Hi there
I'm hoping to be able to build a new mission script for SFC3 based on the Hirogen. Has anyone created a Hirogen ship model yet, or is anyone in the process of creating something that they wouldn't mind sharing with me?
Adddtionally, I'm looking to create a TOS/TMP era mod, and would like to utilise a number of FASA models (or similar) - in particular I'm looking for Chandley, Andor, Northampton, Ranger, Remora, Liberty and Kiev for the Federation.
Any Gorn ships (those organic designs I saw were sublime) would be an extra bonus. I do have some Fed/Rom/Klingon models already, but I would like a larger selection to choose from, so if anyone can help me out there, It'd be greatly appreciated.
Please bear in mind that I am not a modeller and have no skills in creating glows, skins, break files and all those other footery bits needed to successfully convert SFC1/2 models over to SFC3 - all previous attempts have been inglorious failures.

Thanks for everything
PS - I do still have the original FASA manual, so if you need images to work with, I can supply them for you.