Topic: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0  (Read 101468 times)

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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #400 on: August 06, 2003, 01:34:54 pm »
Uh, I hope this isn't lost in all the model talk, but I've got a CTD to report.

the F-PV+ in the nonmodel OP 3.0 pack is TINY.  If fact, it was so small I couldn't get a good look at it;  I'm not sure if a model was even there.

In mission on SSII the PV+ was:
1. unseen as any kind of model (not a black model, I mean NO model)
2. crashed after a few moment's time.

To confirm, did a single player skirmish with my ship as the PV+:
1.  I was not able to see the starfield, the enemy, or for that matter anything other than the buttons controling my ship.  Could target the klingons and give all normal orders though.
2.  As soon as I attempted to launch fighters, the game crashes to desktop.

I'm not sure precisely what's wrong, but it dosen't look like the PV+ is pointing to a model.  Please check.

yummy bugs,



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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #401 on: August 06, 2003, 01:46:22 pm »
Could someone confirm for me that there are some intentionally hinky ships in the hydran ship list that have heavies with I guess it is RA arcs  or is this an error of some sort??  I was flying something like an HDDV or something like that and it had two rear firing hellbores which I thought was a bit silly.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #402 on: August 06, 2003, 01:54:23 pm »
Those would be the Heavy War Destroyers, and yes they do have a pair of RA mounts for any weapons that fit.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #403 on: August 06, 2003, 01:57:23 pm »

Uh, I hope this isn't lost in all the model talk, but I've got a CTD to report.

the F-PV+ in the nonmodel OP 3.0 pack is TINY.  If fact, it was so small I couldn't get a good look at it;  I'm not sure if a model was even there.

In mission on SSII the PV+ was:
1. unseen as any kind of model (not a black model, I mean NO model)
2. crashed after a few moment's time.

To confirm, did a single player skirmish with my ship as the PV+:
1.  I was not able to see the starfield, the enemy, or for that matter anything other than the buttons controling my ship.  Could target the klingons and give all normal orders though.
2.  As soon as I attempted to launch fighters, the game crashes to desktop.

I'm not sure precisely what's wrong, but it dosen't look like the PV+ is pointing to a model.  Please check.

yummy bugs,


I know. I updated the packages after that bug was found. When did you download yours? ..
.. anyways, the manual "at your end" fix was posted somewhere in 1 of the OP+ threads.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #404 on: August 06, 2003, 01:59:36 pm »

Could someone confirm for me that there are some intentionally hinky ships in the hydran ship list that have heavies with I guess it is RA arcs  or is this an error of some sort??  I was flying something like an HDDV or something like that and it had two rear firing hellbores which I thought was a bit silly.  

Yep. I didn't make those up either.
Fed: HDW
Klingon: HF5
Romulan: SBH
Gorn: HBD
Lyran: HDD
Hydran: HDW, LNH
Mirak: HDW
Orion: HDW

Look for them.. and look at the nice rear weapons.  


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #405 on: August 06, 2003, 02:08:39 pm »


Uh, I hope this isn't lost in all the model talk, but I've got a CTD to report.

the F-PV+ in the nonmodel OP 3.0 pack is TINY.  If fact, it was so small I couldn't get a good look at it;  I'm not sure if a model was even there.

In mission on SSII the PV+ was:
1. unseen as any kind of model (not a black model, I mean NO model)
2. crashed after a few moment's time.

To confirm, did a single player skirmish with my ship as the PV+:
1.  I was not able to see the starfield, the enemy, or for that matter anything other than the buttons controling my ship.  Could target the klingons and give all normal orders though.
2.  As soon as I attempted to launch fighters, the game crashes to desktop.

I'm not sure precisely what's wrong, but it dosen't look like the PV+ is pointing to a model.  Please check.

yummy bugs,


I know. I updated the packages after that bug was found. When did you download yours? ..
.. anyways, the manual "at your end" fix was posted somewhere in 1 of the OP+ threads.  

