Topic: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...  (Read 1724 times)

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I have never been able to find a suitable F-FF that I like, so I am turning to the USS-Phobos, a DD/CL type ship. Will this model be made smaller in the game engine if I drop it in the fff model folder?

Also, I heard that if you take a model of a different size, and play it on GSA, then range and distance may be altered between players with different models of the same ship. Doesnt the model.size fix this?

A perfect example of this is Moonraker and Pneumonics NCL Reliant models. P81's has more detailed textures and a slightly more complex mesh, but it is also slightly larger than Moonrakers NCL. So if I use P81's NCL that is larger, wouldnty the ship be larger in the game than if I used Moonrakers?

So basically, can't I use any model I want and not have it negatively affect the game when on GSA?


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Re: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2003, 12:09:03 pm »
Ok, thanks... Now I know that no matter what model I use for the F-CVA and the F-DN that even tho its the same model, the CVA is always larger than the DN. This has made it difficult for me to use a good design.

It is hard to find a suitable F-CVA that doesnt have oversized engines that also dwarfs the F-DN. You certainly cant use the same model... That just makes the DN a mini me.

I think I have a good model in mind tho...


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Re: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2003, 07:32:03 pm »
Wow!  I had no idea that Model size can effect range for online play on GSA.  Now I know why the other guys on GSA tell me to get rid of my custom made models.  

I guess I will have to rename them to the stock names that Taldren had specified.  I wonder if this is the same problem with SFC3?


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Re: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2003, 09:06:03 pm »
Hmm, I'll have to pay attention to this with my FB...


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Re: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2003, 12:28:30 am »

Wow!  I had no idea that Model size can effect range for online play on GSA.  

Well, thats the thing... I dont really know, but... the model.size file likely tags each ship wityh a permanent size type in the game, so if you are using a shuttlecraft as a DN, the shield radius should remain the same. Play on GSA shouldnt be affected.

But I cant confirm this...

Rod O'neal

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Re: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2003, 12:46:22 am »
If you rename the shuttle model to DN and put it in a DN folder, ie; Make the shuttle model show as an DN without editing any of the spec files. The shuttle will appear big in your game. The other player is still going to see whatever they have as the DN model in their game and if the other player plays the DN that you've used the shuttle model for you'll see the shuttle model. Big as a DN, if you've not edited the model.siz file. If you do edit it there'll be a warning to your opponent that you have. Just like if you edit the shiplist, etc...  


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Re: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2003, 05:17:32 am »
In what directory is that model.siz file? Is that only in Starfleet Command 1? I have OP and SFC3 and I am unable to locate it within those directories.  


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Re: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2003, 03:25:14 pm »
The models directory...

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2003, 03:50:30 pm »

If you rename the shuttle model to DN and put it in a DN folder, ie; Make the shuttle model show as an DN without editing any of the spec files. The shuttle will appear big in your game. The other player is still going to see whatever they have as the DN model in their game and if the other player plays the DN that you've used the shuttle model for you'll see the shuttle model. Big as a DN, if you've not edited the model.siz file. If you do edit it there'll be a warning to your opponent that you have. Just like if you edit the shiplist, etc...  

Rod O'neal  has it exactly right, if you only replace existing models without making changes to the shiplist or model.siz, your models will be the right size, and will not screw up the other guy.
In  this shot, you can see that I'm using Hobbes' Kerchan for my PFs. Without model scaling, those PFs would make a Fed BB look like a PT boat, with all the associated "lag" effects (range 10+ tractors, plasmas appearing from nowhere. etc.). Since the custom model is in the original location, with the original name there are no issues (other than my vid card bleeding out the ears trying to keep up if there are a ton of PFs out there).  


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Re: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2003, 03:55:23 pm »
Thanks for the confirmation, Renegade.

But what if its not a stock folder? Lets say I DL the FS OP+ 3.0 shiplist and Installer for SS2 and it creates new model folders. Are these new model folders governed by a new model.size file?

And just to be sure, the model.size checker links with model folders to govern their size or does it look or link or work with some other thing?

EDIT: Renegade, I get what you are saying about the video card and all the poly's. Thats why model makes make models to scale. The number of poly's they use are suitable for viewing at certain sizes w/o causing a loss in frame rate. I certainly dont want to take a 5000 poly model and use it for a PF. My Video card would vomit all over the inside of my computer as soon as a couple KDP's come into range.

A 500 poly PF, although extremely low in poly's, would look just right for that size model. It is already so small as a PF that you wouldnt notice the blocky looking angles. But try using that model as a cruiser and you see the low poly's look very bad. The look like stock models... hehe.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2003, 04:01:40 pm by Arachne »

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Question about using custom models and the in-game model size...
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2003, 04:13:20 pm »
OP+3.0 does have it's own model.siz, and it should have an entry somewhere in there for each and every model file called in the shiplist(and another one for the *_break.mod too). If you find a ship in FS's mod that is missing it's entry, give word to FS, so he can get the next rev corrected.
I haven't pulled the SS2 files yet, but there should be one for that mod as well.
As for exactly how it works, I don't think Taldren is really saying. This was their answer to a major cheat/exploit in their game, and telling us specificly how it loads, scales and checks models and shiplist data would open the door for someone to workout another exploit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SPQR Renegade001 »