Topic: [Poll] Favorite Ship  (Read 18014 times)

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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2003, 08:17:05 pm »
The one you have as Constitution Refit is actually Enterprise Class as in Star Trek II : The Wrath Of Kahn shows the dedication plaque in the background stating "U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Enterprise Class Starship".. this is seen in the original version (very blury) and in the Directors cut released Nov 6. 2002 (Somewhat clearly on screen)

Just thought i'd let you know... Constitution Refit is fine as welll...

Marcus Smythe

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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2003, 10:00:23 pm »
Baseline Connie, of course.

Though VISUALLY, I think the TMP model is the most stunning Enterprise ever...


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #42 on: February 02, 2003, 10:30:02 pm »
choosing between the Akira, Intrepid and Nova was hard, but had to go with Akira, just love it's design. Nebulas was very nice too

P.S. Klingon Poll


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #43 on: February 02, 2003, 10:31:04 pm »
ya left out my Excalibur Class Battleship  


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #44 on: February 02, 2003, 11:16:32 pm »

actually the NCC-1701 enterprise in TMP and ST2 the wrath of kahn is a constitution refit. it is supposed to be the actual same spaceframe (and therefore ship ) as in TOS.  the NCC-1701-A enterprise is the first "enterprise class" ship was built new from the keel up, originally christened the Tihoe, it was rechristened the enterprise after kirk was demoted followint the whalesong incedent.  

 ps: the constitution refit (movie version) or enterprise class  is my fav ship of all star trek ships.  if u limit the choice to TNG it would be the prometheus class

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by THORN »


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2003, 11:39:20 pm »
My vote goes to the Intrepid.  


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2003, 11:46:50 pm »
  Ambassador all the way... oh, and from SFC, the R-WB+ (hence my avatar)  


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2003, 12:04:13 am »
making me choose between a Constitution refit and an bad, bad, rommie      


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2003, 01:42:35 am »


actually the NCC-1701 enterprise in TMP and ST2 the wrath of kahn is a constitution refit. it is supposed to be the actual same spaceframe (and therefore ship ) as in TOS.  the NCC-1701-A enterprise is the first "enterprise class" ship was built new from the keel up, originally christened the Tihoe, it was rechristened the enterprise after kirk was demoted follow int the whalesong incedent.

Where are you getting your source information?

# 1) Scotty in Star Trek : The motion Picture stated that the ENTIRE ship had to be rebuilt so that the new components could fit.. IE : They had to make her bigger so they could put the new system on her.

#2 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Kahn (2 Movies before ST :IV : The Voyage Home) showed the dedication plaque stating "Enterprise Class Starship".. Don't believe me.. watch the movie closely !

#3) Mr. Scotts Guide to the Enterprise based on Star Trek II : The Wrath of Kahn shows the close up of the dedication plaque that is seen in the Movie.

Here is some more Information that people don't know...

Considering the Constitution Class Starship.... It wasn't really a Constitution Class ship.. but was actually nicknamed that by the fans... the NCC-1701 is a Starship Class not Constitution Class.


The Starship class
It has now been generally accepted that the original Enterprise was a Constitution class starship. However, there are indications that during the original series classes were not identified by the first ship of that class, but rather described by their function. There would be cargo ships, scouts, destroyers, and starships, which were no doubt the front-line vessels. This is supported by various dialogue as well as the Enterprise's dedication plaque, which identifies it as Starship Class. As mentioned, however, the Constitution name has now been universally adopted. Different designs within a classification were unofficially identified by the first ship of that design. By the time of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the fleet had become so diversified that that system became outdated, and the unofficial system was adopted to make ship identification easier. Starship became a general term for any vessel of sufficient size. The only contradiction would be the Daedalus class, mentioned as an early Federation design in "Power Play" (TNG). In this case, it's possible the unofficial term was used since the classification the Daedalus was a part of already had a variety of designs


A very extensive refit of the ship took place from 2269, when Kirk's five-year mission ended, to 2271 ("Star Trek I"). Although the overall appearance of the Enterprise remained roughly the same, an examination of the components reveals that there must have been very few left of the old ship. The question arises if it is justified at all to call it still the same ship.

Note that all the following dimensions were measured on 1/1200 scale diagrams of the two ships from the Star Trek Fact Files, assuming an overall length of 289m for the original version and 305m for the refit.



