I couldn't hold out any longer... orry. Allow me to attempt to ruin this thread, but attempt to keep from flaming all of my friends in here... which, LOL, is most if not all of you. The Altar Of SFB is not getting near the pew filling I expected it to.. but we'll change that. Corbomite, Fiewsoul, and Nanner, you've all been hitting like Joe Dimaggio at the last game of a season... but let me remind you that it is true that there are a lot of people coming to SFB; oh, I mean SFC2, OP, and 1, because they are not getting the fufillment of a finished product... similar to the pains of adolescence that apparently all SFB fans feel for the continuity of thier lives... they have no control over anything, so they find this fantasy game where it is controlled incessantly, overabundantly, repetatively, and meritriculously by anal-retentive little bitty rules. Rules that kept you form going into reverse,changed only recently only because the developers probrobly were yelled at by their mother(s) upstairs for creating a game where you can exceed the speed of light by great factors, but can't go backwards a foot a minute. SFC3 had a great tactical platform to base off of, but stretched it to fit people who are not victims of obsessive-compulsive disorders, i.e., normal people who like for things to bahave 'naturally'.
SFC3 may be losing people because it doesn't have the same factors that other space sims have, a continual and persistant universe, and more control over thier ship. You just don't realize how much nnot being stuck in clausterphobic little hexes has on people. Majes them bored. People do not want to play a game where everything is pretend, when you play a video game, you are already pretending; it is difficult and toilious for most to have to extend beyond that. How do I know or care that I am at a starbase relilling on premium, getting troops, when I can't even see the ship?
The SFC series made its final failure with the lack of production, work, and short-sightedness of its parent company, gay-ass Activision. Had EA, or CCP, or anyone else large made SFC3, it would have had a persistent universe, no hex map, and would have sold extensively, still holding onto SFB basics- be they (in full form) naseatingly rulebook-oriented, but still very effective in light doses. SFC3 did not fail, SFB worshippers, because it wasn't based on SFB. Realize that, and your whole lives open up before you...
If wishes came true, I'd wish for another game called SFC4:OP2, and one called SFC4: Starship Captain ( or whatever for both). First one, it'd be a almost duplicate of SFC:OP, with more SFB canon races- the WYN, the Andromedans, etc., with apporpriate SFB setting that I see were missed... adding some extra moddablilty for Firesoul's sake. Something to that effect... no pirates, except Orion and a little faction action... jsut extra races that we apparently missed out on- SFB races all seem the same to me anyhow.... this one gets drones, this one get drones and +5 modifers becasue they have magical feet in the females...
The other simotaneous release, would take off where SFC3 should have begun, but didn't. It would behave with a consistent universe- you access a map (with a drop down hex map for dunces) that displayed the 'known' or explored unverse, and its landmarks or starsystems..... target one, its course is laid out... hit the "W" key, and the ship jumps to warp.... it would be as though you are in a continuous battle- no idiot map, no magical base refilling screens.... you could find your friends and physically fly up to them... the entiriety of those logged onto a server could be right next to the same planet- deosnt seem to bother other games servers... I was trying Eve Genesis online, and I couldn't see a planet because there was too many people's ships on front of it- I had landed into a full-scale war!
Sucha game has many many missions... some can be found on a intra-net BBS server, some just by being somewhere. Refits are a good start for SFC3.... it can make anyone feel unique by building their won ship- too bad it was so limited. Interface could have been expounded upon by great factors... it would have made it all the more playable.
The reason people bought and play SFC3 is because it was BASED on a sound but overdone system.... but it was only half completed. The reson they try other games is because any person you ever meet on the street will have at least heard of Star Trek.... and SFC3 was the closest we have come to a good Star Trek game. I was overjoyed and simultaneously despondent becuase I saw how SFC played, but that it was based soley off of SFB, which I had then recently given up because it was so bloody dull. I have since been disappointed that I thought that the SFB crowd would have been satisfied by having three games to choose from, only to find out the developers were just playing around anyhow.
Ever since SFC3 came out, a deviation from TOTAL SFB, it has been hammered for the most hideously wrong reasons. It ddin't sell because it was half-completed, not because it didn't have enough SFB in it. My biggest laugh will be when there is another Star Trek gmae made, and its just like stupid Bridge Commander... what a waste of time and money for Pete's sake.
If there are fans around of it, I'm sorry, but that was just like every other Star Trek game (besides SFC series), a miserable tease... nothing more.
In conclusion, I am not saying I hate SFB. I am saying that SFC series was good, but lets somehow see what happens when you make a consistent/persistent universe with the SFC3 battle style- it had just enough SFB in it to give it stability and temperance, but didnt make me feel confined... when I play a SFC3 battle, for just a split second, I really feel like I am flying a huge, complex starship... until the mission ends, or I see the same planet I saw four times ago, not to mention the sun- I feel like I have made no progress when I look at that miserable little hexmap either. Oh, my. look. One little hex is flipped. What does that mean? A hex? Who lives there? There ws no odd little plaent or comet or whatever that makes me remember which one is the next- its barely even numbered! Why can't I trade a little to keep from getting smeared in my little beginning ship?
Yes, I know that there are other spaceship games that will do that, and no, I won't go play them for good. This was out seemingly only chance at having a good Star Trek game, and it was half-assed. Not only that, but the ones who got their 3 specially -tailored games are STILL COMPLAINING. Everyone who was lookingfor a good ST game found SFC, and found it to be dull and too confining. SFC3 came out, promised all this, and gave nothing more than an easier (see more canon to TV show ) version of the same old joke... a bad joke.