Topic: Concerning the Remora  (Read 1385 times)

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Concerning the Remora
« on: July 27, 2003, 10:35:25 am »
I'm going to be texturing the Remora in the next few days. Since my skills are not up to the level of Pataflafla, who was originally going to do it, or Atheorhaven, who was also going to do it, I hope my results will be acceptable. I have the work that Pata started, but I can't figure out how he got some of the effects, so I'll just be using them as a basis for my work.

Like I said, I hope my poor skills will suffice for now.


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Concerning the Remora
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2003, 10:42:13 am »
NP, Sandman,

Get her out to us with any texture set and we'll try to help. If I may, please make a mod file of the Remora about 150m too. I have a variant idea I'd like to play with....




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Re: Concerning the Remora
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2003, 01:57:49 pm »
Here's a couple of pics of what I have so far for the saucer top. If anyone has any pics of what this ship should look like, that would be a plus. As it is, I'm trying to go by Pata's Chandley and Northampton re-textures, but not sure if it applies to the Remora or not. I must say, I do see an improvement over some of my other texture jobs, so in a few months (years?) I might be halfway decent,lol. I am taking my time on this one, so it might be a few days, but I'd rather do the best job I am capable of with the skills I am learning. I feel this is one of my best meshes, so it's only right. That's why I wanted Pata or Atheorhaven to do it...I know I won't be doing her justice.

Oh well, here's the pics:



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Re: Concerning the Remora
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2003, 02:13:43 pm »
I actually am still around, but work has been eating into a lot of time for things, including this project.  I'll keep working on it using Pataflafla's texture starter set. and I'll get it (and the other projects) wrapped up as soon as possible to do it.  In the meantime though, keep working on this one.. it's an awfully good start.  


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Re: Concerning the Remora
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2003, 02:29:57 pm »
HOORAY!!! And thanx! I'm trying...I've studied the files Pata sent me, the ones Smiley sent me for the Cherokee and basically just played with stuff. I'm doing thimgs a little unconventionally in that I'm using PSP and PS both...somethings are easier for me to do in one or the other. Don't worry about this one...we all know RL has taken a chunk of yer butt lately!

Welcome back!!



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Re: Concerning the Remora
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2003, 10:16:03 am »
Will be posting more pics later tonight...played OP all day yesterday! It's really fun to play a campaign and evrytime you upgrade your ship, it's one you made. And I've found so far, the best type of ship is a Drone Cruiser...I took out a Klingon BB with a Fed CAD...fired off a spread of missiles, hungback, fired off some more as I got closer...had 18  flying at once. And it was cool cause it was my Moskva model.

Anyway, needed to give my eyes a break from the texturing, and since I'm on vacation I figured I had the time to stop and have a little fun. If anyone has any pics of what the Remora should look like, please post 'em...otherwise I'm gonna have to wing it.



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Re: Concerning the Remora
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2003, 11:30:20 am »
I know what that's like.. for me, it is really enjoyable when I start up a game and I'm seeing the ships from the B5 universe that I helped bring into the game doing formation battles.. or I'm in a Whitestar hauling ass to try getting over to a freighter to scan it.  All this around a planet that you created, with nebula that you've done in the background.  It's just too cool for words.  It's why I got into it in the first place.    Which reminds me.. do you have any pics of the ass end of the Remora?  Kiind of curious as to where the impulse engines go, and what kind of hangers (if any) are back there...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: Concerning the Remora
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2003, 04:06:27 pm »
Pata and I both tried to find pics, but no joy. That's why I modeled the impulse engine where I did, on the underside of the "tail". I was figuring to put the shuttle bays on the rear outside portion of the wings. Seems logical given the design of the ship. Time to get creative!



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Re: Concerning the Remora
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2003, 04:28:26 pm »

Unforunately, this is the best image I have seen for a remora.....  

Your version is great, but is it just me, or does the warp engine seem a little small?

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Concerning the Remora
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2003, 07:31:12 pm »
BUMP for Remora release news