Ok ok guys...I see that this is allittle too out there for some of you guys :P lol
Thanks for the vote of confedence on the model though

To me lyran starships looked like cats in there top veiws...thats way mine does
As opposed to that "lyre shape"...my hellion horns are "lyre shaped"

I mean don't get me wrong...I love the Taldren concepts...but from SFB to SFC the
Lyrans went through a major overhull(as did many of the "Side" races...Hydran, ISC...and so forth)
and Thru11's are very cool...sorta like a post TMP (Enterprise B time period)
My ship is supposed to be for TNG-Post TNG..so I had to develope a new concept...luckily
This shape came to my mind in a dream...and all I had to do is refine it alittle
Glad you guys liked her