Topic: SFC Future/GZ  (Read 16496 times)

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Re: SFC Future/GZ
« Reply #100 on: July 28, 2003, 12:28:13 am »
Reguarldless of whether or not you like SFC3, Activision's acquisition of the TOS/ TMP license killed SFC.  Without the license, an improved version of SFC2, excepting OP, became impossible.  The release of SFC3 split the existing community into two factions, SFB and anything-but-SFB.  Since SFC was concieved as SFB-on-the-computer, I have little simpathy for the latter faction.  I found Activision's heavy-handed control over development and content rather rude.

Although SFC3 attracts people that may not be interested in SFB, SFB is at the heart of the game.  Those longing for a more complete version of SFB will not buy another version of SFC until it goes back to the SFB ruleset.

I don't think that the hatemail generated by SFB enthusists harmed SFC3.  Buying out the competion and destroying their product line is an unfortunate but common buisness practice.  This is the essence of "dog eat dog."  Could Activision have believed that their content was so much superior to the origional as to win over Taldren's existing customers?  Such arrogance is not unheard of.  I doubt they lost money on this venture, but it is possible that Activision had unrealistic expectations from initial sales and connections with other products.

Activision's unusual lawsuit against Viacom and the FTC investigation of Activision reveal a company in trouble.  Only the depth of the trouble is in doubt.

The only hope for the future of SFC is that Activision is in big trouble.  I think the only reason they published SFC3 is because Taldren could deliver a higher quality product than Activision was capable of at a very modest price.  If Activision has to sell off rights and licenses and/or realise that they must develope products to meet every concievable nicht of the ST franchise, then there is hope for SFC.  If Taldren can either convince Activision to give them free reign with SFC (scoff, scoff), or Activision sells the necessary rights to a willing publisher, only then will another SFC game be created.  Life would come back to SFC.

These are some pretty big "if's," but there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel.  Freight train?    


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Re: SFC Future/GZ
« Reply #101 on: July 29, 2003, 08:21:46 pm »

 c) sfc3 has recieved the short end of just about every stick possible.

Minor point but when a new version of SFC is released while there is still no patch for SFC3 THEN you can say this with more accuracy. Those of us who love OP watched while the older game (EaW) continued to be patched AND a newer game came out! All while the game was totally broken AND people were constantly picking it apart. Now that is really the short end of the stick.

SFC3 will be fixed much sooner than SFC:OP was and that is a good thing. If you include the great mods out there for it and the vibrant community supporting it, SFC3 has it far better than OP did in the same time frame. You guys (that play SFC3) should feel lucky and not worry about anything other than when the patch will be out.



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Re: SFC Future/GZ
« Reply #102 on: July 30, 2003, 06:27:45 pm »

Nanner, it's been said multiple times that the G-racks could not be coded in the way they were in SFB- thus the quick and dirty fix that was in SFC2, i.e. the addition of an AMD6 and treating the G-rack as a standard A-rack. No, it's not 'hardcore' SFB, but it's a good deal closer than you may think.

Heh.  I came up with an idea to make the G-rack even closer to SFB.  Talked it over with Magnumman, and he agreed it was possible, easy to do, and closer to SFB.  I pitched it to the players on the Dynaverse 2 experiences board - as a possibility - to get some reaction, and got flamed into the next century by a variety of Fed players.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Sethan »


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Re: SFC Future/GZ
« Reply #103 on: July 30, 2003, 09:43:50 pm »
Can we please give this "EAW is better then OP,SFC3 is better than whatever...this game sucks no that game sucks" dead horse a decent burial?.

It doesn't matter...each game has it's own group of followers. Fighting over it just comes accross as childish behavior...and no doubt scares some of the newbies off of the boards.

Do I have a favorite? Yeah...SFC1. Simply because that's what got the whole franchise rolling.

What would I like to see if there ever was a future SFC product? Yeah....An all eras game. That will be the only thing that will make everybody happy. As long as Andros,Tholians,Cardassians and the Dominion were all added in as well. Will it ever happen? I seriously doubt it...but then stranger things have happened.