Topic: Dear Taldren  (Read 13437 times)

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Dear Taldren
« on: July 22, 2003, 06:14:19 pm »
I have read these forums since the day I bought my copy of sfc3 and before then I bought and played sfc 1 and 2 and pretty much every other game that has Star Trek in the name. I realize that Taldren is not the developer for all the Star trek games and in a way this post is about everyone involved in the Star Trek games past present and future.

Recently I was in frostworks and noticed an announcement that Chris Jones was retiring from modding. His reasons were the best...(taking care of home) but in a way the fact that people like chris jones get absolutely nothing for these mods/ships they slave over. I mean if you took away the moddersthese games would not be making money at all. That's not even something that can be questioned. The driving force behind all these games has always been the modding community. Id dare say that 80% of all the people who played the game through more htan once and continue the play the game online oor offline have or have had mo'ds of some sort. As far as the hardcore players the number would be higher and most would find the plain vanilla games boring.

I'm not saying that everyone puke that drops of a mod or ship deserves a job.. but some have been heere and pretty much carried these games on their backs. Look at SFC3 and OP with the huge delays in patches... the only reason players stuck around long enough for the patches is the modders.

In the least give these guys some real credit for the sacrifices some of them have made to make this these games greater than they are out of the box. I know for a fact that sfc3 out of the box is a piece of crap compared to the modded versions. Look at it people are still playing OP <--- thats insane. When madden 2k4 comes out no one will be playing 2k3.. look at the boards there are barely posts on sfc3. The patch has been on hold for so long I have no frigging idea. You guys could have at least put together a band-aid cobbled together from some of the mod's out there.. instead we have a crappy beta patch that is a BETA patch after how long? Months? Is it over a year yet?

I guess my main point is it's cool that you guys are trying ot make this patch perfect (if thats whats happening). Whats not cool is all the nothing going on in between. You guys could get with the modders throw them a few bucks and add new content saving loads on development. With the super guys out here you guys could have already made a frigging expansion. If you guys had made an expansion pack slapped a 15-20 buck charge on it and all it contained was the equivilent of the patch we have now and the Dominion Wars mod or Chris Jones mod even the TNZ mod... all of those added a huge amount of content to the game new idea's and to some extent functionality. Now imagine if those had been officially integrated. Just an idea.

Sorry for the long post but I have waited this long to speak my piece so planned to get it all out. It's just my opinion and maybe no one else feels that way.. I just thought it was something that needed saying.  


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2003, 06:54:16 pm »
WOW powerful words buddy, but the reason i think that they wouldnt do that is because its cheaper for them the way its going now, they make a patch every year or so to reassure you that their doing something whilst the ppl who attract all the gamers (the modders that is) indireclty give them a lot of money, ppl realise that there are mods being made for these games buy them, the makers of the game get a bunch of notes ( a big bunch may i add) and they didnt have to do any work for it lol, well thats what i think anyway  


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2003, 06:55:26 pm »
start a petition drive to activision.. that is the core of a lot of issues with sfc3 patching.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2003, 06:57:44 pm »
.. but sad would be the day when modders would do these things for money.
.. no, it's being done because it's fun, and passes on the fun to others.

-- Luc


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2003, 06:57:57 pm »
lol nanner now you sound like day - no offence if you read this day - "lets boycott star trek" lol  


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2003, 07:20:21 pm »
yeah, mods are done out of the desire to spin the game into our own vision of what is fun and what not.. that said, i might sound like day indeed.. i just know that at the core of the issue with the patch being official lies with activision.  in light of the timing of the lawsuit and everything i have got to wonder. i just really, really wish that some how, some way they would give a darn and ask taldren to finish up (or at very least make official what is now beta) the 3 patch.

thats not to say the present patch is perfect, because we need a very least a "beta3" patch... but i fear that nothing will be done because of the politics/lawsuit.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2003, 07:29:04 pm »

.. but sad would be the day when modders would do these things for money.
.. no, it's being done because it's fun, and passes on the fun to others.

-- Luc  

so saying that, they practically do the same as many of the people who fiddle around with the game pre-release to sort things out, add a few extra things and tidy things up surely the modders do practically the same job but are more appreciated by the public and strangely enough not payed a lot....$0  

Rod O'neal

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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2003, 08:30:32 pm »
I've always wondered what the legal difference is between someone or some company making a custom exhaust system etc. for a Ford Mustang, for example, which is perfectly legal to sell. If someone makes a custom model, etc. for a game though, and tries to sell it, that's copyright infringement. What's the difference?  


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2003, 12:07:23 am »
Actually, it is a very good suggestion. If taldren could formulate a way to work with Activision and have expansion packs and modding packs, where the less than savvy people coulld do such things and use their ships, it might work very well. It would also allow more personal interaction with the game. I would think it also might set a wjhole new tone for game development, where a "structure" to a game is made, and then a variety of missions/options would be available as add on packs. Some what like Microsoft, where you pay 100.00 for an OS, then hundreds more for the tech support, upgrades, add ons, programs, etc to do what you really want. Come on Taldren, get with it! Join the great american Business System! Only, I still refuse to pay for tech support.... damn thing should work first time out.....  


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2003, 01:55:25 am »
Viacom would sue the crap out of anyone that made a mod and tried to sell it.

Star Trek is their intellectual property...and while they are nice enough to let people mod their games for free,they have made it clear that they will stomp on anyone who tries to make money off of a mod.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2003, 02:27:06 am »
.. if people want to send money to modders for some of their efforts? Fine.
.. but for the mods themselves? Not fine.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2003, 02:43:54 pm »
I think there was a misinterpretation of my meaning. I don';t think mod's should be sold I just think that the companies should look closely at the modding community for idea's.

The simple question is, if it wasn't for mod's how many of you would have played SFC3 this long? Personally I would have thrown it in a corner after the 7 days it took me to beat the official campaign on all 3 settings. What about SFC 2 and 1? Those games lived off the mod's.. at the very least they should be giving recognition. They could do like book authors and set aside a small space on the box for some of the more die hard modders. Because doing it free or not these guys are putting money in Activision and Taldrens (and whoever else put's out a Star trek game) pockets.

I'm not the butt kissing type so i'll say it straight out. IF NOT FOR MODDERS THE STAR TREK GAMES WOULD NOT SELL. Especially the SFC series. ESPECIALLY SFC3. Simply because these games, out of the box, have about 0 replay value. As far as online multiplayer, as I understand it most people play on modded servers.

No it would not be right for me to go make a mod and try selling it. But in a way SFC is like a buying a Hummer with a 4 cylinder engine and 2 wheel drive and 14inch wheels. It will run but thats about it. In the end the way they are marketting the Star trek games (and movies) is gonna kill the franchise. They need to drop the word "canon" from their vocabulary. They need to take what they have and build on that. SFC has a hugely faithful modding community. Do like games like NWN and build on that. Make the mod's the base of the game. Sure there are lot's of diehard fans but those are dying off (literally) The Star Trek franchise has to move forward or it's gonna die. But like most good things they will sit on their laurels and hope the geeks will still support. Eventually even geeks get bored of wearing the same stupid ears and silly hair dryer phaser cannons.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2003, 03:13:13 pm »
I don't agree with the statement that without mods the SFC series would not sell.

That's crazy logic. And the fact that you said "people are still playing OP <--- that's insane" makes me wonder how much you've actually played OP.

SFC3 is getting the rough end of the stick right now because - IMHO - Activision is P'O'ed over the fact that they thought they were buying into a "cash cow" enterprise, but with how Berman / Braga has ruined the legacy that was Star Trek what do you expect? Most of the hardcore ST fans have all but thrown their hands up in frustration because of Berman / Braga's complete lack of regard for historical cannon, as well as series cannon.

The SFC series of games have been the BEST - while SFC3 is different - in regards to starship combat, and porting over SFB style play to the world of the PC.

I completely agree that the mod makers are what makes this game - and community - so bloody interesting and fun. So here's a big THANK YOU to everyone that's ever contributed to our community!



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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2003, 08:54:57 pm »

I don't agree with the statement that without mods the SFC series would not sell.

That's crazy logic. And the fact that you said "people are still playing OP <--- that's insane" makes me wonder how much you've actually played OP.

SFC3 is getting the rough end of the stick right now because - IMHO - Activision is P'O'ed over the fact that they thought they were buying into a "cash cow" enterprise, but with how Berman / Braga has ruined the legacy that was Star Trek what do you expect? Most of the hardcore ST fans have all but thrown their hands up in frustration because of Berman / Braga's complete lack of regard for historical cannon, as well as series cannon.

The SFC series of games have been the BEST - while SFC3 is different - in regards to starship combat, and porting over SFB style play to the world of the PC.

I completely agree that the mod makers are what makes this game - and community - so bloody interesting and fun. So here's a big THANK YOU to everyone that's ever contributed to our community!


read the first line of your post then the last line....

SFC3 is getting the rough end because someone expected it to thrive off of mod's and deliverd a half done game then refused to give proper support. What happens on a TV series has nothing ot do with a game being good or not. Morons expecting someone to be able to make something new out of somthing people refuse to let grow is the reason the Star Trek series is dying. What's wrong with Enterprise? It's an OK show and yeah some holes are in the script.. the fun is watching how they plan on filling the holes. Every Star Trek Series had holes in the plots (including the original). The only way to make something consistent throughout is have the same writer write all the stories from front ot end. Being that most of the people who wrote the original series are dead or close enough to it that's impossible. Not to mention thats just not how Hollywood works.

Being realistic is the key. A realistic expectation is Game comes out... game has problems. Game gets patched. That didn't happen with SFC3 and there's no excuse. It's not some new game run by some mom and pop company it's part of a series with a legacy with some pretty big name companies behind it. As far the the OP comment it was meant to point out game cycles. Maybe you don't play many games but I do. Game life runs like this. "Jed Stinkybutt's Big Adventure" comes out, people buy it and play it. If, when JSBA2 comes out there are more people playing JSBA1 a year later then JSBA2 was a flop. The whole point of a second model is to make the first one obsolete. As far as computer games thats even more pronounced than in, say cars. But, even with a car once you buy a new one it's pretty much a wasted buy if you still drive the old one more. It makes no sense whatsoever for people to still be playing OP when SFC3 is out unless SFC3 is an overall inferior product (which it is).


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2003, 09:31:05 pm »
pimo, you do not understand the politics of sfc series.

many of the people playing sfc: 2 or op are sfb fans who do not like or refuse to play sfc3 because it does not adhear to the sfb rule set. it is that simple.

now, i completely agree with you about the whole patch fiasco.. i can tell you that taldren did try to release at least 2 beta patches (one immediately) - but activision had taldren pull one due to certain political issues. a few weeks go by and a official patch is released. the main reason why it was not made official is because of modem issues which was found by ativi qa. (i think thats what was posted)

so, the "official" patch right now is in limbo until taldren finishes Black 9 (paying work)..

i whole heartedly agree that sfc3 has been - and is currently being  - given the shaft. i am beginning to be very, very synical and wonder if things were held off until the lawsuit was activated.

in any case, i feel like if people, truly wanted to support sfc3 - they would have actively pursued taldren to release even what they felt like was official patch stuff. they didnt and it isnt there and now an official patch is in doubt for sure. personally, there are a few issues which are under my skin right now about the whole timing issue of certain things - but there isnt one darned thing i can do about it except email folks at taldren and activision.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by NannerSlug »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2003, 10:00:29 pm »

many of the people playing sfc: 2 or op are sfb fans who do not like or refuse to play sfc3 because it does not adhear to the sfb rule set. it is that simple.

That's painting with a pretty wide brush.

Many people playing SFC2 or OP are playing it because they find SFC3 lackluster and boring. It's that simple.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2003, 10:06:31 pm »
wrong again corbomite.. that is what you may wish for - but the vast majority of those playing sfc2/op are doing so because of the sfb rule set. it is that black and white. for what its worth.. if i am painting with a wide brush, you are paiting with an electric air brush (wagner power painter, baby).

infact, hardly anyone was playing OP until the patch - and most of those are sfc2 folk moving to op (belately) because of a few fixes which were needed. dont confuse the facts.



