How about a topical post?
Here's a real correction: H-MKI (Mohawk-I New Command Cruiser) should have 4xPh1, but instead has 4xPh2. If I were a Hydran, I'd be unhappy seeing Ph2 and no Ph1 on an NCC, especially for the BPV. Any hope of a fix before SS2?
Not an error, but odd: the H-CVE is 56 BPV, which jives with the SFB 48 plus 8 for 4 fighters. However, I thought you had said something about using the economic BPV in some cases (for the CVE, it's 68 plus 8 would be 76). In a stock Met_10Patrol (not sure of difficulty factor on matching in .gf), I got put up against a fearsome K-E3DR (2xDroC, 1xADD12, 4xPh3) and then a K-G2CR ... oops ... found another one ... G2CR has Ph3 when it should have an ADD12 post-Y175 and never had Ph3. Anyway, both were cake walks, not unsurprisingly, when I had 4xHornet.III and the CVE's PhGs and lone Ph2. Also waxed a PR with a PlasF in the same mission for good measure. No damage taken in either engagement, no shields lost, no fighters lost. Heck, the Klingon AI fired drones once total in the 2 missions.
Anyway, I wonder if the 68 base BPV would be better for that ship, though certainly Klingon frigates are not going to give anyone a decent fight.
H-MKI should have 4xPh1
H-CVE BPV in question
K-G2CR (and other G2Cs?) should have ADD