Topic: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire  (Read 13883 times)

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Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« on: February 03, 2003, 06:37:45 pm »
From David's post  re: Patch readme:

0) Follow, Orbit and Match target speed works on undetected cloaked ships - fixed.

6) AI not firing plasmas - fixed.
  Maybe the AI will be worth having in your Rom fleet now?....naw  .

9) Romulan fast disruptors not doing enough damage - fixed.

13) Romulan Warbird is too weak - fixed, added additional hardpoint to rear (in addition to fixes elsewhere-in Romulan weapons).
  Is that a AAM he just dropped????....HET NOW!  .

14) Reduced the chance of detecting a cloaked ship with probes from 25% to 15%.

17) A cloaked ships relative position is given away as it flies through weapon arcs - fixed.

49) Fixed bug where the keyboard command could ping turn on Anti-Cloak on ships that did not have anti-cloak.

53) Cloak cannot be repaired - fixed.
 Ok, Ok, target it now....

64) Undetected cloaked ships give away their position when they warp - fixed.
  WOW! Unexpected! A thin evil smile creeps on to Death Merchants face...

68) Cloaked ships are not selectable in spectator mode
  Ok. NOW I'll take on your fleet you chatters....

Now if only the blasted shuttles did not give your location away.....
Can't have everything I guess.
TIA Taldren


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2003, 06:50:20 pm »
but I still have no idea what the Pulse phaser and plasma means...


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2003, 07:01:11 pm »

but I still have no idea what the Pulse phaser and plasma means...  

ahhh, you mean:
23) Reduced strength of the pulse phaser over range and brought the plasma torpedoes in line with the new pulse phaser numbers.

Dunno. Plasma degrades with range like pulse phasers?
David, could you clarify this?  


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2003, 07:19:26 pm »
It sounds good and I'm very excited about the improvements.  I've been using the current 'broken' cloak quite effectively, so these fixes will have me set up really well.

Of course the #1 problem still remains:  you're too vulnerable while your cloak is cycling on and off.  Four seconds is a very, very long time in this game.  Two seconds sounds a lot better.  Until then cloakers, make sure to use Evasive Maneuvers while cycling and under cloak.  It won't make a huge difference, but depending on your helm officer it will at least make some.

One last concern, the so-called 25% probe detection led to real-game results much closer to 100% (as has been tested:  look it up at  Probes should be downgraded to no more than 5% detection chance.

Of course, I'm reserving my final judgements for after the patch.  We cloakers might finally have the advantage the cloak is supposed to offer at long last (I've been waiting since SFC1 for a real cloak; now we're getting it!)  


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2003, 09:08:36 pm »

One last concern, the so-called 25% probe detection led to real-game results much closer to 100% (as has been tested:  look it up at  Probes should be downgraded to no more than 5% detection chance.

I think that somebody screwed up a sign there, and instead of a 25% detect chance, the probes have a 25% NON detect chance...:)
I mean, seriously, when you detect someone with a cloak5, fully stopped, with a probe, 9/10, it can't POSSIBLY have a 25% detection chance. Either my statistics/probability courses were all lying, or there is something else at work...


Of course, I'm reserving my final judgements for after the patch.  We cloakers might finally have the advantage the cloak is supposed to offer at long last (I've been waiting since SFC1 for a real cloak; now we're getting it!)

And actually make us more powerful than Feds? I wouldn't count on it...
But then again, stranger things have happened  



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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2003, 11:42:27 pm »
As one can tell in this thread and many others surrounding the pre/post-patch cloaking issue, only time will tell just how effective cloakers will be post-patch. Never underestimate the Feds. Romulans everywhere: like always...they're coming for ye. Beware mighty quantum torpedo...hehe    


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2003, 01:48:01 am »
Yep good news for roms(and a little for klings too) but I still dont think youll see many fly the warbird post pacth
Its to big and too slow unless you strip it rigth down as it stands its too easy to take it out with am mines
Ill keep my raptor:)


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2003, 02:01:13 am »
I've been having fun with the "broken" cloak now that I have figured out what to do with it. Looking forward to the patch and looking forward to more people flying Rom ships. I am sure it has been a ton of hard work dealing with the patch.  


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2003, 07:44:32 am »
Why do they fix all these things? I don't want an easy life!  

Just joking, but the Romulans are just too   to not fly them.

*Prepare my Warbird for departure, commander*
'Yes Centurion, as you wish'

{looking at ship layout}
*Hey who got that nice rear hardpoint installed?*
'The patch did captain'

{reading weapon efficiency reports}
*Gasp are these actual numbers or am i dreaming?*
'No sir, you are certainly not dreaming'

{looking into cloak tests}
*Hey where is that 100% detection chance for probes?*
'It's gone captain, the patch did this.'