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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2003, 10:13:04 pm »
No nanners..
I've noticed SFC3 players coming to play SFC:OP.. for their first time.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2003, 10:21:28 pm »
Nice to know the universe according to Nanner is still going strong. I have never seen or heard anyone playing SFC2 and not SFC3 say it was just because of the rules set. There are many playing both that acknowledge that they are just different games. Many, like me, just don't find SFC3 intriguing, regardless of rules set. I'm sure there are players that just like the SFB type rules more, but to say that "many of the people playing sfc: 2 or op are sfb fans who do not like or refuse to play sfc3 because it does not adhear to the sfb rule set" is misleading and an obfuscation of the entire truth. Oh and I don't recall being wrong the first time.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2003, 10:56:32 pm »
let me put it this way - and i think its best left at this for everyone's sake. you have a strong belief about things and i have a strong belief about things.

i base my beliefs on what i see and hear as im sure you do. the only way to prove either case is a sampling. take a sampling of the op/eaw players and im pretty sure what i am saying pans out - as that is the vast majority of what is left. sample sfc3 players and im sure you will find what im saying true as well..

that said, i would challenge you to take sfc2 or op and put it through the same political garbage sfc3 has went through and see how many people would be playing it at the same point - with no official patch and no demo (lets see here - that takes away plasma D and a few other toys immediately).. i think sfc3 has weathered the storm rather well to this point and thank goodness for the desire of people like pelican and korah. what it needs is fairness - but it will never get that. not with activision, and certainly not with some of the individuals around here.

the only equalizer i hope is that taldren shows its usual customer support and releases some sort of another beta patch that takes care of issues.

btw, at 2 am, last time i was on sfc3 playing TNZ - there were about 100 folk on the d3 patched.. i dont know the population of patched servers.. and most of those people are playing tnz and dw.. i think that says somthing 2 ways.. 1) the game is a lot stronger and more people like it than what you think or want to believe.. 2) the game needs a patch and a few updates - which i wish taldren were able to do (and needs to do).

look, i support the op patching process - it needed it badly and i hope they fix the ctds. the least you could do is support an sfc3 patch and that process.



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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2003, 11:08:00 pm »
Go hijack a different thread.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2003, 11:17:16 pm »
who hijacked who FS? look. enjoy the op patch - i support it, but i grow tired of the brick throwing against sfc3.. this thread is about an SFC3 patch and need for it..  (and the lack of support) i wasnt the one who basically is telling the other one its irrelevant. so i ask  you  to not hijack the thread.



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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2003, 11:19:33 pm »
I never said people didn't like SFC3 Nanner, I was just refuting your blatantly one sided comment about SFB players and their game choices. As usual you spin everything to your way of thinking and no one else is entitled their opinion. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2003, 11:24:43 pm »
you are entitled to your opinion, corbo, no one is disputing that. not me, no one is.. what i am disputing is this whole notion that people are leaving sfc3 to sfc2.. it is both my experience and knowledge that those who stuck with sfc2/op mostly did it because they enjoyed the sfb rule set and simply did not like the sfc3 rule set. that is the reality of the matter.

yes, it is a matter of opnion.. but it just seems that at every turn instead of being supportive - its BURN sfc3 time out of a number around here. i've had it with the misinformation. if you dont like the game, dont play it.. but at least try to be supportive of those of us who do.

sfc3 has gotten the shaft  - and im tired of it.

what i dont get is why those of us who can support both (i support patching op and making it work - as i think anyone with common sense does)- but it generally seems that those who play sfc2 and op would rather see the lack of support for sfc3 - than support what is right and needs to be done.  


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #24 on: July 23, 2003, 11:45:05 pm »

if you dont like the game, dont play it.. but at least try to be supportive of those of us who do.

I don't and I am. When have I ever bad mouthed SFC3? All I have ever said that it is not my cup of tea, but if people are having fun with it more power to them. I find it boring, but I have never told anyone not to buy it or to play EAW or OP instead. Like I said before, I know of many players that play both. That is my knowledge and experience. They like them for different reasons and have fun with both for those differences.

And take your own advice. Plenty of people are tired of your never ending bashing of players who prefer the SFB style game play. To each his own, just let it lie. No one in this thread mentioned SFB before you brought it up in a derisive comment geared to make SFB players look inflexible and that they purposely tried to sabotage SFC3 by "refusing" to play it due to a different rule set. Did it ever occur to you that they just simply didn't like it based on it's own merits? I know I didn't and it had absolutely nothing to do with SFB or SFC2.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2003, 11:48:01 pm »

who hijacked who FS? look. enjoy the op patch - i support it, but i grow tired of the brick throwing against sfc3.. this thread is about an SFC3 patch and need for it..  (and the lack of support) i wasnt the one who basically is telling the other one its irrelevant. so i ask  you  to not hijack the thread.

Fine. You're right.
Can you shut up now?


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2003, 11:53:47 pm »
it was most certainly not a derisive comment.. you took a very, very basic statment and twisted.. reread my comment.. it is truthful and is most certainly not anti anything.. i simply pointed out a fact - most of the people playing op and sfc2 are sfb folk . that is the reality of the matter.. that is a neutral statment which attempts to answer the individuals question to why some are still playing sfc2 and op.  where did i say that they were refusing to play sfc3 and were sabatoging it? i didnt - you made that up in your mind (like many other comments i have seen attributed to my self which were blantantly false).

reread the statment slowly if you have to. geeze.

if you have been paying attention the last few weeks what i have maintained (and it is the truth) is that people play different games and yes, it is completely subjective.. and it is their opinion - and we should leave it at that. it does not meant that if someone plays sfc2 they cannot like sfc3 and vise versta.

that said, however, sfc3 has recieved the shaft - and that is what this thread is about. you may not like sfc3 - and that is completely upto you - but the one thing i simply ask is to support a proper patching process.. again, i ask you this simple question.. how would you like to play sfc2 or op straight out of the box - the same way sfc3 has been treated. see my point?



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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2003, 11:56:36 pm »

[Fine. You're right.
Can you shut up now?  

not until we get our patch and fair/equal treatment! sfc3 has recieved the shaft for too long now.  if you really want people to pipe down (not just me) - then accept them for who they are and at least lend moral support for what is right. i dont think that is much to ask.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #28 on: July 24, 2003, 12:45:38 am »
I can't wait for the official patch to come out so I can try the game again and hopefully like it enough to play it. I did play SFC2 out of the box and have waited almost 3 years for it to be "fixed". SFC3 hasn't even been out a year and will probably be fixed in one real patch. You call that being shafted? We're up to what, 7 patches for SFC2? OP sat and sat and was felt to be abandoned until the last few months so save the wounded routine. We've lost more players due to delays and politics than you had for all of SFC3. People complaining that SFC3 needs to be modded to be right is almost laughable (see original post in the thread). I was under the impression that's what most players wanted it to be like, then when admins run with it, it's "thank God for these great people that saved our game"? They are doing what SFC3 was intended for, modability. Taldren will release the final patch for SFC3, of that you can be sure. I hope you don't have to wait 3 years for it like the rest of us have.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #29 on: July 24, 2003, 01:10:48 am »
I couldn't hold out any longer... orry. Allow me to attempt to ruin this thread, but attempt to keep from flaming all of my friends in here... which, LOL, is most if not all of you. The Altar Of SFB is not getting near the pew filling I expected it to.. but we'll change that. Corbomite, Fiewsoul, and Nanner, you've all been hitting like Joe Dimaggio at the last game of a season... but let me remind you that it is true that there are a lot of people coming to SFB; oh, I mean SFC2, OP, and 1, because they are not getting the fufillment of a finished product... similar to the pains of adolescence that apparently all SFB fans feel for the continuity of thier lives... they have no control over anything, so they find this fantasy game where it is controlled incessantly, overabundantly, repetatively, and meritriculously by anal-retentive little bitty rules. Rules that kept you form going into reverse,changed only recently only because the developers probrobly were yelled at by their mother(s) upstairs for creating a game where you can exceed the speed of light by great factors, but can't go backwards a foot a minute. SFC3  had a great tactical platform to base off of, but stretched it to fit people who are not victims of obsessive-compulsive disorders, i.e., normal people who like for things to bahave 'naturally'.
SFC3  may be losing people because it doesn't have the same factors that other space sims have, a continual and persistant universe, and more control over thier ship. You just don't realize how much nnot being stuck in clausterphobic little hexes has on people. Majes them bored. People do not want to play a game where everything is pretend, when you play a video game, you are already pretending; it is difficult and toilious for most to have to extend beyond that. How do I know or care that I am at a starbase relilling on premium, getting troops, when I can't even see the ship?
The SFC series made its final failure with the lack of production, work, and short-sightedness of its parent company, gay-ass Activision. Had EA, or CCP, or anyone else large made SFC3, it would have had a persistent universe, no hex map, and would have sold extensively, still holding onto SFB basics- be they (in full form) naseatingly rulebook-oriented, but still very effective in light doses. SFC3 did not fail, SFB worshippers, because it wasn't based on SFB. Realize that, and your whole lives open up before you...
If wishes came true, I'd wish for another game called SFC4:OP2, and one called SFC4: Starship Captain ( or whatever for both). First one, it'd be a almost duplicate of SFC:OP, with more SFB canon races- the WYN, the Andromedans, etc., with apporpriate SFB setting that I see were missed... adding some extra moddablilty for Firesoul's sake. Something to that effect... no pirates, except Orion and a little faction action... jsut extra races that we apparently missed out on- SFB races all seem the same to me anyhow.... this one gets drones, this one get drones and +5 modifers becasue they have magical feet in the females...
The other simotaneous release, would take off where SFC3 should have begun, but didn't. It would behave with a consistent universe- you access a map (with a drop down hex map for dunces) that displayed the 'known' or explored unverse, and its landmarks or starsystems..... target one, its course is laid out... hit the "W" key, and the ship jumps to warp.... it would be as though you are in a continuous battle- no idiot map, no magical base refilling screens.... you could find your friends and physically fly up to them... the entiriety of those logged onto a server could be right next to the same planet- deosnt seem to bother other games servers... I was trying Eve Genesis online, and I couldn't see a planet because there was too many people's ships on front of it- I had landed into a full-scale war!
Sucha game has many many missions... some can be found on a intra-net BBS server, some just by being somewhere. Refits are a good start for SFC3.... it can make anyone feel unique by building their won ship- too bad it was so limited. Interface could have been expounded upon by great factors... it would have made it all the more playable.
The reason people bought and play SFC3 is because it was BASED on a sound but overdone system.... but it was only half completed. The reson they try other games is because any person you ever meet on the street will have at least heard of Star Trek.... and SFC3 was the closest we have come to a good Star Trek game. I was overjoyed and simultaneously despondent becuase I saw how SFC played, but that it was based soley off of SFB, which I had then recently given up because it was so bloody dull. I have since been disappointed that I thought that the SFB crowd would have been satisfied by having three games to choose from, only to find out the developers were just playing around anyhow.
Ever since SFC3 came out, a deviation from TOTAL SFB, it has been hammered for the most hideously wrong reasons. It ddin't sell because it was half-completed, not because it didn't have enough SFB in it. My biggest laugh will be when there is another Star Trek gmae made, and its just like stupid Bridge Commander... what a waste of time and money for Pete's sake.
If there are fans around of it, I'm sorry, but that was just like every other Star Trek game (besides SFC series), a miserable tease... nothing more.
In conclusion, I am not saying I hate SFB. I am saying that SFC series was good, but lets somehow see what happens when you make a consistent/persistent universe with the SFC3 battle style- it had just enough SFB in it to give it stability and temperance, but didnt make me feel confined... when I play a SFC3 battle, for just a split second, I really feel like I am flying a huge, complex starship... until the mission ends, or I see the same planet I saw four times ago, not to mention the sun- I feel like I have made no progress when I look at that miserable little hexmap either. Oh, my. look. One little hex is flipped. What does that mean? A hex? Who lives there? There ws no odd little plaent or comet or whatever that makes me remember which one is the next- its barely even numbered! Why can't I trade a little to keep from getting smeared in my little beginning ship?
Yes, I know that there are other spaceship games that will do that, and no, I won't go play them for good. This was out seemingly only chance at having a good Star Trek game, and it was half-assed. Not only that, but the ones who got their 3 specially -tailored games are STILL COMPLAINING. Everyone who was lookingfor a good ST game found SFC, and found it to be dull and too confining. SFC3 came out, promised all this, and gave nothing more than an easier (see more canon to TV show ) version of the same old joke... a bad joke.  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2003, 01:22:16 am »
The bartender is no longer allowed to serve the rambling drunk at the end of the bar.

At least not until he sobers up, and does some spell checking. (toilious???? indeed)  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2003, 02:08:01 am »
toilous.. ah.. like 'to toll'?No good...I still wouldn't figure you'd drop to spelling calls Corbo.. hit harder next time my friend. Just hoping, not rambling... maybe having two differnet releases would alleviate our mutual distaste for the same entities.  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2003, 02:08:44 am »
I personally think SFC in general would have been more of a hit if it hadn't been so much based on SFB as it should have been 'real' Trek...


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2003, 02:22:37 am »
Corbo, silly me- Cleaven I meant. Again, just as I have stated, you're just another control freak. SFC2OP is jpractically ust fine- it is chock full of good ol' Amercian SFB SOB material... I can imagine the stars themselves weeping for your pains.... ''oh lordy, why don't I have this or that'' .... maybe to be able to boot the game you should like to have a little graphic dice rolling whether or not you made a proper saving throw vs. emotional stability. You are among the most melodramatic person I have seen here yet. Keep wailing, I bet SFC2OP gets a patch before 3 does.... I really don't see all that much difference between them actually, except less SFB in part 3...  of course SFC3 has less everything in general. It didn't ''fix all'', and no one will say that it will... it was a bigger disappointment than the others were, in perspective. Your arguments spin in circles, and you continuoulsy fall, in time, to slanderous insults instead of points of fact. I put all sorts of quotables in here, so0 I'm sure the next post will have more of the same inane little anal-retentive weak-minded little quotes and responses like you are so ood at doing.. so befitting of great intelligence. Pleae, argue more, you only serve to increase my point.
The only real thing I was trying to say before you got me all fired up was that SFC3 has seen better playability only because it had used SFB as a base to operate from- it took the most pertient rules, but changed some other for playablitly... if it had went further, not only half-heartedly, it'd have sold more, and kept your interest as well... at least a little longer. Sorry if I upset you.  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2003, 02:27:09 am »

I personally think SFC in general would have been more of a hit if it hadn't been so much based on SFB as it should have been 'real' Trek...  