Odd.  If your OP+ 3.0 isn't the one SSII is using, why am I able to log on?  Model pointers in the shiplist are checked for identity, or so I thought was implied some time ago...

in any event, will redownload your OP+ pack now,


EDIT: pointer exists, model dosen't.  Strafer told me.  Dangit.  

EDIT:  Updated, no further problems.  Sorry for ringing the alarm.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2003, 02:38:29 pm by Holocat »


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #406 on: August 06, 2003, 02:50:03 pm »



Uh, I hope this isn't lost in all the model talk, but I've got a CTD to report.

the F-PV+ in the nonmodel OP 3.0 pack is TINY.  If fact, it was so small I couldn't get a good look at it;  I'm not sure if a model was even there.

In mission on SSII the PV+ was:
1. unseen as any kind of model (not a black model, I mean NO model)
2. crashed after a few moment's time.

To confirm, did a single player skirmish with my ship as the PV+:
1.  I was not able to see the starfield, the enemy, or for that matter anything other than the buttons controling my ship.  Could target the klingons and give all normal orders though.
2.  As soon as I attempted to launch fighters, the game crashes to desktop.

I'm not sure precisely what's wrong, but it dosen't look like the PV+ is pointing to a model.  Please check.

yummy bugs,


I know. I updated the packages after that bug was found. When did you download yours? ..
.. anyways, the manual "at your end" fix was posted somewhere in 1 of the OP+ threads.  

Odd.  If your OP+ 3.0 isn't the one SSII is using, why am I able to log on?  Model pointers in the shiplist are checked for identity, or so I thought was implied some time ago...

in any event, will redownload your OP+ pack now,


EDIT: pointer exists, model dosen't.  Strafer told me.  Dangit.  

EDIT:  Updated, no further problems.  Sorry for ringing the alarm.  

Exactly. The "5 important files" that are checked/CRCed didn't need to be changed. I updated the installers with a copy of the FPOL+ model for the FPV. No biggie, right?


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #407 on: August 06, 2003, 06:39:48 pm »
How about a topical post?

Here's a real correction: H-MKI (Mohawk-I New Command Cruiser) should have 4xPh1, but instead has 4xPh2. If I were a Hydran, I'd be unhappy seeing Ph2 and no Ph1 on an NCC, especially for the BPV. Any hope of a fix before SS2?

Not an error, but odd: the H-CVE is 56 BPV, which jives with the SFB 48 plus 8 for 4 fighters. However, I thought you had said something about using the economic BPV in some cases (for the CVE, it's 68 plus 8 would be 76). In a stock Met_10Patrol (not sure of difficulty factor on matching in .gf), I got put up against a fearsome K-E3DR (2xDroC, 1xADD12, 4xPh3) and then a K-G2CR ... oops ... found another one ... G2CR has Ph3 when it should have an ADD12 post-Y175 and never had Ph3. Anyway, both were cake walks, not unsurprisingly, when I had 4xHornet.III and the CVE's PhGs and lone Ph2. Also waxed a PR with a PlasF in the same mission for good measure. No damage taken in either engagement, no shields lost, no fighters lost. Heck, the Klingon AI fired drones once total in the 2 missions.

Anyway, I wonder if the 68 base BPV would be better for that ship, though certainly Klingon frigates are not going to give anyone a decent fight.


H-MKI should have 4xPh1
H-CVE BPV in question
K-G2CR (and other G2Cs?) should have ADD


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #408 on: August 06, 2003, 07:23:06 pm »
Thanks Nomad,

In my defense:
H-MKI: I didn't input the R10 and J2 ships. You and Strafer did.   (although thanks guys.)
The H-CVE is a Taldren ship, so it fell into the "if you encounter a problem you want fixed, just let me know" category.
The G2CR is like the CVE. When I increased the #reloads on the G2C, I didn't really care to check it.