*How did you know it was my birthday?*
{Dead silence; crew members looking to each other}
'Captain, it is just coincidence. But we wanted to keep it secret'


Robb Stark

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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2003, 08:12:50 am »

I think that somebody screwed up a sign there, and instead of a 25% detect chance, the probes have a 25% NON detect chance...:)
I mean, seriously, when you detect someone with a cloak5, fully stopped, with a probe, 9/10, it can't POSSIBLY have a 25% detection chance. Either my statistics/probability courses were all lying, or there is something else at work...

That's the base chance.  Don't forget that your OPs officer improves that with the Cloak Countermeasures skill.  That's probably where the difference you're thinking about comes from.  


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2003, 08:46:56 am »
All those little enhancements to the Rommies will certainly help, notice Rommies, not Klingons.

But, the phase in/out is that part that really needs addressed too, it is far too long, taking too much damage while targetable, and shields are down.

I know, sounds like a broken record here.......


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2003, 08:57:21 am »
Be careful. If you make the cloak too effective, you'll have a LOT of people using them. The length of battles will double and triple, and mostly consist of changing your course erratically with random warping about the map. How is that fun? When the game gives out that somebody-fire-or-we're-aborting warning, something is seriously broken with that game. I've seen it fairly often in battles involving cloaks, and I can't imagine why anyone would like that.



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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2003, 09:13:20 am »
Unfortunatly I have seen that too.

Game goes on forever, no one wants to be the first to uncloak.

It is nice when there is a borg or Fed in the game, then at least I have a target to shoot at.

Max zero

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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2003, 09:31:03 am »
Cloak just needs some minor tweaks. As it is now it takes a very good player to use cloak effectively. After the patch it will you will just need to be a good player.

No need to dumb it down even more.

I think everyone (non Rom that is) has quite enough of the 'crying Rom' routine. Cloak can be used well now if you know what your doing. There is nothing wrong with de-cloak/cloak time as long as you don't do either in the middle of enemy fire arcs.

It seems the patch shall seperate the true Roms from the 'rent-a-crowd'.

Since my Borg are underplayed on many servers I should start griping too. Why can't I have regening armour? Why can't have protection from Hit and Runs and Myotronic Beams? Why do my Warp Cores give less energy? Why are my weapons so heavy? Why this? Why that?

The more I play against Roms the more I feel there is nothing fundamentally wrong with Rom ships it seems the pilots are what make or break it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Max zero »


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2003, 09:42:20 am »
I can't get over it.
Apparently this trekkie-nerd-itis is permanent, like herpes.


Max zero

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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2003, 09:54:09 am »

I can't get over it.
Apparently this trekkie-nerd-itis is permanent, like herpes.


I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you. Mom always says not to pick on the disabled kids.


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2003, 12:42:01 pm »

The more I play against Roms the more I feel there is nothing fundamentally wrong with Rom ships it seems the pilots are what make or break it.

As I said in a different thread:


That's what's fundamentally wrong.  You can call me a newbie anytime, say that I don't know how to play Rom, but I'll stick to my view about the hulls

On a sidenote, I believe that klingon hulls are for the most part also sub-par. But at least the DD is competent (arguably the best in the game). The DN is also good., and, of course, the BCH



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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2003, 02:02:58 pm »
Sorry, but I'll take a Fed DD over a Klink DD any day. On the other hand, The Klinks IMHO always have the drop on everyone else as far as DNs and BBs are concerned. I pay tribute to thee oh mighty Vor'cha! Qa'plah! (hope I spelled that right....)  


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Re: Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2003, 02:10:58 pm »
What do you mean post patch romulan empire?  Log into B server where the Star Empire is often first or second in the rankings.




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Beware the Post-Patch Romulan Empire
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2003, 06:37:45 pm »
From David's post  re: Patch readme:

0) Follow, Orbit and Match target speed works on undetected cloaked ships - fixed.

6) AI not firing plasmas - fixed.
  Maybe the AI will be worth having in your Rom fleet now?....naw  .

9) Romulan fast disruptors not doing enough damage - fixed.

13) Romulan Warbird is too weak - fixed, added additional hardpoint to rear (in addition to fixes elsewhere-in Romulan weapons).
  Is that a AAM he just dropped????....HET NOW!  .

14) Reduced the chance of detecting a cloaked ship with probes from 25% to 15%.

17) A cloaked ships relative position is given away as it flies through weapon arcs - fixed.

49) Fixed bug where the keyboard command could ping turn on Anti-Cloak on ships that did not have anti-cloak.

53) Cloak cannot be repaired - fixed.
 Ok, Ok, target it now....

64) Undetected cloaked ships give away their position when they warp - fixed.
  WOW! Unexpected! A thin evil smile creeps on to Death Merchants face...

68) Cloaked ships are not selectable in spectator mode
  Ok. NOW I'll take on your fleet you chatters....

Now if only the blasted shuttles did not give your location away.....
Can't have everything I guess.
TIA Taldren