Glad I stayed up late to catch this one....



*wipes tear from eye*

Thanks man....I needed a good laugh


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2003, 02:27:57 am »
Glad you think its funny...


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #36 on: July 24, 2003, 02:42:31 am »

Glad you think its funny...  

I do ...seriously....

#1....SFC would have been just another Trek game....

#2....There is a good chance we wouldnt have seen a sequel..... Taldren

#4....No SFC3..... claim that one type of fantasy is "more real" than another type of fantasy  IS  funny...the term "real" trek allways cracks me up....

So yeah....I thinks its funny....


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2003, 02:47:05 am »
Thus the reason I put 'real' in quotes...


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2003, 02:56:29 am »
This is the song that never ends..
.. it goes on and on my friends..


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2003, 03:20:28 am »

Thus the reason I put 'real' in quotes...  

Define "real" trek.....

Star trek TOS?
Star trek the animated series?
Star trek novels?
Star trek comics?
Star trek motion pictures(TOS based)?
Star trek TNG?
Star trek DS9?
Star trek VOY?
Star trek ENT?
Star trek motion pictures (TNG based)?
The miriad of previous Star trek games....including SFB?

No one I have EVER posed this question to has EVER answered it......because you cant....there is no "real "trek...only  your opinion of what "real" trek is.......and no matter  what that opinion may be......I can find you hundreds, perhaps thousands, of trek fans that will disagree....because  they all have differing opinions of what "real" trek is.....

Now if you want to exchange the word "real" for "consistant"...then we at least have a starting point to throw out 80% of existing trek...and of all that trek stuff floating around out there....SFB is at the very least ..the most consistant of the bunch....and not a bad place to base a game off of....  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #40 on: July 24, 2003, 03:21:26 am »

Corbo, silly me- Cleaven I meant. Again, just as I have stated, you're just another control freak. SFC2OP is jpractically ust fine- it is chock full of good ol' Amercian SFB SOB material... I can imagine the stars themselves weeping for your pains.... ''oh lordy, why don't I have this or that'' .... maybe to be able to boot the game you should like to have a little graphic dice rolling whether or not you made a proper saving throw vs. emotional stability. You are among the most melodramatic person I have seen here yet. Keep wailing, I bet SFC2OP gets a patch before 3 does.... I really don't see all that much difference between them actually, except less SFB in part 3...  of course SFC3 has less everything in general. It didn't ''fix all'', and no one will say that it will... it was a bigger disappointment than the others were, in perspective. Your arguments spin in circles, and you continuoulsy fall, in time, to slanderous insults instead of points of fact. I put all sorts of quotables in here, so0 I'm sure the next post will have more of the same inane little anal-retentive weak-minded little quotes and responses like you are so ood at doing.. so befitting of great intelligence. Pleae, argue more, you only serve to increase my point.
The only real thing I was trying to say before you got me all fired up was that SFC3 has seen better playability only because it had used SFB as a base to operate from- it took the most pertient rules, but changed some other for playablitly... if it had went further, not only half-heartedly, it'd have sold more, and kept your interest as well... at least a little longer. Sorry if I upset you.    

Sober up, get some fresh air and come back when you can express at least one coherent sentence. I can't even tell if I agree or disagree with you. But I do expect a wild haymaker swing any second, following which I shall have to catch you as you careen off at 90 degrees, and then prop you up in the corner while I call you a taxi.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #41 on: July 24, 2003, 03:30:21 am »

toilous.. ah.. like 'to toll'?No good...I still wouldn't figure you'd drop to spelling calls Corbo.. hit harder next time my friend. Just hoping, not rambling... maybe having two differnet releases would alleviate our mutual distaste for the same entities.  

That's funny. I was betting on toilet, toiling or even toile. I didn't relate it to toll.  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #42 on: July 24, 2003, 05:38:27 am »

wrong again corbomite.. that is what you may wish for - but the vast majority of those playing sfc2/op are doing so because of the sfb rule set. it is that black and white. for what its worth.. if i am painting with a wide brush, you are paiting with an electric air brush (wagner power painter, baby).

infact, hardly anyone was playing OP until the patch - and most of those are sfc2 folk moving to op (belately) because of a few fixes which were needed. dont confuse the facts.



As usual you answer hyperbole with hyperbole and feel it is justified. All it does is add fuel to the fire, so to speak.

From where I sit in this vast universe of SFC I find there is much to support both your and Corb's positions...exception being your final dismissive sentence--do I detect a bit of green creeping into your attitude toward OP?

Oh, and I do not play OP over SFC3 due to any unwavering adherence to a PnP ruleset. Quite simply, the over all important reason I am more inclined to play OP over SFC3 is that I find OP to be a more polished game...even before this last patch. I guess that throws a spot-o'-grey into your otherwise B&W veiw of the subject.

Further, do I think SFC3 sucks in any way? Absolutely not. There are issues...issues that I have addressed before that you chose to ignore. Imho, it is these issues that are the major obstacles to SFC3 being not only a good game, but a game that, imho (once again), could very well have been a benchmark for other space sims/Star Trek games for some years to come.  But, alas, through a series of miscalculations and other human frailties (read: mostly hubris) SFC3 was ripped in a direction that its core gaming logic could not support.


Well, I'm droning on and pro'ly boring all to sleep. So I'll shutup now.



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #43 on: July 24, 2003, 06:34:11 am »
I find it incredibly funny that several people on this board hold the following opinions and see no conflict:

1) Shut up all you SFB people, there are only really a few of you and you are far and away the minority here


2) You SFB people have ruined SFC3 by refusing to play it since it is not based on SFB

I like SFC2 and was very excited about SFC3.  I played SFC3 for about a week before removing it and saying I would get back to it later.  Later has not come.  I am glad some people enjoy it but I did not.  No crime there for either side.

It would be nice to see SFC3 get the support ANY game deserves, which it has not gotten as of yet.  This lawsuit thing is sadly only going to make that worse.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kiloton »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #44 on: July 24, 2003, 07:13:16 am »
I am in no way defending SFC3, in my opinion that is a cluster....

Anyhow, as for SFB, it doesnt even make sense when compared to 80% of the rest of Trek...

Just because there has never been a truely great trek game is no excuse to base one off something that as far as Im concerned bastardizes trek...

But hey, Im not here to sway any of you...that would be like telling a Star Wars fan that SWG is just an alien Deer Hunter click game that you pay a subscription for...

You cant possibly see it from my view if you are hardcore SFB, because to you SFB is the best I right or wrong?


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #45 on: July 24, 2003, 09:42:06 am »

I am in no way defending SFC3, in my opinion that is a cluster....

Heh....Well...I CAN defend SFC3 on its own merits......but to do must be considered a game unto itself....


Anyhow, as for SFB, it doesnt even make sense when compared to 80% of the rest of Trek...

You miss this post?

"Define "real" trek.....

Star trek TOS?
Star trek the animated series?
Star trek novels?
Star trek comics?
Star trek motion pictures(TOS based)?
Star trek TNG?
Star trek DS9?
Star trek VOY?
Star trek ENT?
Star trek motion pictures (TNG based)?
The miriad of previous Star trek games....including SFB?

No one I have EVER posed this question to has EVER answered it......because you cant....there is no "real "trek...only your opinion of what "real" trek is.......and no matter what that opinion may be......I can find you hundreds, perhaps thousands, of trek fans that will disagree....because they all have differing opinions of what "real" trek is.....  

    Now if you want to exchange the word "real" for "consistant"...then we at least have a starting point to throw out 80% of existing trek ...and of all that trek stuff floating around out there....SFB is at the very least ..the most consistant of the bunch....and not a bad place to base a game off of.... "


Just because there has never been a truely great trek game    is no excuse  to base one off something that as far as Im concerned bastardizes trek...

heh...a three parter

#1....I'm looking at  3 truely great, and 1 really good , star trek games in my rack.....SFC,SFC:EAW,SFC:OP,and SFC3...the only trek games I would even consider buying....(and yes...I've tried out alot of other trek games...the keyword here is  BUY )

#2....EXCUSE!?! does basing a successful  PC game system off another successful Pen and paper game system need to be excused?

#3....Ah..thank you.....showing your bias wasnt so hard...was it? as far as your concerned SFB bastardizes trek.....the "real" trek....thus....anything that contains SFB material must be substandard....


But hey, Im not here to sway any of you...

Good...cause you wont...


that would be like telling a Star Wars fan that SWG is just an alien Deer Hunter click game that you pay a subscription for...

Ah...but in this'd be correct


You cant possibly see it from my view if you are hardcore SFB, because to you SFB is the best I right or wrong?  

And conversely....You cant possibly see it from my point of view if you are anti SFB, because to you SFB is the WORST whos your daddy

And once again (for like the 500th time)... I never played SFB...I dont own one stinkin book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But when I read the box for SFC(1)....I knew it was at least based on SOMETHING....rather than god knows what...

And I restate the question..."if NO ONE can define what "real" trek in the freakin hell are you going to base a game system on it?"  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #46 on: July 24, 2003, 09:58:11 am »
And to get back to topic....

Taldren didnt make SFC (any SFC) moddable as a sales tool (meaning some modder would make it better ,thus increasing sales)....they did it AS A REQUESTED FEATURE....

They could have just as easily constructed the game so that ANY change to ANYTHING would simply cause the game to crash....

Taldren is one of the very few companies that responds to customer desires by simply asking what the customer wants....

Market forces may have dictated what SFC3 became......but Taldren constructed the game in such a way to let the customer change it as they saw fit.........




  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #47 on: July 24, 2003, 10:29:08 am »
May I ask in what way SFC3 supporters feel SFC3 is not a completed game or needs patching??  I played the hell out of the TNZ mod, many 24 hour plus sessions, using the beta patch.  I saw no incidences of CTDs or other show-stopping bugs.   So what's the problem??  OP has been relatively unplayable D2 wise for years.  That finally has been fixed.  I really don't know what SFC3 players have to complain about.  Better graphics engine.  Better dynaverse. More modability.  Be happy with what you have got.  SFC3 was a far more complete game out of the box than any other SFC title in the series.  I think you guys need a bit of a reality check.   Could someone post a list of these supposed patch issues for SFC3?  By the way I am sure that SFC2 players could match that list item for item for problems.   The beta patch is the patch for SFC3.   If there are no major issues with the beta patch, then that's the one people should be using.  And from my experience the beta patch is just fine.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2003, 11:21:09 am »
Somehow I knew you would tear my post up and make cute little colors and faces...

But hey, I dun have to do that to say what I mean...

Anyhow, I'd say the TOS, TNG era TV shows were the closest to 'real' Trek anything will ever get...

Don't forget, Trek isnt about a TV show, game, or movie, its a sci-fantasy...created by one man to be shared with everyone...



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #49 on: July 24, 2003, 11:25:12 am »

I am in no way defending SFC3, in my opinion that is a cluster....

Anyhow, as for SFB, it doesnt even make sense when compared to 80% of the rest of Trek...

You mean the part where one ship does different things depending on the situation it is in?  The fact the rules only apply until a new rule is needed to get out of the situation the ship is in?  How could that be a fun game.  


Just because there has never been a truely great trek game is no excuse to base one off something that as far as Im concerned bastardizes trek...

Yes basterdizes it into a naval combat game that is "quite balanced" for all races.  Not just "kirk's ship wins".  


But hey, Im not here to sway any of you...that would be like telling a Star Wars fan that SWG is just an alien Deer Hunter click game that you pay a subscription for...

yep it is...


You cant possibly see it from my view if you are hardcore SFB, because to you SFB is the best I right or wrong?  

Funny I never heard of SFB until SFC1.  Since then I have taken time to look into it.  I love it!  It is so well thought out.  So much attention to detail.

Look at it this way.  In a game like Warcraft 3 (or starcraft or Command and Conquer)  You deal with balance.  If the game favors ANYONE that is all online players (who want to win) will play.  So balance is key.  There can never be an unbeatable army.  

If you base ANY game from trek, the Federation MUST be the "unbeatable army".  That would suck... hardcore.  SFB balances TONS of races.  SFC2 manages 8 quite well.  SFC1 did pretty well with 6.  This is amazingly difficult.

Many of us that loved the first two point five SFC games are very dissappointed in sfc3 because it has only 4 races.  It is still fairly balanced, but all the races have the same basic (direct fire) weapondry.  One can cloak.  One has no shields.  However you look at it it is "less" than what I was used to.  I bought sfc3.  I beat the single player.  I played about 10 matches online.  I then quit playing and eventually unloaded it.  

