Topic: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...  (Read 4590 times)

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The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« on: July 24, 2003, 08:39:29 pm »
What improvements could have been made to the Enterprise "E" after the battle with the Scimitar??  Could any of these improvement be incorporated into SFC 3??

Definately better dorsal shielding and more shielding around the warp core.

Increase standard load out of Quantum Torpedoes, which seemed to do some damage in the battle.

Was there ever any way to detect the cloak that the Scimitar was using besides targeting shield impacts??  Did the Romulans employ that technology after the battle when they were beginning talks with the Federation??  Is it really a "perfect" cloak???

Any other ideas???    


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2003, 09:00:37 pm »
i dont think there are any cannon resources that mention what happened after the battle.


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2003, 09:40:28 pm »
So, it has yet to be documented??  Sounds like someone could take that for action???  How would you find out??  


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2003, 01:19:39 am »
Ok.  Well, I guess that's it then....    


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2003, 06:44:39 am »
i think since it was a reman ship using reman tech and they used all the ressources htey had to built this ship and all of the crew died.....its simply lost unless they put in some kind of "black box" or they find fragments of the computer core.....but thats all theory and so i d just say its gone forever.
the valadore was the roms best and new ship but compared to the scmitar its a frigate lol and even the shiny souvereign class ship which is fed s best tech was not a real threat to the scmitar.
tech advances are running for sure and i m sure every race in the ds9/tng era will built new ships that will take us our breathe....


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2003, 08:11:51 pm »
Even though the Scimitar was destroyed, there were surely some computer plans somewhere...  When the Romulans re-established their control over the government, these plans could have been discovered and accessed....  You wouldn't just discard plans on one of the most powerful Starships ever built, especially if your plan was one of Conquest.  


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2003, 08:41:35 pm »
Uhg!  I was hoping I wasn't going to say anything on this... but.... I thought the whole bases of the Scimatar was barely beleivable.  Not saying a ship like this couldn't be built, but the fact that a subjegated race built this thing  right under the Romulans noses makes the whole story of Nemisis seem laughable.  Sorry to be so negative, its just that Nemisis could have been a much better movie if they had thought of a different plot instead of yet another "Threat to earth" idea.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Magnum357 »


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2003, 12:17:13 am »
Well, ok...  My point would be that governments, especially powerful ones get arrogent and tend to ignore intelligence reports concerning things that could potientially harm them (i.e. Pearl Harbor, World Trade Center).  May be they knew that something was in the works, but figured it was not worth their time until it was too late...  That would not be unrealistic.    


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2003, 05:09:05 am »
yes i ve to agree with rmah....
back to the topic:the remans waned to destroy the earth and they knew they could still fail - all was based on the clones sucess and he was already suffering sooooooooo  i bet there was no backup since it was a "all or nothing" mission.
so no backup and no plans.


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2003, 10:52:55 pm »
Ok, but why attack earth?  Wouldn't the Remans want to blow up Romulus then Earth?  After all, the Romulans did basically enslave them.  The Federation. and more inportantly the humans, did nothing to the Remans.  And don't give me that crap that it was Picards doubles idea, why would they listen to him anyways.;

Oh well, its a moot point.  Just had to complain that Nemisis could have been a better story.


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2003, 02:06:09 am »
Well if they attacked Romulus there would be no need for a would just be nother Rommie cliffnote...


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2003, 04:07:32 am »
What do all the hostile aliens want to do?  How about destroy humanity...  Also, if the Romulans were defeated first, there would still be the Feds and Klinks to contend with...    


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2003, 09:56:52 pm »
My God!  No offense guys, but if this is your argument in why the story was put this way, then no wonder Nemisis bombed!  


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2003, 10:49:46 pm »
Well Remus was building weapons for the Romulans, because Sencers showed Heavy Weapons Construction.  And then there was the whole Romulan comanders killing the senate to take control, and it was their idea to destroy the Federation in the first place.  So they had inside help.  Then the War made things get all screwy.


