Topic: Sandman's FASA Remora retextured...  (Read 3072 times)

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Klingon Fanatic

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Sandman's FASA Remora retextured...
« on: August 01, 2003, 12:15:26 am »
With apologies to Sandman, I decided to work on the textures I'd like to see on the 100m Remora Variant:


Something old and something new with this retexture. The textures are from the USS Black police frigate by pprboy2000, Pataflafla's Northampton and Sandman's own Remora textures.

One of the complaints I have about FASA Federation ships is the scale of componants, saucers and warp engines tend to be identical AND completely out of proportion to  thse size of the ship! A destroyer like the FASA Baker Class for example should be smaller than the TMP Enterprise. Thank goodness P81 and other modellers who take up FASA Federation ships take this into account. At any rate I played with the textures for the warp engines to make something different...


As a former FASA Trek player, I never really paid much attention to the Remora. It was not until recently that I got it in my head that the Remora COULD be turned into the TMP equivalent of the Defiant. SO I added four torpedo tubes forward, two aft and added 2 vetral and 4 dorsal phaser banks in addition to one bank on the port and starboard sides.  As for shuttles, I really wanted to push the envelope here, if I could figure out how to texture the Remora's bottom pods I'd have the TWO shuttles (FASA stats say 1) embedded at the bottom of each pod a la the Galaxy Class Captain's Yacht or the Intrepid class Aeroshuttle in TNG....



« Last Edit: August 01, 2003, 06:31:22 am by Klingon Fanatic »

Captain KoraH

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Re: Sandman's FASA Remora retextured...
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2003, 11:15:16 am »
Not bad KF. I think your idea of a variant is neat, and I'm sure Sandman would have no objections to your ideas taking shape on the framework of his excellent model.  


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Re: Sandman's FASA Remora retextured...
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2003, 12:17:58 pm »
Looks good, KF! I have np with any I've said before, that's what these are for...having fun!!