I still play SFC2:EAW.

It is balanced, and fun, and I love it.



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #50 on: July 24, 2003, 11:32:29 am »

pimo, you do not understand the politics of sfc series.

many of the people playing sfc: 2 or op are sfb fans who do not like or refuse to play sfc3 because it does not adhear to the sfb rule set. it is that simple.

Or that SFC3 just isn't nearly as fun, deep or tactically satisfying as SFC2.  SFC3 has some cool features, but I got bored of it VERY quickly. I haven't touched it in seven months and I don't miss it at all.  Will I ever go back?  Anything is possible...heheh.

Personally, my dislike for SFC3 has little to do with its departure from the "SFB style" other than as it pertains to the depth of the dynaverse gaming experience.


 now, i completely agree with you about the whole patch fiasco.. i can tell you that taldren did try to release at least 2 beta patches (one immediately) - but activision had taldren pull one due to certain political issues. a few weeks go by and a official patch is released. the main reason why it was not made official is because of modem issues which was found by ativi qa. (i think thats what was posted)

so, the "official" patch right now is in limbo until taldren finishes Black 9 (paying work)..

i whole heartedly agree that sfc3 has been - and is currently being  - given the shaft. i am beginning to be very, very synical and wonder if things were held off until the lawsuit was activated.

in any case, i feel like if people, truly wanted to support sfc3 - they would have actively pursued taldren to release even what they felt like was official patch stuff. they didnt and it isnt there and now an official patch is in doubt for sure. personally, there are a few issues which are under my skin right now about the whole timing issue of certain things - but there isnt one darned thing i can do about it except email folks at taldren and activision.  

The whole patch "fiasco" just makes SFC3 an ever bigger disappointment in my eyes.  

I understand that the current modded games using the beta patch are better than what was present during SFC3's infancy....but I still don't see much in the way of compelling gameplay out of that game.

I think it's great that there are those that like SFC3...and I understand why they like it.  That's fine and dandy.

I just wouldn't be so quick to pigeonhole people who don't like SFC3 as SFB purists.  That's simply not the case.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #51 on: July 24, 2003, 11:38:18 am »

it was most certainly not a derisive comment.. you took a very, very basic statment and twisted.. reread my comment.. it is truthful and is most certainly not anti anything.. i simply pointed out a fact - most of the people playing op and sfc2 are sfb folk . that is the reality of the matter.. that is a neutral statment which attempts to answer the individuals question to why some are still playing sfc2 and op.  where did i say that they were refusing to play sfc3 and were sabatoging it? i didnt - you made that up in your mind (like many other comments i have seen attributed to my self which were blantantly false).

If one takes into account the way you throw around the word "politics," then I would say that it's almost certain you meant it derisively.  When you use the word "politics," you're certainly not saying anything nice about it.  



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #52 on: July 24, 2003, 11:41:26 am »
I stopped playing SFC3 when it became apparent that the D3 wasn't intended for customers without DSL or cable modems -- has that changed?  If it has, I might try SFC3 again (although in my opinion it is rather dull compared to SFC2).

I would certainly play it if it supported ANISOTROPIC MIPMA--<TWO PAGE RANT DELETED>--ould improve the appearance of the ships!  
« Last Edit: July 24, 2003, 11:43:49 am by Ifrit »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #53 on: July 24, 2003, 01:16:09 pm »

Somehow I knew you would tear my post up and make cute little colors and faces...

  T   h a n   k s      


But hey, I dun have to do that to say what I mean...

I dun either....but it's more fun


Anyhow, I'd say the TOS, TNG era TV shows were the closest to 'real' Trek anything will ever get... we're getting somewhere......

IMHO....The Wrath of Khan had the most "realistic" "on screen" portrayal of "trek type" ship to ship combat....although B5 had the most 'realistic' non trek ship to ship combat....


Don't forget, Trek isnt about a TV show, game, or movie, its a sci-fantasy...created by one man to be shared with everyone...

Ok....lets run with that.....

IMHO....gene used TOS as both a vehicle of entertainment....and a running commentary on current social events....

The message I got from TOS is....yes we need rules.....but sometimes breaking those rules is the "right" thing to do....

People often use the phrase " the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one"......this is cold logic....but it isnt the message that Gene was sending (during that time in his life)....

The real message is "the needs of the one.....often outweigh the needs of the many....or the few".....this is the message of humanity...the illogical idea that a group would risk all...for one...even if that one...was not human....

Kirk often practiced "gunboat" diplomacy...and I've not seen an accurate count of how many times Kirk violated "the prime directive".....

Twenty some odd years later....Gene had a slightly different view....his pragmatism is reflected with a more diplomatic Federation 500 years in the future.....often refusing to use force....even when sometimes neccessary.....

I mean this....who the hell journeys around in the deep of space with over 500 civilians on board?

In TOS...a starship was a war vessel.....sent on 5 year missions of TNG....a starship was a moblie mall with weapons...sent on a 5 year mission of boredom (just my opinon mind you).....sure we saw some borg here and there....but it wasnt untill DS9 that we saw outright war ships again(other than non fed)....and only a few at at that .... conclusion(for now  )...if I were to design a ship to ship combat game....I would use a timeline that actually had warships....I would also seek to use a game system that was allready reletively balanced and fleshed out....

In other words....I would have used the SFB ruleset and TMP timeline to convey the most "realistic" " Trek type" ship to ship combat......gee...what a coincidence



Very GG    


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #54 on: July 24, 2003, 03:01:06 pm »


I am in no way defending SFC3, in my opinion that is a cluster....

Anyhow, as for SFB, it doesnt even make sense when compared to 80% of the rest of Trek...

You mean the part where one ship does different things depending on the situation it is in?  The fact the rules only apply until a new rule is needed to get out of the situation the ship is in?  How could that be a fun game.  

Ironically, I think you're on to something there.  Anyone remember the combat padigram to  this old and enduring game?  

Think about it;  Kirk was snippy, Picard had more wind than a tropical storm and the rest had their own tricks, like shock value hair or religious qualifications.  Making a starship naval combat simulator based on how well you insult the other captain before combat begins would be a GREAT single player idea, at least in my demented opinion.

I will admit, it'd have to be a really-difficult-to-concieve-let-alone-code dynamic system for multiplayer uses, but still, it'd get laughs.

You can go even further with trek;  Anyone familiar with the term 'technobabble'? (if you say no, on HERE of all places, you're obviously lying).  Making a little minigame where how well you BS techtalk determines how well a ship will repair itself is another intresting way of doing things, and totally accurate according to vintage trek episodes!

Most of the people that have watched TOS have probably seen the Spock-McCoy interaction, which leads to the idea of officer training!  See why the klingons always lost now?  The Enterprise officers argued amongst themselves so much that when Kang arrived, he didn't stand a chance!  

Think of it;  Full starship combat, all based on how melodramatically you can act;  nintendo like action where the number of acrobatic flips and spins you can do when your ship is hit earns you points!  You can even do that multiplayer, each crewmember trying to out 'point' the others as their ship is rocked by <insert imaginary weapon here>. "Holocat's Extreme Damage Control 2!"  

Even better, multiplayer arenas of redshirts where they try to catch an enemey loose on the ship;  The person that covers the most territory (meaning, tracks along the corridors where the person he's supposed to be chasing isn't) in the least amount of time wins!  Extra points for doing melodramatic death-scene combos!

I can see it now, "Starfleet Command 4: The Curse of the Monkey Planet" featuring "Insult phaser fighting" and Mario Party style multiplayer action.  You'd all buy this game if it came out.  You soooo KNOW that you'd all buy this game if it came out.  

Firesoul, yes.  This thread has been officially hijacked and has now been diverted to Astana,  where we will sing your lovely song.

To Nanner, yes, SFC3 would like another patch.  It told me so yesterday over tea.  It hopes to step up it's patch program and be cold turkey free by september.  Wish it luck.

To Reverend, yes, there's Hope.  Grace is cuter in my opinion, however.

To the person that started this post (damn, can't even remember his name now) yes, mods are fun.  It's always fun to put on costumes, for both games and people,  as this lumberjack obviously feels.

SFB bastardizing trek?  You don't have a clue at what's going on in this little kitten head, huh?  Well now you do.  Beware! Beware!  The golden eyes and floating hair!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Holocat »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #55 on: July 24, 2003, 03:38:56 pm »
ROFL...good stuff, as always, Holocat.



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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #56 on: July 24, 2003, 04:01:00 pm »
Holocat, you have this ability to completely go off course subject-wise, but somehow its so funny that it ties itself back in! LOL...

Cleavan, your weak-minded attempts at return arguments reflect your super-inflated ego had difficulty in being forced to learn in college, and many other parts of yourt life... I do not knowwhat makes you think I would drink, nor why I would want to hit you in your face.... the points at which you emphasize, having nothing to do with the original series of statements, incriminates you. It is going to seem to people that you are an alchoholic that gets beat up quite a bit because of his mouth. I really hope that you are not this person we are beginning to see. I also do hope you know a healthy debate when you see one; it will help you in the future... no one's calling you a a-hole, or telling you you're going to hell, or saying you are a stupid person because of you likes and dislikes- I am just challenging your opinion, just as you are so want to do likewise. Try not to take things so personally, okay?

P.S SFB sucks. ha ha  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #57 on: July 24, 2003, 04:47:56 pm »
Rev, perhaps you should reconsider your source of information on Trek gaming.  SFB had reverse back when I played it in the mid '80's, and I'm sure long before (if not from the beginning).  In addition I noticed in the model forum you posted the following.


Yes, why hasn't anyone made a totally FASA mod? Oh wait- there are already three of them... SFC1..SFC2....SFC2:OP. At least SFC3 deviated a little.... it too was just a big tease- it still is like a big demo to me. Actrivision is cold, and Taldren got caught up I guess.

FASA's Trek game and SFB were competing systems, not the same game.  In fact I believe that FASA had the official stamp of opproval from Paramount making it the official Trek combat game/rpg didn't it?  You should probably be a little better informed on things before you form such a stark opinion of them and decide to trash on them stating false facts.  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #58 on: July 24, 2003, 04:51:13 pm »

Holocat, you have this ability to completely go off course subject-wise, but somehow its so funny that it ties itself back in! LOL...

Cleavan, your weak-minded attempts at return arguments reflect your super-inflated ego had difficulty in being forced to learn in college, and many other parts of yourt life... I do not knowwhat makes you think I would drink, nor why I would want to hit you in your face.... the points at which you emphasize, having nothing to do with the original series of statements, incriminates you. It is going to seem to people that you are an alchoholic that gets beat up quite a bit because of his mouth. I really hope that you are not this person we are beginning to see. I also do hope you know a healthy debate when you see one; it will help you in the future... no one's calling you a a-hole, or telling you you're going to hell, or saying you are a stupid person because of you likes and dislikes- I am just challenging your opinion, just as you are so want to do likewise. Try not to take things so personally, okay?

P.S SFB sucks. ha ha    

There's your "wild haymaker swing," Cleaven!  



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #59 on: July 24, 2003, 05:05:59 pm »

Holocat, you have this ability to completely go off course subject-wise, but somehow its so funny that it ties itself back in! LOL...

Cleavan, your weak-minded attempts at return arguments reflect your super-inflated ego had difficulty in being forced to learn in college, and many other parts of yourt life... I do not knowwhat makes you think I would drink, nor why I would want to hit you in your face.... the points at which you emphasize, having nothing to do with the original series of statements, incriminates you. It is going to seem to people that you are an alchoholic that gets beat up quite a bit because of his mouth. I really hope that you are not this person we are beginning to see. I also do hope you know a healthy debate when you see one; it will help you in the future... no one's calling you a a-hole, or telling you you're going to hell, or saying you are a stupid person because of you likes and dislikes- I am just challenging your opinion, just as you are so want to do likewise. Try not to take things so personally, okay?

P.S SFB sucks. ha ha    

And just what opinion am I espousing in this thread? That you are typing nonsense? Yes, it's true. I admit it. That is my one and only point. I'm sorry I could not detect any other debatable points in your postings. It's entirely probable though that I agree with you entirely in whatever you are trying to say, especially in view of the trouble I had with "toilious".

So I'll take a punt and say Good Post Reverend, I agree with you about whatever it was you said (but I could be wrong).    

P.S. I called the taxi anyway.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2003, 05:11:17 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #60 on: July 24, 2003, 05:38:10 pm »
Gorramit stole the antimatter flow from my warp core...


  • Guest
Dear Taldren
« Reply #61 on: July 22, 2003, 06:14:19 pm »
I have read these forums since the day I bought my copy of sfc3 and before then I bought and played sfc 1 and 2 and pretty much every other game that has Star Trek in the name. I realize that Taldren is not the developer for all the Star trek games and in a way this post is about everyone involved in the Star Trek games past present and future.