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2003, 07:57:58 am »
i must say i liked the plot....although i read the script and many good things were missing.
star trek:insurection was also a very good movie,same like trek:1st contact wasetnthe kind of trek movie i was awaiting and i dont like a action movie in trek frame
there will always be peeps that like weather this more or trek and somehow we all like trek.
anyone has the nemesis dvd yet?i heard its great

alex aka VAC


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2003, 03:00:38 am »
  Shinzon needed the military's backing. You can't kill the government and taked over. It just can't be done. You have to gain control of the military first. If Shinzon hadn't had a plan to destroy the Federation, he's have never recieved the Romulan admiralty's support, and they'd have blown Remus out of the sky right after the attempt.

What I hate is the ever-shifting cannon. Up until Nemesis, the two planets in the Romulus system were Romulus and Romii.

Nemesis sucked because the moral battle was difficult for us to understand, because we're so used to people blaming their problems on their surroundings. How many times have we said 'Oh, that poor child must have horrible parents' or 'Its not his fault, poor guy was under a lot of stress', or things like that? Plenty.

Picards a good man, though, and he's the kind of man who blames himself first. Its the mark of a classic hero that he won't flinch at his arm being sliced off, but that he'll break into tears if he gets a friend killed. Picard looked on that and figured that all of his personal moral intergrity just came down to his upbringing and situation; something most people already believe. Also, their solving of it wasn't that inspiring. Basically, it came down to 'So what?', which is kinda cheating.



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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2003, 09:12:55 am »

  Shinzon needed the military's backing. You can't kill the government and taked over. It just can't be done. You have to gain control of the military first. If Shinzon hadn't had a plan to destroy the Federation, he's have never recieved the Romulan admiralty's support, and they'd have blown Remus out of the sky right after the attempt.

What I hate is the ever-shifting cannon. Up until Nemesis, the two planets in the Romulus system were Romulus and Romii.

Nemesis sucked because the moral battle was difficult for us to understand, because we're so used to people blaming their problems on their surroundings. How many times have we said 'Oh, that poor child must have horrible parents' or 'Its not his fault, poor guy was under a lot of stress', or things like that? Plenty.

Picards a good man, though, and he's the kind of man who blames himself first. Its the mark of a classic hero that he won't flinch at his arm being sliced off, but that he'll break into tears if he gets a friend killed. Picard looked on that and figured that all of his personal moral intergrity just came down to his upbringing and situation; something most people already believe. Also, their solving of it wasn't that inspiring. Basically, it came down to 'So what?', which is kinda cheating.


The ONLY, ONLY, TRUE 100% canon source for Trek WAS Gene Roddenberry, and according to HIS TREK, it was Romulus and Remus. Please reference the origin of the Romulans, the TOS episode "The Balance of Terror". It is clearly stated that the planets are Romulus and Remus.

Case closed. B and B are idiots.

As for the Scimitar, what an idiotic concept. 52 dizzys? How many photons? Double shields? That ship has the firepower of any 4 TNG STARBASES in a ship not much more than twice the size of the Enterprise E. Laughable.

This movie was not designed to be canon. I just watched the DVD last night at a friends house. The director was NOT a Trek fan at all. He merely designed the movie he wanted, with zero concern for Trek canon. He merely wanted it to "feel" like a Trek movie.

There is a deleted scene at the end of Nemesis, that shows Riker leave the E, the new FIrst officer, and the E leaving spacedock for a destination where, as Picard says, "No one has ever gone before". A much better ending to possibly the last Trek movie than Picard singing with a retarded version of Data.

Anyone considering Nemesis as a source for "Canon" material should watch the DVD, and then watch ALL the special features on it... it is very informative. This was a Trek movie done by someone who not only was not a Trek fan, he has no knowledge of Trek...

No wonder it TANKED!



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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2003, 01:58:17 am »
 I know everyone here is thinking "any second now Tremok will show up and start writing his essays..."

But alas, I don't feel like typing out hundreds of words right now.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2003, 12:46:48 pm »
well i read the script and they cut quite important stuff someone said earlier...get dvd and enjoy.  


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The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2003, 08:39:29 pm »
What improvements could have been made to the Enterprise "E" after the battle with the Scimitar??  Could any of these improvement be incorporated into SFC 3??

