Topic: Looking for Models (SFC3) - can anyone help?  (Read 1159 times)

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Looking for Models (SFC3) - can anyone help?
« on: July 22, 2003, 07:59:08 am »
Hi there

I'm hoping to be able to build a new mission script for SFC3 based on the Hirogen.  Has anyone created a Hirogen ship  model yet, or is anyone in the process of creating something that they wouldn't mind sharing with me?

Adddtionally, I'm looking to create a TOS/TMP era mod, and would like to utilise a number of FASA models (or similar) - in particular I'm looking for Chandley, Andor, Northampton, Ranger, Remora, Liberty and Kiev for the Federation.  
Any Gorn ships (those organic designs I saw were sublime) would be an extra bonus.  I do have some Fed/Rom/Klingon models already, but I would like a larger selection to choose from, so if anyone can help me out there, It'd be greatly appreciated.  

Please bear in mind that I am not a modeller and have no skills in creating glows, skins, break files and all those other footery bits needed to successfully convert SFC1/2 models over to SFC3 - all previous attempts have been inglorious failures.  

Thanks for everything


PS - I do still have the original FASA manual, so if you need images to work with, I can supply them for you.  


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Re: Looking for Models (SFC3) - can anyone help?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2003, 12:24:09 pm »
i got the chandley, andor, northamton, for sfc2/op, i don't have any ship for sfc3 since i don't have the game yet, so if you want them tell me and (i wont send them to hotmail cause there too big for)

if you have yahoo mail go there     and you can get the mod and  for pics of a few of the ship i have from many place.


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Re: Looking for Models (SFC3) - can anyone help?
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2003, 02:10:42 pm »
I'm working on a Remora right now, as a matter of fact. I can only build for 2 & OP at the moment, but I'm sure someone will convert it for you. Should be released this week.



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Re: Looking for Models (SFC3) - can anyone help?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2003, 09:07:55 am »
Thanks for your help guys!  Very much appreciated.

DonKarnage - Brilliant!! Can you e-mail them to me at  If you have any difficulty please just let me know.

Sandman - your Remora's looking superb.  If you need any more of the FASA design specs that aren't listed on the FASA post, just let me know, I still have the original Fed / Klingon / Rom and STIII sourcebooks, although my Fed one has grown a little worse for wear over the years.