Recently I was in frostworks and noticed an announcement that Chris Jones was retiring from modding. His reasons were the best...(taking care of home) but in a way the fact that people like chris jones get absolutely nothing for these mods/ships they slave over. I mean if you took away the moddersthese games would not be making money at all. That's not even something that can be questioned. The driving force behind all these games has always been the modding community. Id dare say that 80% of all the people who played the game through more htan once and continue the play the game online oor offline have or have had mo'ds of some sort. As far as the hardcore players the number would be higher and most would find the plain vanilla games boring.

I'm not saying that everyone puke that drops of a mod or ship deserves a job.. but some have been heere and pretty much carried these games on their backs. Look at SFC3 and OP with the huge delays in patches... the only reason players stuck around long enough for the patches is the modders.

In the least give these guys some real credit for the sacrifices some of them have made to make this these games greater than they are out of the box. I know for a fact that sfc3 out of the box is a piece of crap compared to the modded versions. Look at it people are still playing OP <--- thats insane. When madden 2k4 comes out no one will be playing 2k3.. look at the boards there are barely posts on sfc3. The patch has been on hold for so long I have no frigging idea. You guys could have at least put together a band-aid cobbled together from some of the mod's out there.. instead we have a crappy beta patch that is a BETA patch after how long? Months? Is it over a year yet?

I guess my main point is it's cool that you guys are trying ot make this patch perfect (if thats whats happening). Whats not cool is all the nothing going on in between. You guys could get with the modders throw them a few bucks and add new content saving loads on development. With the super guys out here you guys could have already made a frigging expansion. If you guys had made an expansion pack slapped a 15-20 buck charge on it and all it contained was the equivilent of the patch we have now and the Dominion Wars mod or Chris Jones mod even the TNZ mod... all of those added a huge amount of content to the game new idea's and to some extent functionality. Now imagine if those had been officially integrated. Just an idea.

Sorry for the long post but I have waited this long to speak my piece so planned to get it all out. It's just my opinion and maybe no one else feels that way.. I just thought it was something that needed saying.  


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #62 on: July 22, 2003, 06:54:16 pm »
WOW powerful words buddy, but the reason i think that they wouldnt do that is because its cheaper for them the way its going now, they make a patch every year or so to reassure you that their doing something whilst the ppl who attract all the gamers (the modders that is) indireclty give them a lot of money, ppl realise that there are mods being made for these games buy them, the makers of the game get a bunch of notes ( a big bunch may i add) and they didnt have to do any work for it lol, well thats what i think anyway  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #63 on: July 22, 2003, 06:55:26 pm »
start a petition drive to activision.. that is the core of a lot of issues with sfc3 patching.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #64 on: July 22, 2003, 06:57:44 pm »
.. but sad would be the day when modders would do these things for money.
.. no, it's being done because it's fun, and passes on the fun to others.

-- Luc


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #65 on: July 22, 2003, 06:57:57 pm »
lol nanner now you sound like day - no offence if you read this day - "lets boycott star trek" lol  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #66 on: July 22, 2003, 07:20:21 pm »
yeah, mods are done out of the desire to spin the game into our own vision of what is fun and what not.. that said, i might sound like day indeed.. i just know that at the core of the issue with the patch being official lies with activision.  in light of the timing of the lawsuit and everything i have got to wonder. i just really, really wish that some how, some way they would give a darn and ask taldren to finish up (or at very least make official what is now beta) the 3 patch.

thats not to say the present patch is perfect, because we need a very least a "beta3" patch... but i fear that nothing will be done because of the politics/lawsuit.


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #67 on: July 22, 2003, 07:29:04 pm »

.. but sad would be the day when modders would do these things for money.
.. no, it's being done because it's fun, and passes on the fun to others.

-- Luc  

so saying that, they practically do the same as many of the people who fiddle around with the game pre-release to sort things out, add a few extra things and tidy things up surely the modders do practically the same job but are more appreciated by the public and strangely enough not payed a lot....$0  

Rod O'neal

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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #68 on: July 22, 2003, 08:30:32 pm »
I've always wondered what the legal difference is between someone or some company making a custom exhaust system etc. for a Ford Mustang, for example, which is perfectly legal to sell. If someone makes a custom model, etc. for a game though, and tries to sell it, that's copyright infringement. What's the difference?  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #69 on: July 23, 2003, 12:07:23 am »
Actually, it is a very good suggestion. If taldren could formulate a way to work with Activision and have expansion packs and modding packs, where the less than savvy people coulld do such things and use their ships, it might work very well. It would also allow more personal interaction with the game. I would think it also might set a wjhole new tone for game development, where a "structure" to a game is made, and then a variety of missions/options would be available as add on packs. Some what like Microsoft, where you pay 100.00 for an OS, then hundreds more for the tech support, upgrades, add ons, programs, etc to do what you really want. Come on Taldren, get with it! Join the great american Business System! Only, I still refuse to pay for tech support.... damn thing should work first time out.....  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #70 on: July 23, 2003, 01:55:25 am »
Viacom would sue the crap out of anyone that made a mod and tried to sell it.

Star Trek is their intellectual property...and while they are nice enough to let people mod their games for free,they have made it clear that they will stomp on anyone who tries to make money off of a mod.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #71 on: July 23, 2003, 02:27:06 am »
.. if people want to send money to modders for some of their efforts? Fine.
.. but for the mods themselves? Not fine.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #72 on: July 23, 2003, 02:43:54 pm »
I think there was a misinterpretation of my meaning. I don';t think mod's should be sold I just think that the companies should look closely at the modding community for idea's.

The simple question is, if it wasn't for mod's how many of you would have played SFC3 this long? Personally I would have thrown it in a corner after the 7 days it took me to beat the official campaign on all 3 settings. What about SFC 2 and 1? Those games lived off the mod's.. at the very least they should be giving recognition. They could do like book authors and set aside a small space on the box for some of the more die hard modders. Because doing it free or not these guys are putting money in Activision and Taldrens (and whoever else put's out a Star trek game) pockets.

I'm not the butt kissing type so i'll say it straight out. IF NOT FOR MODDERS THE STAR TREK GAMES WOULD NOT SELL. Especially the SFC series. ESPECIALLY SFC3. Simply because these games, out of the box, have about 0 replay value. As far as online multiplayer, as I understand it most people play on modded servers.

No it would not be right for me to go make a mod and try selling it. But in a way SFC is like a buying a Hummer with a 4 cylinder engine and 2 wheel drive and 14inch wheels. It will run but thats about it. In the end the way they are marketting the Star trek games (and movies) is gonna kill the franchise. They need to drop the word "canon" from their vocabulary. They need to take what they have and build on that. SFC has a hugely faithful modding community. Do like games like NWN and build on that. Make the mod's the base of the game. Sure there are lot's of diehard fans but those are dying off (literally) The Star Trek franchise has to move forward or it's gonna die. But like most good things they will sit on their laurels and hope the geeks will still support. Eventually even geeks get bored of wearing the same stupid ears and silly hair dryer phaser cannons.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #73 on: July 23, 2003, 03:13:13 pm »
I don't agree with the statement that without mods the SFC series would not sell.

That's crazy logic. And the fact that you said "people are still playing OP <--- that's insane" makes me wonder how much you've actually played OP.

SFC3 is getting the rough end of the stick right now because - IMHO - Activision is P'O'ed over the fact that they thought they were buying into a "cash cow" enterprise, but with how Berman / Braga has ruined the legacy that was Star Trek what do you expect? Most of the hardcore ST fans have all but thrown their hands up in frustration because of Berman / Braga's complete lack of regard for historical cannon, as well as series cannon.

The SFC series of games have been the BEST - while SFC3 is different - in regards to starship combat, and porting over SFB style play to the world of the PC.

I completely agree that the mod makers are what makes this game - and community - so bloody interesting and fun. So here's a big THANK YOU to everyone that's ever contributed to our community!



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #74 on: July 23, 2003, 08:54:57 pm »

I don't agree with the statement that without mods the SFC series would not sell.

That's crazy logic. And the fact that you said "people are still playing OP <--- that's insane" makes me wonder how much you've actually played OP.

SFC3 is getting the rough end of the stick right now because - IMHO - Activision is P'O'ed over the fact that they thought they were buying into a "cash cow" enterprise, but with how Berman / Braga has ruined the legacy that was Star Trek what do you expect? Most of the hardcore ST fans have all but thrown their hands up in frustration because of Berman / Braga's complete lack of regard for historical cannon, as well as series cannon.

The SFC series of games have been the BEST - while SFC3 is different - in regards to starship combat, and porting over SFB style play to the world of the PC.

I completely agree that the mod makers are what makes this game - and community - so bloody interesting and fun. So here's a big THANK YOU to everyone that's ever contributed to our community!


read the first line of your post then the last line....

SFC3 is getting the rough end because someone expected it to thrive off of mod's and deliverd a half done game then refused to give proper support. What happens on a TV series has nothing ot do with a game being good or not. Morons expecting someone to be able to make something new out of somthing people refuse to let grow is the reason the Star Trek series is dying. What's wrong with Enterprise? It's an OK show and yeah some holes are in the script.. the fun is watching how they plan on filling the holes. Every Star Trek Series had holes in the plots (including the original). The only way to make something consistent throughout is have the same writer write all the stories from front ot end. Being that most of the people who wrote the original series are dead or close enough to it that's impossible. Not to mention thats just not how Hollywood works.

Being realistic is the key. A realistic expectation is Game comes out... game has problems. Game gets patched. That didn't happen with SFC3 and there's no excuse. It's not some new game run by some mom and pop company it's part of a series with a legacy with some pretty big name companies behind it. As far the the OP comment it was meant to point out game cycles. Maybe you don't play many games but I do. Game life runs like this. "Jed Stinkybutt's Big Adventure" comes out, people buy it and play it. If, when JSBA2 comes out there are more people playing JSBA1 a year later then JSBA2 was a flop. The whole point of a second model is to make the first one obsolete. As far as computer games thats even more pronounced than in, say cars. But, even with a car once you buy a new one it's pretty much a wasted buy if you still drive the old one more. It makes no sense whatsoever for people to still be playing OP when SFC3 is out unless SFC3 is an overall inferior product (which it is).


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #75 on: July 23, 2003, 09:31:05 pm »
pimo, you do not understand the politics of sfc series.

many of the people playing sfc: 2 or op are sfb fans who do not like or refuse to play sfc3 because it does not adhear to the sfb rule set. it is that simple.

now, i completely agree with you about the whole patch fiasco.. i can tell you that taldren did try to release at least 2 beta patches (one immediately) - but activision had taldren pull one due to certain political issues. a few weeks go by and a official patch is released. the main reason why it was not made official is because of modem issues which was found by ativi qa. (i think thats what was posted)

so, the "official" patch right now is in limbo until taldren finishes Black 9 (paying work)..

i whole heartedly agree that sfc3 has been - and is currently being  - given the shaft. i am beginning to be very, very synical and wonder if things were held off until the lawsuit was activated.

in any case, i feel like if people, truly wanted to support sfc3 - they would have actively pursued taldren to release even what they felt like was official patch stuff. they didnt and it isnt there and now an official patch is in doubt for sure. personally, there are a few issues which are under my skin right now about the whole timing issue of certain things - but there isnt one darned thing i can do about it except email folks at taldren and activision.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by NannerSlug »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #76 on: July 23, 2003, 10:00:29 pm »

many of the people playing sfc: 2 or op are sfb fans who do not like or refuse to play sfc3 because it does not adhear to the sfb rule set. it is that simple.

That's painting with a pretty wide brush.

Many people playing SFC2 or OP are playing it because they find SFC3 lackluster and boring. It's that simple.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #77 on: July 23, 2003, 10:06:31 pm »
wrong again corbomite.. that is what you may wish for - but the vast majority of those playing sfc2/op are doing so because of the sfb rule set. it is that black and white. for what its worth.. if i am painting with a wide brush, you are paiting with an electric air brush (wagner power painter, baby).

infact, hardly anyone was playing OP until the patch - and most of those are sfc2 folk moving to op (belately) because of a few fixes which were needed. dont confuse the facts.



