Topic: The time has come for the Khambatta to launch into the great unknown.  (Read 1161 times)

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After many attempts to get a good look for the Khambatta, I have finally came up with a look that gives the Khambatta her own look without taking away from the fact that she is still an Enterprise Class Starship. Well ladies and Gentlemen. Here she is, The U.S.S. KHAMBATTA NCC-7101. Enterprise Class Starship MkII. She looks almost like a typical ship of the line with only very minor differences to her.










And here is the link to the Khambatta.


  • Guest
AWESOME!! Great job! Another great ship to blow up klinks with.



  • Guest
Looks great!!

Captain Ron

  • Guest
She looks great!
She is also the one I was waiting for!

One question though...
Do you have that deflector Texture for the second picture down, I really like the way that one looks and was wondering if you had it still.


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U.S.S. Khambatta is truly deserves to be among the Enterprise line!

And to tell you the truth, I like ALL the versions you have pictured. The Purple deflector with green photon tube glows gives the ship an etherial quality I think is really original.
The second version with the dark blue tones makes me think of her as being more advanced, more experimental with technologies somehow.
And the newest version with its lighter tones does (IMHO) look more like her sister ship, Enterprise. Gorgeous.

I know you aren't as happy with her earlier incarnations but I think ALL THREE are more than worthy members of the Enterprise Class. And if you decide to release any of those earlier versions, no one here would object. Of that I am sure! . You could call them your Khambatta Prototypes 1 and 2 perhaps...

Congratulations, Willarddcker! You have outdone yourself.  


  • Guest
Might I add that's a truly inspiring design for the navigational deflector.  

Captain Ron

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Still curious to see if you have the textures?