1xPh1-FAL, 1xPh1-FAL -> 1xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, Added 2xPhG-RS, 1xPh1-FX -> 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PCL'
  D-PFWP: Added 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, 2xPh1-FA -> 1xPh1-FX, 1xPh1-FAR -> 1xPh1-FAL, 1xPh1-FAL -> 1xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, Added 2xPhG-RS, 1xPh1-FX -> 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PCL'
  D-CWL: 2xDis3-FX -> 1xDis3-FA, Added 1xDis3-FA, Removed 1xDis3-FA, 1xDis3-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xDis3-FX, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xPh1-FA, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, Added 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PCL'
  D-CWLP: 2xDis3-FX -> 1xDis3-FA, Added 1xDis3-FA, Removed 1xDis3-FA, 1xDis3-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xDis3-FX, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xPh1-FA, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, Added 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, Removed 2xPhG-RS, Removed 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PCL'
  D-TCWL: +861 bpv, 2xDis3-FX -> 1xDis3-FA, Added 1xDis3-FA, Removed 1xDis3-FA, 1xDis3-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xDis3-FX, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xPh1-FA, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-FAR, Added 2xPh1-FA, Added 1xPhG-RS, Added 1xPhG-LS, Removed 1xPhG-RS, Removed 1xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PCL'
  D-CA: Added 2xDis3-FA, 2xDis3-FA -> 1xESG-ALL, Added 1xESG-ALL, Removed 1xESG-ALL, Removed 1xESG-ALL, Added 2xPh1-FAR, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 1xPh1-RS, 1xPh1-LS -> 1xPh1-RS, 2xPhG-RS -> 1xPh1-LS, 2xPhG-LS -> 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PDN'
  D-CA+: Added 2xDis3-FA, 2xDis3-FA -> 1xESG-ALL, Added 1xESG-ALL, Removed 1xESG-ALL, Removed 1xESG-ALL, Added 2xPh1-FAR, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 1xPh1-RS, 1xPh1-LS -> 1xPh1-RS, 2xPhG-RS -> 1xPh1-LS, 2xPhG-LS -> 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PDN'
  D-CC: Added 2xDis3-FA, 2xDis3-FA -> 1xESG-ALL, Added 1xESG-ALL, Removed 1xESG-ALL, Removed 1xESG-ALL, Added 2xPh1-FAR, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 1xPh1-RS, 1xPh1-LS -> 1xPh1-RS, 2xPhG-RS -> 1xPh1-LS, 2xPhG-LS -> 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PDN'
  D-CC+: Added 2xDis3-FA, 2xDis3-FA -> 1xESG-ALL, Added 1xESG-ALL, Removed 1xESG-ALL, Removed 1xESG-ALL, Added 2xPh1-FAR, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 1xPh1-RS, 1xPh1-LS -> 1xPh1-RS, 2xPhG-RS -> 1xPh1-LS, 2xPhG-LS -> 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PDN'
  D-BC: Added 2xDis4-FA, 2xDis4-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xPh1-FAR, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-ALL, Removed 2xPh1-ALL, Removed 1xPh1-RS, 1xPh1-LS -> 1xPh1-RS, 1xPhG-RS -> 1xPh1-LS, 1xPhG-LS -> 1xPhG-RS, Added 1xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PDN'
  D-BCP: Added 2xDis4-FA, 2xDis4-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xPh1-FAR, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, 2xPh1-FAL -> 2xPh1-ALL, Removed 2xPh1-ALL, Removed 1xPh1-RS, 1xPh1-LS -> 1xPh1-RS, 1xPhG-RS -> 1xPh1-LS, 1xPhG-LS -> 1xPhG-RS, Added 1xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PDN'
  D-MON: Added 2xDis4-FX, 2xDis4-FX -> 1xESG-ALL, Added 1xESG-ALL, Removed 1xESG-ALL, Removed 1xESG-ALL, Added 2xPh2-ALL, Added 2xPh2-ALL, Removed 2xPh2-ALL, Removed 2xPh2-ALL, Removed 2xPhG-RS, 2xPhG-LS -> 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, +2 adminBase, +2 adminMax, changed geoUI 'PDN'
  D-DN: Added 2xDis4-FA, 2xDis4-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xPh1-FAR, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 2xPhG-RS, 2xPhG-LS -> 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PDN'
  D-DNP: Added 2xDis4-FA, 2xDis4-FA -> 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Removed 2xESG-ALL, Added 2xPh1-FAR, 2xPh1-FAR -> 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 2xPh1-FAL, Removed 2xPhG-RS, 2xPhG-LS -> 2xPhG-RS, Added 2xPhG-LS, changed geoUI 'PDN'
  W-CA: -42 bpv, Hull Type Changed, Special Role Changed, +51 yfa, +991 yla, Turn Mode Changed, +5 regularCrew, +16 marinesBase, +12 marinesMax, +2 deckCrew, +14 totalCrew, +36 shield1, +30 shield2, +30 shield3, +30 shield4, +30 shield5, +30 shield6, +166 totalShielding, Added 1xDroB-2, Added 1xDroB-2, Added 2xDis3-FA, Added 2xDis3-FA, Added 2xADD12-2, Added 2xPh1-FAL, Added 2xPh1-FAR, Added 3xPh3-FX, Added 1xPh3-RX, Added 1xPh3-RX, Added 2xPh1-ALL, +4 tBombsBase, +2 add_12, +2 shuttlesSize, +1 launchRate, -100 armor, -92 forwardHull, -100 centerHull, -92 aftHull, +4 apr, +1 bridge, -4 lab, +2 transporters, +2 explosionStrength, changed geometry 'assets/models/wca/wca.mod', changed geoUI 'ZCA', changed fullName 'W Heavy Cruiser', changed refits 'WAR OF RETURN', fighter change 0x -> 1xSwift, fighter change 0x -> 1xSwift