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #78 on: July 23, 2003, 10:13:04 pm »
No nanners..
I've noticed SFC3 players coming to play SFC:OP.. for their first time.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #79 on: July 23, 2003, 10:21:28 pm »
Nice to know the universe according to Nanner is still going strong. I have never seen or heard anyone playing SFC2 and not SFC3 say it was just because of the rules set. There are many playing both that acknowledge that they are just different games. Many, like me, just don't find SFC3 intriguing, regardless of rules set. I'm sure there are players that just like the SFB type rules more, but to say that "many of the people playing sfc: 2 or op are sfb fans who do not like or refuse to play sfc3 because it does not adhear to the sfb rule set" is misleading and an obfuscation of the entire truth. Oh and I don't recall being wrong the first time.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #80 on: July 23, 2003, 10:56:32 pm »
let me put it this way - and i think its best left at this for everyone's sake. you have a strong belief about things and i have a strong belief about things.

i base my beliefs on what i see and hear as im sure you do. the only way to prove either case is a sampling. take a sampling of the op/eaw players and im pretty sure what i am saying pans out - as that is the vast majority of what is left. sample sfc3 players and im sure you will find what im saying true as well..

that said, i would challenge you to take sfc2 or op and put it through the same political garbage sfc3 has went through and see how many people would be playing it at the same point - with no official patch and no demo (lets see here - that takes away plasma D and a few other toys immediately).. i think sfc3 has weathered the storm rather well to this point and thank goodness for the desire of people like pelican and korah. what it needs is fairness - but it will never get that. not with activision, and certainly not with some of the individuals around here.

the only equalizer i hope is that taldren shows its usual customer support and releases some sort of another beta patch that takes care of issues.

btw, at 2 am, last time i was on sfc3 playing TNZ - there were about 100 folk on the d3 patched.. i dont know the population of patched servers.. and most of those people are playing tnz and dw.. i think that says somthing 2 ways.. 1) the game is a lot stronger and more people like it than what you think or want to believe.. 2) the game needs a patch and a few updates - which i wish taldren were able to do (and needs to do).

look, i support the op patching process - it needed it badly and i hope they fix the ctds. the least you could do is support an sfc3 patch and that process.



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #81 on: July 23, 2003, 11:08:00 pm »
Go hijack a different thread.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #82 on: July 23, 2003, 11:17:16 pm »
who hijacked who FS? look. enjoy the op patch - i support it, but i grow tired of the brick throwing against sfc3.. this thread is about an SFC3 patch and need for it..  (and the lack of support) i wasnt the one who basically is telling the other one its irrelevant. so i ask  you  to not hijack the thread.



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #83 on: July 23, 2003, 11:19:33 pm »
I never said people didn't like SFC3 Nanner, I was just refuting your blatantly one sided comment about SFB players and their game choices. As usual you spin everything to your way of thinking and no one else is entitled their opinion. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #84 on: July 23, 2003, 11:24:43 pm »
you are entitled to your opinion, corbo, no one is disputing that. not me, no one is.. what i am disputing is this whole notion that people are leaving sfc3 to sfc2.. it is both my experience and knowledge that those who stuck with sfc2/op mostly did it because they enjoyed the sfb rule set and simply did not like the sfc3 rule set. that is the reality of the matter.

yes, it is a matter of opnion.. but it just seems that at every turn instead of being supportive - its BURN sfc3 time out of a number around here. i've had it with the misinformation. if you dont like the game, dont play it.. but at least try to be supportive of those of us who do.

sfc3 has gotten the shaft  - and im tired of it.

what i dont get is why those of us who can support both (i support patching op and making it work - as i think anyone with common sense does)- but it generally seems that those who play sfc2 and op would rather see the lack of support for sfc3 - than support what is right and needs to be done.  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #85 on: July 23, 2003, 11:45:05 pm »

if you dont like the game, dont play it.. but at least try to be supportive of those of us who do.

I don't and I am. When have I ever bad mouthed SFC3? All I have ever said that it is not my cup of tea, but if people are having fun with it more power to them. I find it boring, but I have never told anyone not to buy it or to play EAW or OP instead. Like I said before, I know of many players that play both. That is my knowledge and experience. They like them for different reasons and have fun with both for those differences.

And take your own advice. Plenty of people are tired of your never ending bashing of players who prefer the SFB style game play. To each his own, just let it lie. No one in this thread mentioned SFB before you brought it up in a derisive comment geared to make SFB players look inflexible and that they purposely tried to sabotage SFC3 by "refusing" to play it due to a different rule set. Did it ever occur to you that they just simply didn't like it based on it's own merits? I know I didn't and it had absolutely nothing to do with SFB or SFC2.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #86 on: July 23, 2003, 11:48:01 pm »

who hijacked who FS? look. enjoy the op patch - i support it, but i grow tired of the brick throwing against sfc3.. this thread is about an SFC3 patch and need for it..  (and the lack of support) i wasnt the one who basically is telling the other one its irrelevant. so i ask  you  to not hijack the thread.

Fine. You're right.
Can you shut up now?


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #87 on: July 23, 2003, 11:53:47 pm »
it was most certainly not a derisive comment.. you took a very, very basic statment and twisted.. reread my comment.. it is truthful and is most certainly not anti anything.. i simply pointed out a fact - most of the people playing op and sfc2 are sfb folk . that is the reality of the matter.. that is a neutral statment which attempts to answer the individuals question to why some are still playing sfc2 and op.  where did i say that they were refusing to play sfc3 and were sabatoging it? i didnt - you made that up in your mind (like many other comments i have seen attributed to my self which were blantantly false).

reread the statment slowly if you have to. geeze.

if you have been paying attention the last few weeks what i have maintained (and it is the truth) is that people play different games and yes, it is completely subjective.. and it is their opinion - and we should leave it at that. it does not meant that if someone plays sfc2 they cannot like sfc3 and vise versta.

that said, however, sfc3 has recieved the shaft - and that is what this thread is about. you may not like sfc3 - and that is completely upto you - but the one thing i simply ask is to support a proper patching process.. again, i ask you this simple question.. how would you like to play sfc2 or op straight out of the box - the same way sfc3 has been treated. see my point?



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #88 on: July 23, 2003, 11:56:36 pm »

[Fine. You're right.
Can you shut up now?  

not until we get our patch and fair/equal treatment! sfc3 has recieved the shaft for too long now.  if you really want people to pipe down (not just me) - then accept them for who they are and at least lend moral support for what is right. i dont think that is much to ask.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #89 on: July 24, 2003, 12:45:38 am »
I can't wait for the official patch to come out so I can try the game again and hopefully like it enough to play it. I did play SFC2 out of the box and have waited almost 3 years for it to be "fixed". SFC3 hasn't even been out a year and will probably be fixed in one real patch. You call that being shafted? We're up to what, 7 patches for SFC2? OP sat and sat and was felt to be abandoned until the last few months so save the wounded routine. We've lost more players due to delays and politics than you had for all of SFC3. People complaining that SFC3 needs to be modded to be right is almost laughable (see original post in the thread). I was under the impression that's what most players wanted it to be like, then when admins run with it, it's "thank God for these great people that saved our game"? They are doing what SFC3 was intended for, modability. Taldren will release the final patch for SFC3, of that you can be sure. I hope you don't have to wait 3 years for it like the rest of us have.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #90 on: July 24, 2003, 01:10:48 am »
I couldn't hold out any longer... orry. Allow me to attempt to ruin this thread, but attempt to keep from flaming all of my friends in here... which, LOL, is most if not all of you. The Altar Of SFB is not getting near the pew filling I expected it to.. but we'll change that. Corbomite, Fiewsoul, and Nanner, you've all been hitting like Joe Dimaggio at the last game of a season... but let me remind you that it is true that there are a lot of people coming to SFB; oh, I mean SFC2, OP, and 1, because they are not getting the fufillment of a finished product... similar to the pains of adolescence that apparently all SFB fans feel for the continuity of thier lives... they have no control over anything, so they find this fantasy game where it is controlled incessantly, overabundantly, repetatively, and meritriculously by anal-retentive little bitty rules. Rules that kept you form going into reverse,changed only recently only because the developers probrobly were yelled at by their mother(s) upstairs for creating a game where you can exceed the speed of light by great factors, but can't go backwards a foot a minute. SFC3  had a great tactical platform to base off of, but stretched it to fit people who are not victims of obsessive-compulsive disorders, i.e., normal people who like for things to bahave 'naturally'.
SFC3  may be losing people because it doesn't have the same factors that other space sims have, a continual and persistant universe, and more control over thier ship. You just don't realize how much nnot being stuck in clausterphobic little hexes has on people. Majes them bored. People do not want to play a game where everything is pretend, when you play a video game, you are already pretending; it is difficult and toilious for most to have to extend beyond that. How do I know or care that I am at a starbase relilling on premium, getting troops, when I can't even see the ship?
The SFC series made its final failure with the lack of production, work, and short-sightedness of its parent company, gay-ass Activision. Had EA, or CCP, or anyone else large made SFC3, it would have had a persistent universe, no hex map, and would have sold extensively, still holding onto SFB basics- be they (in full form) naseatingly rulebook-oriented, but still very effective in light doses. SFC3 did not fail, SFB worshippers, because it wasn't based on SFB. Realize that, and your whole lives open up before you...
If wishes came true, I'd wish for another game called SFC4:OP2, and one called SFC4: Starship Captain ( or whatever for both). First one, it'd be a almost duplicate of SFC:OP, with more SFB canon races- the WYN, the Andromedans, etc., with apporpriate SFB setting that I see were missed... adding some extra moddablilty for Firesoul's sake. Something to that effect... no pirates, except Orion and a little faction action... jsut extra races that we apparently missed out on- SFB races all seem the same to me anyhow.... this one gets drones, this one get drones and +5 modifers becasue they have magical feet in the females...
The other simotaneous release, would take off where SFC3 should have begun, but didn't. It would behave with a consistent universe- you access a map (with a drop down hex map for dunces) that displayed the 'known' or explored unverse, and its landmarks or starsystems..... target one, its course is laid out... hit the "W" key, and the ship jumps to warp.... it would be as though you are in a continuous battle- no idiot map, no magical base refilling screens.... you could find your friends and physically fly up to them... the entiriety of those logged onto a server could be right next to the same planet- deosnt seem to bother other games servers... I was trying Eve Genesis online, and I couldn't see a planet because there was too many people's ships on front of it- I had landed into a full-scale war!
Sucha game has many many missions... some can be found on a intra-net BBS server, some just by being somewhere. Refits are a good start for SFC3.... it can make anyone feel unique by building their won ship- too bad it was so limited. Interface could have been expounded upon by great factors... it would have made it all the more playable.
The reason people bought and play SFC3 is because it was BASED on a sound but overdone system.... but it was only half completed. The reson they try other games is because any person you ever meet on the street will have at least heard of Star Trek.... and SFC3 was the closest we have come to a good Star Trek game. I was overjoyed and simultaneously despondent becuase I saw how SFC played, but that it was based soley off of SFB, which I had then recently given up because it was so bloody dull. I have since been disappointed that I thought that the SFB crowd would have been satisfied by having three games to choose from, only to find out the developers were just playing around anyhow.
Ever since SFC3 came out, a deviation from TOTAL SFB, it has been hammered for the most hideously wrong reasons. It ddin't sell because it was half-completed, not because it didn't have enough SFB in it. My biggest laugh will be when there is another Star Trek gmae made, and its just like stupid Bridge Commander... what a waste of time and money for Pete's sake.
If there are fans around of it, I'm sorry, but that was just like every other Star Trek game (besides SFC series), a miserable tease... nothing more.
In conclusion, I am not saying I hate SFB. I am saying that SFC series was good, but lets somehow see what happens when you make a consistent/persistent universe with the SFC3 battle style- it had just enough SFB in it to give it stability and temperance, but didnt make me feel confined... when I play a SFC3 battle, for just a split second, I really feel like I am flying a huge, complex starship... until the mission ends, or I see the same planet I saw four times ago, not to mention the sun- I feel like I have made no progress when I look at that miserable little hexmap either. Oh, my. look. One little hex is flipped. What does that mean? A hex? Who lives there? There ws no odd little plaent or comet or whatever that makes me remember which one is the next- its barely even numbered! Why can't I trade a little to keep from getting smeared in my little beginning ship?
Yes, I know that there are other spaceship games that will do that, and no, I won't go play them for good. This was out seemingly only chance at having a good Star Trek game, and it was half-assed. Not only that, but the ones who got their 3 specially -tailored games are STILL COMPLAINING. Everyone who was lookingfor a good ST game found SFC, and found it to be dull and too confining. SFC3 came out, promised all this, and gave nothing more than an easier (see more canon to TV show ) version of the same old joke... a bad joke.  


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #91 on: July 24, 2003, 01:22:16 am »
The bartender is no longer allowed to serve the rambling drunk at the end of the bar.

At least not until he sobers up, and does some spell checking. (toilious???? indeed)  


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #92 on: July 24, 2003, 02:08:01 am »
toilous.. ah.. like 'to toll'?No good...I still wouldn't figure you'd drop to spelling calls Corbo.. hit harder next time my friend. Just hoping, not rambling... maybe having two differnet releases would alleviate our mutual distaste for the same entities.  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #93 on: July 24, 2003, 02:08:44 am »
I personally think SFC in general would have been more of a hit if it hadn't been so much based on SFB as it should have been 'real' Trek...