Definately better dorsal shielding and more shielding around the warp core.

Increase standard load out of Quantum Torpedoes, which seemed to do some damage in the battle.

Was there ever any way to detect the cloak that the Scimitar was using besides targeting shield impacts??  Did the Romulans employ that technology after the battle when they were beginning talks with the Federation??  Is it really a "perfect" cloak???

Any other ideas???    


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2003, 09:00:37 pm »
i dont think there are any cannon resources that mention what happened after the battle.


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2003, 09:40:28 pm »
So, it has yet to be documented??  Sounds like someone could take that for action???  How would you find out??  


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2003, 01:19:39 am »
Ok.  Well, I guess that's it then....    


  • Guest
Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2003, 06:44:39 am »
i think since it was a reman ship using reman tech and they used all the ressources htey had to built this ship and all of the crew died.....its simply lost unless they put in some kind of "black box" or they find fragments of the computer core.....but thats all theory and so i d just say its gone forever.
the valadore was the roms best and new ship but compared to the scmitar its a frigate lol and even the shiny souvereign class ship which is fed s best tech was not a real threat to the scmitar.
tech advances are running for sure and i m sure every race in the ds9/tng era will built new ships that will take us our breathe....


  • Guest
Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2003, 08:11:51 pm »
Even though the Scimitar was destroyed, there were surely some computer plans somewhere...  When the Romulans re-established their control over the government, these plans could have been discovered and accessed....  You wouldn't just discard plans on one of the most powerful Starships ever built, especially if your plan was one of Conquest.  


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2003, 08:41:35 pm »
Uhg!  I was hoping I wasn't going to say anything on this... but.... I thought the whole bases of the Scimatar was barely beleivable.  Not saying a ship like this couldn't be built, but the fact that a subjegated race built this thing  right under the Romulans noses makes the whole story of Nemisis seem laughable.  Sorry to be so negative, its just that Nemisis could have been a much better movie if they had thought of a different plot instead of yet another "Threat to earth" idea.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Magnum357 »


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #26 on: July 29, 2003, 12:17:13 am »
Well, ok...  My point would be that governments, especially powerful ones get arrogent and tend to ignore intelligence reports concerning things that could potientially harm them (i.e. Pearl Harbor, World Trade Center).  May be they knew that something was in the works, but figured it was not worth their time until it was too late...  That would not be unrealistic.    


  • Guest
Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2003, 05:09:05 am »
yes i ve to agree with rmah....
back to the topic:the remans waned to destroy the earth and they knew they could still fail - all was based on the clones sucess and he was already suffering sooooooooo  i bet there was no backup since it was a "all or nothing" mission.
so no backup and no plans.


  • Guest
Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2003, 10:52:55 pm »
Ok, but why attack earth?  Wouldn't the Remans want to blow up Romulus then Earth?  After all, the Romulans did basically enslave them.  The Federation. and more inportantly the humans, did nothing to the Remans.  And don't give me that crap that it was Picards doubles idea, why would they listen to him anyways.;

Oh well, its a moot point.  Just had to complain that Nemisis could have been a better story.


  • Guest
Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #29 on: July 30, 2003, 02:06:09 am »
Well if they attacked Romulus there would be no need for a would just be nother Rommie cliffnote...


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #30 on: July 30, 2003, 04:07:32 am »
What do all the hostile aliens want to do?  How about destroy humanity...  Also, if the Romulans were defeated first, there would still be the Feds and Klinks to contend with...    


  • Guest
Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #31 on: July 30, 2003, 09:56:52 pm »
My God!  No offense guys, but if this is your argument in why the story was put this way, then no wonder Nemisis bombed!  


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #32 on: July 30, 2003, 10:49:46 pm »
Well Remus was building weapons for the Romulans, because Sencers showed Heavy Weapons Construction.  And then there was the whole Romulan comanders killing the senate to take control, and it was their idea to destroy the Federation in the first place.  So they had inside help.  Then the War made things get all screwy.


