I linked the F-PV to the F-POL+ model manually. Is there actually a police carrier model?
Few questions:
1) Did you mean to link the F-FFT, F-CFF, and F-CFF+ to the taldren frigate model?
These next two are preference-type questions:
2) I think the F-DN should be an old Federation Class model, and the F-DN+ on down should be the USS Star League version. This is the type of pattern you followed with the F-CA, F-DD, etc. ship classes. I can understand the F-BB still linking to Taldren model since it was conjectural and would have been in TMP era style.
3) The F-CVL is a F-GSC, why not link it to the Taldren F-CA model? I think the carrier model you have is cool looking, but it is kinda too different from a F-GSC look......ya know what I'm sayin'. I kinda feel the same way about the F-CVS which is derived from the F-CA also. Again this is just preference and I can always change it myself....so no biggie.
I do like most of your reasoning in Fed model selection so far. I like what you did with the F-NCL class and making the F-NCM the actual Miranda class with the torp bar added. That made it a nice match for Kirk and his F-CA+ in the Wrath of Khan movie. I also think the Soyuz class works well as an NCA.
Excellent shiplist.....now on to "scrutinizing" the klingons.