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #94 on: July 24, 2003, 02:22:37 am »
Corbo, silly me- Cleaven I meant. Again, just as I have stated, you're just another control freak. SFC2OP is jpractically ust fine- it is chock full of good ol' Amercian SFB SOB material... I can imagine the stars themselves weeping for your pains.... ''oh lordy, why don't I have this or that'' .... maybe to be able to boot the game you should like to have a little graphic dice rolling whether or not you made a proper saving throw vs. emotional stability. You are among the most melodramatic person I have seen here yet. Keep wailing, I bet SFC2OP gets a patch before 3 does.... I really don't see all that much difference between them actually, except less SFB in part 3...  of course SFC3 has less everything in general. It didn't ''fix all'', and no one will say that it will... it was a bigger disappointment than the others were, in perspective. Your arguments spin in circles, and you continuoulsy fall, in time, to slanderous insults instead of points of fact. I put all sorts of quotables in here, so0 I'm sure the next post will have more of the same inane little anal-retentive weak-minded little quotes and responses like you are so ood at doing.. so befitting of great intelligence. Pleae, argue more, you only serve to increase my point.
The only real thing I was trying to say before you got me all fired up was that SFC3 has seen better playability only because it had used SFB as a base to operate from- it took the most pertient rules, but changed some other for playablitly... if it had went further, not only half-heartedly, it'd have sold more, and kept your interest as well... at least a little longer. Sorry if I upset you.  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #95 on: July 24, 2003, 02:27:09 am »

I personally think SFC in general would have been more of a hit if it hadn't been so much based on SFB as it should have been 'real' Trek...  

Glad I stayed up late to catch this one....



*wipes tear from eye*

Thanks man....I needed a good laugh


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #96 on: July 24, 2003, 02:27:57 am »
Glad you think its funny...


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #97 on: July 24, 2003, 02:42:31 am »

Glad you think its funny...  

I do ...seriously....

#1....SFC would have been just another Trek game....

#2....There is a good chance we wouldnt have seen a sequel..... Taldren

#4....No SFC3..... claim that one type of fantasy is "more real" than another type of fantasy  IS  funny...the term "real" trek allways cracks me up....

So yeah....I thinks its funny....


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #98 on: July 24, 2003, 02:47:05 am »
Thus the reason I put 'real' in quotes...


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #99 on: July 24, 2003, 02:56:29 am »
This is the song that never ends..
.. it goes on and on my friends..


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #100 on: July 24, 2003, 03:20:28 am »

Thus the reason I put 'real' in quotes...  

Define "real" trek.....

Star trek TOS?
Star trek the animated series?
Star trek novels?
Star trek comics?
Star trek motion pictures(TOS based)?
Star trek TNG?
Star trek DS9?
Star trek VOY?
Star trek ENT?
Star trek motion pictures (TNG based)?
The miriad of previous Star trek games....including SFB?

No one I have EVER posed this question to has EVER answered it......because you cant....there is no "real "trek...only  your opinion of what "real" trek is.......and no matter  what that opinion may be......I can find you hundreds, perhaps thousands, of trek fans that will disagree....because  they all have differing opinions of what "real" trek is.....

Now if you want to exchange the word "real" for "consistant"...then we at least have a starting point to throw out 80% of existing trek...and of all that trek stuff floating around out there....SFB is at the very least ..the most consistant of the bunch....and not a bad place to base a game off of....  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #101 on: July 24, 2003, 03:21:26 am »

Corbo, silly me- Cleaven I meant. Again, just as I have stated, you're just another control freak. SFC2OP is jpractically ust fine- it is chock full of good ol' Amercian SFB SOB material... I can imagine the stars themselves weeping for your pains.... ''oh lordy, why don't I have this or that'' .... maybe to be able to boot the game you should like to have a little graphic dice rolling whether or not you made a proper saving throw vs. emotional stability. You are among the most melodramatic person I have seen here yet. Keep wailing, I bet SFC2OP gets a patch before 3 does.... I really don't see all that much difference between them actually, except less SFB in part 3...  of course SFC3 has less everything in general. It didn't ''fix all'', and no one will say that it will... it was a bigger disappointment than the others were, in perspective. Your arguments spin in circles, and you continuoulsy fall, in time, to slanderous insults instead of points of fact. I put all sorts of quotables in here, so0 I'm sure the next post will have more of the same inane little anal-retentive weak-minded little quotes and responses like you are so ood at doing.. so befitting of great intelligence. Pleae, argue more, you only serve to increase my point.
The only real thing I was trying to say before you got me all fired up was that SFC3 has seen better playability only because it had used SFB as a base to operate from- it took the most pertient rules, but changed some other for playablitly... if it had went further, not only half-heartedly, it'd have sold more, and kept your interest as well... at least a little longer. Sorry if I upset you.    

Sober up, get some fresh air and come back when you can express at least one coherent sentence. I can't even tell if I agree or disagree with you. But I do expect a wild haymaker swing any second, following which I shall have to catch you as you careen off at 90 degrees, and then prop you up in the corner while I call you a taxi.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #102 on: July 24, 2003, 03:30:21 am »

toilous.. ah.. like 'to toll'?No good...I still wouldn't figure you'd drop to spelling calls Corbo.. hit harder next time my friend. Just hoping, not rambling... maybe having two differnet releases would alleviate our mutual distaste for the same entities.  

That's funny. I was betting on toilet, toiling or even toile. I didn't relate it to toll.  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #103 on: July 24, 2003, 05:38:27 am »

wrong again corbomite.. that is what you may wish for - but the vast majority of those playing sfc2/op are doing so because of the sfb rule set. it is that black and white. for what its worth.. if i am painting with a wide brush, you are paiting with an electric air brush (wagner power painter, baby).

infact, hardly anyone was playing OP until the patch - and most of those are sfc2 folk moving to op (belately) because of a few fixes which were needed. dont confuse the facts.



As usual you answer hyperbole with hyperbole and feel it is justified. All it does is add fuel to the fire, so to speak.

From where I sit in this vast universe of SFC I find there is much to support both your and Corb's positions...exception being your final dismissive sentence--do I detect a bit of green creeping into your attitude toward OP?

Oh, and I do not play OP over SFC3 due to any unwavering adherence to a PnP ruleset. Quite simply, the over all important reason I am more inclined to play OP over SFC3 is that I find OP to be a more polished game...even before this last patch. I guess that throws a spot-o'-grey into your otherwise B&W veiw of the subject.

Further, do I think SFC3 sucks in any way? Absolutely not. There are issues...issues that I have addressed before that you chose to ignore. Imho, it is these issues that are the major obstacles to SFC3 being not only a good game, but a game that, imho (once again), could very well have been a benchmark for other space sims/Star Trek games for some years to come.  But, alas, through a series of miscalculations and other human frailties (read: mostly hubris) SFC3 was ripped in a direction that its core gaming logic could not support.


Well, I'm droning on and pro'ly boring all to sleep. So I'll shutup now.



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #104 on: July 24, 2003, 06:34:11 am »
I find it incredibly funny that several people on this board hold the following opinions and see no conflict:

1) Shut up all you SFB people, there are only really a few of you and you are far and away the minority here


2) You SFB people have ruined SFC3 by refusing to play it since it is not based on SFB

I like SFC2 and was very excited about SFC3.  I played SFC3 for about a week before removing it and saying I would get back to it later.  Later has not come.  I am glad some people enjoy it but I did not.  No crime there for either side.

It would be nice to see SFC3 get the support ANY game deserves, which it has not gotten as of yet.  This lawsuit thing is sadly only going to make that worse.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kiloton »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #105 on: July 24, 2003, 07:13:16 am »
I am in no way defending SFC3, in my opinion that is a cluster....

Anyhow, as for SFB, it doesnt even make sense when compared to 80% of the rest of Trek...

Just because there has never been a truely great trek game is no excuse to base one off something that as far as Im concerned bastardizes trek...

But hey, Im not here to sway any of you...that would be like telling a Star Wars fan that SWG is just an alien Deer Hunter click game that you pay a subscription for...

You cant possibly see it from my view if you are hardcore SFB, because to you SFB is the best I right or wrong?


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #106 on: July 24, 2003, 09:42:06 am »

I am in no way defending SFC3, in my opinion that is a cluster....

Heh....Well...I CAN defend SFC3 on its own merits......but to do must be considered a game unto itself....


Anyhow, as for SFB, it doesnt even make sense when compared to 80% of the rest of Trek...

You miss this post?

"Define "real" trek.....

Star trek TOS?
Star trek the animated series?
Star trek novels?
Star trek comics?
Star trek motion pictures(TOS based)?
Star trek TNG?
Star trek DS9?
Star trek VOY?
Star trek ENT?
Star trek motion pictures (TNG based)?
The miriad of previous Star trek games....including SFB?

No one I have EVER posed this question to has EVER answered it......because you cant....there is no "real "trek...only your opinion of what "real" trek is.......and no matter what that opinion may be......I can find you hundreds, perhaps thousands, of trek fans that will disagree....because they all have differing opinions of what "real" trek is.....  

    Now if you want to exchange the word "real" for "consistant"...then we at least have a starting point to throw out 80% of existing trek ...and of all that trek stuff floating around out there....SFB is at the very least ..the most consistant of the bunch....and not a bad place to base a game off of.... "


Just because there has never been a truely great trek game    is no excuse  to base one off something that as far as Im concerned bastardizes trek...

heh...a three parter

#1....I'm looking at  3 truely great, and 1 really good , star trek games in my rack.....SFC,SFC:EAW,SFC:OP,and SFC3...the only trek games I would even consider buying....(and yes...I've tried out alot of other trek games...the keyword here is  BUY )

#2....EXCUSE!?! does basing a successful  PC game system off another successful Pen and paper game system need to be excused?

#3....Ah..thank you.....showing your bias wasnt so hard...was it? as far as your concerned SFB bastardizes trek.....the "real" trek....thus....anything that contains SFB material must be substandard....


But hey, Im not here to sway any of you...

Good...cause you wont...


that would be like telling a Star Wars fan that SWG is just an alien Deer Hunter click game that you pay a subscription for...

Ah...but in this'd be correct


You cant possibly see it from my view if you are hardcore SFB, because to you SFB is the best I right or wrong?  

And conversely....You cant possibly see it from my point of view if you are anti SFB, because to you SFB is the WORST whos your daddy

And once again (for like the 500th time)... I never played SFB...I dont own one stinkin book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But when I read the box for SFC(1)....I knew it was at least based on SOMETHING....rather than god knows what...

And I restate the question..."if NO ONE can define what "real" trek in the freakin hell are you going to base a game system on it?"  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #107 on: July 24, 2003, 09:58:11 am »
And to get back to topic....

Taldren didnt make SFC (any SFC) moddable as a sales tool (meaning some modder would make it better ,thus increasing sales)....they did it AS A REQUESTED FEATURE....

They could have just as easily constructed the game so that ANY change to ANYTHING would simply cause the game to crash....

Taldren is one of the very few companies that responds to customer desires by simply asking what the customer wants....

Market forces may have dictated what SFC3 became......but Taldren constructed the game in such a way to let the customer change it as they saw fit.........




  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #108 on: July 24, 2003, 10:29:08 am »
May I ask in what way SFC3 supporters feel SFC3 is not a completed game or needs patching??  I played the hell out of the TNZ mod, many 24 hour plus sessions, using the beta patch.  I saw no incidences of CTDs or other show-stopping bugs.   So what's the problem??  OP has been relatively unplayable D2 wise for years.  That finally has been fixed.  I really don't know what SFC3 players have to complain about.  Better graphics engine.  Better dynaverse. More modability.  Be happy with what you have got.  SFC3 was a far more complete game out of the box than any other SFC title in the series.  I think you guys need a bit of a reality check.   Could someone post a list of these supposed patch issues for SFC3?  By the way I am sure that SFC2 players could match that list item for item for problems.   The beta patch is the patch for SFC3.   If there are no major issues with the beta patch, then that's the one people should be using.  And from my experience the beta patch is just fine.


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #109 on: July 24, 2003, 11:21:09 am »
Somehow I knew you would tear my post up and make cute little colors and faces...

But hey, I dun have to do that to say what I mean...

Anyhow, I'd say the TOS, TNG era TV shows were the closest to 'real' Trek anything will ever get...

Don't forget, Trek isnt about a TV show, game, or movie, its a sci-fantasy...created by one man to be shared with everyone...



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #110 on: July 24, 2003, 11:25:12 am »

I am in no way defending SFC3, in my opinion that is a cluster....

Anyhow, as for SFB, it doesnt even make sense when compared to 80% of the rest of Trek...

You mean the part where one ship does different things depending on the situation it is in?  The fact the rules only apply until a new rule is needed to get out of the situation the ship is in?  How could that be a fun game.  


Just because there has never been a truely great trek game is no excuse to base one off something that as far as Im concerned bastardizes trek...

Yes basterdizes it into a naval combat game that is "quite balanced" for all races.  Not just "kirk's ship wins".  


But hey, Im not here to sway any of you...that would be like telling a Star Wars fan that SWG is just an alien Deer Hunter click game that you pay a subscription for...

yep it is...


You cant possibly see it from my view if you are hardcore SFB, because to you SFB is the best I right or wrong?  

Funny I never heard of SFB until SFC1.  Since then I have taken time to look into it.  I love it!  It is so well thought out.  So much attention to detail.

Look at it this way.  In a game like Warcraft 3 (or starcraft or Command and Conquer)  You deal with balance.  If the game favors ANYONE that is all online players (who want to win) will play.  So balance is key.  There can never be an unbeatable army.  