Those will be fixed soon enough, but no I won't be fixing it just for SS2. SS2 will do fine without it.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #409 on: August 06, 2003, 07:41:17 pm »
No complaints -- it's just that it would be nice if someone with loads of time on their hands could go through the entire list and verify all the little things. Unfortunately, who has the time? So it goes.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #410 on: August 06, 2003, 09:04:32 pm »

No complaints -- it's just that it would be nice if someone with loads of time on their hands could go through the entire list and verify all the little things. Unfortunately, who has the time? So it goes.  

Time? Yes.
Interest? Hell no.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #411 on: August 06, 2003, 11:25:24 pm »
Minor niggle:

For the Fed hulls with a DD ship schematic (DD, DW, CL, etc.) - you have them using rear hardpoints 14 and 15 all the time.  There are three rear hardpoints - 14 is center, 15 left, and 16 right.  Since you are only using 14 and 15 in the data, it puts the right phaser (typicall) in the center of the hull and the left side phaser on the left where it should be.  Looks kinda silly.  I'd put the left phaser on the left spot (15) and the right phaser on the right spot (16) and leave 14 empty.  At least, that way, the ship schematic in-game would look symetrical.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #412 on: August 07, 2003, 03:17:25 am »

Minor niggle:

For the Fed hulls with a DD ship schematic (DD, DW, CL, etc.) - you have them using rear hardpoints 14 and 15 all the time.  There are three rear hardpoints - 14 is center, 15 left, and 16 right.  Since you are only using 14 and 15 in the data, it puts the right phaser (typicall) in the center of the hull and the left side phaser on the left where it should be.  Looks kinda silly.  I'd put the left phaser on the left spot (15) and the right phaser on the right spot (16) and leave 14 empty.  At least, that way, the ship schematic in-game would look symetrical.  

I'd have to look at it.


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #413 on: August 07, 2003, 06:02:43 am »

1- KDD texture to make it look Romulan (K-F5 -> R-K5R). I already have a good looking KFF for the part.
2- a Romulan texture for the KDN I picked. The one KF has in his screenshot looks nice for the job too. :P~
3- a heavier-looking sparrowhawk model, for the rom HDW .. the SBH.

I might find #3 at my end, but #1 and 2 might be harder to find.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #414 on: August 07, 2003, 08:05:27 am »

I also want to show you work in progress. I guess I have no talent at texturing, but I did at least come up with a good looking design. I have shared it with EmeraldEdge (who made the KTUG, the LTUG, the LLTT and the HLTT). Again, this is work in progress.
Say hello to my proposed htug:


Sweet! Can I have this NOW??? Does this mean Emerald Edge's tug can be bumped to the Monitor slot? LOL Great job Firesoul.

Hey D'deridex, please send me the Romulan T-10 you modified.




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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #415 on: August 07, 2003, 08:30:58 am »
Obviously, the colors (above) on the pod is wrong. I've applied a generic texture to it for now.


You can download it from here:

What the heck.. share and share alike.

-- Luc

PS. Should I post this to the Models' forum?
« Last Edit: August 07, 2003, 08:33:33 am by FireSoul »


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #416 on: August 07, 2003, 09:16:04 am »


1- KDD texture to make it look Romulan (K-F5 -> R-K5R). I already have a good looking KFF for the part.
2- a Romulan texture for the KDN I picked. The one KF has in his screenshot looks nice for the job too. :P~
3- a heavier-looking sparrowhawk model, for the rom HDW .. the SBH.

I might find #3 at my end, but #1 and 2 might be harder to find.  

Never mind. I have everything in hand. I have downloaded the trial version (60 days) of PaintShop Pro and figured out its color manipulations. Why retexture, when you can modify what you already have?

For example, I've taken the KDN that was sent to me, and made a RKDN. Compare:


I will be doing the same to the other ships.  
-- Luc


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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #417 on: August 07, 2003, 10:08:21 am »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #418 on: August 07, 2003, 10:17:58 am »
Thank you Firesoul. Yes you should post these on the model forum too.




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Re: OP+ Corrections Thread: as of version 3.0
« Reply #419 on: August 07, 2003, 10:27:08 am »
Even the one you sent me, that I modified? Is that okay?