Topic: -  (Read 2046 times)

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« on: September 23, 2003, 10:42:36 am »
Post deleted by GeneralWolfe
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Don, I'm going to mention this simply because someone needs to.  I'll try to even write it in a similar style to yourself so that you (hopefully) get my full intent.  And this is not to flame you, or to make light of your position.

You're really setting yourself up to get banned again.  
Can you work out your anger towards Atrahasis in a more productive fashion for you?  

Maybe turn it towards modelling.  
Think of how difficult it has been for you to get textures onto your ships,
and attack that hurdle with the same flame and vigour that you've been directing towards Atrahasis and starforce2,
and it shall fall.    

Should be able to give you an analogy that you'll understand here.  

Think of how Londo was at the end of his life.  
Locked away from his people,
dancing at the strings of another.  

Few (or no) real friends,
and the only way out for him was to have his time end so that others could rebuild from the pieces.  

Don't walk his path.

Right now,
you're dancing at other's strings.  
It's been a case of,
"Okay, push this button, and see Don spout off like Old Faithful.  
Look, see?  Everytime."

Right now,
you're dancing at other's strings.  
And you need to stop if you don't want to be a slave
to others.

Just trying to be a friend here and trying to help.


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Hello Head Ranger En-thal-zah, Alec,

You understand me very well indeed,

I'm mainly Mr. Garibaldi,
as well Lando,
and partly,

"the young Monk" that Brother Alvin councilled in "the De-Construction of Falling Stars",
the young Monk, is my most dangerous facet, when aroused,

I shall take your council En-thal-Zah Alec,

Take care,
"the Young Monk"


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please dont go any further.