If you base ANY game from trek, the Federation MUST be the "unbeatable army".  That would suck... hardcore.  SFB balances TONS of races.  SFC2 manages 8 quite well.  SFC1 did pretty well with 6.  This is amazingly difficult.

Many of us that loved the first two point five SFC games are very dissappointed in sfc3 because it has only 4 races.  It is still fairly balanced, but all the races have the same basic (direct fire) weapondry.  One can cloak.  One has no shields.  However you look at it it is "less" than what I was used to.  I bought sfc3.  I beat the single player.  I played about 10 matches online.  I then quit playing and eventually unloaded it.  

I still play SFC2:EAW.

It is balanced, and fun, and I love it.



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #111 on: July 24, 2003, 11:32:29 am »

pimo, you do not understand the politics of sfc series.

many of the people playing sfc: 2 or op are sfb fans who do not like or refuse to play sfc3 because it does not adhear to the sfb rule set. it is that simple.

Or that SFC3 just isn't nearly as fun, deep or tactically satisfying as SFC2.  SFC3 has some cool features, but I got bored of it VERY quickly. I haven't touched it in seven months and I don't miss it at all.  Will I ever go back?  Anything is possible...heheh.

Personally, my dislike for SFC3 has little to do with its departure from the "SFB style" other than as it pertains to the depth of the dynaverse gaming experience.


 now, i completely agree with you about the whole patch fiasco.. i can tell you that taldren did try to release at least 2 beta patches (one immediately) - but activision had taldren pull one due to certain political issues. a few weeks go by and a official patch is released. the main reason why it was not made official is because of modem issues which was found by ativi qa. (i think thats what was posted)

so, the "official" patch right now is in limbo until taldren finishes Black 9 (paying work)..

i whole heartedly agree that sfc3 has been - and is currently being  - given the shaft. i am beginning to be very, very synical and wonder if things were held off until the lawsuit was activated.

in any case, i feel like if people, truly wanted to support sfc3 - they would have actively pursued taldren to release even what they felt like was official patch stuff. they didnt and it isnt there and now an official patch is in doubt for sure. personally, there are a few issues which are under my skin right now about the whole timing issue of certain things - but there isnt one darned thing i can do about it except email folks at taldren and activision.  

The whole patch "fiasco" just makes SFC3 an ever bigger disappointment in my eyes.  

I understand that the current modded games using the beta patch are better than what was present during SFC3's infancy....but I still don't see much in the way of compelling gameplay out of that game.

I think it's great that there are those that like SFC3...and I understand why they like it.  That's fine and dandy.

I just wouldn't be so quick to pigeonhole people who don't like SFC3 as SFB purists.  That's simply not the case.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #112 on: July 24, 2003, 11:38:18 am »

it was most certainly not a derisive comment.. you took a very, very basic statment and twisted.. reread my comment.. it is truthful and is most certainly not anti anything.. i simply pointed out a fact - most of the people playing op and sfc2 are sfb folk . that is the reality of the matter.. that is a neutral statment which attempts to answer the individuals question to why some are still playing sfc2 and op.  where did i say that they were refusing to play sfc3 and were sabatoging it? i didnt - you made that up in your mind (like many other comments i have seen attributed to my self which were blantantly false).

If one takes into account the way you throw around the word "politics," then I would say that it's almost certain you meant it derisively.  When you use the word "politics," you're certainly not saying anything nice about it.  



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #113 on: July 24, 2003, 11:41:26 am »
I stopped playing SFC3 when it became apparent that the D3 wasn't intended for customers without DSL or cable modems -- has that changed?  If it has, I might try SFC3 again (although in my opinion it is rather dull compared to SFC2).

I would certainly play it if it supported ANISOTROPIC MIPMA--<TWO PAGE RANT DELETED>--ould improve the appearance of the ships!  
« Last Edit: July 24, 2003, 11:43:49 am by Ifrit »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #114 on: July 24, 2003, 01:16:09 pm »

Somehow I knew you would tear my post up and make cute little colors and faces...

  T   h a n   k s      


But hey, I dun have to do that to say what I mean...

I dun either....but it's more fun


Anyhow, I'd say the TOS, TNG era TV shows were the closest to 'real' Trek anything will ever get... we're getting somewhere......

IMHO....The Wrath of Khan had the most "realistic" "on screen" portrayal of "trek type" ship to ship combat....although B5 had the most 'realistic' non trek ship to ship combat....


Don't forget, Trek isnt about a TV show, game, or movie, its a sci-fantasy...created by one man to be shared with everyone...

Ok....lets run with that.....

IMHO....gene used TOS as both a vehicle of entertainment....and a running commentary on current social events....

The message I got from TOS is....yes we need rules.....but sometimes breaking those rules is the "right" thing to do....

People often use the phrase " the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one"......this is cold logic....but it isnt the message that Gene was sending (during that time in his life)....

The real message is "the needs of the one.....often outweigh the needs of the many....or the few".....this is the message of humanity...the illogical idea that a group would risk all...for one...even if that one...was not human....

Kirk often practiced "gunboat" diplomacy...and I've not seen an accurate count of how many times Kirk violated "the prime directive".....

Twenty some odd years later....Gene had a slightly different view....his pragmatism is reflected with a more diplomatic Federation 500 years in the future.....often refusing to use force....even when sometimes neccessary.....

I mean this....who the hell journeys around in the deep of space with over 500 civilians on board?

In TOS...a starship was a war vessel.....sent on 5 year missions of TNG....a starship was a moblie mall with weapons...sent on a 5 year mission of boredom (just my opinon mind you).....sure we saw some borg here and there....but it wasnt untill DS9 that we saw outright war ships again(other than non fed)....and only a few at at that .... conclusion(for now  )...if I were to design a ship to ship combat game....I would use a timeline that actually had warships....I would also seek to use a game system that was allready reletively balanced and fleshed out....

In other words....I would have used the SFB ruleset and TMP timeline to convey the most "realistic" " Trek type" ship to ship combat......gee...what a coincidence



Very GG    


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #115 on: July 24, 2003, 03:01:06 pm »


I am in no way defending SFC3, in my opinion that is a cluster....

Anyhow, as for SFB, it doesnt even make sense when compared to 80% of the rest of Trek...

You mean the part where one ship does different things depending on the situation it is in?  The fact the rules only apply until a new rule is needed to get out of the situation the ship is in?  How could that be a fun game.  

Ironically, I think you're on to something there.  Anyone remember the combat padigram to  this old and enduring game?  

Think about it;  Kirk was snippy, Picard had more wind than a tropical storm and the rest had their own tricks, like shock value hair or religious qualifications.  Making a starship naval combat simulator based on how well you insult the other captain before combat begins would be a GREAT single player idea, at least in my demented opinion.

I will admit, it'd have to be a really-difficult-to-concieve-let-alone-code dynamic system for multiplayer uses, but still, it'd get laughs.

You can go even further with trek;  Anyone familiar with the term 'technobabble'? (if you say no, on HERE of all places, you're obviously lying).  Making a little minigame where how well you BS techtalk determines how well a ship will repair itself is another intresting way of doing things, and totally accurate according to vintage trek episodes!

Most of the people that have watched TOS have probably seen the Spock-McCoy interaction, which leads to the idea of officer training!  See why the klingons always lost now?  The Enterprise officers argued amongst themselves so much that when Kang arrived, he didn't stand a chance!  

Think of it;  Full starship combat, all based on how melodramatically you can act;  nintendo like action where the number of acrobatic flips and spins you can do when your ship is hit earns you points!  You can even do that multiplayer, each crewmember trying to out 'point' the others as their ship is rocked by <insert imaginary weapon here>. "Holocat's Extreme Damage Control 2!"  

Even better, multiplayer arenas of redshirts where they try to catch an enemey loose on the ship;  The person that covers the most territory (meaning, tracks along the corridors where the person he's supposed to be chasing isn't) in the least amount of time wins!  Extra points for doing melodramatic death-scene combos!

I can see it now, "Starfleet Command 4: The Curse of the Monkey Planet" featuring "Insult phaser fighting" and Mario Party style multiplayer action.  You'd all buy this game if it came out.  You soooo KNOW that you'd all buy this game if it came out.  

Firesoul, yes.  This thread has been officially hijacked and has now been diverted to Astana,  where we will sing your lovely song.

To Nanner, yes, SFC3 would like another patch.  It told me so yesterday over tea.  It hopes to step up it's patch program and be cold turkey free by september.  Wish it luck.

To Reverend, yes, there's Hope.  Grace is cuter in my opinion, however.

To the person that started this post (damn, can't even remember his name now) yes, mods are fun.  It's always fun to put on costumes, for both games and people,  as this lumberjack obviously feels.

SFB bastardizing trek?  You don't have a clue at what's going on in this little kitten head, huh?  Well now you do.  Beware! Beware!  The golden eyes and floating hair!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Holocat »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #116 on: July 24, 2003, 03:38:56 pm »
ROFL...good stuff, as always, Holocat.



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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #117 on: July 24, 2003, 04:01:00 pm »
Holocat, you have this ability to completely go off course subject-wise, but somehow its so funny that it ties itself back in! LOL...

Cleavan, your weak-minded attempts at return arguments reflect your super-inflated ego had difficulty in being forced to learn in college, and many other parts of yourt life... I do not knowwhat makes you think I would drink, nor why I would want to hit you in your face.... the points at which you emphasize, having nothing to do with the original series of statements, incriminates you. It is going to seem to people that you are an alchoholic that gets beat up quite a bit because of his mouth. I really hope that you are not this person we are beginning to see. I also do hope you know a healthy debate when you see one; it will help you in the future... no one's calling you a a-hole, or telling you you're going to hell, or saying you are a stupid person because of you likes and dislikes- I am just challenging your opinion, just as you are so want to do likewise. Try not to take things so personally, okay?

P.S SFB sucks. ha ha  


  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #118 on: July 24, 2003, 04:47:56 pm »
Rev, perhaps you should reconsider your source of information on Trek gaming.  SFB had reverse back when I played it in the mid '80's, and I'm sure long before (if not from the beginning).  In addition I noticed in the model forum you posted the following.


Yes, why hasn't anyone made a totally FASA mod? Oh wait- there are already three of them... SFC1..SFC2....SFC2:OP. At least SFC3 deviated a little.... it too was just a big tease- it still is like a big demo to me. Actrivision is cold, and Taldren got caught up I guess.

FASA's Trek game and SFB were competing systems, not the same game.  In fact I believe that FASA had the official stamp of opproval from Paramount making it the official Trek combat game/rpg didn't it?  You should probably be a little better informed on things before you form such a stark opinion of them and decide to trash on them stating false facts.  


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #119 on: July 24, 2003, 04:51:13 pm »

Holocat, you have this ability to completely go off course subject-wise, but somehow its so funny that it ties itself back in! LOL...

Cleavan, your weak-minded attempts at return arguments reflect your super-inflated ego had difficulty in being forced to learn in college, and many other parts of yourt life... I do not knowwhat makes you think I would drink, nor why I would want to hit you in your face.... the points at which you emphasize, having nothing to do with the original series of statements, incriminates you. It is going to seem to people that you are an alchoholic that gets beat up quite a bit because of his mouth. I really hope that you are not this person we are beginning to see. I also do hope you know a healthy debate when you see one; it will help you in the future... no one's calling you a a-hole, or telling you you're going to hell, or saying you are a stupid person because of you likes and dislikes- I am just challenging your opinion, just as you are so want to do likewise. Try not to take things so personally, okay?

P.S SFB sucks. ha ha    

There's your "wild haymaker swing," Cleaven!  



  • Guest
Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #120 on: July 24, 2003, 05:05:59 pm »

Holocat, you have this ability to completely go off course subject-wise, but somehow its so funny that it ties itself back in! LOL...

Cleavan, your weak-minded attempts at return arguments reflect your super-inflated ego had difficulty in being forced to learn in college, and many other parts of yourt life... I do not knowwhat makes you think I would drink, nor why I would want to hit you in your face.... the points at which you emphasize, having nothing to do with the original series of statements, incriminates you. It is going to seem to people that you are an alchoholic that gets beat up quite a bit because of his mouth. I really hope that you are not this person we are beginning to see. I also do hope you know a healthy debate when you see one; it will help you in the future... no one's calling you a a-hole, or telling you you're going to hell, or saying you are a stupid person because of you likes and dislikes- I am just challenging your opinion, just as you are so want to do likewise. Try not to take things so personally, okay?

P.S SFB sucks. ha ha    

And just what opinion am I espousing in this thread? That you are typing nonsense? Yes, it's true. I admit it. That is my one and only point. I'm sorry I could not detect any other debatable points in your postings. It's entirely probable though that I agree with you entirely in whatever you are trying to say, especially in view of the trouble I had with "toilious".

So I'll take a punt and say Good Post Reverend, I agree with you about whatever it was you said (but I could be wrong).    

P.S. I called the taxi anyway.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2003, 05:11:17 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: Dear Taldren
« Reply #121 on: July 24, 2003, 05:38:10 pm »
Gorramit stole the antimatter flow from my warp core...