Topic: IKV Atrocity - Accuser Class  (Read 3722 times)

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Re: IKV Atrocity - Accuser Class
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2003, 03:48:18 am »
Actually, I happen to like the Sword of Khaless class a lot better than that ghastly Yamato class that the Feds got stuck with. I always wondered what alien stimulant the Starfleet Corps of Engineers was on when they came up with that thing. Afterall, Klingon ships can be ugly but Fed ships need some standards.  


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Re: IKV Atrocity - Accuser Class
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2003, 09:15:13 am »
I don't see why Klingons should get lumped with ugly ships - the D7 and the K'T'inga are possibly the sleekest looking ships in Trek, Klingons ships are meant to look predatorial - sleek and menacing, not a bloated blob in space. The Sword of Kahless is fugly. The Yamato doesn't look bad at all IMO. With some proper nacelles and making the rollbars on the saucer symetrical it would look much better. Oh and a  high poly mesh and some nice textures obviously but that goes for all the KA ships Oh well, al ogni suo propri.