While rivets are a bit much, perhaps, I mean that the other races ships other than the big three often come across as cartoonish, lacking in technological detailing for whatever reason. The only ships that should not look like products of technology should be organic ships like species ( Whatever) ships in the voyager series. I think the reason the other races ships lack such detail may be a lack of references, photos and artists renditions. The feds and to an extent the klingons and romulans have much more in the way of such references and much more time has been spent on the details of thier ships, the others appeared rarely if at all other than in the animated series or the SFB pen and paper game. In the case of the gorns, because ADB source material had them utilizing federation technology in the hulls of thier ships at one point in thier timeline it isnt much of a stretch to use fed derived details to fill in the blanks left by thier rarity in cannon material.
To counter the "They are not human and thier ships should not look like humans" argument, I say that regardless of the fact they are not part of the federation they would still have a technological signature in the manufacture of thier ships. There would be exhausts, radiators, shield generators and grids etc. etc. The hull would probably have been made from smaller pieces to some degree. There would be logic to the placement of hatches, viewing ports, sensor pods. Where are the fighter/shuttle bays (on the stock stuff) that gorns are famous for?
I will stop as I appear to be repeating myself here somewhat

Surely you have seen the differences between rare ships (tholians, gorns, hydran, mirak, lyrans, isc) and the more common federation, klingon and romulan ships. It is not that the models are poorly done though I know it may sound as if that is what I am saying. They are not poorly done. I have downloaded most of them and have been doing so since SFC I came out. I simply want to see the type of gorn I have described in this thread _in addition_ to the other models out there. The two sets based on ADB designs laid out in the links folks have posted in reply are terrific by the way. If you take the first set and give those the sleek leaner lines of TMP era feds and a little technical detailing and they are basically what I had in mind. The second set is also a good template for the "stormbringer" version.