  • Guest
Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2003, 07:57:58 am »
i must say i liked the plot....although i read the script and many good things were missing.
star trek:insurection was also a very good movie,same like trek:1st contact wasetnthe kind of trek movie i was awaiting and i dont like a action movie in trek frame
there will always be peeps that like weather this more or trek and somehow we all like trek.
anyone has the nemesis dvd yet?i heard its great

alex aka VAC


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2003, 03:00:38 am »
  Shinzon needed the military's backing. You can't kill the government and taked over. It just can't be done. You have to gain control of the military first. If Shinzon hadn't had a plan to destroy the Federation, he's have never recieved the Romulan admiralty's support, and they'd have blown Remus out of the sky right after the attempt.

What I hate is the ever-shifting cannon. Up until Nemesis, the two planets in the Romulus system were Romulus and Romii.

Nemesis sucked because the moral battle was difficult for us to understand, because we're so used to people blaming their problems on their surroundings. How many times have we said 'Oh, that poor child must have horrible parents' or 'Its not his fault, poor guy was under a lot of stress', or things like that? Plenty.

Picards a good man, though, and he's the kind of man who blames himself first. Its the mark of a classic hero that he won't flinch at his arm being sliced off, but that he'll break into tears if he gets a friend killed. Picard looked on that and figured that all of his personal moral intergrity just came down to his upbringing and situation; something most people already believe. Also, their solving of it wasn't that inspiring. Basically, it came down to 'So what?', which is kinda cheating.



  • Guest
Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2003, 09:12:55 am »

  Shinzon needed the military's backing. You can't kill the government and taked over. It just can't be done. You have to gain control of the military first. If Shinzon hadn't had a plan to destroy the Federation, he's have never recieved the Romulan admiralty's support, and they'd have blown Remus out of the sky right after the attempt.

What I hate is the ever-shifting cannon. Up until Nemesis, the two planets in the Romulus system were Romulus and Romii.

Nemesis sucked because the moral battle was difficult for us to understand, because we're so used to people blaming their problems on their surroundings. How many times have we said 'Oh, that poor child must have horrible parents' or 'Its not his fault, poor guy was under a lot of stress', or things like that? Plenty.

Picards a good man, though, and he's the kind of man who blames himself first. Its the mark of a classic hero that he won't flinch at his arm being sliced off, but that he'll break into tears if he gets a friend killed. Picard looked on that and figured that all of his personal moral intergrity just came down to his upbringing and situation; something most people already believe. Also, their solving of it wasn't that inspiring. Basically, it came down to 'So what?', which is kinda cheating.


The ONLY, ONLY, TRUE 100% canon source for Trek WAS Gene Roddenberry, and according to HIS TREK, it was Romulus and Remus. Please reference the origin of the Romulans, the TOS episode "The Balance of Terror". It is clearly stated that the planets are Romulus and Remus.

Case closed. B and B are idiots.

As for the Scimitar, what an idiotic concept. 52 dizzys? How many photons? Double shields? That ship has the firepower of any 4 TNG STARBASES in a ship not much more than twice the size of the Enterprise E. Laughable.

This movie was not designed to be canon. I just watched the DVD last night at a friends house. The director was NOT a Trek fan at all. He merely designed the movie he wanted, with zero concern for Trek canon. He merely wanted it to "feel" like a Trek movie.

There is a deleted scene at the end of Nemesis, that shows Riker leave the E, the new FIrst officer, and the E leaving spacedock for a destination where, as Picard says, "No one has ever gone before". A much better ending to possibly the last Trek movie than Picard singing with a retarded version of Data.

Anyone considering Nemesis as a source for "Canon" material should watch the DVD, and then watch ALL the special features on it... it is very informative. This was a Trek movie done by someone who not only was not a Trek fan, he has no knowledge of Trek...

No wonder it TANKED!



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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2003, 01:58:17 am »
 I know everyone here is thinking "any second now Tremok will show up and start writing his essays..."

But alas, I don't feel like typing out hundreds of words right now.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »


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Re: The Enterprise "E" After Nemesis...
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2003, 12:46:48 pm »
well i read the script and they cut quite important stuff someone said earlier...get dvd and enjoy.