Enterprise Class
In all of the "canon" reference material (Trek Encyclopedia, TNG Tech Manual), the movie Enterprise is listed simply as Constitution class. This name was briefly seen during Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, and is based on the assumption that a starship stays part of its original class, no matter how many modifications and changes are made.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and the books Ships of the Star Fleet and Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise, on the other hand, give its class as Enterprise.
I prefer to use this system simply because it causes less confusion and makes much more sense. Rather than haphazardly lumping all the varations on the TOS Enterprise together as Constitution class, some distinction can be made between the variants (which there are at least four). It doesn't make sense to me that Enterprise would still be considered Constitution class after its total refit, especially considering the two bear only basic structural similarities.
Signage in Star Trek II also confirms the Enterprise designation, which implies that Enterprise was the original class name.
Finally, here is an e-mail that I received from Mr. Andrew Probert, chief designer of the movie Wrath of Khan:
"I always called it an "Enterprise class" because (even though the script indicates that it is the same ship being "refitted") it is a new ship with new capabilities. That usually means it is a new class which is named after the first ship built in that class."
Since the ship's designer believes that it was the Enterprise class, I feel this and the precedents established override the Star Trek VI diagram, which was produced by a new production crew that was unaware of the Star Trek II reference.
Reference Sources besides the Chief Designer :
Ships of the Star Fleet
Originally published in 1987, then rereleased in 1991 and 1998, Ships by Todd Guenther is the definite bible to movie-era vessels, as laid out by the fan press. It covers the cruiser and frigate classifications from the era around Trek III/IV and is internally consistent for the most part (the most obvious contradictions are registry numbers for several ships, but this is in the second volume only). The Enterprise is covered in two sections: vessels upgraded around the same time as the original Enterprise comprised the original Enterprise class, and a newer Enterprise (II) class was in progress at the time of the manual's fictional publication (2290) and included the Enterprise 1701-A. Both sections have descriptive histories as well as technical specifications. The only major problem is the dates are very shifted; 2267 is mentioned as the date for events in ST:TMP and ST:III takes place in 2287 in comparision to the official dates of 2271 and 2285, respectively. The Enterprise (II) entry also gives these ships upgrades that would let them serve well into the 24th century, when they are suspiciously absent in the current Trek timeframe.
Mr. Scott's Guide To The Enterprise
The only complete technical manual available on the movie era Enterprise. In many ways, it is an excellent publication, with several great diagrams and charts of the Enterprise and the sets seen throughout the first four films. However, the text itself has several contradictions in the current Trek world and is sorely outdated. The movie era is placed in the early 23rd century and the Enterprise-A has several features and technology mentioned but never seen in the movies. Some of these innovations seem advanced even for Picard's Enterprise-D of eighty years later.

These are just a few sources that i have found showing that the Constitution class itself never exhisted.. the TOS dedication Plaque proves that on it's own...

In the Wrath of Kahn movie, there is a dedication plaque providing the Enterprise Class designation as well as the Chief Movie  Designer Stating that he thought of it as the Enterprise Class during production..

How much more proof do you need?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2003, 04:04:06 am »
The galaxy class is my favorite TNG  federation ship.  


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2003, 04:41:17 am »
None of the above, gotta stick with my BCV


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #51 on: February 03, 2003, 07:12:20 am »
Oh yes, the Saber-class is my favorite.....


They are the fastest to die when i strike  


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #52 on: February 03, 2003, 07:43:31 am »
I went for Oberth, I reckon they're pretty funky.

carl boxer

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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #53 on: February 03, 2003, 07:44:07 am »
My favorite ship is the last one remanding after a battle

Alidar Jarok

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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2003, 08:06:05 am »

P.S. Klingon Poll  

Comming right up

Favorite Klingon Ship
Battlecruiser (the one planned for Unexpected, pic below)

Next up
Romulan Ships  


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #55 on: February 03, 2003, 08:10:13 am »
I've liked the Defiant since "The Search, Part I." When I played Star Trek: Armada, I nearly swore nasty things about Activision.


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #56 on: February 03, 2003, 08:28:48 am »
I've always liked the looks of the D7-K'Tinga!

But, since most SFC3 games are played at 65K, my best ship at that BPV is a Vor'cha.


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #57 on: February 03, 2003, 09:42:00 am »
I always liked the Bird of Prey. They make great wolfpacks. (And they are by origin actually Romulan ships)

But what is the Raptor doing in that list? Those Klingon ribbleheads just can't think for themselves and always have to steal Romulan names. They did that with the cloaking device as well. I always wondered why such an unintelligent race as the Klingons, those half-sentient beings, ever discovered how to build space ships

Why Romulans are this arrogant? Well that is because everyone else is just inferior.  

erei'Arrain Aenigma  


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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #58 on: February 03, 2003, 09:50:01 am »
For Federation, I've always liked the Defiant.  
For Klingon, I like the K'Vort.

I tend to like the smaller, faster, and more maneuverable ships.    

Alidar Jarok

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Re: [Poll] Favorite Ship
« Reply #59 on: February 03, 2003, 10:32:32 am »

I always liked the Bird of Prey. They make great wolfpacks. (And they are by origin actually Romulan ships)

But what is the Raptor doing in that list? Those Klingon ribbleheads just can't think for themselves and always have to steal Romulan names. They did that with the cloaking device as well. I always wondered why such an unintelligent race as the Klingons, those half-sentient beings, ever discovered how to build space ships

Why Romulans are this arrogant? Well that is because everyone else is just inferior.  

erei'Arrain Aenigma  

This Raptor